3:11pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi moved and lay next to him. "They only people in my pride who thought me changing was cool was my parents everyone else hated it from the start. When it came to leaving they cant select who goes but they sure can hint that they want you gone." She said to him laying her head on her paws while looking up at him. "The venom in your fangs must be useful but does it say in the food or leave?" She asked him curious about him. If she wanted venom in her fangs she would have to considerate really hard and it takes a lot of energy to keep only one part of your body in one shape its easier to just fully change but a small snake cant take on a Antelope so she would be better off staying who she is and killing them.
3:18pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 426
((ahha i didnt even notice that until you said Dai XD))
It took a moment for the volume to adjust to her frail eardrums. it seemed more often than not everything about Mir had become frail in some form or fashion. She wasnt used to this, she was strong,she was smart. It was true though, what he had said. For the last month Mir had caught prey that could barely walk let alone outrun her, that is when she could find it.
She didnt much fancy being told how ill she looked. She knew she wasnt in the best shap, but horrible. Well, fine if thats what he thought. She want much to argue now she was tired and her belly hurt. The water was nice but it didnt hit bottom. Her eyes were half shut just peering out at him as she countered, almost strained to speak the words. " If you were ever so kind, i would appreciate that."
Try as she may there was no ignoring the pain in her stomach, and the toll it would have on her body. She would be lucky to be well again ever, she thought to herself. She lay down mostly collapsing into down position on her shaking legs, she watched him warily. Still very unsure of the stranger and her new surroundings
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
3:20pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 709
"That's sad, Kazu. My venom is only toxic in the bloodstream. It's harmless when ingested so even though my venom is in the blood of an animal as long as you don't bite your tongue or cheek you will be safe. I don't really use the venom in my fangs to hunt more to kill in dire emergency. I am immune to my own venom though." Sidka explained.
Sidka, was full and laid next to Kazumi. He pawed her ear playfully.
"So, you can change into anything?" Sidka asks curiously
3:26pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi giggled and pawed his paw back. "You name it I can turn into it well as long as I know what it looks like anyway" She said laughing. "If someone describes what it looks like then sure I can" She said before headbutting him playfully. She really liked Sidka but she had a small feeling that he was a females male and would try to charm every female he would see. She didn't want to get too close to him just to be hurt when he left to go flirt with another female but she couldn't help her feeling about him.
3:29pm Mar 3 2014
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Nova shook his head. This lioness or whatever they were called, was going to be rather troublesome, but he didn't want to let her just die out here. She was about ready to collapse. She could probably barely catch any prey, let along outrun something like an elephant or rhino should they feel threatened. He sighed.
"No trouble. Just.. stay here.. I can't lug things around here. There are too many animals out here that would love to take any meals from me."
He made his way to the other side of the stream where he knew there were animals with large amounts of meat on them. He purred and walked towards the plains and sunk low. He needed to get to them. His blue/gray coat didn't exactly blend in, but he was fast enough to catch most things. He growled and pounced as soon as an antelope's ear perked in his direction.
3:52pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 426
Mir watched as the Tiger found his way to the animals that dared hang around so close to a predator. Was that normal here? She couldnt be sure. She herself was a night hunter and quite skilled when she was in better health. She was adept to fishing, hunting on the ground, she had even snagged monkeys out of the trees before.
She felt like sucH a bother, having to rely on someone else. A total stranger at that, what had life come to for her? This was on the verge of pathetic. She grunted and heaved herself up and slunk into some weeds, concentrating very hard to match the color as she lowered herself a bit more gracefully than before. Her amber eyes shining out from behind the blades of grass. The soft shade was welcome after her dip in the stream, she almost allowed herself to relax.
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
3:54pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 130
I am a wolf hear me howl! Awoooo Me:who put this silver ring in the that i picked up?Peridot:it was me Me:so that means we are engaged now?Peri:yes a few mins later:me:fine i will marry you.IM ENGAGED TO A GEMSTONE AND HER NAME IS PERIDOT.Gemstone x a Wolf OTP offical on res.
3:58pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 5,542
Nova growled and tackled a rather large antelope to the ground, sinking his canine's into the neck. He stayed on it until it stopped it struggling. He lifted his head, growling at the other antelope that came closer. He lashed out, his stubby tail flicked and he grabbed the animal. He dragged it to the stream and padded across. He dragged the animals back over the river and dropped it in front of the grass.
"Dunno where you went, but it's here. Have your fill.."
he made his way back to the stream where he took laps of water, washing the bloody mess from his jaw.
4:04pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 709
"Oh,Kazu." Sidka said playfully after being headbutted. Sidka felt connected to Kazumi in a strange way. He knew she was different from other females he has flirted with. He knew by the way he always stared into her eyes. He liked her but was afraid to admit that. Sidka was afraid with him be a females male he would break her heart if she ever fell for him.
4:09pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked at him before smiling and headbutting him again and getting up and running off "Try and catch me Sidka" She said laughing as she ran. She was running and turning going into bushes before changing her fourm into one of a old baboon playing around with some coconuts picking them up and throwing them to the side waiting to see if Sidka would know it was her or if she could lead him off her trail so she can run the way she came.
4:11pm Mar 3 2014 (last edited on 5:06pm Mar 3 2014)
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Posts: 426
(( i will not be able to post replies after 7 pm today central time zone.))
"Thank you" it was all Mir could manage to blurt out. Her pelt changing from the shades of green back to black. It was much to hard to concentrate when the smell of blood tickled her nostrils. She returned herself to standing position and tore into the beast with gusto. She didnt mind looking a mess as the blood stained her maw and trickled into the grass below.
She chewed the flesh and watched him drink. What an odd looking beast she thought to herself. His pelt was a bluey-gray that blended with the tones of the stream. She flicked her tail back and forth happy for once in a long time. "I'm Mirembe" she said softly picking her head up and gazing at him curiously.
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
5:00am Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 130
ok let me try this again.. Name: Midnight
Species: wolf
Desc. color changes can happen most a black wolf with a star pattern on her star pattern is limegreen in her black color form
Ability: to be known Personality: to be known
Additonal Information: she was an orphan, was left on her own so she may be stubborn cause she was used to being alone and wasnt really supported she carries some things around that are her prized possesion
I am a wolf hear me howl! Awoooo Me:who put this silver ring in the that i picked up?Peridot:it was me Me:so that means we are engaged now?Peri:yes a few mins later:me:fine i will marry you.IM ENGAGED TO A GEMSTONE AND HER NAME IS PERIDOT.Gemstone x a Wolf OTP offical on res.
8:45am Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 709
((Good job Ani. Go ahead and start your journey))
10:03am Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 5,406
((what about your post Dai?))
11:20am Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 709
((Gosh darnit I thought I had posted. I hate my computer sometimes.))
Quickly, Sidka tried to follow Kazumi but soon lost sight of her. Sidka tried to trace where she went. Then he went through the bushes and saw a baboon playing with a coconut.
"Ugh, it's just a baboon." Sidka said annoyed. Putting his muzzle to the ground he tried to sniff for Kazumi. All Sidka smelt was baboon but something was different. He knew the scent but it was partially masked. That sly girl Sidka thought. Sidka, pretended not to know and get kept sniffing the air as he slowly walked by the baboon. Once his backside was close enough he quickly wrapped his tail around the baboon. Sidka smirked.
11:28am Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi gasped before turning back into herself the shock loosing her concentration in the shock. "How did you know?" She asked him looking at him then his tail. "She wanted to blush at his tail being around her but kept reminding herself about him being a females male but again couldn't help feeling warm inside.
She was sure she had done everything to act like it wasn't her before thinking it through but still couldn't tell what she did wrong for him to find her.
11:36am Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 709
"Your scent. You really smelled like a baboon but some of your scent was still there. I would've been fooled it I hadn't sniffed for you. Don't worry you are really good." Sidka says letting Kazumi go but not before brushing his tail under her chin. Sidka then pawed Kazumi's ear.
11:41am Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi blushed and laughed "Yeah ok i'll have to work on that" She said laughing before pawing his paw away from her ear smiling. She then got up and moved brushing herself against him before hitting him with her tail and jogging off with a smirk on her face. That will teach him to make her blush she thought with a smirk as she pranced off happily.
11:53am Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 709
Sidka blushed as Kazumi brushed against him but was shattered when he was hit with her tail. Sidka, galloped behind her.
"Kazu, wait. We can't spend all day fooling around. I don't mean to jump the gun and we only just met but we need to find someplace to live. Then we can play all we want." Sidka says.
12:01pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked at Sidka and nodded. "Yeah we should as far as I've seen this area is free so lets look for a cave" She said to him blushing a bit thinking about what he might of meant by play and hoped her mind wasn't just being dirty. She began to look around hoping to see anything that looked like a cave or some shadows that might be hiding a cave.
After looking she could see some shadows that looked like a cave. "Whats that over there?" She said looking at Sidka before looking back at the shadows hoping that it was a cave to sleep in.