9:37pm Jul 5 2011 (last edited on 9:44pm Jul 5 2011)
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^^ I'm sorry about the ti tle. I was just OH SO tempted to make it that, and I just COULDN'T fight it. <3 This is a private role play between Lola and myself. I don't mind lurker posts, but no spamming. It get's QUITE annoying D: this post will be edited in a moment <3-
That moment is now. <3 PLOT: It's in the future at some point (it doesn't really matter), and vampires have gained control of humanity. Humans, as a true species, have become extinct, but a human and witch hybrid species live in their place. These "clones" as they are called (Different name, if you'd like), though they aren't really clones, are slaves to their vampire masters. A vampire can own any number of clones, from one to one thousand if he or she desires, and has the funds. Basically, the more clones you have, the more wealthy you are. These clones are used as food sources for the vampires--the small amount of witch blood allows them to have a higher endurance, and therefore sustain more blood loss, and lends the blood a sweet, almost intoxicating taste. But the human blood balances it out, and keeps the clones from having no magic (Some do possess a small amount in a very rare case--they are killed immediately), as well as keeping the taste of witch blood without the toxic properties (In this world, witch blood is poison to vampires, but they are drawn to it). Clones can serve as anything as well as a blood source--a lover, a servant, even a "pet," so to speak. A clone is bound to its master by a bond of servitude--if they break it, the master can kill them or send them back to the auctions, where clones are bought, sold, and bred. A lucky clone will have a kind master, but some are worse beyond your wildest nightmare. It's a all a game of luck. OUR AMAZING NEW CHARACTARS <3: LOLA: Name: Wil Darian Mordalle [Wil]
Gender: Male
Age: Immortal [Looks around 25-27. He's about 2300 years old] Personality: Wil, seeing as he is very old, knows a lot about the world. He has seen cruelty, love, happiness, sorrow, hate, revenge, joy, grief, justice, treachery, and everything in between. He has also experienced just about every one of those. Wil is cold and calculating when he needs to be, and has a very sharp mind, but has an uncanny ability to shift his personality to fit his company. So much, in fact, that he's beginning to lose sight of who he thought he really was. Now, he isn't so sure who Wil Darian Mordalle is. When you get a glimpse of the real Wil, though, you will find a witty and sarcastic vampire who is quite the gentleman. He cares deeply about those who are close to them, and is loyal to the point of death. But, perhaps, that isn't a good example. When you get to be as old as Wil, death just becomes another milestone for you. Not the scary, dark thing mortals make out of it. It is important to note that Wil is scared of very little, but one thing that makes his blood run cold (So to speak, since his blood doesn't exactly run anymore), is the thought of losing his loved ones. Granted, these are few and far between, but that is because in Wil's eyes that have fully earned his love. This includes his sister, his fledgling-days tutor, and an old ally by the name of Marysa why may or may not have stolen Wil's heart. The real Wil, though, is carefully hidden behind a wall of cleverness, detachment, a sharp tongue, and the ocassional icy remark. Only those who have true determination and spirit will ever break it down.
History: Wil grew up in a well-known, well-respected, very powerful vampire family. So perhaps he was simply born with the upper hand, while other vampires have to work hard for what they want. He was raised in a sheltered life, though his tutor Marik showed him some of the cruelty of the world. He and his tutor remained close friends even after Wil's education was complete, and they are friends to this day. When Wil was reaching his 1000th year, both of his parents died in a fire that burned down his childhood home--a mansion in the countryside. He lives near the site to this day. Wil suspects that the fire was no accident--for, when you are powerful, you can't help but amass both powerful friends, and powerful enemies--but the murderers have never come to light. Another prominent figure in his past was his sister, Lillian. She is still alive, but has moved to the vampiric court, and sees her brother very little. They were very closer in their younger years, though Lillian still has her older-sisterly moments. Lastly, a certain vampiress named Marysa has been a very close and valuable ally for Wil. Their romantic relationship has been on again off again for almost as long as they have known each other, and Wil isn't sure how much longer he can keep it up. And yet, they inevitably seem to be growing close again... He prefers not to talk about their background, however, because how they met and the first many years of their parternship had some unsavory moments.
Vampiric Status (Uhm...Don't ask.): Will is old, wealthy, and sexy. Wait, no. An all-powerful god. No. Let's try this again. Wil is a very old vampire, and therefore very powerful. He has amassed quite a fortune during his 2300 years, and now own a large mansion with nearly 300 human servants. He doesn't have a particular taste for the clones one way or another, and does as he sees fit with them. He treats them humanely, but doesn't pamper them likes some vampiric masters do. His mansion is a countryside estate, with a hunting forest, gardens, and the whole shebang. It is close to his childhood home, where his parents died in the fire. It is removed from the vampiric court, though, as Wil finds politics both dangerous and dreadfully boring.
