12:10pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 709
"I don't know. I'll go check it out."Sidka says walking closer. Walking closer to the shadowy area Sidka moved the vines that were covering a cave. As Sidka walked inside he noticed there was two hyenas occupying the cave. Sidka slowly backed up but stepped on a twig. The Hyenas ears perked up and they snarled at him. Sidka tried to run but a hyena clawed his backside.
"Kazumi! Help!" Sidka screamed
12:17pm Mar 4 2014
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Kazumi ran over and jumped in the cave quickly turning into a rhino and charging at the Hyenas. She know that most animals wouldn't try to attack a fully grown Rhino in case they where trampled on or got stabbed by the horn. She moved her head side to side to get the hyenas away from Sidka and stands in between them so they couldn't hurt him any more. She didn't know if she should try and run them off or let Sidka back up and run before she left with him.
"Sidka what do we do? I can maybe run them off but i don't know if we should or not." She said to him making sure to keep her horn low and them away from Sidka.
12:23pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 709
Sidka, got up ignoring the bleeding wounds on his backside.
"Let's just go. They're just protecting themselves. Leave them be." Sidka responded. Sidka slowly began to wak out the cave but as he moved more blood spurted out of his wounds. ((was that too graphic?))
12:32pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 5,406
((naa it wasn't))
Kazumi waited until he was out then moved outside backwards before changing into an elephant and picking Sidka up so they could get away quickly. Once they where far from the cave and close to water Kazumi used her trunk to slowly wash out Sidkas wound and changing normal after the water was gone. She then moved closer to him and started to lick his wounds to make sure they where really clean and her mother told her that licking a wound clean is better and makes it Heal faster and better, either that was just her mum or not she decided to try it anyway.
12:35pm Mar 4 2014 (last edited on 11:32am Mar 9 2014)
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Posts: 51
Name: Vitari Species: originally sabertooth Desc. light brown with dark brown spots, short front teeth, crystal blue eyes, softish fur, short tail and ears. Ability: can transfer soul into another creatures body, body must be dead. Can heal quickly Personality: protective, lost, shy, Additonal Information: she has flash backs a lot
12:38pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 709
Sidka, tried his best not to twinge in pain. Sidka breathed deeply and softly spoke. "Thank you. Your ability really comes in handy. What you did back there was brave."
12:48pm Mar 4 2014
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Kazumi stopped licking Sidka's "Well i heard you shout for help and i didn't think all i know is that i had to save you." She said blushing as she began to clean his wounds again before deeming them clean. She looked at the wound and could see that thankfully it wasn't that bad but it bled like he was about to die which had scared her more thinking she might loose him.
1:04pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 51
"Vitari, hurry up!' Tamono called as vitari broke into a run. Her eyes twinkled with mischief as she leapt onto her brother's back and batted at his ears playfully. Tamono rolled over, squishing vitari underneath him. vitari squealed and wriggled out from underneath him. vitari broke into a run, running away from tamono. Tamono let out an ear shattering growl and gave chase. He was just about to pounce on her when he heard a rumbling sound coming from the mountains. "Avalanche!" he yelled and ran away from the mountain. Vitari turned around and saw a wave of white coming at her. the last thing she heard was "Vitari run!" before the white wave engulfed her.
1:12pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 51
*some million years later* Vitari woke in darkness. she got up and look around. realizing she is in a cave, she decides to clean herself. She was about to lick her coat when she realized she was all bones.... She watched her organs being grown back. 'interesting' was all she thought of this occurrence. She took a nap, waiting for her body to grow back....
1:27pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 306
Name: Exstacy nick name: Ex
Species: Mix of Clouded leopard and Liger ( shapeshifter)
Desc. Stands 13 feet tall on hind legs, Black with two sharp red marks under each eye, Left eye is white blue right eye is glowing crimson red, six jagged, red, faded stripes down each leg, and the monster symbol in red on left shoulder, Medium length silky yet thick fur, Tail drags the ground.
Ability: Stealthy hunter, Good to lead a pride if ever needed, Strong and able yet gentle and caring, very defensive, territorial and can be highly aggressive when approached by another in the same manner. Can be very relaxed even lazy, and playful as all get out
Personality: Strong and able yet gentle and caring, very defensive, territorial and can be highly aggressive when approached by another in the same manner. Can be very relaxed even lazy, and playful as all get out
Additonal Information: Can be overly aggressive and stubborn, Though very strong he holds a sensitive interior, growls a lot, can be sweet as a kitten
1:56pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 51
Vitari wakes up and sees body is fully grown back... Gets up and heads for cave door, thinking the pack is outside. Stops by cave opening and is startled to see mile and miles of savannah.... no snow in sight... Freezes, no knowing what to do...
2:05pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 709
"Well still thank you." Sidka said gratefully. Sidka stumbled to his feet. He dizzy from the blood he lost but knew they had to keep moving. "I need some water do you know where we can find some, Kazu?" Sidka asks.
2:12pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked behind him and giggled. "Nope i have no idea." She said giggling more thinking how he must of been out of it to not feel her putting water on his wounds when she was an elephant but she put that down to the blood loss he might not have known what was water and what was her licking but she wanted to see how long it took him to realize that there was a lake behind him.
2:27pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 709
Sidka looked at his surroundings. "Oh, there's a lake right there. Well that was easy." Sidka merrily skipped to the lake and began drinking. Sidka closed his eyes for a moment enjoying the fresh water and then was startled by something moving in the water. Sidka realized it was a hippo. The hippo snapped at Sidka's muzzle but he was quick to move. Sidka ran but the hippo got out the water and began to charge. Sidka, saw a lone tree and ran for it. The hippo was inches away from him when Sidka grabbed the tree used the momentum and soun around and landed on the hippo. Sidka, filled his canines with toxic venom and bit hard into the hippos neck. Slowly as the venom went into the hippo's blood the hippo's pace grew slower. Finally the hippo fell over sending Sidka rolling off.
2:31pm Mar 4 2014
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Kazumi jumped up and ran over to him. "Sidka Sidka are you ok?" She asked him worried looking at him trying to see if he was hurt more or if his old wound had started bleeding again. When she could find nothing more she sighed relived and brushed her head against his purring before realising what she was doing and backing up blushing "Oh i'm sorry i was just really worried" She said to him blushing more.
2:32pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 51
Vitari recovers from shock and takes in the landscape. Scraggly trees dotted the ground while small patches of grass sprouted from the ground. Vitari, on hearing her stomach growl and deciding she needed food, started off in the direction the grass looked the greener. She was traveling for about half an hour when she saw a lake. Vitari was drinking water when she heard voices. She poked her nose out from the reeds and looked across the lake. There where two very strange colored cats. One had stripes and was licking the pelt of the other one. Vitari looked closer and saw that the stripeless cat was bleeding.
2:41pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 130
Midnight comes from the shadows and sits on a rock wondering to herself where she is and why she is in this particular area but she just stays put and looks at one of her possessions.
I am a wolf hear me howl! Awoooo Me:who put this silver ring in the that i picked up?Peridot:it was me Me:so that means we are engaged now?Peri:yes a few mins later:me:fine i will marry you.IM ENGAGED TO A GEMSTONE AND HER NAME IS PERIDOT.Gemstone x a Wolf OTP offical on res.
2:42pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 709
Sidka, got up and rubbed his body against Kazumi. "It's alright I understand."Sidka said begining to purr. After a few seconds Sidka moved away. Sidka sniffed the air and caught the scent of another female. Sidka smirked but remembered Kazumi. Sidka could not betray her. He was growing more and more fond of her. He would not flirt with this female. Sidka, caught sight of this weird looking female. "Hey, Kazu, Look over there."
2:45pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 51
As vitari was watching the strange cats, the stripe-less one looked in her direction. Quickly, she sank back into the reeds, not wanting to be noticed.
2:49pm Mar 4 2014
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi blushed and looked to where he was looking, seeing a figure in the bush she tilted her head and sniffed the air. "Another female. Should we say hi?" She asked him watching the female while moving to sit down in case they where on her territory she didn't want to look more threatening and getting attacked.
On the outside she looked calm but on the inside she was wondering if Sidka was going to act the way he did when he first met her and start flirting with her she had seen a slight smirk on his face and wondered why at first until she smelt the female. Now she knew why.