The Big Cats

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7:16am Mar 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 426
((so sorry havnt been able to get on))

Mir nodded. How very strange it would be to go missing ones tail. She looked back at her own for a moment,and flicked it about. She thought she very much would be upset if that would have happened to her. Not that Mir was one to be concerned with looks,but it was an important piece of equipment was it not?

"Yes I suppose we have a ways to go still" she looked back behind them, and then at their present surroundings. She decided to match his stride now and pulled herself up alongside him. "We ought to find a nie cave, or a tree even" She didnt know much of Tigers climbing skills, but she herself had spent her fair share of nights in the tree tops. She settled into his pace and kept her eyes forward but alert. Who knows what could have been lurking out there.

✿by Lake

✿by Sage

8:32pm Mar 19 2014

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Posts: 5,542
Nova shrugged and contined to walk. His little tail flicking back and forth every so often. He sniffed the air and made sure that they were downwind of anything. He didn't smell anything so he trained his hearing to the next set of trees they were going to go through. He didn't hear anything so he continued. 

"A cave sounds nice. If not, then yeah, a tree would be fine, though there aren't that many high ones... Wouldn't be able to get away from predators."

He gave a small chuckle thinking about them trying to sleep on branches. It was hard when you were as big as he was. He continued on his way and sniffed every so often. 


11:32am Mar 20 2014

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Posts: 709
Sidka waited. "Maybe we should turn back. It could be hostile." Sidka suggested. He turned his gaze to where Vitari was looking and noticed the figure as well.


9:31pm Mar 20 2014 (last edited on 9:31pm Mar 20 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 51
"Do you think it will follow us though?" asked Vitari, every muscle in her body tensing. She kept staring at the figure, just in case it moved to attack her, kazumi, or sicka. 


11:15am Mar 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 709
Sidka tensed. "I don't but I think he knows we sense him. I have an idea." Sidka then walked to Kazumi's side. "Kazumi maybe you could turn into an elephant stomp the ground and make it all dusty. So with all the dust you could turn back to normal and we run where he can't see us."Sidka suggested in a hush tone.


2:11pm Mar 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 426
Mir nodded. She thought about how silly he would look sleeping in the tree tops. She smiled to herself, purring a bit. She herself probably appeared odd to most animals when she had passed out this way It was strange having company for once in such a long time. The silences were a bit awkward for her and she wasnt much sure what she should do or say.

"Have you been this way before?" she asked, as she padded along heavily. 
She squinted her eyes as the sunset was glaring right in her face. She disliked this time of day very much for this reason.

✿by Lake

✿by Sage
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