The Big Cats

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2:50pm Mar 4 2014

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Nova gave her a tiger like smirk. He padded over to her and laid down in the shade of the little grass patch. He yawned and licked his canines. He gave a small purr and laid his head down on his crossed paws. He wasn't scared of other big cats. He as pretty large himself. He closed his icy blues and continued to lick his teeth.

"The name's Geonova. Call me Nova. Now, tell me, how are you so thin? I mean.. you're a big cat, im assuming."

He was rather confused. Normallybig cats were huge and some bulky. He was. They could take down prey and stalk their prey like nothing. He ssighed.


2:55pm Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 709
"I think we should but I don't know she looks scared. Let's find out and see." 

Sidka looked at Kazumi. Sidka, hoped she didn't see him smirk. Sidka decided to come to terms with and realized he liked her. 


2:56pm Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 51
Vitari stiffened as the striped cat looked her way, terror growing inside her. She wished her brother, Tamono, was here to protect her. That was his job, wasn't it?


2:59pm Mar 4 2014

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Kazumi looked at him and nodded. "Yeah maybe only one of should go first so we don't scare her too much." She said to him she was thinking if he was to go over there then she wouldn't have to watch him flirt and it gave him some alone time with the new female as well. She didn't want to get hurt and knew if she was over there when he started it would really hurt, She really liked him, this way in her head she thought if he started flirting it would hurt less.


3:02pm Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 426
After chewing another mouthful Mir thought how to answer. She had not of course spoken to anyone recently let alone about what felt like something that was personal. Not to mention Mir wasnt really sure what had happened to her homelands.

"Well there just wasnt any food" she looked away. He amber eyes become flat once more. She was still for a moment. "Everything just stopped growing, like a sickness took over our lands." That part hurt her heart, our lands there wasnt any our anymore. There wasnt really anything left, except for Mir. Just a big black bag sack of bones, sittin around getting help from strange Tigers.

"I am healthy for my kind you could say" she laughed a little, first time in a while. "My uncle he was a beast a good 300 lbs,he..." her voice caught.

✿by Lake

✿by Sage

3:08pm Mar 4 2014 (last edited on 3:12pm Mar 4 2014)

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Posts: 709
((this is for vitari not ani))Sidka arches his eyebrows but then smiled at Kazumi. 
"Alright, I won't be long." Sidka reassured Kazumi. Sidka slowly approached the area where she was. Sidka caught sight of her pelt. "Hello? I'm not going to hurt you. Won't you come out?" Sidka asked in a playful tone.


3:12pm Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 51
Vitari steps out of the reeds, her saber teeth glinting in the sunlight. She sits in front of the stipe-less cat and starts licking her paw, trying to hide the terror inside her.


3:19pm Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 130
Midnight gets off the rock and takes everything with her and makes her way towards Mir(call thats you right?)
"Hi there uh im Midnight and can you show me around here do you think?".

I am a wolf hear me howl! Awoooo Me:who put this silver ring in the that i picked up?Peridot:it was me Me:so that means we are engaged now?Peri:yes a few mins later:me:fine i will marry you.IM ENGAGED TO A GEMSTONE AND HER NAME IS PERIDOT.Gemstone x a Wolf OTP offical on res.

3:22pm Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 709
Sidka, was a little bit shocked. This cat was really different from the others he's seen. 
"Hello, my name is Sidka. You don't look like you are from around here. Tell me, what's your name?" Sidka asked resisiting the urge to say sweet cheeks.


3:23pm Mar 4 2014 (last edited on 3:27pm Mar 4 2014)

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Posts: 5,542
Nova was by no means a stupid tiger. He knew he struck a cord in her system, whether it was bad or good, he didn't know until she started to talk. She seemed homesick. Like everything was pretty much gone. It seemed that way from the way she spoke of it. He lifted his head from his paws and looked to the black panther. He felt saddened by her tale. She seemed alone. The drought that had plagued all the lands had actually claimed a couple victims. He was about to speak when he saw something approaching them. He knew this panther couldn't defend herself, so he stood to his full height, head low and ears pulled back. That was, until he saw that it was a smaller anime. He relaxed and looked to her. 

She was small, thought she seemed to be carrying something around with her. He titled his head a bit to the side, wanting to know what it is. He blinked. She was strange. Most animals were weary around him, but she seemed to just walk right up. He laid down once more. He noticed right away that this wasn't a cat, but a dog of sorts. Wolf maybe? He didn't really care. She was still smaller than he was.

"Where are you from?" he asked the newcomer, Midnight.


3:27pm Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 51
"umm... m-m-my n-name is v-v-vitari" stammered Vitari. She then realized that the cat in front of her was male and the striped cat was female. Neither of them had protruding teeth. Suddenly, her curiosity overcame her terror. "What are you?" she asked Sidka.


3:31pm Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 709
Sidka knew she was nervous. "I'm a lion, what might you be?" Sidka asked tilting his head to the side.


3:33pm Mar 4 2014

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As Kazumi watched them she couldn't hear them but just feeling that he was flirting was making her feel hurt and even though she thought it would hurt less it didn't all she could hope was he wasn't, even if he was it looked like the Female was more curious so that made her hope upon hope he was just talking to her.


3:34pm Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 51
"I'm a saber-toothed tiger" Vitari responded. "Where am I" she asked Sidka, "and where is all the snow and ice?"


3:36pm Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 130
She looks at the tiger and notices that he is talking to her
"Uhh i dont know last i knew.. i was... i just dont remember"
Midnight sighs and lays down.

I am a wolf hear me howl! Awoooo Me:who put this silver ring in the that i picked up?Peridot:it was me Me:so that means we are engaged now?Peri:yes a few mins later:me:fine i will marry you.IM ENGAGED TO A GEMSTONE AND HER NAME IS PERIDOT.Gemstone x a Wolf OTP offical on res.

3:38pm Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 709
"A saber-tooth tiger? Never heard of that before. You are in Africa. Snow and ice? There's never snow or ice hre. It's hot in the day and cold in the night." Sidka said confused.


3:42pm Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 51
"But...but... it was here only yesterday! Along with my pack...Where is my pack?" Vitari asked," and my brother...the avalanche..."


4:00pm Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 5,542
Nova shrugged and let the wolf just lay there. He really didn't care so long as she didn't attack the cat next to him. She was too weak to do much apparently. He yawned and laid his head back down on his paws. He honestly didn't know what to do about the whole thing. He had a panther too weak to walk and a different creature completely. He licked his canines.

"Well.. we gotta move. The African savanna gets cold at night and I rather not be out looking for a cave or something to sleep in." 


4:06pm Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 130
She looks at him
"May i come with you? i have no where to go really and.."
Midnight collapses right in front of Nova.

I am a wolf hear me howl! Awoooo Me:who put this silver ring in the that i picked up?Peridot:it was me Me:so that means we are engaged now?Peri:yes a few mins later:me:fine i will marry you.IM ENGAGED TO A GEMSTONE AND HER NAME IS PERIDOT.Gemstone x a Wolf OTP offical on res.

4:24pm Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 426
Eyeing the small canine, Mir was a bit taken aback. The little creature had just sautnered up to 2 apex predators as though it was a sunny walk through the forest. The black creature carried things with her, which mir found a trifle odd but she wasnt one to judge too harshly. "Dont worry little one, you can come with us."  it was obvious she was very taken with the young ones. 

Mir roared/yawned a bit, her pelt and muscles rippling in tender shades of green for only a moment as she did so. She hefted her self up on all fours and nudged the pup in front of her. Lifting her head she looked to Nova. "Is this your territories, or should we be moving on?"

✿by Lake

✿by Sage
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