The Big Cats

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2:49pm Mar 8 2014

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Posts: 51
Vitari finished her fish and quickly buried the remains. She looked around and chuckled when she saw Kazumi sticking her tongue out. "Don't like it? Well, I should have guessed you guys have never tried fish before, cause' you don't know how to fish. I could teach you guys if you want," Vitari said to Kazumi and Sidka. She sat down and started cleaning the fish blood from her light brown paws.


3:13pm Mar 8 2014

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Posts: 5,542
Nova yawned and continued on. He hated the hot sun and really didn't like walking for long distances. He'd prefer to swim. Find a nice underwater cave and sleep there. Kind of like a fish. He shook his head and looked up in the trees. There were monkeys that just seemed to eye them as they walked. Then again, when did you see a tiger and black leopard walking through here together. He growled up at them and then flopped down in the shade of the tree. He laid his head down on his paws and looked at the girl. 

"Well.. I'm straight tired... We can continue in a bit. I can feel the heat my fur trapped..." 


3:25pm Mar 8 2014

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Posts: 709
"I would rather you teach us later, right now I'm going to look for something we can lay on." Sidka says running off into the forest. ((I owuld put more here but not atm))


3:38pm Mar 8 2014

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Posts: 51

"ok," Vitari replied. She watched Sidka go off into the forest. Suddenly, the landscape was changing, getting colder, snow and ice formed on the ground. Kazumi and Sidka disappeared. She saw her sister, Anika. "Catch me if you can!" Anika exclaimed running away from her. Vitari broke into a run, trying to catch up to her sister. Her legs felt like rock, slowing her down. Suddenly, they where in the middle of a frozen lake. Anika was frozen stiff, cracks forming in the ice around her. The ice gave way, and Anika fell into the freezing waters. "Anika! Anika!" Vitari screamed.



3:42pm Mar 8 2014

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Posts: 709
(( at the moment ))


4:25pm Mar 8 2014

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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi watched as Vitari suddenly started to run off shouting at someone she couldn't see. "Wait Vitari." She shouted as she ran after her. She looked in a daze and if she was in a daze then that could be dangerous if something was to attack her. While running after her she quickly changed into an elephant and grabbed Vitari around the middle with her trunk and lifting her up in the air. "Vitari wake up wake up" She said to her trying to get her out of the daze.


5:11pm Mar 8 2014

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Posts: 426
It was a close call, Mir almost ran into Nova since she wasnt paying much attention. It had become a steady right foot left foot march to her. The sun had beat down all afternoon, and she was glad for a rest. 

Tenderly she sat the pup down, her maw felt gritty and dry from the awkward carry on. She padded over to the bit of stream and lapped quietly for a while. Her maw dripping with water she lifted her head and sauntered back over to her very odd group.

She lowered herself slowly onto the green shoots rising about them. A  bit of shade flecked over her hind quarters, her ears twitching in the faint breeze. "So..where were you saying you were from?" she asked Nova and began to groom her paw.

✿by Lake

✿by Sage

5:52pm Mar 8 2014

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Posts: 51
Vitari woke. Someone was screaming Anika, over and over again. She was still a little dazed from her nightmare, although she couldn't recall what happened in it. Suddenly, she noticed she was the one screaming Anika repeatedly. She stopped screaming and looked down. Her legs hung like stones as she dangled from... from what? She looked behind her and was shocked to see a furless mammoth. This strange mammoth was holding her in the air with its trunk. She went limp immediately, hoping the mammoth would think she was harmless. It took at least half of her pack to hunt mammoth. It was simply impossible for one saber to take down a full grown mammoth, even a small, furless one like this one.


6:09pm Mar 8 2014

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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi watched as Vitari went limp in her trunk. "Vitari are you ok?" She asked her putting her down and changing back to normal. She wondered what made her go limp so quick when she had seen her.


