9:22pm Feb 20 2011
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Paradise bit her lip, and sat more comfortably on the bed. Still thinking in her head how unfair she felt she was being to all the other servants who don't have the people they work for as best friends. It was selfish in her mind. But she didn't need to argue to Riley about that. Getting her or Kevia on a rant about something like that was the last thing she needed. So she stayed quiet. But gave Riley a small smirk while talking about the gaurds. "I don't know any of their names either. But I know what they all look like...Describe him Riley." The last part she said, she said while winking at her, and getting off the bed, and walking over to Riley. Just in case, she needed Paradise to do anything. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Nothing Andrew can do until they go for breakfast. :DDD
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8:46am Feb 21 2011
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10:22am Feb 21 2011
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Riley waved a hand dismissively as she finished brushing her hair. "Oh hush up, I don't like anyone," she laughed. Kevia looked disappointed. Riley was obviously not giving anything away. "Come on, let's get to the dining hall for breakfast." Riley sighed, happy that Kevia and Paradise had somewhat dropped the subject. They went down for breakfast. No one in particular paid much attenton as they entered, much to Riley's relief. She didn't want to be worshipped today. -failpost-
10:37am Feb 21 2011
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Paradise smiled at Riley as she tried to stop the subject from going on. She let it go and followed them all downstairs to the dining hall for breakfast. Servants didn't sit with the royal people, or gaurds/knights. They got to eat after everyone else was satisfied. So when Riley and Kevia went into the dining hall she left them to go help the other servants serve the food. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Andrew sat down where the other gaurds were. They were all conversing over different subjects, but Andrew stayed silent. Listening quietly while petting Nikita, who sat beside him by his legs. He was on the end, so Nikita wasn't in anyone's way. When the servants started serving their food, he gave a slight nod to the servant who gave him breakfast, his non verbal way of thanking her.
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4:51pm Feb 21 2011
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Kevia slid into a seat across from Riley and waited to be served. There was a loud screech and a loud beating of wings. Riley had to duck to avoid the talons of Mikaela, a hawk that Kevia had inherited when her father died. Mikaela fluttered to a clumsy stop, landing on the table. A tiny peice of parchment was tied to the bird's leg. Mikaela seemed overly agitated with ruffled feathers and a worried ex pression. Disturbed, Kevia took the note from Mikaela, and watched the bird fly away. "What happened?" Riley asked, watching Kevia's ex pression change from grave to furious. "It's just a note from Zem," Kevia growled, shoving the note into her pocket. "Zem Tyler? The sorceress?" Riley seemed worried. "Yeah, it's a long story; I'd rather not go into it," Kevia snapped. Seeing her obvious discomfort, Riley dropped the subject. She wished Paradise wasn't a servant, she wanted to talk to someone else. "You know, I think I'm going to bail for a little bit," Kevia said after a momen'ts silence, "I have to..." "What do you have to do more than guard me?" Riley growled, annoyed. Kevia couldn't think of an appropriate answer, "I'm going to train in the Amethyst forest with..." Kevia frantically searched for an excuse: which knights weren't here yet...? "With Rankin," Kevia finished, proud of her quick thinking. She never liked Rankin anyways, and he rarely showed up for meals. Riley stared at Kevia with scruntiny. "So I'm just supposed to sit here alone for the knights to gawk at until I've finished my meal?" she said hotly. "Of course not," Kevia wouldn't dare leave the princess unguarded! She scanned the hall for a knight who wasn't eating yet, and smiled when her gaze found Andrew. "Hey! Andrew, I have an as.signment for you."

5:06pm Feb 21 2011
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While watching servants and people starting to get seated, Andrew watched. Petting Nikita by his legs. He wasn't the type to talk, so meals aren't his favorite thing. He'd rather just get food and go to his room to eat it. The thought seemed possible. Right before he stood up to do just that, he heard his name being called. It was a familiar voice. He turned to where he heard it, and stared back at Kevia with a frown. "What is it I need to do?" He said. It wasn't in a complaining voice. He said it in his normal low quiet voice. But wasn't quiet enough for them NOT to hear. He walked around the table and stood beside Kevia, so that he wouldn't have to talk 'across the room' for them to converse. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Nothing really for Paradise. :D*
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7:28pm Feb 21 2011
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"I need you to watch Riley until I return," Kevia stated, her voice ringing with authority. Mikaela swooped down at random with a shreik, landing clumsily on Kevia's shouler. Luckily, Kevia's should armor was strong enough to withstand the talons. Zem Tyler won't be so lucky when I find her. (You should make Paradise follow Kevia, to mae it a bit more interesting :3) Riley crossed her arms and huffed, blush spreading accross her face. "It's hardly necessary;" she growled at Kevia, "I can look after myself, as I'm not a little girl anymore."
8:41pm Feb 21 2011
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OOC: Hehehe mmkay! :DD BIC: Andrew kept his face emotionless as Kevia explained what he needed to do. Watch the princess? He sighed mutely and sat where Kevia was sitting, next to Riley. He watched her talk as she complained about him watching over her, blushing. He guessed anyone would feel the same way. A girl old enough to take care of herself, but having to always be guarded, and watched over. So maybe she won't feel as embarressed, he said quietly enough just for her to hear, "You may think your old enough, princess. But, someone out there may not think the same. Hurt you because their bigger. You always have to be prepared." He shrugged, and leaned across the table. Hoping she wouldn't take his statement as a invitation to a full conversation. He didn't want one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paradise was always the type to be able to be right by someone, but so quiet that they don't even know she's there. She new how to blend in. She heard the whole conversation with Kevia, Riley, and Andrew. Interesting. Kevia had to leave. It didn't sabatage servants jobs to leave the building when their part of the job was done. And with Andrew taking care of Riley, Paradise was free. Paradise hasn't been out of the house in who knows how long. Always having to be by Riley to make sure she's satisfied. And Riley wasn't alowed to leave, so that meant Paradise couldn't go out. She smirked a bit while walking up to Kevia and lifting an eyebrow. "What does Zem Tyler want?"
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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5:52pm Feb 22 2011
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Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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5:58pm Feb 22 2011
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((Grah! Sorry, I had it all typed out and then I accidentally refreshed the page, Working on it. Oh, and unless Paradise can read minds, she doesn't know that Kevia was thinking about Zem Tyler. ;) ))
6:00pm Feb 22 2011
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OOC: Oh sorry, I thought she said it outloudd! DDDD: IGNORE THAT PART.... :/ And o...m...G...I HATE when that happens. Take your time...I usually get so mad when that happens, that I say 'I'm quitting this Rp for the rest of the day. Redo tomarroow' HAHA.
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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7:33pm Feb 22 2011
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Riley went pale and then blushed hotly. She hadn't expected a mere Knight to just talk to her! It took even Kevia weeks to say anything than a simple greeting after she was first as.signed. Not that she was condemning Andrew's words, she liked being talked to, but it shocked her. Not exactly sure what to say, she dismissed Kevia with a flick of the hand and began her breakfast. She edged and inch or two away from him, wary of the wolf. Kevia nodded in approval and walked steadily away. She left the castle grounds and paused at the edge of the Amethyst forest. She didn't even notice Paradise standing in her proximity. The servant made a tiny noise, and kevia drew her sword and spun around violently. She sighed in relief, seeing that it was only her friend, Paradise. She put the weapon away and put a hand on her hips. Mikaela fluttered her wings with agitation. "Did you follow me?" Kevia asked. She didn't sound angry, more surprised.
8:12pm Feb 22 2011
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Paradise quietly followed Kevia out of the castle grounds, enjoying the air outside while it lasted. While walking behind Kevia, she accidently stepped on a broken branch. Hearing it snap had her heart skip a beat. She stepped back and gasped quietly as Kevia spun her sword around her violently, and the question caught her off guard. She stood silent for a second, then said, "No...Well yes. But not for myself." Maybe, just maybe, she could lie her way out of this. "I was told to." She said, calmly. She never lied to anyone for as long as she could remember. She felt bad for lieing to her friend, but she didn't need her upset for Paradise following. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Andrew kept his face emotionless as Princess Riley's face changed color. He was tempted to ask if the princess was alright, but he stayed silent. It was a part of his nature. So he said nothing, just as she said nothing. Did he offend her? Suddenly realizing that he could have just offended a royal, he was about to say 'I'm sorry Princess, I didn't mean to offend you.' But he noticed her inching away from him. Andrew let out a fistful of air, mutely. He decided, by seeing her move, that he just shouldn't say a thing. So that's what he did.
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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8:31pm Feb 22 2011
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"Are you alright?" Riley asked, noticing Andrew's complicated ex pression. She shifted the skirt of her long dress to completely cover her legs, as it had slid slightyl to one side when she moved. She didn't want the whole breakfast to be awkward like this, and felt the need to strike a conversation. --- "Wha...?" Kevia said, raising an eyebrow, "Who would send you to follow me?" now she was confused. Her hand gripped a little tighter on the hilt of the sword, and she instantly felt ashamed. Paradise was her friend, but Kevia couldn't help but question it if someone had sent Paradise to spy on her... and more that the servant listened. She heard a loud crash behind her and groaned. "Not you too!" she exclaimed. Rankin had just fallen from the tree behind them. Rankin cursed, "I can't let you go through with whatever you're doing!" he said shakily, a bit dizzy from the fall. He quickly regained his balance and took out his wimpy short-sword, the standard for the Amethyst Guard trainees. "You don't even know what I'm doing," Kevia said, crossing her arms moodily. "It's only obvious enough," Rankin retorted angrily, revealing several gashes on his arm. Mikaela screeched with anger. "I intercepted Mikaela when I saw her flying, or more, Liv did. You need to train your bird to stop taking baths in the fountain." A sleek otter slid out from the underbrush and sat at Rankin's feet, inquiring the two with curiousity.

