6:08pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear sighed and left the hood alone, stepping up to the entrance, the tips of his worn-out sneakers hanging over the edge. He turned and grinned at Callie before stepping off the edge and plummeting down. Before he hit the ground, he opened his wings with a grand 'whoosh' and let the air catch him.
"Jump! I'll catch you." He called up to Callie, wings flapping slowly.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
6:15pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie watched the boy curiously as he walked to the edge and jumped. Wait, jumped? Was he freaking insane? What the hell was he doing?? Was he trying to kill himself! The girl walked her way to the edge just in time to see Bear not splat on the ground. That's right... He had wings.
"Jump?" Callie squeaked, hugging the jacket closer to herself. Okay, he was certainly crazy. Bunnies preferred to keep on the ground. But, since there wasn't really many other options, Callie had to. The girl took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and jumped off the edge.
6:22pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear stilled his wings and counted on the 'black magic' that supposedly helped his race to fly, catching the bunny girl in his arms, although he did sink a bit. He hid that by continuing downwards slowly.
Leaning over, he let his lips brush the girl's ear and whispered, "You can open your eyes now." As he closed his mouth, he nibbled on the edge of her ear, smiling. He wasn't crazy, he just liked to have...extreme fun.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
6:41pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie shivered and wrapped her arms around the boy's neck. She dug her head into the crook of his neck. Open her eyes? She didn't want to as long as she was in the air. Eyes shut as long as she was off the ground. Though, they just about opened wide when he nibbled on her ear.
"You're evil." Callie whispered back, pulling her chest closer to his. All nibbling on her ear and such. And here she was, too scared to do anything equally sexy back. She could hardly open her eyes. Well, she'd get him back later. He could count on that.
"Can we just get this over with?" The girl whimpered, digging her face back into the boy's shoulder.
6:52pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear sighed and let his feet hit the pavement, setting the girl down.
"You're no fun. Besides, I thought you liked evil." He grinned. "Anyways, let's go. You lead." With that, he pulled his headphones up over his ear and turned his ipod back on, but reached down and took Callie's hand, entwining their fingers and squeezing lightly.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
8:23pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie gratefully gripped the boy's hand in hers, enjoying the feeling of their fingers intertwined. She was about to respond when he put his headphones in. She shook her head, though it only took her a moment to remember that he could read minds. Which meant she had to remember what she thought around him.
Callie silently took a few steps forward, not breaking contact between their hands. She didn't have to say anything. They were only a few blocks away from her house. The girl couldn't help but wonder if her mother was freaking out about where she was. They both knew she didn't like storms.
8:37pm Jul 26 2012
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Bear yawned widely, showing off his fangs. He wondered briefly if Callie's parents were like them, or if they were humans who'd accepted their kind. Maybe they didn't even know...But how do you go about hiding something like being...being a freak from people that you live with?
With his free hand, he thoughtfully touched the rim of his eye socket, pondering what having a family would be like. He'd always thought it would be the worst thing in the world. Always having to share your personal space with someone else, having to put up with seeing them all the time. He'd come to the conclusion that he was happier alone...but now he began to look at it differently.
A family would mean protection and warmth. It would mean love and...togetherness. Alright, I admit, the togetherness thing kind of sucks...
"Callie. Do you enjoy having...a family?" He wondered out loud.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
8:45pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie was very taken aback by the boy's question. And the way he said her name. Had he said her name before? She couldn't remember, but she definitely liked the way it sounded coming from his mouth. Was it wrong of her, to think that? Callie nibbled on her lip as she thought.
"Families are both great, and a hassle. I mean, you always have someone there for you... But, that's the thing. They are ALWAYS there." Callie sighed, thinking of her family, and how strict they were. "My parents are stricter than most... You know, because of what I am. I'm pretty much always on lockdown."
Callie paused and stopped in front of the fairy tale house she called home. A white, three story house with blue shutters and a red door. The white picket fence and porch wrapped around back. They even had the tireswing on the large oak tree out front. Perfect. And Callie hated it.
"Well... This is home."
