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5:19pm Feb 2 2014

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Shadly nodded happily.
"thank you for your time." Shadly said, before walking back outside. She walked up to the fence, not wanting to hop over rudely.
"Hey!" Shadly called out trying to get the girls attention. 


10:31pm Feb 2 2014 (last edited on 10:33pm Feb 2 2014)

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[[ALRIGHTY GUYS, this is a complete update for everyone. I've decided that I will play one character a bit more actively. Terra is advanced, which means she is likely not to come in unless you all think you want her in there... but I made a character I would like to play and interact with you. In fact, Shadly already met him. It was a character I made up on the spot but I've actually grown attached to him and came up with a plot and everything. You all can easily interact with him and ask him on quests if you like and I will happily play him with you.
Incase you wish to see the art I got for him

THAT also being said, here are a few things I've updated so that you do not need me as much if you like.
A. You can go to the training grounds yourself and rp the man yourself. The quest to attack the dummies that gives you 20xp can be done up to 5 times but they take at least 2 rp posts each to complete and one to turn in the quest and get a new one. This streamlines things and you don't need to wait for me if you are training with someone else like another rp partner.
You can do just as Vynessa did above if you do not know where things are. IF it's mapped out on the map on the front page already and I have described it for someone else, you can go get that information from their post and allow your character to explore the already described area. This makes it so that you don't have to have me reply to your every post. It's just when you go into some place or interact with a NPC that you need me. That makes things easier for all of us.

ALSO, go find other rpers please xD Trust me, it will help make this more fun

LASTLY, all replies from me will come tomorrow. ]]]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

7:56am Feb 3 2014

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Posts: 735
((copy paste *cough*  ))

The scared man looked Vynessa up an down and slightly re-adjusted his helmet. "Of course Girl!" He bellowed "Anyone with an attitude like that is welcome to toughen up here." The NPC nodded and swiped his hand in front of Vynessa. Almost immediately a quest sign popped up in front of the young woman.

Defeat 5 training dummies
Reward: 20xp

"You start off simple, girl. Work your way up. Those dummies over there will disappear when you've attacked them enough. Get to work."

Vynessa gave a sly smirk, accepting the quest, then standing to attention and saluting the man. Unsheathing her blade, Vynessa gave an about turn and at full speed started to run at the vulnerable dummy with a painted face of ignorant bliss. So, what was she meant to do? That was it! Holding her blade at her side, she charged it up with a blue energy before slashing vertically across the torso of the first dummy, pirouetting and slashing at the second, ducking underneath the outstretched arm of dummy numero dos, gouging number three and then delivering a downwards strike back at number two.

Rinse and repeat.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

1:01pm Feb 3 2014

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Posts: 1,584
[[I think I will bring Cain in at the training ground. Do you mind, toshi?]]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

1:31pm Feb 3 2014

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Posts: 735
((I was actually hoping you would. Or at least, I was thinking about it.))

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

2:20pm Feb 3 2014

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Posts: 1,584
[[Dai, north part of town as in teh top northeast corner or the training area esk or by the north gates?]]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

2:28pm Feb 3 2014

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Posts: 709
[[North Gates sorry Im confused]]


4:19pm Feb 3 2014

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The way up to the north gate was a steep sloping hill lined with a dirt path all the way up. There was a watch tower that came when you finally reached the top of the hill but there was a bit of darkness as you looked out the north gate walls. It obviously wasn't night time so you weren't sure what was causing the drop in visibility though you could still see the bridge and the small bit of grassy area that was behind the gates. Almost as if a shadow of something larger was back there. Nothing ominous, seeing as how there were guards at this gate looking rather relaxed... maybe it was just something you couldn't see.

"Hm..." The man hummed before raising a hand to wipe at the sweat that was still glistening on his forehead as a result of the hot forge. "I could probably help if you brought the watch back to me, if that is the case, but there is a tinker that might be better. He is off in the north east end of town." The blacksmith gave a rather halfhearted point of his hand towards that direction before moving about again, shuffling to get a can to put the lubricant he used in. It wasn't everyday that he just had to give out his supplies so he didn't keep it all bottled up like you might expect. 

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

4:22pm Feb 3 2014

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Posts: 709
Iccarus looked at the gates then back at the calm guards. "Maybe I should turn back and help the people who decided to stay in the town of beginnings? No,I can't."
Iccarus continued to look around and then walked up to one of the guards/
"Excuse me?"