10:38pm Feb 22 2011
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Paradise was cut on a dead end at Kevia's question. Who would be dumb enough to tell Paradise to follow? The second she was about to give up the whole act, a distraction came, and Paradise thanked God for that distraction. She listened quietly, as usual with conversations, until there was complete silence. Finally, she said quietly, "Where were you going, Kevia?" She chose to just ignore the random boy who just clumsily fell out of a tree, and change the subject back to the matter at hand. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Andrew kept his lips flat while saying, "Yes. Why? I thought you were the one not alright." His voice was still low enough for only her to hear, as if he had a secret to tell only her. It was a habit really, but he chose not to get out of that habit. He stared at her until she would respond, without blinking. That was also a nasty habit. Just staring. But he enjoyed that one too. To watch people, and observe what they do. Fascinating to him. Boring to others. He was also used to conversations like this, the awkward ones, so he was more comfortable with it now. Even though, he was never truly comfortable with a conversation.
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4:57pm Feb 23 2011
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Kevia blushed hotly and crossed her arms. "It's none of your buissness!" she snapped. "It is if you're going to go and get yourself killed," growled Rankin with equal attitude. He braced himself to get either punched or stabbed, but Kevia did nothing. Kevia bit her lip and gave the peice of parchment to Paradise, so she wouldn't be so left out. It's time that we met -Zem Tyler "Haa! So you are going to find Zem!' Rankin declared, proud of himself. Kevia gave him a warning glare, so he shut his mouth. "I just want to know why you brought a servant with you," he added quickly, too fast for Kevia to react right away. "I didn't bring her! Someone told her to follow me," Kevia said, lowering her sword. She paused thoughtfully and pointed it at Rankin, "Was it you?" she hissed. "No! I was following you myself," Rankin replied, crossing his arms indignantly.
7:12pm Feb 23 2011
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OOC: Sorry. Just confused. What's parchment?? :/ Like..What did she give to Paradise? :O
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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7:25pm Feb 23 2011
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((The note XD Parchment is old paper))
8:24pm Feb 23 2011
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OOC: Ohhh...HAHA. I love learning new words from other RPers, cuz then when I use them...I feel all smart. :DD BIC:
Paradise flinched slightly, when Kevia snapped at her. Well...Someone's got a temper with such a small question... She sighed, and bit her lip nervously as Rankin and her argued. Why was she always getting caught in this position? She sighed once again, before Kevia gave her the parchment, (Omg I sound smart :D) and she read it. She ignored Rankins comment about her, but felt her face turn a hot. Why bring her into this? She just wanted a reason to go outside... "Well maybe you should not worry about what I'm doing. Your following her as well, so find someone elses buisiness to get into, because you were never welcomed to this one!" She snapped while just now realizing she was licking her upper teeth while glaring at him. Which was what she did when she was rather irritated. But it wasn't often. What she couldn't figure out was why she was getting so mad. Maybe, it was just because he seemed to be looking down on her. 'Why'd you bring a servant with you', What did he think he was any better? She slowly gave the parchment back to Kevia, while glaring at Rankin. The one thing she hated most was when people thought they were better then servants. Because they usually weren't. Servants were hard workers, and they new respect. People like Rankin, fools, didn't have such words in their vocabulary.
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
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9:00pm Feb 23 2011
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"I'm not letting you go and meet that witch, Kevia--" Rankin began. He was about to say something else that was annoying, but Kevia was growing tired of him. She sheathed her sword and walked up to him, elbowing him sharply in the neck. He only stepped back and cursed. "Ah! You were supposed to be knocked out!" Kevia exclaimed. "No, but I have a bruise worth hell now, what was that for?!" Rankin yelled, annoyed. Kevia bit her lips when she realised that Paradise might run away and tell admirality about the fight. "Don't go," she said, almost threateningly as she pointed at Paradise. She was going to have to take Rankin out traditionally. She picked up a decent sized rock off of the ground and threw it at Rankin. He dodged swiftly. Kevia snarled, drawing her sword. Rankin mimicked Kevia's motion, taking out his wimpy short sword. "Don't kid yourself, you're training's not finished," Kevia hissed. She took a few threatening steps forward when the otter, Liv, dashed forward and attacked Kevia's ankle. Mikaela was on her in an instant, and Kevia kicked Rankin in the shin as distracton to hit his head with her sword's hilt. He fell quickly, and Kevia checked his pulse. "Sorry, Rankin, I have to go,: she said softly, brushing the hair out of her face as she got up and sheathed her weapon. Liv had already retreated into the palace grounds, likely to find an elder guard. Mikaela was sitting on her shoulder once again. "Come on Paradise, I'm leaving, and you don't want to get caught with a knocked out guard."