Lover: Will become Paradise. He doesn't know what to think of Marysa.
Looks: Wil, as all vampires, looks basically human, but is also beautiful in a predatory way. He has black hair, fair gold skin, and forest-green eyes. He is tall and lean, and moves in a regal way that demands a sort of respect. He has a crooked and lazy grin that seems to light up his face, but when he is either angry or hungry, an animal and slightly disturbing looks comes over him. When he isn't purposely hiding them, Wil's emotions can be read through his eyes. His face is quite expressive if you can get him to relax, but he is "well trained," as Marik liked to put it. Wil likes to wear black and red. The fact is simple and very apparent in his choice of outfits. He hates suits, but despite that, his outfits are often elegant and over the top. He generallt keeps at least one dagger on his person, and knows how to use a whip, bow and arrow, and a sword.
Other: Hm... I don't think so! CH: NAME: Paradise Smith AGE: 24 GENDER: Female Personality: RP this out? HAHAHA History: I'd make something up, but I dunno anything creative other then that she's a clone. - you have to explain to me what you mean by that, btw - D: Hahahahahahaha -gets confused easily- LOOKS: 
-Except, since I heard that odd colored eyes ^^ Like purple is like a mary sue, pretend it's a blue. OTHER?: If I think of something, I'll just let you know throughout the RP. <3 I just thought of something now. I just realized that she has a bow and arrow in her hand in the picture, so why not make her like OH SO AMAZING at it? :3 Just kidding, that could be a mary sue. But lets just say she likes it. :D OMG D< Lola, I think like twice I said in my bio that I was worried about it being a mary sue. Thanks alot for making me all paranoid! D: ...Just kidding <3
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9:48pm Jul 5 2011
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You're welcome.
>c You need to stop worrying about your Mary Sue-ishness! You're all good, hon. <3333 Derp. Sooooo, you wanna start, or me?
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
9:53pm Jul 5 2011
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OOC: WAIT D: So that I don't precrasinate on replying, can we start off with her just starting out as being his 'slave'? Like he JUST got her? Because if it's like that, and I have any questions, I can just do it discreetly by having her ask in the rp.. If you understand that D: hahahahahaha :) ^^ Anyways, after you answer that, you should start. :D
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9:58pm Jul 5 2011 (last edited on 9:59pm Jul 5 2011)
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Ooc// M'kay, that sounds good. <3 I'll edit this post with an intro when I can think of one. D: Reply to Beauty and the Beast, por favor? EDIT: Oh my you already did. /slap'd Lemme go reply to that...
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
10:02pm Jul 5 2011
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OOC: I already told you, but I have to leave for the night. I'll repy tomarrow. And sorry I didn't give you much to post with Beauty and The Beast. D: I was going to keep going but then was like, 'ew I don't want to do the whole roleplay' haha. Feel free to like make some other inanimate ob ject as a charactar or something D:
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2:11pm Jul 6 2011 (last edited on 2:46pm Jul 6 2011)
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Wil stared out the black carriage's window with a look of distaste. The City of Servus was a grimy, poor, pathetic city in his view. The streets were littered with beggars--both crippled clones and wretched vampires alike--and debris. The houses were ramshackle and sagging, crammed one against the other in a ragged line across the street. Children played in the street, dodging the vehicles with a practiced skill, though it was irritating nonetheless. Oh, how he hated going to the Auctions. As the carriage passed through what he assumed was the slums and entered the more luxurious area--presumably where the Auction Masters lived--Wil swallowed another wave of disgust. How could a city function with such a huge gap between poor and rich? The houses here--no, they were mansions--were large and lavish, with urban niceties, though there was the trademark oldfashioned taste of so many vampires. Nearly no one owned a car anymore--too undesirable, as well as a reminder of human creations--but everyone had a unique form of transportation. He saw an elephant walker straight out of a steampunk era, a small aeroplane, and even a horse-drawn carriage not unlike his own, though the single horse was purely for show. He could see the hustle and bustle of servants on the inside and out, and a waft of blood reached him through the open window when he saw a gardener prick herself on some sharp rose thorns. The carriage continued down the broad avenue and up the hill, through a nicer stretch of shops than the shacks down in the poorer area, and past even grander mansions he might have even called small palaces. At the very top of the hill, though, was the crowning beauty of the City of Servus--the Slave City. The Auction Houses. They were grand and sprawling, a maze of halls and holding houses and vaulted safes for the Auction Masters, even a small hotel for visiting vampires looking to buy a mass amout of clones. But most of them were sales houses. Thge carriage idled in front of the one Wil had reserved his attendance for. he was well known as a rich an dpowerful vampire, so he was greeted outside and rushed to his front-row seating area. The Auction house looked somewhat like a theater. There were deceptively nice rows of chairs extending far back and all around the stage, as if you were expected to sit down and watch a nice show. He took his seat, one in the front and center, with a good view of the stage, set into a pit in front of him. The whole set-up looked slightly like an ampitheater, but the pit was designed to keep any clones from escaping, as well as allow a good view. Wil sat patiently through the seating period, and then leaned forward attentively as the auction finally began. They led a line of clones in. All were females, between the ages of 17 and 25. He scanned through them, zoning out the auctioneer's ramble about each clone's attributes. None of them caught his eye. They led in a male group next, but none caught Wil's interest for more than a few minutes. Finally, during the third round, which was a mixed group of males and females of higher "breeding," did a female catch his eye. He waited patiently as the others were auctioned off to masters kind and cruel. He watched her, trying to discern if she had any visible flaws. But, the good side to buying a clone is that if they don't turn out how you expected, you can always auction them off again. He had to be fairly certain with this one, though, since she was intended to be a gift for Marysa (Oh my gosh PLOT TWIST! o-o). But, if thins went awry, he should have time to get her a different one. When the time came to bid, Wil had little competition. The price was propbably steeper than reasonable, but Wil could spare the money. He smiled at the girl as the lines were led off the stage. Wil ended up buying one more female, and one more male at the auction. As the final round ended, he stood up and brushed himself off, walking briskly out of the crowded Auction Hall to get to the holding area where he could "pick up," so to speak, his new clones. He wondered if he had made the right decision. Ooc// Eek, I rambled a ton. D: Sorry.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
2:22pm Jul 6 2011 (last edited on 2:23pm Jul 6 2011)
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OOC: I can try to go first if...If you want D: But, I'll have to ask... If it's in the future, it has high tech stuff right? Like computers, and cars and what not :D Is Wil going to be one of those very rich masters, that live in huge mansions and blah blah blah...?
^^ I just read is bio again. Haha never mind ^^ :D
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2:26pm Jul 6 2011
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Ooc// Probably not a ton of technology. o3o I was thinking the vamps could be more, how to put it...? Old-fashioned, since most of them are pretty old. I know Wil's going to have a taste for Victorian stuf. He even has a motor-powered carriage. |D Again, I'm good with anything, though~
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
2:37pm Jul 6 2011
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OOC: Yeah, I like the old fashioned stuff also. :P
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2:46pm Jul 6 2011
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4:26pm Jul 6 2011
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10:28am Jul 7 2011
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OOC: OH NO D: Your NOT forgetting about this role play... D:
(Even if it's lame titled, hahaha..jkjk...)
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11:27am Jul 7 2011
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Ooc// /pokes edited post. YOUR TURN. 8D
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11:28am Jul 7 2011 (last edited on 11:35am Jul 7 2011)
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OOC: OMG, when did that happen? When you said 'posted' I thought you meant on the other RP hahaha :D And...One more question... Does the humans that have witch's blood (( Haha clones :D)) remember anything before that happened?
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11:33am Jul 7 2011
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Ooc// No worries. ^^ Just so you know, I'll be on and off a lot today. Leaving for the orthodontist's in about 10 minutes, possibly having a piano lesson this afternoon, have to get stuff ready for a party tomorrow... D:
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
12:09pm Jul 7 2011
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OOC: ^^ I think you left before you saw my edited question. If I say something wrong in the intro, I'll change it, I was just at a complete 'derp moment' since I've never watched in a movie, or read about an auction, so I dunno how it works haha. Like, what they wore and stuff D: and, OMG I absolutely LOVE the plot twist <3 BIC: When Paradise was chosen by her Master to be a part of an Auction, Paradise was farely certain that the situation was bittersweet. Her Master was so cruel, she still had scars along her arms and torso from the spontaneous whippings she had, for not going fast enough with her work, or not doing something right. In the end, she was very determined to go at the speed they wanted things done, and just how they wanted it. The scars were covered with the tattered - yet, decent - clothes that each slave wore. She guessed that Master didn't want to show the scars, because then he couldn't get rid of them. Ironically, she never got punished for disrespect. Throughout her years as a slave, she's learned that the way to a Master's good side - if there was one hidden - was respect, just the same as the way to a mans heart is food. Except, she wasn't allowed - or interested - to marry a Master, it was very forbidden, and in her opinion, would be worse then death. She doubted she was allowed to marry at all. The bitter part about leaving her old Master was, it was just starting to turn into her comfort zone. She was just starting to remember what he wanted when he wanted it,and she felt she was doing a farely good job. As Paradise stood on the Auction Stage, she felt as though all eyes were drinking her in a uncomfortable way. She couldn't help hiding her hands while twiddling with her clammy fingers. She stared at the man who had bought her, secretly hoping he didn't have a whip as well. Not all the Master's she had would be that cruel. After the Auction, all the slaves were taken to the holding-area. She's been in a room like this many times, since she was sold many times. She never understood why, since, she always was determined to please even the cruelest of the cruel Masters. With vibrant red hair like hers, she doubted her Master wouldn't be able to find her in the line of slaves that awaited their new Masters. Anxiously, though hiding it, she saw him walk in. (If this next part is Power playing, let me know. I just read your and it fit D:) Since being a slave was something she was doing for the rest of her life, she wanted to be at the top, excellent at everything she did. And, the way to do that, is to get the Master to think that too. While trying to see if he was either fare or cruel, she noted his elegant red and black outfit. Interestingly, it wasn't a suit like many other Masters here wore.
