11:15am Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 108
OOC: You didn't respond to the Riley and Andrew post. :/ Just letting you know. If you have writers block, I don't mind one sentence or whatever. :DD That happens to me alot. BIC: Paradise backed up a a couple feet during the little 'battle' between Kevia, and Rankin. It was all about fighting in this life, wasn't it? With a sigh, she was relieved it was all finally done. But she was worried about Rankin. "Your pretty heartless, if your just going to leave a 'knocked out gaurd' laying here. Are you sure he's alright?" She said, while going on her knees by him to check his pulse, like she had. She felt a pulse, he seemed fine. But she didn't care, what if Kevia was close to killing him? A guard? How would that turn out?
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
I'm...Online, finally! :D
8:12pm Feb 26 2011
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((-Fails- I totally just forgot about that, honest. Sorry XDDD)) "Well, whatever gave you that idea?" snapped Riley, irritated at Andrew for no real reason. "If I'm ever angry at you I'll tell you." --- Kevia clenched her teeth. "He'll be fine, I've done this before, the others will come for him soon because of his bloody otter, and you can stay and tell your story if you think they'll believe you," she said. Kevia was already growing to dislike Paradise, but as she began to hear the clank of approaching armor, she ran into the Amethyst forest. She hardly cared if the servant could keep up or not.
9:43am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 108
Andrew stared at her without any real ex pression. She left him speechless. She was very different from him, seemed outspoken. He finally sighed, and took his eyes off hers, mumbling, "I'll remember that.". He would have said more, but he remembered that he had to be careful. This was a royal princess, not some villager or servant. He sighed, and hoped that Kevia would be back soon. Watching over Princess Riley was getting too out of his comfort zone, though he would never admit that to anyone. He leaned his forearms on the diner table and watched as servants started to take the dirty silverware and empty plates back to the kitchen to clean. Breakfast was done. Was he supposed to follow the princess around the castle now? He watched as everyone got up to leave, and he waited for Princess Riley to do the same as he nonchalauntly looked around for Kevia. ~ OOC: Bahaha, Were doing Riley and Andrew & Paradise and Rankin riiiight? Because, that's why I'm leaving her there with him. But if were not doing that, then I'll do something else. :O
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
I'm...Online, finally! :D
6:33pm Feb 27 2011
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((Lawl, I'm just going with the flow, but that works. :3 Of course, now there's not much of a point to having Kevia run off into the woods by herself and get herself almost killed by her mother -_-)) Riley finished the rest of her breakfast in silence. When she was finished, she stood and glanced around. "I hope Kevia's alright," she said, "Do you know her very well?" -FAIL FAIL FAIL-
7:30pm Feb 27 2011
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OOC: Ohhhh okayy. I'll have her follow. :D & It's alright. Fails are the best :O! BIC: Andrew slowly stood up with her. Hoping that Kevia would come by soon. "I only know her by her face and name. I've never actually spoken to her before this morning." He said quietly, not adding the fact that he doesn't really speak to anyone, so it's not a surprise that he's never spoken to Kevia before. He nonchalauntly looked around for Nikita, and when he found her paw sticking out from under the table he whistled quietly and said, "Nikita. Come.". When Nikita listened, he looked back up at Princess Riley, and after an awkward moment of silence, he said with his glaring eyes - which was a habit - , "So what... ?Do I follow you around now?" ~ Paradise frowned at Kevia's response, and looked at Rankin one more time. Someone was coming because of the otter. With a sigh, she quickly ran away, into the forest she saw Kevia run into, not wanting to confront whoever was coming. "Kevia!" She whispered as loud as she could when she was some distance away from p*censored*ed out Rankin, the otter, and the person who was checking on him. "Kevia!" She whispered again. Kevia was a body guard, which meant she had speed. Who knows where she ran off too.
If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}
7:31pm Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 5,997
OOC: Heyy, my account got banned because I had 2 accounts. It's still RPlover, just on Earthrabbit. DD:
If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}
7:44pm Feb 28 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((Haha XD You should read the terms of service, you're not allowed to have two accounts under any circumstances)) "Kevia and I would typically go up to my room and do each others hair or gossip or something, but I doubt you'd be interested in that. Would you rather go to the courtyard and just... I don't know, talk?" Riley shrugged and began to walk in the direction of the castle, her elegant dress trailing behind. --- "Good, you've come to your senses." Kevia said, landing gracefully from the tree some distance away from Paraise. She brushed dirt off of her armor and turned to her friend. She took her knife out of her pocket and then grabbed the blade, extending the hilt to Paradise at any time. "You didn't think I'd just leave one of my best friends in the forest, did you?"
7:11pm Mar 4 2011
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