2:29pm Feb 20 2011 (last edited on 6:45pm Feb 20 2011)
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I just chose a random-awesomesauce word. :3 So its set in the time of castles and knights and kings and queens if you have no objections, and I'll be posting my many characters shortly. --- My simple key: ((OOC)) In character --- BIO: Name: Age: Gender: Rank: (Princess? Knight? Body Guard? Villager?) Looks: Personality: History: Other:
2:31pm Feb 20 2011
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OOC: I love love love love love medival settings <3... I don't know why...It's kind of like the romance era or something LOL. I love love it <3 And I'll do my bio's after you do yours, so that I can see how many people I should play :)
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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2:52pm Feb 20 2011
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Name: Riley Flynn Age: 15 Gender: Female Rank: Princess Looks: Very tan skin, and straight black hair. She has exotic eyes, as one is orange and the other violet, and she'll always wear summery clothes. Personality: Riley is sensible and often very stubborn. She seeks adventure constantly, and has her nose stuck in a book at least 6 hours each day. She has personal servants whose job is only to entertain her and write stories or act out plays, since she is rarely allowed to mingle with the commoners of the village. History: -to be developed- Other: I plan on killing her in my actual story. :3 Youll never guess who. --- Name: Kevia Bane Age: 17 Gender: Female Rank: Body Guard of Riley Flynn Looks: Kevia has pale skin, and her eyes are usually narrowed into a glare. She had a blonde pixie-cut for hair and emerald-green eyes that, according to Riley, "stare into your soul". She can be intimidating. Personality: Kevia is serious and very easily angered, but is sensitive around certain subjects. She is very skilled with swords and knives, but is clumsy with any other weapon. History: She used to have a twin, Colette. She was killed when Kevia was Riley's age (15), and Kevia has never lived it down. Colette's death is what persuaded Kevia to become such a good fighter. Everything she does is driven by the rage. She suspects that the evil sorceress of the Amethyst Forest, Zem Tyler, is to blame for Colette's death, and sometimes sneaks out of the castle at night to try and find her. Other: Riley is like a second chance at having a sister to Kevia- and they are very close. Kevia would risk her life for Riley, and personally kill anyone who so much as thinks about hurting her. --- Name: Zem Tyler Age: She is at least 500 years old, but she appears to be in her late 20s Gender: Female Rank: Sorceress Looks: Zem has long, curly black hair and skin so pale that she can't go out in the sunlight. Her eyes are both teal- the only normal part about her. She has several scars about her body, and wears hugely revealing clothing for her 'rituals'. Personality: Zem is slightly insane, but mysterious as well. -needs to be developed more- History: When she was born, legend says that she was abandoned in a forest and raised by wolves. Of course, that's not true. She was kidnapped at birth by a dark sorceror who was nearing the end of his extended lifespan, and wished to pas.s on the magic to an apprentice. Other: She didn't actually kill Colette- just for the record. But she likes toying with Kevia's mind to make it look like she did. The truth is, Zem is actually Kevia and Colette's mother. :o --- Name: Rankin Williams Age: 16 Gender: Male Rank: Amethyst Guard in training Looks: Rankin isn't particuraly attractive, but he isn't ugly either. He's just awkward. He has fair skin that's usually tainted a sickly green and sandy blonde hair, framing his blue eyes. Personality: Rankin is sweet and considerate. He likes his job, and loves wild life. -needs to be developed- History: When Colette was alive, they dated and were very clothes. They had had plans to get married before she died. He was almost as devestated as Kevia was. -to be developed- Other: I'm not exactly sure what to do with him. XD I want to characterize him more for my story, because I need at least one guy character for it to be any interesting at all. XD

4:22pm Feb 20 2011
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Wow. Your inspiring me to make up new charactar's one day if I get really really bored. Haha. I'll plan on doing that haha. I'll put up my bio's in a second. I have homework but I came on here real quick just to see if you replyed haha. :) So brb for a bit ;) I have to make up some myth story of my own....Any ideas? Haha... -_________-
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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5:38pm Feb 20 2011 (last edited on 7:05pm Feb 20 2011)