8:58pm Jul 26 2012 (last edited on 8:58pm Jul 26 2012)
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Posts: 2,422
Bear nodded. So they knew what she was, then. He hoped they wouldn't freak out about him being...well, being a decaying cat corpse. Another thought popped into his mind. Did he smell like he was decaying? He frowned but shrugged. Even if he did, there wasn't much he could do about it.
When they stopped, the ebilia boy scowled. It was...too cute. This, would be the reason he wouldn't be able to live with a family, or in public, for that matter. Everything has to be cute for humans.
Bear sighed and switched his iPod off, shoving his headphones into the same pocket of his jeans and tightening his hold on Callie's hand. For some reason, meeting her parents made him...nervous. He hadn't been nervous in a while...and he hated it.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
9:10pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,786
"Bear, before we go in, I should probably warn you about something..." Callie said, thankful he had tightened his grip on her hand. It felt nice, needing to be needed. "It's about my parents... Uhm. They're kind of hardasses. So, if they don't let you in... Don't worry about it."
Callie paused and bit her lip, suddenly feeling bad about how that came out. "I mean, it won't be because of what you are. It'll be because you're a boy. They don't like me hanging out with boys..." The girl blushed immediately at the thought of her parents not allowing her to hang out with the boys.
Callie shifted nervously before continuing. "Would it be okay if we just skipped meeting my parents?" Even she could hear the desperateness in her voice. "We can go through the back door... Just go straight to the basement? I usually hang out there anyways..."
Callie looked up at Bear, her cheeks bright red. "That is unless, you know, you'd like to meet them...?" She hoped to God that he wouldn't. Her parents barely even liked her, so she was scared of what they'd think of him.

9:22pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear exhaled in relief and nodded. He'd much, much rather bypass meeting her parents. He gestured for her to lead the way, already hating the dark anger coming from the too-perfect little house.
"Callie. Are you sure they wont come down the basement? They'll be even more mad if they find me there. Honestly, they're already scaring me..." He flicked an ear and looked back at the house with a shudder. Such angry thoughts.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
9:29pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie looked up at the Ebilia, concern shining brightly in her eyes. She didn't want him to be scared around her parents, or in her house in general. She wanted him to come back... To keep her company.
"They haven't been in the basement in over four years..." Callie said after a moment, looking back to the house. "They won't come down. They leave in a few days for a cruise, so we won't have to worry about them then. Just.... Try not to make too much noise while I talk to them?"
Callie sighed and unlocked the gate, keeping to the outer shadows of the yard. She'd come in the backdoor, of course. But first, she didn't want to be seen through the window. The girl turned back to face Bear, putting a finger to her lips to signal that he should be quiet.
Callie turned back and silently opened the glass-sliding door in the back. She slipped in, leaving it open for Bear. She walked about four feet, opening the door to the basement for the Ebilia man.
9:35pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear smiled down at Callie. If she wanted him to come back, he would, whenever she wanted him. Not even the devil himself could keep him away. He followed the Leverene girl and slipped quietly into the basement, finding an empty corner and standing there, as perfectly still as he could, trying not to make a single noise.
Again he squeezed Callie's hand before letting go, smiling at her and mouthing 'hurry back'.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
9:48pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Oh my god. I just wrote like, 8 paragraphs, then accidentally backspaced out of it. D:
I'll post again in a minute. >> ]]
9:59pm Jul 26 2012
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Callie looked at the boy, attempting to keep all looks of nervousness or fear out of her eyes as she gazed at him. In response to his request, the girl raised her palm to the boy's cheek, gently brushing her thumb across his cheekbone once before disappearing back up the stairs.
Callie quickly closed the glass door, locking it before she called to her parents, saying she was home. She walked into the living room, meeting them at the stairs.
"Callie, where in the hell were you at?"
Callie winced at her father's harsh, commanding tone.
"I'm sorry, dad. I got caught in the storm... I had to stop at a coffee shop before I was able to come home."
"Callie. Don't f**king lie to me. Where were you really at? And who in the hell gave you that sweatshirt? I know it's not yours."
Callie looked down at her sweatshirt, mentally cursing herself for not taking it off earlier. "I really was, daddy. I was at Grinder's. And one of the customer's there felt bad for me, you know, having to walk home in the rain, and gave me his sweatshirt."
