10:42pm Jul 2 2010 (last edited on 11:49pm Jul 2 2010)
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Posts: 464
Thy Name:Johan Age:16 wolf years Gender:male Thy Looks:
Any other info thou wish to say?:he's cheerful and optimistic... he also can't fully change into a wolf Thy Past (if desired):he was an energetic, quick-witted wolf pup (and still is although he's older), running around freely and wondering about the rest of the Eastern Hidden Islands. He once ventured into the dark depths and somehow managed to get to the Hidden Springs alive. When he drank the water, he turned half-human, but for some reason, he couldn't turn back into a full wolf. His friends abandoned him for his appearance and now he has yet to gain the ability to turn back to a full wolf.
10:59pm Jul 2 2010
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((aww! He's cute!)) "Ahhh!" Kosho tried to stop, but couldn't, as she came upon a branch outside the dark depths and into the light... well half-light. She was quite above the ground, but now stuck on a tree with a small, grey wolf pup dangling from her gentle jaws. "Can you manage to get down?" she woofed to the pup through her teeth when she noticed violet fur beneath them. "Yeah," Yume woofed to his rescuer. He was going to get dropped on the next branch, but he also noticed the violet fur under him. "Wait!" he barked to the winged wolf, but it was too late and he was falling onto the violet wolf under. Zane heard some barks and a loud wail around him. He suddenly stood, fearing the worst and ran to where the sound was coming from. He skidded to a halt when he saw a smexy, red she-wolf beating the flowers out of a dark creature. Blood was spilled on the gr@ssy ground and the she-wolf was panting, some specks of blood on her white-furred chest. "What happened here?" Zane asked, feeling as if he was intruding on something.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
11:46pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 464
Xellos made a quick move and caught the pup in midair with his jaws. He disappeared from view and then appeared back on the ground. He lay the pup on the ground gently and looked back up to the other wolf still in the trees. "I'm sure you'll be able to get down!" he woofed up to the other wolf when he noticed the wings. So that's what I heard earlier... he thought to himself and turned to the pup. "What's your name?" he asked him. Johan sighed as he failed for the third time at fully becoming a wolf. He stood from the place he lay and started to walk towards a tree where a violet-furred wolf, a gray pup and a brownish winged wolf were. He waved only to get a stare from the light violet-eyed wolf. He anime sweat-dropped and continued to approach them. It seemed to him that the violet wolf noticed his ears and tail, so he admitted it. "Yes, I am a wolf... boy," he said and leaned against the trunk of the tree. "You guys are pretty close to the dark depths," he noted and his eyes stared at his past when he ventured into the dark depths and somehow made it to the Hidden Springs and drank some of the water to find himself half human. A shiny tear coursed its way down his cheek.

12:01am Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 464
((oh and Aki! I almost forgot)) Aki turned to see the red wolf that had poked his head in her situation. "What do you want?" she asked coldly, her green eyes gazing in those of the male wolf's. She howled a lone howl, sighed, then sat down on another spot that wasn't spilled with blood. "Now hurry up, 'cause I get nauseous on scenes like this," she woofed.
12:56pm Jul 3 2010
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((woah I had a big breakfast! *howls* O.O)) "My name's Kosho, and I just found this little guy over in the Dark Depths," Kosho replied and spread her wings, jumping off the tree and curving around the air until she was on ground. "Are you alright?" she asked the cute white-haired wolf boy, turning into her human form and leaning close to his face. ((no, this isn't what you think!)) "I'm Yume!" Yume yipped and ran around the violet wolf energetically. "Why don't we leave them alone for a while?" he woofed as he saw the situation between Kosho and the white wolf-boy. He switched to his human form and ran away, waiting for the violet wolf to follow. Zane sighed,"Fine. I just came here to see what was going on, 'cause I heard a loud wail from somewhere near where I was, and the stench was just horrible!" He walked over to the she-wolf and sniffed her from a distance. "You're alone aren't you?" he woofed as he smelled her scent and that only. "I'm Zane by the way," he said as he sat down next to her.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
2:54pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 130
Thy name:Akina /Saya /Yuki Age:15 /14 /16 Gender:female x3 Thy Looks: (Akina human form... and yes that's a dress she's wearing) (Akina wolf form)  (Saya is the brown-haired girl and Yuki is the white-haired girl. Both are in human form)  (Yuki wolf form) Any Other info thou wish to say?:Akina is arrogant, stubborn and short-tempered. If other people call her shorty or flatty, she gets fired up and could go berserk. Saya is one of the quiet kind and has a soft voice that charms the birds around her. Since she is shy and too sweet to kill a living thing, she won't hunt, and leaves all the hunting to Yuki. Yuki is one of those wolves that is unique in her own way. She likes to hunt and has a simple but tough strategy to hunt down her prey. Also, she and Saya are siblings. Thy Past (if desired): ... Akina won't admit a thing. When Saya drank the water from the Hidden Springs and she turned into a half-human, she didn't know how to turn back into a full wolf, so she forgot over the years. Yuki accompanied Saya, since they are siblings, and left for the treasure somewhere in the Dark Depths. When they entered, they instantly got attacked by a creature and Yuki got injured. The injury spread across her leg where she was bitten, so she had to find the Hidden Springs and fast. After gaining the ability to turn into a half-human, the injury healed quickly. Now, she and Saya go on their current adventures together.
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
2:54pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 130
((I know I may not be welcome, but hey! May you accept this!))
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
2:56pm Jul 3 2010
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((you know you're supposed to ask first! >:( ))
2:57pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 867
((it's not a crime is it, Yuki? >:O let her join!))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
3:01pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 130
((aww! c'mon! *Puts on cute wolfy eyes* ))
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
3:01pm Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 3:02pm Jul 3 2010)
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Posts: 464
(( fine. but for once, only the brave ones can go into the Dark Depths and return alive. They can't just magically poof in and out... except Xellos. He's the only one that can p@ss from the earth to the astral plane. And btw, you know where we are, don't you?))
3:08pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 130
((yay! Yeah, I know! Johan is sad b/c of his past and Kosho is comforting him. Xellos and Yume are going to leave them alone together for a while and Zane and Aki are talking together))
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
3:08pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 867
((hey, Yuki, you should post all the wolves on your first post so we could all see and keep track of who is controlling who))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
3:11pm Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 3:11pm Jul 3 2010)
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Posts: 867
((:3 missed post!))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
3:14pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 464
((yep! I was thinking of that Kittywolf! And yes,Twolf. except they are in different places => Zane and Aki are in one, and the rest are beside a tree at the edge of the Dark Depths. I don't know where yours will be though))
3:41pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 130
Akina lay under the sun, drying herself up after the deep swim in the lake behind rows of trees to her left. A river run beside a small path she had made for herself, the roof a mixture of vines and twisted trees making a kind of tunnel, leading to a quite big spot that she could bask in the sunlight or moonlight. A flat rock covered with moss lay in the middle and under that was her den. She sighed and lay on her back with her face to the sky. She outstretched her right arm, as if she were wanting to touch the sun with her bare hand. Saya sat with her legs crossed as she watched her sister catch the deer they were chasing. She sat under a tree, facing the wide clearing with the long gr@ss carpeting it. Sighing, she stood and reached for an apple the tree she was under seemed to have. For some reason, the apple fell and hit her head. "Ow!" she whimpered as the hard apple bounced off her head and on to the ground. She touched the spot where the apple hit and winced. "Dang that apple was hard!" she mumbled as she picked the fallen fruit and bit into it. Yuki side-glanced as she saw her little sister get attacked by the apple. Saya's quick-touch made her giggle a little, but she stopped as she tripped over a rock and fell on the deer which seemed frozen for some reason. She looked up and saw the sky get dark above them. The dark clouds didn't seem to move from their spots and Yuki sighed. A dark creature was coming.
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
3:59pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 867
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
4:16pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 464
((And, Twolf, I do owe you for taking care of that white egg... and thanks for this one too! <:) ))
4:28pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 464
((oh, that's right!)) Johan blushed, the tear rolling down to his chin and dropping off. "Yeah..." he sniffed and looked away. "It's just my past that's made me like this..." he trailed off, leaving a distant face. He wiped his eye and then smiled. "So your name's Kosho, huh?" he said in a cheery voice. Sitting down, he swished his tail and lay back with his hands acting like a pillow for his head. "Yes... I am alone. And what do you get with that?" Aki asked, turning to Zane and forming a tiny, hardly-visible smile from the corners of her mouth. She stayed where she was and slowly swished her tail to the sides. "... I'm Aki," she woofed. "My name is Xellos, and I need to go get myself some prey," Xellos woofed at Yume and teleported to a clearing where he sat and watched a dark cloud rain over a brown wolf and a wolf-girl under a tree. He stood and then trotted over, staying a bunch of yards away, though. Watching a dark creature emerge from the dark, unmoving clouds and land perfectly on the ground. It was pretty big. Then, Xellos waited for a chance to jump in.

4:48pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 130
Yuki leaped to the side as the creature lunged for her. The creature then took a dark wolf-like shape, head low, but unbowing. Yuki's eyes narrowed as she growled deeply and ran around the creature several times, trying to confuse it. Then, she turned and jumped, aiming for the back of the neck, but as soon as she did, the creature turned and grabbed Yuki, flinging her off to the tree where Saya was standing, terrified. Yuki winced as a deep pain surged through her back and she heard a crack as soon as she hit the tree. "Why don't you help?!" she barked weakly to Saya with her eyes closed."This one's a tough one, so I'm going to need your help," she woofed. "You know I can't hurt a living thing!" Saya cried and just watched in horror as her sister painfully got back up."Alright! I'll help you, but I'm warning you, I'm not going to be much help!" Saya woofed as Yuki leaned on her to get support. They ran to the creature, splitting to take different routes when the creature turned to Saya and aimed to throw her somewhere far. She shut her eyes closed, waiting for the impact.
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg