9:51pm Jul 1 2010 (last edited on 4:06pm Jul 3 2010)
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Posts: 464
In the forest shadows of the Eastern Hidden Islands, there lay many kinds of dark creatures waiting for their prey to fall in their bloody jaws of death. Many of these creatures are affected immensely if touched by a single ray of light which may rarely protrude from the thick, leafy tree-tops. Light hardly ever reaches this spot in which darkness lurks, and surrounded from the inside is but peaceful wolves which may bask in the moonlight at their wish in the nighttime. Wolf pups never go in the restricted, dark areas in the middle, except if they are brave enough to face death and leave this world of plenty in fear. If an adult wolf is as foolish to go in and seek the treasure somewhere in the shadows of death, they will never return... at least not alive. Merciless are these creatures of darkness, and only the bravest of the brave will defeat this evil. Yes, RedWolf, once again you are enveloped on these vines of destruction. Some are commended at your will. I hope you bring your smexy Axel wolfeh! Jk! xD Anyways, let's start these Sands of Destruction! An' ya' know teh rules! Bios: Thy name: Age: Gender: Thy Looks: Other info thou wish to say?: Thy Past (if desired): Wolves so far: ~Aki - Yuki ~Xellos - Yuki ~Zane - Kittywolf (Horo) ~Kosho - Kittywolf ~Yume - Kittywolf ~Johan - Yuki ~Akina - Twolf ~Saya - Twolf ~Yuki - Twolf

9:58pm Jul 1 2010
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Posts: 867
((yay! *looks at Yuki from the bushes with glowing, golden eyes* ))
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10:07pm Jul 1 2010 (last edited on 10:08pm Jul 1 2010)
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10:10pm Jul 1 2010
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Posts: 464
(( *anime sweat drop* Why don't you post your bio first? I'm having trouble finding the pics))
10:20pm Jul 1 2010 (last edited on 10:25pm Jul 1 2010)
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Posts: 464
Thy name:Aki Age:young adult Gender:female Thy Looks: (credit to creator)
Other info thou wish to say?:her personality is dark,sharp,quick-witted, and mysterious on the outside, but sweet, caring, and shy on the inside as if a wall of thorns was protecting the sweet rose she is inside Thy past (if desired):She was raised alongside bushes of black-petaled roses which emitted a seducing, sweet scent and were protected by a sharp wall of thorns. She grew up like those roses, herself like a black rose with thorns on the outside. Her mother was cruel and Aki had to protect herself from the harsh punishments her mother gave her. She ran away, never to dwell on her dark past, although she's still the same protected rose she was back then. ------------------- Thy Name:Xellos Age:young adult Gender:male Thy Looks: (credit to Tobi-fangirl from deviantart) Other info thou wish to say?:he can go from and to the astral plane in the bl ink of an eye Thy Past (if desired):... that's a secret!
10:36pm Jul 1 2010
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Posts: 867
Thy Name:Zane Age:young adult Gender:male Thy Looks: (credit to Wolf250 from deviantart)
Other info thou wish to say?:he's optimistic and open around other wolves. He's also protective :) Thy past (if desired): erm... he's not a phantom!
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10:37pm Jul 1 2010 (last edited on 10:38pm Jul 1 2010)
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Posts: 867
((well, you ended up posting your bio first! haha xD and Xellos is awesome!))
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10:43pm Jul 1 2010
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Posts: 464
((yep! :) also, are you only going to bring in smexy Axel wolfie, or do you have plans in your head I can't read?))
12:05pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 867
((maybe... :D why don't we start already?)) Zane walked towards the edge of the gr@ssy slope, rising his head and breathing in the fresh morning air. He looked around, searching for any sign of another wolf anywhere nearby, but to no success. His stomach growled for the second time and he sighed. I guess it wasn't my imagination... he thought to himself and lay beneath the light cover of the trees' light, but leafy, tops.
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12:31pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 867
((why don't we include anime people and make them half animal or something like that? I've got the perfect pic for mine ;3))
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12:49pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 464
((yeah, sure! you can make the bio skelly for this one))
1:49pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 867
Name:Kosho Age:14 wolfeh years Gender:female Your Looks: (human)
Any Interests?:flying around in her wolf form and running around in her human form Other stuff:She hardly changes into her wolf form, except if she is in danger or playing defense and she has two sharp wolf-like fangs as a human too.