6:10pm Mar 8 2014

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Posts: 5,542
Nova yawned and stood up to drink from the little stream nearby. He even stepped into it and rolled around in the water, laying on his back. He watched as the dust and dirt sailed down the river. He flipped back over and stood up, shaking his fur out. The water spraying everywhere. He padded back to the grooup and slipped back down so he was laying on his side. He looked at Mir.

"Well... Ah... I don't actually know anymore. I tried to get away from my family. Tigers are solitary animals anyways. There wasn't much stopping me from leaving."


6:18pm Mar 8 2014

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Posts: 51
Vitari stared wide-eyed as she witnessed the furless mammoth put her down and change into Kazumi. "w-w-wha-what j-j-ju-just h-hap-happened?" Vitari stammered. She wondered why this occurrence was freaky but watching her body grown back was not.


6:47pm Mar 8 2014

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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked at her and tilted her head. "Well you had this dazed look in your eyes and then you took off calling after someone that wasn't there who knows what might of attacked you while you where dazed. Its dangerous on your own." She said to her tilting her head as she watched her keeping alert in case it happened again.


6:53pm Mar 8 2014

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Posts: 709
Sidka went into the forest looking for nothing. He lied just so he could get away. He was upset. Kazumi, must think he likes vitari. The way he acts. He really hoped she didn't get the wrong idea. Sidka traveled deeper in the forest and he went deeper in thought.


9:54pm Mar 8 2014

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Posts: 51
"oh...." Vitari exclaimed. "But... you were a furless mammoth... H-How?" Vitari asked. She was flabbergasted. It was simply impossible to change into another creature, much less a mutant one.


9:37am Mar 9 2014

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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked at her. "That was an elephant there's loads of them around here and i can turn into different animals." She said to her tilting her head. "Look there's a herd of them over there." She said pointing to the herd of elephants that where walking around. She then began to think of what a mammoth looked like it looked like an elephant but with hair the images she thought of made her want to laugh because of how they looked.


9:57am Mar 9 2014

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Posts: 426
Mir watched as he Tiger played in the water, rolling about and shaking it out of his fur. She didnt even bother to avoid the spray from his shaking. She yawned a bit as they all lulled in the afternoon shade, her ears flicking at the gnats. She really disliked gnats,she did but suppose they couldnt be helped so near the water as they were.

She thought for a moment. Didnt know where he was from? How strange maybe he has suffered some sort of memory loss, the little pup also didnt know much of her past. Though true it was for jaguars to be solitary, Mir and her family had still lived within close distances. Each females territory has touched anothers. "Leave your parents?" she dipped her head an looked at the wolf pup. "Is that you too love? leaving your parents?"

✿by Lake

✿by Sage

10:39am Mar 9 2014

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Posts: 51
"wow! I had no idea you could change into other creatures," Vitari exclaimed, amazed. She looked in the direction Kazumi was pointing. There were a pack of elephants walking around, only a few hundred yards from where she and Kazumi were sitting. " Don't you think this is dangerous, sitting very close to an Elephant herd?" Vitari asked Kazumi


10:41am Mar 9 2014

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Posts: 709
Sidka turned around and started to make his way back. He was almost out the forest and he could see Kazumi and Vitari talking. In the distance he saw a elephant starting to act like it was about to charge. No he thought. 


10:55am Mar 9 2014

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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked at them before opening her mouth and making the strangest noise heard to animal kind it sounded like thunder but more violent and if it was heard it normally meant that death followed it was the call of the strange creatures what walked like monkeys but had no fur or tail.

((She's talking about humans but the noise shes making is gunshot noise))


11:35am Mar 9 2014

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Posts: 51
Vitari was watching the elephants closely. They were very strange. They even acted differently than mammoths. Suddenly, a small male elephant broke from his heard and starting running at her and Kazumi. Kazumi started making this weird, thundering sound, which distracted the elephant. If they are anything like mammoths, that male won't let anything distract him.

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