8:25pm May 22 2011
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Ooc// Sorry! I forgot it way my turn to post. ^^; Bic// Visara smiled as her partner reached her side. "Let them commence," she agreed, and fingered the lithe form of a dagger in her hip sheath. Four Mistari guards, garbed in the royal colors of red, gray, and black, lined up around the falcons. Visara stifled a hiss of annoyance. She was a falcon, for Anhamirak's sake! She could take care of herself, and could certainly control her actions. But the broad-shouldered guards were unrelenting, driving them along the 'pathway' lined with spectators. She frowned at the dusty faces and glittering eyes, holding back a shudder. For all their talk of peacemaking, the Mistari were hunters at heart. The group neared the entranced to a gaping cavern, whose ragged black sides sprang from the ground like a fish springing out of water. It was an abrupt, natural feature among the sand and manmade stone structures, though its earthiness ended just there. As the party was ushered into the cool entrance, Visara's eyes adjusted to see smooth, polished walls and swirling, intricate designs on the walls. There were carvings of Disas and Dios, along with archaic magical symbols, and lush curves meant only for the pleasure of the eye. She took in the raised dais with the elegantly carved wooden thrones, adorned with fine silk pillows and throws, to the tapestries hanging up above. There were equally fine pillows arranged in circles throughout the vast room, designed for the specific use of these 'peace talks.' Unable to hold back the shudder any longer, Visara let it rip through her. Suddenly, she didn't want to be here. Peace would only lead to war. --- Marim's skin flared with the intimate touch of magic. He shivered on his bed pallet, the assortment of pillows and throws surrounding him shifting as he sat up. The magic was strong and unrelenting--not the passing feelings he had occasionally gotten before. The Tuuli Thea had been sure to warm all of the diplomats--undisguised falcon magic could react strongly to that of the avians. So far, he sensed no notice on his companion's faces, and wondered if it was only him. Sighing, Marim sat up and pulled a loose white shirt over his bare chest. He would have to change for the official audience with the Disa and Dio, which had to be coming soon. The falcons had to be close if he was reacting so strongly to the magic of Ahnmik. He sat up and shook his fellow avian awake. The man, a burly raven, blinked his eyes and groaned. Marim thought he saw the wisp of recognition as the magic brushed his awakened senses, but it sank back into grogginess. "Get up," Marim said, leaving his pallet to rummage through his bags, "The falcons have arrived." --- Aeseli felt the falcon magic whisper along her skin as she followed a ways behind the intimidating party. The sensations were fleeting, and barely registered before they were gone. She sighed in frustration, wishing the feeling would go away. Asa would need all of her focus to get through this visit diplomatically. As the falcons entered the vast cavern of the royal reception room, she slipped into the shadows at the other end, looping around until she was face to face with them. The royal guards withdrew to a respectful distance as their princess appraised her visitors. "So," she said simply, "The falcons have arrived." Ooc// I was thinking each of the different species could be quartered under the reception cavern. I'm just making this up on the spot, so feel free to shoot it down. xD
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10:47pm May 22 2011
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Ooc; Bah, it's fine. <3 And the idea is great! Sithyka nodded curtly and held back a barely restrained hiss as one Mistari guard set a hand on her arm. Fear shone in his eyes when she turned her flat blue eyes to his, hand moving back abruptly to his side. Fear us, Sithyka thought malevolently, watching the guard shudder under the sudden wave of magic that swept over him. It did not matter to Sithyka that she was breaking protocol by using magic during a peacetalk. What they didn't know couldn't hurt them. Grinning she padded off lithely next to Visara, leaving a dumbstruck Mistari behind. It was a few moments before they reached a massive cavern roughly hewn out of the ground, jutting up to the sky proudly. The corners of her mouth turning down at the primitive structure Sithyka floated inside, the scorn evident in the cool look of her eyes. It was not hard to see that the inside was decorated extravagantly, the walls decorated brightly and silk pillows thrown every which ways to create a comfortable place to lounge. "Looks nice enough," Sithyka sniffed, causing quite a few of the Mistari to turn and glare at her in frosty silence. -- Kylar could see the way the falcon's stiffened when they entered the sumptuous cave. The serpiente himself was quite impressed by the way the Mistari had managed to turn a natural grotto into a beautiful hall for the peacetalks. The silk glittered brightly and compared even to the finest weaves from the serpiente. Fingering the deep blue melos at his waist Kylar stepped in cautiously, not quite believing he was in the Mistari lands for the first time. "It's absolutely beautiful," he countered with a grin when a falcon nearby sniffed at her surroundings. "Unfortunate that those from shm'ahnmik cannot appreciate such wonders." The Mistari might be taking such verbal abuse quietly but then, Kylar wasn't exactly known for being subtle.