7:18pm Feb 3 2014

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The woman glanced up from her work for a moment and nodded at the player, finishing up what of the task she could in a second or two before standing up out of her hunched position. Her hands went to her back, leaning against them as she arched a little much in the way old ladies do after sitting down for quite a while. However, a second or two she straightened herself, pushed the blonde hair away from her face, and turned towards the player. She moved a bit closer to the fence, leaning against it when she finally got there, and waited for the player to speak. It was a bit weird, admittedly, but not all NPC's were going to greet you first.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

7:43pm Feb 3 2014 (last edited on 8:01pm Feb 3 2014)

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Posts: 1,584

---- Overcast Skies ---

This place... was odd. That really was the only way to put it. He at first couldn't quite make out whether he wanted to just let himself be taken over by this horrible depression or to fight to survive. He hadn't even wanted to play this stupid game in the first place. His brother had given it to him for his birthday and basically, it was turn down a pleading puppy eyes five year old or put the stupid head set on. The first time the game had activated however it had been pretty thrilling. Opening your eyes to see the screen world pop to life in front of you as if it was real. Looking around and seeing each pixel that combined together to make something that was equal if not better quality than even real life could be. It had been interesting to say the least... and he had kept the headset on.

Now Cain couldn't take it off.

The moment the announcement went off, he had taken off running. He had gotten some quests that day already, gathering them in preparation of a long haul the next day of training. Things like killing boars and delivering hides (apparently the woman at the tailor place had to ask people to do her work alot since her son was an idiot) were just waiting to get done. Cain had thought he would have all the time in the world. Now he had little to no time at all in this brand new world. Different world, different rules. He couldn't be who he was before.

He had gone out and just started mass killing things. Boars weren't hard to kill if you were careful and fast. You pick your surroundings carefully and let them come to you, dodging out of the way last second and slicing them through. Quest by quest, while others were asleep, he had hauled through monsters. Even managed to kill a wolf though that had nearly cost him. The thing had been far more advanced than he would have thought... but it had gained him a level in the end and that was one step above everyone else who had called it quits and fallen asleep at the normal time of day.

The shops that had his quests were open most of the night and he simply didn't stop. Just one long nights work was enough to get him familiar with the town and even a bit more acquainted with the game itself. It wasn't easy either. Staying alive would not be a cake walk. He had been just a passive observer outside where person after person had fallen in battle... and he hadn't felt obligated to help. Sure, he was sad that they had died, but to be frank, it was either try to help them not die... or level up more and keep himself alive. Those were the options right now and until he was more advanced, that's how those options would stay.

He had met a girl in the bar. Talked for a minute or two, gave her directions, and then went back to bed. That stupid quest button reading (1 quest active) still bothered him when he finally fell asleep at four a.m. but he knew he would get it done one way or another. The monsters here weren't as capable as Cain knew he was going to be. Already he had gotten into better fitting clothes and the sword at his belt was from a rare chest that had popped up in a spot outside the southern gates. Other than the beta testers, he wasn't sure anyone had even gone that far out yet.

He was still gray, however. People in the real world had always called him Gray. That had been his name and to be frank, it fit. Not that he liked it, he just didn't really care what they called him. Morally Gray... really, that's what he was. He could either be the worst person you would meet or the one to volunteer first to come save your butt. You couldn't tell which way he would swing. He was neither light nor dark, white nor black. He was gray... and even his clothes and his hair represented that. He had been born with the silver dark colored hair, lacking most pigment at all. His eyes, however, were the same color as his spiked out hair and the name... well it suited.

 Cain, however, did to. The first murderer in the world. Not that he was evil... Cain wasn't evil. It might just be best to be cautious around him if you knew what was good for you.


When he woke up that morning, he moved just as fast as the day before. The cloak around his neck that had come from the tailor (who every time he helped her would give him another clothing item that he requested as long as it was not overly exaggerated). He had pulled it up instantly around his head and slid the sword through his belt. Without a second glance at the small tavern inn, he had moved outside and headed towards the training grounds. As soon as you finish those beginning quests, you had the opportunity to actually spar people. It was easier for him to learn to fight human opponents here when he had people to actual move. Players who were still clumsy with swords were easy to fight too, giving quick xp whenever he would defeat them in the sparring match and go turn in the quest the proctor would give.

He had arrived there fairly early, hood still up to cover his face in a darkened shadow. It helped when people couldn't see your eyes. His eyes tended to freak some people out with their color. The dark steel gray was not average for anyone but him. Plus, they couldn't read his movements there and so many of these players tried that. One by one, when people started appearing, Cain would watch and observe, staring at them through the shadows of his cloak and waited for someone to get at least finish with the dummies. They only got the sparring quest when they finished the dummies at least once.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

7:52pm Feb 3 2014

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Posts: 2,315
"The man inside told me you may have some things I could help you out with. I would be happy to help," shadly smiled. She leaned against the fence, making eye contact but sometimes her eyes would stray to the horses. Such fascinating creatures.
She didn't want to be rude so she returned her full attention to the girl in front of her.


