11:40pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear turned suddenly and pulled her into a tight hug.
"You really do not know how happy that makes me." He said, letting go and stepping back. "My butt is sweet, is it?" He grinned again, going back to his pallet on the floor. "I still don't know your name." He yawned and leaned back, curling his tail around one of his legs and reaching up absentmindedly to lightly touch the rim of his eye socket. He remembered the day his eye decayed fully out of it's socket and the skin grew in over it. It was one of the proudest days in his life, one that officially classified him as a teenager.
Looking up and snapping himself out of his thoughts, he patted the pillow next to him, gesturing for her to come sit beside him.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:53pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie blushed as the kid pulled her into a hug. She blushed hard. She made him happy with just a few words? She wondered how happy he'd be if she just did a litt-
Bad Callie!
Callie sighed as he stepped back, wondering how in the hell he knew she was thinking about his butt. Oh, wait. Mind reading. He had to have it. There was no way he could have known what she was thinking otherwise.
Callie walked over and sat down, instinctively leaning against the boy's shoulder as she did so. She put his sweater in her mouth once more, nibbling on a few loose strings.
"Callie," She finally said, tilting her head to look up at the boy. "And your name?"
12:03am Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear leaned down again, staring once more into her eyes. "Let's play a little game, shall we? If you can guess what I'm thinking, I'll tell you my name. If you cant guess within three tries, you've got to do something for me. What that something is, you can choose." He growled and pulled back again, grinning.
He was honestly thinking how much he loved playing games with her, watching and listening to her reaction in her skull, which was replaced by a totally diferent thought. She's ruined the sleeve on my best hoodie now... He chuckled to himself at this thought.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
12:18am Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie found herself trying to hide a smile as Bear leaned down closer to her. Why was she smiling? She had no idea. But, a game? A guessing game? Oh God. She was horrible at those. Maybe she could flirt her way out of it...
Wait. Did he just saw she could choose what she got to do for him? Oh god, the images... The lovely images that floated through her mind. Maybe she'd try to guess wrong just because. Wait. He could read her mind... So, he was hearing all of this right now.
Callie blushed bright red, bringing the jacket sleeve to her mouth again. She nibbled on it slightly, trying to become serious again. What was he thinking? Probably of how much of a freak she was! Maybe he was wondering why he was even hanging out with her. Did he notice her tentacles?
"Hm. You've got to be thinking of how attractive I am, right?" Callie couldn't help but laugh at that one.
"I'm guessing that's wrong. So... Guess number two. This place really needs to be cleaned." Callie scooted closer to the boy, her head still on his shoulder. "Or get a fireplace in here or something." Okay, maybe that last one was just her thought. Because damn, she was getting cold. It didn't help that she was wet.

12:26am Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear extended a wing and wrapped her in it in an attempt to warm her up. He chuckled again at her blush.
"I'll give you a hint, little bunny. It does have to do with you, but it's also got to do with a certain nervous habit of yours." He glanced at the sleeve she was chewing on a sighed, running a hand through his still slightly wet hair.
"There will also be no flirting yourself out of this. And yes, I've noticed your tentacles." He giggled and reached up to prod at one.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
12:36am Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie blushed even more as the boy wrapped his wing around her. She loved the fact that he did, and while most would have found it creepy, the girl found it endearing. How gentlemanly of the lad.
"My biting?" Callie asked, somewhat surprised. She looked down at the sleeve she had been nibbling on. Sure, there were a few strings loose and everything, but hey. That's what he got for lending his jacket to a goddamn bunny. "You don't like my biting?"
Callie shook her head at the thought. Just ignore that one, big boy. She didn't want to know the answer... Instead, her hand shot up to the top of her head, where the tentacles were.
"I haven't flirted that much..." She said first, another big blush on her face. "And don't touch them!" She practically whimpered at that. "They're really sensitive..." And they don't like boys.
12:50am Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear looked at her with a hurt ex pression at her last thought and frowned, then shrugged, his mood changing nearly as quickly as the flow of the tide.
"Bear." He mumbled, leaning back and managing to close both eyes, absently poking at the eyelid covering his empty eye socket.
"You know," he said, shifting the wing he held the girl with to a more comfortable position, "I'm still expecting you to run out of here screaming at any moment." He confessed, opening his good eye a bit and glancing down at her.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
1:02am Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Bear... Now I know what name I'll be screaming later. Callie couldn't help but laugh at her thought. That thought was just for him. She wasn't serious, that was a little much, but the thought still made her blush.
Callie looked up, quite confused at Bear's confession. So, he could read her mind... And after all of those thoughts about him, about them, he still expected her to go running? Was he stupid? Apparently. Because that was the last thing she wanted to do.
"Hey, Bear," Callie said, letting his name roll off of her tongue. She wrapped her arm around him, a sort of hug like embrace. "I'd kiss you sooner than run away from you."
1:08am Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear opened both of his eyes and again tilted her chin up towards him, leaning in closer than he'd ever done before and lightly, oh so lightly, pressed his lips against hers, brushing his fangs over her lower lip and grinning into the kiss.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
1:40am Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Second page. They're already kissing. .... xD ]]
Callie's eyes went wide as Bear tilted her head up once more. She searched his face, wondering if he was really going to kiss her... Was he? Ope. Yes, he was. If you could call it that. Hell, their lips were barely even touching! When she said 'kiss', she meant a good one.
Callie turned her body so it was facing the boy more. She leaned into the kiss, being careful to not cut herself or anything on his fangs. Her hand, the one previously wrapping him into a hug, now clutched at the front of his damp shirt. Her lips parted slightly to accommodate his lower lip in hers.
Well, if he could read her mind, he certainly knew that she was going to give him a real kiss, not a wimpy lip brush.
9:46am Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear frowned and pulled away, hugging his knees to his chest and wrapping his arms around them.
"I literally just met you. The first girl that doesn't run away and I'm already corrupting you." He shook his head and rested his chin on one of his knees. "You should be at home with your family or out with your friends or...anything better than hanging out with me." In the background, tornado sirens wailed and the ebilia boy turned to glance outside into the storm.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
12:05pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie frowned as the boy pulled away, wondering what she had done. Was she a bad kisser? Oh god, that was it. She was a bad kisser. The thought made her cheeks flush red with embarrassment.
The girl shook her head at his comment. He was corrupting her? Last time she checked, she had asked for the kiss. Hadn't she? Affirmative. But, she didn't know what to say to that. With her family or friends... Nah. Anything better than him? Uhm, no.
"I'm sorry." Callie finally said, leaning her head, and only that, on the boy's shoulder again. "I'm sorry you feel that way."
12:28pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear flicked an ear at her thoughts, staring at the storm through a narrowed eye and stifling a yawn. He again wrapped one wing around Callie, pulling her closer, the other around himself and closed his eyes, falling slowly to sleep. A bright bolt of lightning seemed to strike right outside the entrance, scaring the ebilia boy half back to death. The storm picked up and rain splattered against the side of his wing.
She wasn't a bad kisser, not at all. He couldn't believe that she'd rather be there with a strange boy she'd never met than out with her friends, shopping or whatever it is girls do. He couldn't believe they'd just met, and they'd already kissed. He mostly still couldn't believe she hadn't run away yet, though with how high up they were, it seemed unlikely for her to try.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
4:25pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie let Bear pull her closer to him, graciously accepting his closeness. She had heard somewhere that sharing body heat was one of the best ways to keep warm. Well, it was working anyways. She was getting warmer. Close enough to drift off, which was what Bear seemed to be doing.
After the flash of lighting passed the entrance of the cave, Callie shuddered and curled even closer to Bear. She despised thunder and lightening. They were so loud and scary. She was thankful for Bear's wing coverage. At least she didn't have to look at the lightening now.
"Hey Bear?" Callie's voice was soft as she spoke to the Ebilia man. "I don't think it's very fair that you have to live up here. Maybe, after the storm, you could come to my house? Drink some hot chocolate? I don't know if you'd want to..."
4:37pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear sneezed lightly, then yawned again and smiled down at Callie.
"I honestly don't mind living up here. I've never had a reason to hate being here. It's quiet, and no one can find me." He said, turning back to stare at the dancing flame of a candle. "But...sure, I'd love to have some hot chocolate. I'd have to get...changed, though." He grinned and looked down at his bare chest.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
4:45pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie wiggled her nose slightly as Bear sneezed. Bless you~
The girl found it sad that he wanted to be alone. No one can find him... Callie, for one, loved to be in the presence of others. Perhaps that was just her personality, or how confident she felt about herself. Maybe Bear didn't feel comfortable with how others felt about him... So he hid?
The boy's comment brought the girl back to Earth. She glanced down at his bare chest, and her arm wrapped around it. Sure, she might be able to appreciate his body, but her mom? Not so much.
"Would you like your sweatshirt back?"
4:55pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear chuckled and stood, stretching his arms and wings.
"Nah. You can keep that one." He walked over to a pile of clothes in the corner and picked a red shirt out that he swore was clean. With a quick sniff he confirmed that it smelled like the cheap laundry soap that he got from the public laundry-mat. He slipped the shirt on, being careful not to tear the fabric with his horns and carefully adjusted his wings and tail under the shirt. He went back to the pile, and dug for a jacket. I wish I hadn't left my shirt in the street...He sighed and pulled out a black jacket, slipping it on. Finally, he pulled the hood of the jacket up over his horns and ears. "Well?" He chuckled and spun in a circle for her.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
5:15pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie shrugged as she stood up, acting like she didn't care if she kept the sweater or not. Not that her actions made a difference, it wasn't as if he could read her mind. Truth was, if she never saw the boy again, she loved the fact she'd have something to remember him by.
Callie began to chew on the sleeve again as she watched the boy pick out his clothes from a pile. She had done the same thing this morning, minus the smelling, and minus the cave. Poor guy. She just wanted to bring him home and force him to eat warm soup. Take care of him like a lost pet. One she'd kiss again.
Callie grinned as he spun for her. She pulled the hood on his, now her, jacket up, covering her own ears and tentacles. She walked up to him and untucked a little piece of his hood that had folded under.
"You look perfect, darling," Callie said, a grin playing on her lips.
5:32pm Jul 26 2012 (last edited on 5:38pm Jul 26 2012)
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Posts: 2,422
Bear stubbornly re-adjusted his hood back to it's folded position and stuck his tongue out at her.
"A pet, eh? I guess...I could deal with that. But it depends...what kind of pet?" As he said the last bit, he leaned down towards her again and ginned, acting as if he were going to kiss her but stopping at the last moment and licking her cheek. He straightened up and smiled cutely.
Outside, the rain began to let up, though the clouds still massed gloomily together, lightning striking in the distance and the rumbling of thunder getting quieter. It seems we're in the calm of the storm. I sure hope I don't get caught at Callie's house during the storm...He sighed. He'd always had a problem being stuck in an enclosed space like a house, or a building.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
5:44pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie's eyes widened as Bear leaned down to her. What kind of pet? Her favorite kind. And he was getting close. Very, very close. And licked her cheek? Ew! The girl scrunched her nose and rubbed the spot where he licked with her sleeve. Kitty slobber. Yucky.
"I can't believe you just licked me!" Callie said, scowling at the boy and his messed up hood. She wasn't OCD, but honestly? That bugged her. She leaned up on her toes and fixed his hood, again. She gave him a look that said don't-even-think-about-messing-that-hood-up-again.
Callie bopped his nose once and smiled sweetly at the boy. "The storm's quieted down some... Did you want to leave now, or wait?"