"Callie. You know you're not allowed to talk to boys. Why in the hell would you accept a jacket from one? You're not supposed to even go out? What do people think of your deformities?"
Callie winced once again at his word choice. Deformities... "I'm sorry, daddy. It won't happen again."
"It better not. I don't give a s**t if it's hailing out, you get your ass back home before sunset. You got it? Good. Now get to bed. I don't want you waking me up again."
"Yes, daddy. Goodnight."
Callie's voice was that close to breaking. She turned right before the first tear fell. Her mother gave her a look of pure pity before following her husband up the stairs. The girl didn't watched them any further, instead walking towards the kitchen, towards the basement.
Callie slowly opened the door, wiping all traces of her tears on the sleeve. She didn't want, couldn't have, Bear see her cry. That would be sooo embarrassing. The girl flicked on the light to the basement, which also doubled as her bedroom.

1:23am Jul 28 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Soon after Callie had left, Bear quickly set his iPod back up, trying to block out her dad's angry whirlwind of thoughts. He quietly moved throughout the basement, finding a bedroom, which he figured to be Callie's.
The Ebilia boy quickly made himself at home, picking up a discarded magazine and lounging on the bed, propping himself up on his side with his elbow and flicking through the magazine. All the stories were about teen idols and the sleazy situations they got into that the paparazzi caught on camera. They probably do that on purpose. I bet they go out and do stuff like this just for publicity. Filthy pompous scum, he growled to himself.
Finally, the irritated thoughts subsided and were replaced by a wavering facade of brave, with the high-toned pitch that could only be Callie's mindset. He looked up as she came in, and could tell nearly immediately that she was hiding tears.
Standing, the boy went to her and nearly crushed her in a hug, pulling her back to the bed with him, sitting on the edge and cradling her tightly.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
1:39am Jul 28 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie had to bite her lip, hard, to keep the tears from coming as soon as Bear hugged her. She was one of those people who concentrated on other's problems instead of her own, making coping that much easier. But, as soon as someone knew about her own problems, it made them so much harder to deal with.
Callie let herself fall into Bear, allowing him to be cradled by him. On her bed. If her mind wasn't so absorbed in her father's words, she might have taken notice to that. In fact, she knew she would have.
"I'm so embarrassed that you have to see me like this, Bear..."
1:49am Jul 28 2012 (last edited on 1:51am Jul 28 2012)
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Posts: 2,422
Bear had to do something to cheer her up. The lovely sunny tone of her mind was souring, turning an ugly blue. He hated himself for loving her bright thoughts. It was addicting to him. It was like he was experiencing warmth for the first time and he couldn't get enough of it.
The boy hugged her tighter, trying to press himself closer to her and get that warmth again, trying to bring out that blindingly bright mind that was hiding behind the remnants of the angry haze from her father's horrible anger.
"You shouldn't be embarrassed. It's good to cry every now and then. You can cry to me all night, if it will make you happier. I'd gladly stay and listen forever if I need to. I just want you to be happy. You being happy makes me happy." He mumbled, feeling like a selfish jerk.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
2:17am Jul 28 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie sighed and snuggled into the boy's chest as he pulled her closer, enjoying his warmth. That wasn't bad, was it? Enjoying the warmth of a complete stranger, sitting on your bed, wrapped in his arms? Nahh.
Callie couldn't help but smile at Bear's words. He'd stay up with her, all night, just because she wanted to cry. Seriously. How many people would do that for her? Like, no one. And he just wanted her to be happy? That had to be the most adorable thing anyone has ever said to her!
Callie snaked her arms around Bear's neck, pulling him into a hug. "Thanks, Bear, that means so much to me... You don't even know..."
11:43pm Jul 28 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear lost control. It just wasn't enough. She still wasn't happy, and at the pace they were going, it'd be forever before that beautiful, disgustingly sunny mind returned to its addicting way.
The Ebilia boy growled savagely and nearly flung the bunny girl down on the bed, moving over her and pinning her arms and legs down with his hands and knees. He moved in for the kill, starting at her collar bone, kissing up her neck and along her jaw line until he reached her chin, going up from there and pressing his lips to hers, lingering there for a long time before moving back down and nibbling lightly on the skin of her neck.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann