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9:30pm Dec 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((I know it says private, but I really like debating and rescreatu. Mind if I possibly join?))

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11:39am Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(Ooh yayz Penneh. C8

And Feyth.... Yah sure. ;) Just get some squishies and base them off your pets and jump in!)

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
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11:47am Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

Roddy, cool off a bit. Gee.. Someone has issues.


Let's talk about planets. *Sits patiently*


Hrm, prices for me. ^^


Planets! Planets! How dare you vote for prices, Shakki?!?! *Glare*


*Ignores glare and goes through with her vote confidently*


I must say planets.  Sorry, Shakki..


I say prices, most definetly.  Penny's pets, your votes are the deciding ones.  So far the tally is...?


*Pauses for a while, then clears throat*  3 for planets, 2 for prices.


Yes, yes. Now, please, please do vote.


(Awww Penneh...... I know your gerbil died before I saw this anyways, but still... :'(  I feel so bad for you.. )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
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12:35pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,371

crap I missed the vouchr shops! I wanted to find out what they are.




12:35pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((Alright. I will get them sooon.))

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12:40pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,950


And Kupala.. What about your other characters? You're supposed to bring them all in on your first post. And your gerbil 'tis not named....[See first post if you think what I'm saying is weird])

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
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12:52pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948

Here: Aristedes (Blonde male Paor), Ophanimon (Blonde female berrok), Varuda (Cream male berrok), Miniputo (Albino male berrok), Sepi[aAukir] (Sepia Male Aukira)

Hi, I am Aristedes, I have come to debate



I am Varuda... Fear me!

I am miniputo, yet another berrok

I am sepiaAukira, but you can call me Sepi.



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12:55pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

Why, hello everybody.  Please pitch in your votes. It seems Penny is not here currently.


*Nods politely* Welcome to the debate.

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
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12:59pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948



Planets... but I probably don't matter

We must do prices!

You are shakki? pleased to meet you. I think prices would be fine.

Prices and Ophani, you have been outvoted.

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1:05pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

Nice to meet you, too.


What are the final votes?


I don't know..


The final votes? Well, prices won, but the true tally is 5 for prices, 4 for planets.  Now, to the debate, please?


Whoa... Pau... You're mathematical?


Don't say that, Shakki! It appears rude!


Sorry... I understand... Pau, I didn't mean to offend you..


No, it's fine- truly. I don't mind.

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
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1:07pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,371

(oops. and I let my Zenirix Spooch play with the gerbil...he destroyed it.)


click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(19959632)">



thanks a lot Spooch...


1:12pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

( D:<< I bought that gerbil for you!)

*Growls* You don't destroy debate members, Spooch.

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
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1:16pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,371

click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(19959632)">

Vengra dared me!


what?!? I did not!


1:22pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((I have to go. Sorry))

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1:57pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(Good-bye... :( )

Stop bickering, you two! We're talking about prices on things! Now, which one of you two shall start us off? And please don't bicker on the decision!!

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
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2:18pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,371

click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(19959632)">

Everything's too expensive.


Spooch! Quit being so rude!


2:24pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

In fact, Spooch, that is not true.  Some things are quite cheap. It may just be that your owner is poor!


Don't be rude, Pau! *Growls*


*Hisses slightly* Now Pau chooses to act smart?!?!


You know, I have to agree with Pau.... But sorry for the rude remark on Kupala on Pau's part. I do not abide with that.  Well.... Yes, I do....


Hm, well, perhaps Kupala should be more wary of her spending.  But not everything is so expensive, Spooch. *Sigh* Will Spooch ever truly grow up..?

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
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2:35pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,371

click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(19959632)">

*Snarls.* My owner is NOT poor, you brat!


Spooch! Silence!


2:37pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

Since everyone is acting so poorly today, this meeting is adjourned early! *Growls*  Spooch, please think about your actions and what you've done today! You too, Pau! *Bangs gravel* This meeting is OVER! No more talking shall be done in this room today unless said by me!

*All of Iceheart's pets leave, and none say good-bye*

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

5:21pm Dec 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 657

click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(19962572)">I'm sorry, our owner was busy, she was taking us out for a fine lunch. We couldn't get on, I apologize, but do we still have a say in the voting? If so, I must say planets.So the tally is tied.

click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(19396717)">I say planets, so planets are winning!

click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(19765972)">Heh Heh, not so fast. I say prices, so it's tied again!

click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(19962573)">Well, planets are very interesting, prices just win me over by a little bit. Erm, maybe we could talk about prices then planets! Oh my gosh, why did I just say that? It makes me sound all giddy, which I'm NOT! Can't wait to hear what Sparkles has to say, god I can be such an idiot sometimes. God, the nerve of that guy, I don't need to COOL DOWN! *sigh in head*

click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(19962571)">Wow! You must really be excited to talk about those topics! You sound like you care about this, like you really really are happy to be here! *Smiles* He seems to have grown up, learned to actually control his actions, let's hope it lasts! God, I haven't voted! Um, my vote, I say prices, although both seem wonderful, maybe we could do what Roddy said!

Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!
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