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4:47pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 464
((mkay, so what if we make it so that any wolf that encounters The Hidden Springs in the middle of the dark depths of the forest would become half human, almost like a shapeshifter))
5:06pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 867
((okay, so considering she has wings and is about 2 human years old... she's pretty brave! So, she went in, aggressive-like and beat the flowers out of the dark creatures! mwahaha!)) "Ugh! I'm so tired I could sleep for a whole day and two nights!" Kosho whined as she trudged on, searching for any light that would seep through the thick leaves of the forest depths' roof. She was still in search for the way out, and also wary of the dark creatures all around her, waiting for a chance to pounce and leave no trace of her life. Well of course Kosho wasn't going to give up that easily, but she had been traveling in this dark-as-night place. She had an advantage though, and those were her wings, even though the area was too small for her to spread them out, she could create a dust flurry and blind the creatures, if they attacked her, for a little while so she could escape. "I really wish I could see light again!" she woofed half to herself.
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5:19pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 464
Aki surveyed the area she was on and stepped ahead. She caught the scent of mouse, but ignored it and moved on towards her den where no one was waiting. She stopped for a moment, thinking if she would catch prey or not and suggesting the idea of deer. She hadn't eaten the whole morning and was hungry, even though her last meal was a night ago. She could've hunted at night, but she was too tired from the day's whereabouts that she didn't feel like hunting. Anyways, no one is waiting for me, or will, back at the den, so why not? she thought to herself and slowly turned around, trotting back to the scent of mouse... or something else... Xellos sighed as he dangled his paws from the thick branch he was sitting on. He was pretty light for a wolf his size and could easily pounce on prey, killing it with one swift bite to the neck. He wasn't so hungry one moment that he could eat a tree the next, but for now, he was p*censored*ing time for himself, waiting for someone to do the work for him.
5:20pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 464
((for some reason, everyone here starts hungry))
5:41pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 867
((*yawns* even though I slept early yesterday, I want to bask in the sun like a cat... wow! call meh kittywolf)) Zane yawned and figured he'd take a nap beneath the cool shade. He was tired and just wanted to sleep, even though he was hungry. ((fail, I know, I'm just lazy...)) Hearing a yip, Kosho ran to where the sound came from, but on the way, she tripped and fell tumbling down a slope to the bottom where only muddy water welcomed her. She whimpered as she felt a deep pain zap through her hind leg and turned, just to find a small, dark creature biting onto her leg. Kosho got angry and shook the small creature off, turning her whole body around and leapt for the dark pup. Right when she was about to throw it down, she thought she saw a cute, helpless wolf pup in front of her and stopped. No...I'm just hallucinating!... she kept telling herself, but couldn't bring herself up to killing the thing, so she spread her wings wide to make herself look bigger, when she realized there was enough space around herself to flap and flex her wings. As soon as the dark creature fled, Kosho heard a small whimper beneath a bush and folded her wings, walking closer to the noise. She nosed through the bush until she found herself face to face with a helpless wolf pup. "Where'd you come from?" she woofed questioningly to it and it barked back. "Stubborn pup," Kosho mumbled as she took the pup in her jaws and spread her wings, flapping once or twice then flying off, taking a path that led towards light. ((I shall make another wolfie!))
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9:57pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 867
Name:Yume Age:6 wolf years (a little less than a human year) Gender:male Your Looks: (human)
Any Interests?:... not for the moment Other Stuff:he looks older than he is
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9:58pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 867
((all art credit to their respectful owners! :) ))
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10:26pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 464
((awesome!)) Xellos was undeniably close to where the dark creatures lay, but he cared nonetheless. He figured he could lure the dark creatures out into the sunlight whenever he got attacked and was at the edge of the area. Anyways, Xellos was dozing off as he heard flapping wings, but ignored it, figuring it was some sort of bird, but it was getting louder as time p@ssed. "Gah!" Aki stood startled as a dark creature bounded out of the shadows and attacked her. She got thrown to a nearby tree with tremendous force, but she regained her senses quickly. She swiftly got up and jumped to the side as the creature ran at her, but slammed into the tree, making it angry and emit a strange scent that wilted the plants around it. This must be some sort of high-ranking mazoku... Aki thought to herself as she ran over to the back of the creature and jumped for the back of its neck. The creature wailed angrily as it felt the red wolf sink her fangs into the back of its neck, and then flailed around carelessly. Aki deepened her grip until she felt the creature slowly fall to the ground. She let go, and then attacked savagely with fang and claw, creating deep, bloody gouges in its flesh. When it went completely limp, she stopped and then made a quick move to tear its bloody head off, making sure it never harmed another living thing again.