11:25pm May 22 2011
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Visara hissed at the brazen serpiente and lunged toward him. Though her golden hands did not touch him, her magic lashed out like a whip, creating an illusion of brief, dense pain. She had felt Sithyka's use of magic moments before, and couldn't resist it herself. Then, with a seemingly innocent, casual smile, she sent him a favorite memory of hers, from childhood--some of the dances from sh'Ahnmik. "We falcons know more beauty than you ever will, snake," she sniffed, and turned back to survey the hall again. Ooc// Sorry--gotta post for my others later. >_> Bed time~
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7:12pm May 23 2011
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9:58pm May 25 2011
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His face twitching from the force of the magic Kylar gasped and crouched down when the falcon let go of him, his muscles trembling from the mere effort of holding him up. "Your beauty," he panted, forcing his jade green eyes to meet her own blue, "is tainted...by...cruelty. You will never know...true beauty." Gasping Kylar hissed at the falcon before moving closer to his group, disconcerted by the casual show of power. "They will ruin the peacetalks," he muttered through gritted teeth, feeling his snakeskin slide over his skin as anxiety took over.
10:09pm May 25 2011 (last edited on 10:09pm May 25 2011)
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Aeseli regarded the other shifters through cool eyes. "Magic will not be of any use here, thank you," she said primly, looking the Mercy square in the eyes. The falcon snorted, and turned her head away, arrogance written in every move. Asa ignored her and looked to the serpiente. "I trust you have found your way well? The avians should be up soon. In the mean time, you are free to...mingle." Asa couldn't keep the amusement out of her voice--the thought of serpents and birds "mingling" was too much to handle. The grim set of her mouth melted into a slight grin as she turned on her heel and walked away, melting into the shadows until the peace talks were ready to commence. --- Marim hurried with the rest of his entourage up the smooth, sloping tunnel until they broke the surface. He hadn't realized how cool the network of caves was until the hot summer breeze broke across his skin--a stark difference from the dry coolness of underground. He swallowed and smacked his lips, looking around. A group of Mistari bowed in deference to their higher status, and then led them to the waiting serpiente and falcon groups. He looked over each of the groups, but couldn't bear to look the Mercies in the eyes. He knew they were Mercies by the way they moved, and the cool set expressions of their faces--their arrogance was even greater than that of a typical falcon. He grimaced, but managed to smile at the serpientes. They were their allies, now. They were on the same side. Finally. Ooc// Didn't post as Visara because there's not much to post. xD She's the "falcon" in Aeseli's post~
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10:14pm May 25 2011
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[urp...time skip? xD And I have bedtime D:]
10:18pm May 25 2011
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Ooc// Sounds good. ^3^ G'night~ <3
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12:37pm May 26 2011
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Ooc; Mm, okay. How far should we time-skip? And I'll edit this post. o3o Perhaps to where the peacetalks have started, since I don't think there's much to say now?
7:18pm May 26 2011
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Ooc// Sounds good. I'll let you know I'm not sure if I can log on again today--friends are over for dinner, and I need to get to bed early tonight. >->
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
9:43pm May 26 2011
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In the beginning there had only been small-talk and introductions going on. Every now knew everyone (though Sithyka was sorry to have had to consort with the lowly serpiente and avians) and they had settled down to wait for the actual peacetalks to begin. Flicking her wings in the faces of the landbound creatures Sithyka arranged herself gracefully on one of the many stone chairs that created a horseshoe shape in the cavern. Though covered by a fine silk cushion the falcon was still offended by the lack of proper furniture. Settling her ex pression so it betrayed no emotion Sithyka did a sweep of the current members of the peacetalks. That insolent serpiente with his jade eyes, the heir to the Dio and Disa of the Mistari, a male avian with similar green eyes to the serpiente and the falcons themselves. Personally Sithyka was under the impression that Visara was having a worse time than she. The serpiente man had been truly infuriating, going as far to mention that the falcons knew nothing of true beauty. Her lips curling in a faint rememberance of a snarl Sithyka felt he muscles tighten, though whether from anger or annoyance she could not tell.

11:48am May 29 2011
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Ooc// I'm sorry, I have no idea what to post. Dx I'll try and come up with something in a moment~
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4:21pm May 29 2011
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4:03pm May 30 2011
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"Calm, sister," Visara hissed under her breath, squeezing Sithyka's arm in compassion. She didn't want to be here any more than her partner. It was all she could do not to wring that scrawny serpiente's throat for his insolence. How dar she claim she didn't know beauty. He had never seen Ahnmik. Never seen their dances. Never seen true magic. While these thoughts skated treacherously in her head, she realized her lip had curled into a snarl. She set it firmly into a grimace, and tried to focus on the meeting. Now that everyone was acquainted, maybe they could get something done. --- Marim was trying to focus on the meeting, but the constant wash of falcon magic against his skin was maddeningly distracting. He found himself continually glancing over at the two Mercies and the rest of their crew, wondering if they really cared about all this. The bored expressions on their faces, alternating with disgust and tight fury said that they did not. Sighing and settling deeper into his stone, pillow-laden seat, Marim turned his attention back to the Mistari, and his serpiente allies. --- Aeseli saw the dark expressions dancing on each parties' faces. She knew that she should have called them out at their apparent unwillingness to forgive or forget, but she couldn't muster the energy. Asa hated when the parties were so venemous towards each other that they couldn't even see the ridiculousness of their argument. "So," she said, "Who would like to tell me their story?"