7:59pm Feb 3 2014

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Posts: 1,584
The woman froze for a moment and turned, looking at Shadly strangely for a moment in silence before slowly readjusting the hair out of her face.  "Yah, there's something I do need actually. We are out of bariti fruit." She said this and then just went quiet again, as if she expected Shadly to know right where to get them. After another minute or two, she elaborated. "There's this tree outside the south gate that regenerated some every hour or so. Good feed for the horses as a treat. If you could go there and get some, I'd reward you."

Finally, a quest menu for the first time popped up in front of the player.

Collect 3 bariti fruits from the tree outside the southern gate.
Reward: 200xp and 50g

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

8:26pm Feb 3 2014 (last edited on 9:09pm Feb 3 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 735
(([s]edit:wth it is empty XD I will fix that[/s]
Does Cain have a profile?))

The blow to what would be classed as a head fragmented dummy number two, leaving one, three, four and five left. Charging up a strike, Vyn darted further away and toward dummy five, slashing twice across the torso, then chopping the straw head from it's mount, reducing it to the same fragments as number two. 

Three left. 

Swinging her blade right and into dummy four, it became embedded in the side. Twisting the blade and circling around the dummy with some force, she tore the weapon from the mid section and took some of the test subject with it, four only needing another joust to disintegrate.


Spinning and charging her blade, The long haired female struck at three, the residual damage from before allowing her to smash through the 'opponent'.

Finally, back to the first. She ran at it, struck and darted right before circling around and stabbing the dummy in the 'back', then thrusting her blade upwards and out of the straw head.

Like the others, it poofed in a shower of glass like pieces and rained down before disappearing. Sheathing her blade, Vyn jogged over to the trainer with a sly grin on her face as the quest sign popped up again. Was it bad that she enjoyed that more than she should have? So far it was the closest thing to a brawl she had experienced. The debate defending another player with another, other player prior to the 'win or die' announcement was hardly thrilling, but this? Wielding her blade, if just hitting sticks and straw with faces, got the adrenalin running.  

"Done and done." She clapped, as if her hands had gotten incredibly dirty in the (considerably short) time it took her to slash her way to 'victory'. "Indeed. Good job lass! Here is your reward for a job well earned." Nodded the burly NPC. Vynessa was greeted by a screen reading:
Congratulations, quest complete.
You have received 20 xp.

20xp. That wasn't much, but now she knew she was quick in practice. Sure she read her stats, but that is only part of it. Actually acting on your supposed knowledge is a much better way of progressing and seeing what you are capable of. 

Lingering on a fence post at the edge of the training grounds, Vyn contemplated on what she should do next... Get gold was what popped into her head first, and quite rightly so, that and gain experience, but it didn't take a genius to figure that out.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

10:38pm Feb 3 2014 (last edited on 10:39pm Feb 3 2014)

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Posts: 461
Rosa stayed silent while the burly blacksmith packed up some of the lubricant in a jar. The man reminded her a bit of her father; at least, the nicer part of him before he left. 

As the man handed her the jar Rosa shook her head to clear the thoughts. No need to be thinking like that again. She thanked the man and briskly walked out to the street- then headed east toward the main plaza at a brisk jog.
 She continued east until she found the training grounds once again- then retraced her steps back to the clock tower where she hoped to find Grandfather Mo with his pocket watch.


11:03pm Feb 3 2014

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Posts: 1,584
[[He does but it's saved on my computer, not this stupid phone. So I'll post it tomorrow for everyone to see. In case you were curious, also, his header changes depending on his mood. All weather gray references]]

--- Overcast Skies ---

There didn't seem to be many kinds of people here. Just people who didn't really know how to wield a sword yet. They weren't really used to attacking anything other than the dummies... or even nothing at all. They could hardly hold it up for the most part. He had been like that to for the better part of yesterday. He had hated the idea of dragging the sword around with him through all the game ahead. Now he wasn't even going to let the thing leave his side. His hand gripped the top of the blade handle, the tip pressing into the dirt underneath his feet.

It had started with him first figuring out the right way to hold the sword. It had only been a day with the thing and he was beginning to grasp the concept of using it. It sounded corny but the whole extension of yourself thing was more than accurate. He had never picked up the sword in his life and it was already beginning to understand that. Maybe he was a fast learner or something but no one else here seemed to really grasp that.

Except maybe the blonde with the dummies. Her speed was better than most, better than him when he was last level, though he quickly readjusted that stat to be his strongest. However this game might line him up as, at least the trainers in this town were capable of helping write that wrong. Speed was more important to him than anything else. Speed to him out of this area, speed to get him home. No matter what people said about his name and the whole brother killing thing, the only person he would probably do anything for was Abel.

Yah, his parents were religious. Said that they weren't cursing him and his brother with murdered names, he was giving them a chance to give those names a new light. Whatever that meant. He had long since gotten past hating that and just accepted it. He could be the murderous brother, it didn't matter.

Still, the girl didn't seem like she was in the mood to battle... but honestly, if she was going to tell him no, then so be it. He didn't really care. All he was doing was trying to get better.

Sniffing slightly, he pulled the cloak in closer to himself and lifted his sword off the ground, pulling it up so it rested over his shoulder and pressed against the back of his neck. The cold steel was still heavy to him but his strength had gone up with that one level and it wasn't as hard to carry anymore. If he had tried to carry this weapon as a a level one rather than a level two, he probably wouldn't have been able to more than drag it across the ground.

He didn't remove his hood even as he walked up to the girl and spoke. He always been kind of pointed when it came to social skills so almost as soon as he approached, he stated his request. "Care for a duel?" There was a accent in his voice. Possibly British though it couldn't be determined just by those four little words. His free hand was hidden behind the edge of his cloak. Essentially, the only thing that could be seen about him was the black cloak and the sword.

Of course, if you were nosy, you could also see his name and level above his head.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

6:18am Feb 4 2014

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Posts: 735
When the stranger approached her and asked for a Duel, Vyn smiled and pushed herself from her perch. Perceptive as she was, she browsed the player (as there was no way this could have been an NPC) and fixed upon his health bar. "I'm up for that Cain..." She responded openly. "Provided you don't over abuse you level 2-ness. Just a level can mean alot, and that sword of your, aint it summin? Buuut..." She combed her messy bangs." I am up for a challenge. Lead the way sir!"

Was it bad that she had used a blade before? Of course she didn't go around wielding a sword on City streets irl, but it would be a lie to say she had never used a knife in a brawl. The concept of holding something to extend your reach was the same, but in reality (virtual or not) a sword was very different, heavier, longer... and she loved it. 

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

6:51am Feb 4 2014

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Posts: 2,315
"Do you think I could borrow one of the horses then? I can pay of course, it would just make the journey faster. Also, how far is it, and what's the best way to get there?" Shadly finished. She hadn't explored the south yet.

((I'm going to be embarassed if it's like five feet away from me xD))


7:30am Feb 4 2014 (last edited on 7:31am Feb 4 2014)

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Posts: 1,584

--- Overcast Skies ---

Perceptiveness got nothing to do with it. He already was well aware how rude it would be to actually look at another players name, let alone their level. Thankfully, levels only showed when you were new but that didn't mean he just wanted some chick going in and knowing things about him simply because they were feeling like a nosy person. Still, what could you do about it.  The scowl on Cain's face, visible even through the shadows of his cloak, should be enough to let the girl know that looking at other peoples levels was pretty rude. Or at least, he found it rude. Maybe other people didn't.

Either way, his eyes glanced over at the trainer who was standing close by, motioning to him with the hand under his cloak to place the quest between himself and the girl. It was obvious that Cain had done this before and the trainer was used to it since it hardly took a second for the quest screen to pop up in front of Cain and the girl.

Win one Duel
xp 50

When you were at level one, fifty xp seemed like a heck of a lot. Now, it seemed like he would have to get a ton of 50xp quests to reach the next level. Course, he had all his life to do it, right? Shaking his head, he pressed his finger across the accept button and motioned again at his screen, sliding across one of the pages till he found what he was looking for. Specifically, the request for duel button. He pressed on the icon that seemed to read closest to him, hoping it was the girl since he wasn't going to be the rude guy who looked at her name, and stepped back away from her when he saw that it was.

"You can't kill someone in town so feel free to go crazy," He warned, moving his sword off his shoulder and holding it to his right side, holding it out slightly as he used his free hand to accept the duel request that came up on his own screen. "First down to one hit point wins this kind of match."

[[ALSO, will reply as system as soon as my phone charges. it's basically dead]]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

8:31am Feb 4 2014 (last edited on 8:31am Feb 4 2014)

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Posts: 735
Vyn shrugged off the scowl Cain gave her from beneath his hooded face when she had addressed him by his taken name. She had done nothing wrong in her eyes. If anything, he, who was obviously more advanced with that swanky sword mounted on his back, Should have introduced himself, but what ever.
Win one Duel
xp 50

Read on the screen as they passed the trainer.  She accepted. Taking her position parallel to the grey hooded fella, she grasped the hilt of her blade with her left hand (as our Vyn was a lefty) and drew it from it's scabbard. Accepting the dual, a countdown timer began above the pair. Clicking her neck from side to side, The young woman looked her blade up and down and then at her ominous opponent's to compare. Where did he even get something like that in two days?

Taking her stance with blade back at her right side, Vyn waited for the timer to fall down to 0.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois
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