3:21pm Feb 23 2011
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Well, first things first. This is a RP to teach Finklethorp how to RP. If a lurker (A lurker is someone who stalks RPs 8u) Wants to join, they must be prepared to help teach Finkey to RP. Now I'll explain how it works and such. An RP is when you write about you as a character, (Or multiple characters), that you control. RPs usually follow plots, or at least have some sort of guide-line to what it should be about. A privet/1x1 RP is usually between two (Or more) People that others are not usually allowed to join, a public RP lets anyone join. The rules to RPs vary depending on who made the RP, usually it consists on no PP (Power Playing) or GM, (God Modding), Those are when you either take control of someone's character, or make yourself unbeatable or better then everyone else. Usually there are co-owners, people who also take care of the RP. Usually RPs want you to be literate (Meaning that you put care into your posts, proper spelling, grammar, etc) I can't really remember any more rules. o_o But I'll add some if I remember. Now for Bios, or Bio skeleton or Skelly. These are what you fill out to explain about your character. These also depend on the person who made the RP, but they mostly look like this- Name- What your character is called. Age- What age your character is. Gender- Is your character male, or female (Boy or girl) Personality- How they act. o3o Species- This isn't always included, but if it is you say what species your character is. Powers- Also not always included, but it says what powers they use. 8u History- What happened in their past. Looks- What they look like, usually a deion, but it can be a picture. Other- Other things. Yeah.. That may be it. o3o
2:39pm Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 274
Finklethorp understands. :D
2:49pm Feb 24 2011 (last edited on 2:49pm Feb 24 2011)
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Good Finklethorp. <3 Now something else you should know, which I just remembered, is something called 'OOC' (Out Of Character) It's something to signal you aren't in character when you post. o3o ((Some people, (Like me) Use this.)) OOC- Some do this, or something like this. And others do many different things. o3o We don't have to use it now though, since we didn't really start the RP. ... So.. What exactly do you want the RP to be about? o3o
3:28pm Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 274
I'll post in indigo when I'm not in character. -o- Maybe it should have something to do with you being a super-chihuahua. HRRRMMM....
3:41pm Feb 24 2011 (last edited on 3:42pm Feb 24 2011)
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((Oooh. Iiindiigo. 8D That sounds so awesome omg. Hm... That sounds gewd. o3o I guess we can make it plotless for now? Unless you have an idea. xD))
3:44pm Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 274
I have no ideas. D; This is obviously my first roleplay. XD
4:21pm Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((I know that. 8u We'll start out plotless and see how it goes. o3o Let's make the setting (Where the RP takes place just incase you didn't know. 8u) Be.. o_o I don't know. Somewhere. 8u))
2:59pm Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 274
3:03pm Feb 25 2011
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o_o *Brain starts to function* What about who we are get lost in the rainforest for some reason, and they have to find eachother and figure out how to live and get out? 8D
10:48pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 274
YUSH. Omg I had a dream like that. XD
10:56pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((Exactly. *Creepy Voice* I'll start I guess. o3o)) "CONGRADULAMATIONS! YOU HAVE WON A TRIP TO THE RAIN FOREST. OMG. GO TO THE AIRPORT TO GO THERE LIEK.. RIGHT NOW. :D" Was what the letter that was sent out to two random addresses said. However, the letters got lost in a strange explosion, and ended up sailing in the wind. The airplane would have probably sat there.. Forever in loud silence. However, a chihuahua, and whatever Finklethorp was being, were destined to find it. And destined to meet in an adventure. With explosions. And dinosaurs. ((Yea so.. o3o Just have your character find the letter thing or whatever. xD))
12:13am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 274
Okay...so I just have to recieve the letter somehow. *grumble-like sound that sounds like a stomach* "I'm so hungrrryyy," Finklethorp groaned. She stared down at her fuzzy white stomach as it growled in protest against the lack of food that had been gained after hours of trying to catch fish in a small lake. As a ..magical...cat with no home, the only two things Finklethorp wanted was food and shelter. But since the fisherman had begun to come to the lake, it became even more difficult for Finklethorp to get food. I'll try one more time, Finklethorp thought. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly, and plunged her head into the warm water. She opened her mouth and clamped down on...nothing againsomething? A fish! She thought excitedly. But when she pulled her head up again she saw that it was a letter. "Hmm...what could this be?" she thought out loud. She ripped open the letter quickly with her teeth and read in confusion, "CONGRADULAMATIONS! YOU HAVE WON A TRIP TO THE RAIN FOREST. OMG. GO TO THE AIRPORT TO GO THERE LIEK.. RIGHT NOW. :D" Finklethorp picked up the letter with her small teeth and scampered away to her den, with many questions about the spontaneous message.
1:51am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((Exactly. 8u)) Ribunny padded along the sidewalk of the busy street by where she usually hung out. Her friends (Who I shall not go into detail with o3o) were off somewhere.. She hadn't really paid much attention when they told her where they were going. They might as well have been kidnapped for all she knew. A flash of white flickered in the corner of her eye, and she sharply turned her head to look. It was what looked like a letter. She tried to jump at it, but it blew higher. Smirking, she unfolded her wings that closely resembled the wings of a dragon but furry..er and took off, clamping the letter in her jaw and crashing into landing gracefully on the ground inside an alley. She ripped at the letter, not once thinking about the fact that it could be an important document for a person that needs important documents. She pieced back the parts she accidently ripped off, and read it with slight interest. "Rainforest eh?" She said to herself. "Not the most interesting place I've been, but it sounds pretty cool." She turned out of the alley and looked around. She was always on the alert for danger, since she could be a bit paranoid at times. "No need for airport for me, but it'd be fun to sit on the wing of the plane and freak people out." She chuckled at her evil genius. ((Mrrr. That was longer then I meant it to be. xD My posts aren't always like that though. I'm just feeling strangely unlazy now.))
10:36am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 274
"AAahhh," Finklethorp yawned. She shielded her eyes from the blinding morning sun shining down from above the towering treetops. She stood up and pawed the dirty envelope in front of her. The rainforest, she thought. Finky wasn't exactly a rainforest type of cat, but she had nothing to lose. But how will I get there? she wondered. The airport was far away, she knew that. At first, she thought she could try to hitch a ride on a p*censored*ing car. But that was far too dangerous. She knew many animals that had wandered out onto the car-path, and ended up...well...she didn't want to do that. My powers...she thought. I can control the earth and plants...I have razor claws...and super-awesome-fast-speed! That's it! I can run there...with my speed it shouldn't take too long. And so Finky went. omg fail.
3:04pm Feb 28 2011
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Posts: 274
4:03pm Feb 28 2011
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((It's not my fault I'm lazy and at school when you post. >:)) Ribunny licked her paw and held it out into the wind to test the wind direction and speed. She didn't need to do this of course, since no matter what she flew the same way, but it made her feel smart and professional. She opened her winges as she took a running start, jumping of the curb of the road and gliding off just before a stunned old lady that barely reached the windshield hit her. She laughed with glee at the old ladies face and circled the car a few times, waving and sticking her tongue out. She knew that it would be best for a creature like her to stay hidden from sightings like these, but she was just an old lady, others would pas.s it off as old lady ramble. After she decided she had her fun, she flipped over in the air with falcon-like agility and shot off, dissolving into the clouds. She would reach the airport in no time at all.
3:34pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 274
Your posts are more funnnn than mine. DX I'm boring. :U k..so. After taking a few breaks to drink from a Gatorade bottle in her super-awesome void (like a hidden pouch), Finky reached the airport. She watched a few airplanes take off and land, amazed by their ability to fly. She waited awhile for someone to open the doors, and scrambled in quickly. She had to hide because, well, cats aren't expected to be roaming around airports. "Flight 26 leaving in 10 minutes," a strange monotone voice spoke loudly from above. Fink gazed up in wonder, feeling like she was supposed to board that flight. Finally, she reached her flight and slipped on, clinging to the underside of a suitcase. She ran under a seat and crouched down..... yeah.
3:41pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 2,713
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
3:56pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 4:14pm Mar 2 2011)
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((Learn you will. Posts yours pretty awesome now anyway. =3)) Ribunny looked down as she sailed high in the sky. Her wings barely flapped, as she was using the warm updrafts to keep her afloat. She could do this forever. She knew, however, that the plane was a free ride, and anything free was worth taking. Even if that sounded like something a thief would say. She was so busy looking at the ground and wondering how big everything down there really was, she didn't see that she was in the path of an oncoming plane. She looked up as her sensitive ears, (Though they weren't as sensitive as her nose, probably due to the fact that she blasted music into them after she found that iPod,) picked up the sounds of the engine. She made a squeaking sound out of fear, and felt like she was unable to move, as if she were a dear in headlights. Reacting out of instinct, she opened her mouth and said the phrase that would make most that knew her scramble out of the way. "Soniiic..." Her eyes flashed red for a second like they usually do when she uses the power and/or when she's mad, "BARK!" A shockwave erupted from her mouth, sending the plane kareening into the ground. Luckily it was only a test flight controlled by a robotic motor that picked up mechanical waves that gave it commands. Ribunny blinked. She probably shouldn't have done that. Hopefully she wasn't picked up on the airports sonar and even more hopefully they would just think it was a error of some sort. She glanced around, her wings flapping slowly to keep her suspended straight up in the air. Edging away slowly, she kicked out her legs and zipped off. She looked for somewhere to land for a rest. Whenever she used her sonic bark she always had a lot of energy taken out of her, and flying any longer could cause her to black out. She glided on top of a nearby plane, crashing and sliding a few inches on her stomach since she had no energy to try to land right. As soon as she touched the plane a shiver went though her whole body. She knew this was the right plane, but something seemed slightly sinsiter about it. Eh, it was probably because she watched Final Destination a few days ago and she was unnerved. She stretched out and waited for her energy to come back, or for the plane to take off. Whichever was first. ((Mrrr. I didn't mean it to be this long. o3o I wanted to include the sonic bark somehow though. <3))
3:58pm Mar 2 2011
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((Breezeluv. xD Thank you for giving us your gift of lurkingness. 8u About you joining.. What does Finklethorp think about that? o3o))