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6:06pm Jun 4 2011
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Ooc// Found it! |D /dances Bump~
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8:03pm Jun 4 2011
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"The Serpiente and Avians should have the right to speak first, Lady," Kylar asserted in a quiet voice. Though there was nothing but mild suggestion in his tone no one could mistake the rage that flickered in his Serpiente-green eyes. Black hairs covered one of those eyes as Kylar flicked his head irritably, a challenge in every bit of his stance. Hands were clutched tightly in front of him, his elbows resting on his knees. Sandaled feed resting flat on the floor as Kylar leaned forwards slightly, his searching eyes resting on the falcons. Their rudeness and the way they looked at everyone contemptuously made his blood burn with ire. Despite the fact that they, the Avian and Serpiente, lacked the magic that had given the falcons the ability to rise in a great nation, meant little to Kylar. In his opinion a man's, or country's, actions spoke of his true character. The secret that the falcons had accidentally laid bare was testament to that. -- Reciprocating Visara's comfort with a rare smile Sithyka tried to focus on the situation. It was hard to concentrate however, not when there were so many other useful things she could be doing. The serpiente who had just spoken was the same who had insulted her partner and the entire population of Ahnmik, his eyes watching them with fiery rage. Chuckling deeply she inclined her head. "The shm'Ahnmik see no problem with allowing them to speak," she offered serenely, a smile that did not quite reach her cobalt eyes coming to life on her face. Rustling her wings simply to bother the rest of the company, for she knew that the Avians rarely displayed their demi-forms so...forwardly, Sithyka tossed her head proudly. No matter the outcome Ahnmik and her Empress Cjarsa would always win. They always had, they always would. None could overcome falcon magic.

9:31pm Jun 4 2011
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Ooc// A bit braindead on Marim's behalf... ;-; Bic// Asa smiled at the serpiente. She couldn't reason why the passion in his voice made her pleased, but still she answered, "If it pleases both parties, the serpiente shall speak first." Then she turned her gaze to the two Mercies, who seemed to be switching between amusement, boredom, and anger. Seeing one of them--she was pretty sure her name started with an 'S'--toss her head and rustle her wings, she added, "Honored falcon guest, it is against our code to be in any shifted state during our peace talks. I would be most appreciative if you returned to your...fully...human form." Aeseli bit her lip, knowing that she had messed up the lines. Mentally sighing, she wondered why the Mistari had to have a line for everything involving peace talks. Maybe it was better that way. But it didn't make the memorization any easier. Shaking her head slightly as if to rid herself of the distraction, she tried to return her focus to the peace meeting.
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1:50pm Jun 5 2011
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Sithyka sighed and there was a hint of disdain that colored her voice when she spoke. "If the great heir wishes it, we must comply, no?" Smirking Sithyka stood and arched her back and smoothly pulled in her wings, the rustling echoing throughout the large 'hall'. "Princess, are you pleased?" she asked in an insolent tone, flicking her fair hair with a brush of her hand. Then, with another, more audible, sigh, Sithyka settled back down on seat gracefully, clasping her hands gently in front of her. The look in her eyes when she glanced at the Serpiente conveyed her request clearly. Hurry up and speak, but you cannot hope to defeat the shm'Ahnmik. -- Kylar fidgeted as his nerves got the better of him. Public speaking was not something that Kylar had envisioned himself doing when he was a child, and despite his cocky attitude he was hardly a good orator. Muttering under his breath he inclined his head at the Mistari Heir, scowled at the falcons, stood up, and wrung his hands nervously before opening his mouth to speak. "We, the serpiente and avians, have gathered here today on the note of a serious charge against the Falcons," he began in a slow voice. Bright eyes (and two pairs of cold ones) watched him avidly. Kylar's heart thumped loudly as he continued. "We all know of the great war between the Serpiente and the Avians, correct? Though that is in our past the cause for it never did come to light. On the word of an informant, someone I will not name, we have learned this hidden reason. "It was not the Serpiente nor the Avians that began this feud. It was the falcons." Taking a breath Kylar steadied himself. "The Falcons feared that the Serpiente and Avians would someday unite, due to the supposed magic that runs through our veins. It is said that both the Avians and Serpiente have one half of this magic within them, and the Falcons feared that a coupling of the two would result in an unstable child. "So they contrived to set us against each other, and it worked. They took the Avian's first ancestress, Alasdair, and using falcon magic they caused her death. That was what started the war, though in fact every little thing about it was a lie." His voice had become louder, more angry, and Kylar tried to calm himself with deep, steady breaths. Accusing the Falcons was one thing, but he would have to step lightly. There was a reason their kind was feared, no matter how rude they acted towards others.
