The Calm Before The Storm (Private between Drenn & SpiritDragon)

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7:41pm Feb 26 2013

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Posts: 4,873
She rubbed his shoulder with her hand and let out a sigh. "Life isn't always perfect like that though.." she sighed and looked up at him

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

6:41am Feb 27 2013

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Posts: 2,290
"I know...but one can always hope for it...hope for a better tomorrow."  He replied as he looked up at the ceiling.


6:31pm Feb 27 2013

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Posts: 4,873
[Okay... I'll be late replying most of the time... I am on practice for Soft Ball.. Sorry... BUT! I hope I make the team! <33]

She nodded and closed her eyes. "Yeah..."

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

6:36pm Feb 28 2013

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Posts: 2,290
(hey its fine.  i have work almost everyday so i understand)

He closed his eyes, listening to her breathing.  It was calm, just like her.  It even calmed him down.


7:15pm Mar 3 2013

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Posts: 4,873
[Thanks hun.]

Time seemed to freeze for a few minuets till she finally opened her eyes and looked up at him. "The worlds always on our back, I guess you we can say." she groaned with a shrug.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

7:11pm Mar 4 2013

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Posts: 2,290
He gave a quiet chuckle and nodded.  "Just wish sometimes it wasn't so."  He stretched and gave a yawn.  His four canine teeth showing, and were clearly longer than normal, the upper even more so.


7:58pm Mar 4 2013

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Posts: 4,873
She laughed a little and shifted unconfortabley as he yawned, showing his gigantic cannie like teeth. 

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

6:25pm Mar 5 2013

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Posts: 2,290
He moved to lay on his side, his eyes closing, and his breathing slowing.


6:28pm Mar 5 2013

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Posts: 4,873
She shifted around and moved over so he could do so. She then leaned back into the couch and rested her hand on his ankle. She let out a sigh then stood up and looked over to the dogs. She let out a cure word out under her breath and walked over to the door and into the kitchen.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

6:33pm Mar 5 2013

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Posts: 2,290
He opened an eyes and watched her, a small smile playing at his lips, before he tried to fall to sleep once more.  He had never felt so relaxed before in his life, and he loved it.


6:44pm Mar 5 2013

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Posts: 4,873
She soon came running back and tackled herself onto him and started laughing. "Don't go to sleep yet!" she laughed.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

4:32pm Mar 6 2013 (last edited on 6:00pm Mar 7 2013)

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Posts: 2,290
He grinned.  "And why is that...princess?"  He said laughing in turn.


4:57pm Mar 6 2013

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Posts: 4,873
"Uhh.." she mumbled and started to think. "Let me think of an excuse." she laughed and shrugged. "Because, your a prince, and you need a proper place." she giggled a little and smiled a little. "I have a guest room if you'd like."

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

6:01pm Mar 7 2013

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Posts: 2,290
He smiled and nodded.  "If you don't mind...I would like that very much."  He stood and stretched, yawning once more.  He liked this girl, thinking of her already like she was his younger sister.  He wanted to look out for her.  To protect her.


6:27pm Mar 7 2013

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Posts: 4,873
She smiled and pointed towards the room. "Just right around that corner." she explained with another smile. She then walked into the kitchen and down the steps.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

10:31pm Mar 8 2013

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Posts: 2,290
He entered the indicated room and looked around.  It was simple, yet cozy and inviting.  He smiled and plopped onto the nice plushy bed.  "So comfy."


6:46pm Mar 13 2013

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Posts: 4,873
She returned up the stairs and ploped down on the coutch. She let a sigh out and started watching TV.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

6:54pm Mar 13 2013

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Posts: 2,290
He slowly got up as he heard the tv.  He headed downstairs without a sound and stood watching both the girl and it.


6:59pm Mar 13 2013

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Posts: 4,873
She let out a sigh, deeply thinking to herself. History Channel, trying to uncover the vampires. Now that she knew they were real.. She begun to think even deeper.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

5:40pm Apr 9 2013

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Posts: 4,873

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
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