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BIO: Name:Paradise Smith Age:16 Gender: Female Rank: Uhm, I used this girl for a servant once with another roleplay. Do you think she can be a servant for this to? Looks: Deleted :)) Personality:Paradise is one of those very sweet kind of girls. She would do anything to make you happy, even if it means to hurt herself.(Figure of speech haha.) She's not very aggressive, and acts as innocent as she looks. (Pretty much saying she is innocent LOL...)She's not competitive or mean, and always will try her best to have you satisfied as possible. She's painfully shy, and extremely sensitive. Use a certain tone of voice, you could get water works any second. She isn't a talker either. History: Let's just say she's been a servant all her life? Lol. I usually just say Rp this out unless someone actually wants a deion. :) Other: If there's anything else I'll let you know. :) BIO: Name: Andrew Long Age:17 Gender: Male Rank: Knight...What exactly would they do? :) Sorry lol... Looks: Deleted :))) Personality:Hes very misterious, and doesn't talk much. He isn't shy, but chooses to be quiet. He doesn't have friends, and doesn't want any either. He's by himself alot, and that's the way he likes it. It annoys him very much when people try to talk to him. And it also irritates him, when he likes a girl, because he despises being nervous around her. He has a soft side, but noone sees it often.
History: Uhmm...I'll make one up after you explain what knights do. :) Other: He's British! :0 Gotta love those accents. <3
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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6:58pm Feb 20 2011
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OOC: I'm sorry. Is that better? Andrew's link ALWAYS does that, and I always forget to change the font of that link. Sorry ://
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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7:05pm Feb 20 2011
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OOC: Sorry. :/// I fixed it again.
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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7:06pm Feb 20 2011
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((Thanks XD *reads your bios*))
7:11pm Feb 20 2011
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Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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7:15pm Feb 20 2011
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((Alright, in the castle, there are mostly only personal servants, so Paradise could be one of Riley's servants? You could make her a good story teller, and one of Riley's best friends. I'm also going to add two more characters, Keeta and Cardinal Flynn, the king and queen as well as Riley's parents later. As for knights, there are several different types. There's the Amethyst Guard, who train for at least five years, and most commonly start at the age of 10. What they do is go out into the Amethyst Woods and catch theives, prisoners, fugitives, or enemies of the thrown to put in the dungeon. They also battle any wild life they find that pose a threat to the nearby castle and its inhabitants. Another type is the Dungeon Guard, which is self-explanatory. Mostly, these are older people who used to be other guards, but are too old for as much action. They are still able to attack and defend themselves, but they need to do it much less often. And then there's the Castle Guard and Village Guard. The Castle Guard patrol the castle at all hours making sure that there are no threats and disposing of any that appear. The Village Guard is the same, except for the village. They watch over the townspeople. And then, the clas.sic knight. They don't do anything except train for battles yet to come at the moment, and almost all of them have a war animal by their side. War animals are companions that are specifically bred for knights going to war or battle with an enemy force. War animals are more intelligent than their natural counterparts, and stronger as well. The most common war animals are wolves, big cats and birds of prey, but other variations are available.))

7:20pm Feb 20 2011
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OOC: WOW. Thanks! Your a realll experrt HAHA. I'll make Andrew just a cl*censored*ic knight for now. :) ANd Paradise can be a servant for Riley. :DD
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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7:27pm Feb 20 2011
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((Cool :3 What's Andrew's war animal then? Kevia has one because her father was a clas.sic knight and died in battle. Hawk. :3 I'll start soon btw))
7:29pm Feb 20 2011
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OOC: A wolf. But I don't need like a bio for that right? Some people like bio's for the animals too o3o...
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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7:29pm Feb 20 2011
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((Nah, not necessary. I'll start next post~))
7:34pm Feb 20 2011
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OOC: Oh...And try not to get annoyed if I ask questions...I ALWAYS ask questions throughout roleplays when its stuff I'm not as used to. Example: Medieval stuff. Haha. I said I love it, but I didn't even know what you meant by knights. So just prepare for questions throughout...Haha... :/
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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7:41pm Feb 20 2011
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Kevia woke up from a night mare-- the first in weeks. Just when she had expected them to end. It was dawn already; the hands of the ticking clock told her so. She jumped out of bed and went to her bathroom. She lit the gas lamp above the bathing basin so that it would be bright. She dipped her hand into the warm water and smiled. The servants always came in around midnight with boiling water so that it would be the perfect temperature in the morning. Kevia stripped down her clothes and sat in the basin, letting out a pleased sigh. She cleaned up and shaved with the dull razor on the end table. When she was finally finished, the water was icy. Clearly time to get out. She put on her guard's armor and went to Riley's room. Kevia carefully opened the door to the princess's chambers, and sighed with amusement. There was the princess, as usual, laying over her covers on the bed with a bok on her chest. She also noticed Riley's servant and best friend sprawled on the royal sofa in her room, fast asleep. Kevia didn't hesitate to walk in and yank open the curtains, revealing the blazing sun as it made its ascent to the sky. Riley hissed in annoyance like a feral animal, covering her eyes with her hand. "Kevia Bane! Do you know what time it is?" she said, her voice seeming with anger. "Time to wake up?" Kevia guessed in a light tone, leaning forward with a smile on her face. Riley sighed, lightening up a bit. She smiled playfully, "I should have you hung for this, Kevia!" she said in a mockingly royal tone. Kevia chuckled and winked, settling onto a chair by the window. "The correct grammar would be 'hanged', unless you mean to paint a picture of me and hang me on the wall right there." Riley stuck her tongue out at Kevia. "So now you're my tutor, hm?" Kevia gasped, "Of course not! If I were your tutor, you'd need another body guard!" Kevia smiled and paused. "Unless you want me to be your tutor?" "When pigs fly!" Riley laughed, "If you were my tutor, I'd be dumb as a sack of rocks."

8:10pm Feb 20 2011
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OOC: ...Wow you write alot :// Lol. Anyways, You know how princesses aren't aloud out or w/e? Is that the way with knights or can knights leave and like walk around the village I guess you can say? And... With the animals, are they like pets? Like they live with the knights?...Where do the knights live? I'm sorry...LOL.... I warned you....:/// I'll put in a intro for Paradise, but I think I should know this stuff before I do Andrews. -__- I don't want to just give you small paragraphs, and thats gunna happen if I have questions. ://////////////////////////// BIC: Sleeping happily in her dreams Paradise was awakened to a blinding light. With a quiet moan, she pulled up her blankets to cover her whole self. Why...Why open the curtains...She thought before finally taking the blankets off and looking around. Eyes squinting with tiredness. She listened to the conversation quietly, not wanting to intrude. She instead lifted off the covers and took the blankets on the sofa in a bundle. Then put them neatly in a closet by the bed Riley was still laying in. Silently, she hoped she didn't sleep in to late. Servants were supposed to wake up earlier then the rest, to make sure the princesses, queens, and kings were happy and satisfied. She quietly stared back and forth at Riley and Kevia, as they conversed. Finally, she ran a hand through her slightly messy hair from sleeping on the royal sofa, and sat beside Riley. Waiting on being told what to do first through Riley's orders. Sure, they were known as best friends. And they were. But Paradise didn't want to keep anyone waiting or make anyone upset, so she'd be a servant for her, before being friends and just 'talking'. Though, half the time, just talking to Riley actually was her job.
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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8:24pm Feb 20 2011
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((Lmao, It's completely okay. XD Knights can do whatever they want as long as they're fit enough to pas.s examination every two weeks. War animals vary depending on the owner. Most of them are trained by their knight and they're very close, others are simply kept in cages and excercised, because the war animals have examination as well. Knights live in the castle on the ground floor in rooms shared by about ten.)) "Sorry about the light thing, Paradise" Kevia said, still chuckling over Riley's last comment. "So what are we doing today?" Riley asked, directing the question to either of her friends. "My job is to follow you around with a sword, so whatever you are doing I suppose," Kevia said, slightly teasing. "Well, I want to go into the woods and explore with Paradise," Riley said, putting an arm around her friend as she sat down next to her. "Guess what you're not doing?" Kevia sat, crossing her arms with a half smile. "You know you're not allowed out of the castle." "But I've already explored the whole castle!" Riley complained. "No one has to know!" "Oh, keep your dignity, we're staying here," Kevia replied. Riley snorted, "Fine then," she said huffily. She leaned back and sprawled on her bed dramatically. "I am just going to sit here and die!" "Don't be such a drama queen, don't you want to go and flirt with all of the guards and knights today in the lunch hall?" Kevia prompted, poking the princess's foot which hung off the bed. Riley sat up quickly with a charming smile. "Why of course," she said sarcastically, "because it's more entertaining if you do it every day." Kevia snorted and looked helplessly at Paradise.

9:01pm Feb 20 2011
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OOC: Thanks youu veryy much! Hahaha... BIC: Andrew layed on his stomach, hands wrapped around his pillow. It was starting to get more hot out. Which was nice. But not nice for him. He was so used to the cold, that he was covered in blankets, and now his sweat. He rolled his eyes as he rolled onto his back with a groan. Staring at the cieling. (o3o I dunno if it's cieling or ceiling...) He closed his eyes and planned on maybe sleeping for another second or 2, or a decade...But before being able to fall back asleep, Nikita, his wolf, pounced on him. Andrew jumped up and glared at the wolf, but couldn't help petting her and getting up. Usually, when Nikita's up, you automatically knows its late in the morning. (( What do knights where when their not training? )) After he got dressed for breakfast, (I'd describe what, but I have no idea. -___- Haha :) )) He motioned Nikita to come along while he said, "Cmon Nikita." And walked out of his room with her. The only one he was really talkitive with was Nikita.But he didn't talk like a freak to her. Letting out his feelings or anything. But he didn't say anything, or for that matter didn't show much ex pression to anyone else. But it wasn't because he was shy. It was more of his nature to just stay to himself. He used to try to atleast look friendly, but he quit that a long time ago. He pet Nikita one more time, before walking. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paradise couldn't help but giggle at Riley's last comment. They were pretty good at going back and forth. She was too nice to even be sarcastic. Instead, she just smiled and said as nicely as possible, "I'm supposed to serve you Riley. Not get special treatment and be able to go exploring for fun." She shrugged, and added. "It wouldn't be fair." She then nudged Riley playfully and said, "So there IS a gaurd that stands out to you? ... Or do you just flirt with them all for fun?" She bit her lip at her last remark. Blushing. She really didn't mean it in a sarcastic way. It wasa full true question. But she hoped they didn't get offended. "I didn't mean it like that though..." SHe said. Trying to find her way out of such an awkward place.
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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9:14pm Feb 20 2011
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((They hang out with their friends or train I suppose XD)) "Lighten up, Paradise," Riley cooed, "You're my friend more than my servant." There was a pause. "Well, is there someone you like?" Kevia prompted. "Not exactly," Riley said, getting up off of the bed and dressing. She didn't mind undressing in front of Kevia in Paradise. The three were so close that it was sometimes scary-- being half naked for a few minutes wouldn't make anything awkward. "So there is?" Kevia interpretted. "Well, I don't even know their names!" Riley laughed. "More than one? Drama!" Kevia laughed. "Oh hush, I was talking about them all. The only guard I know is you," Riley said, pulling on an elegant dress. She examined herself in the mirror and frowned at her hair. "There's Rankin Williams, is it him?" Kevia asked. "Of course not, he's too awkward," Riley said, a bit disgusted. "So you do know their names," Kevia said, crossing her arms in triumph. "I know a few, but not most of them. Jeez, Kevia!" Riley was laughing now as she brushed her hair.