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1:49pm Jul 7 2011 (last edited on 2:15pm Jul 7 2011)
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Ooc//Maybe the clones know about the humans, but the vamps make them sound evil....? I have no idea. xD Why'd you send me Tu, ladeh? :O Oh my gosh Paradise SO gets him. <33 And just a note, I don't count powerplaying as something that they're obviously going to do at that time. o3o Unless, you know, I was planning on Wil going insane and running away, but where's the fun in that? xD Bic// Wil made his way through the Holding House, nose slightly wrinkled against the stench of unwashed slaves. Why other vampires didn't bother to make their clones appealing--or at least smell better--before they went to Auction, he didn't know. It was simply disgusting. The hallway was crowded with vampires, scurrying slaves, and boastful Auction Masters trying to sell off those who hadn't been bought in the latest rounds of sales. A few clone servants darted in and out of the crowd, trying to avoid notice from the watchful--and often greedy--eyes of the vampiric masters. It wouldn't be the first time an odd maid or two went missing after a huge Auction. Wil sighed, trying to tune out the noise. There was a reason he hadn't been to an Auction in nearly 25 years. The crowds, the noise, the smell--even the entire City of Servus made him get a slightly nauseous feeling. He would be glad to take his leave soon. After about ten minutes of brisk crowd-weaving, Wil found one of the cells that his new clones were held in. It was crowded, with a list of the slave's service numbers tacked hastily next to the iron bar-crossed cell. Similar holding areas lined the wall, each crammed full with grimy clones waiting to be picked up by their new masters. Wil held out his number card with a flourish to the guard on duty outside of the cell. Each winning bidder recieved a small card with their new slave's number on it. To prove you had truly purchased the clone, you showed it to the guard that was stationed outside of each cell, and they would take out the appropriate slave. The small white and gold card with the finely detailed numbers reminded Wil a bit of what the humans had called dollars. They were so finely engraved, it was nearly impossible to forge. The guard examined it with a grunt, and then waved at a wiry servant beside him, who disappeared into the cell. She emerged a minute later with Wil's new male clone in tow. He had a broad forehead, dark skin, and black hair. His eyes, a deep chocolate brown, flared with life. Wil smiled at him, showing that he meant for no cruelty to come to him. "Are you ready?" he sked, though the question was rhetorical. What belongings would he have to bring with him? At the clone's nod, Wil took the chain that lead off of his wrist irons--a sort of leash, so to speak--and led him through the crowd. They stopped at the cell which held one of Wil's female slaves, and repeated the process. As he led them through the crowd to collect Marysa's gift, he looked back with a smypathetic smile. He had been in wrist irons more than once in his life. "We'll get those off once we're out of here," he promised, noting the irritated skin littered with sores and bruises. Perhaps he had taken there clones from a less than loving home. It took another three minutes to work their way through the crowd to the end of the holding house, where his last number claimed the cell was. It was less crowded here, seeing as the only buyers of this particular round of clones were wealthy. Wil knew the prices were steeper than what the average population could afford, and he hoped Marysa would recognize the gift. He stopped outside of the cell, but instead of immediately signaling the guard, stopped for a moment and stared. The clone was even more breathtaking at this distance. She had fiery red hair that drew the eye, and a build that was all feminine. His eyes stayed glued on her for a moment, and though that hers might have been on his as well, but then quickly averted his gaze, shame drawing his eyes downward. Wil was in no position to be thinking of a clone like that. Gruffly, he handed over his card to guard and waited for his assistant to return with the clone. It was a good thing that she would be going to Marysa.
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2:57pm Jul 7 2011
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OOC: I was just wondering, because sometimes as my intros, I usually just blabber about their past, but I didn't know if Paradise even had one/ remembered it haha. :D The same reason you added me as a respal!
Cuz I love you <3
No. Actually, that wasn't it. I always give people random TU <3 haha! Welll, hey you never know. You may wanted him too... Haha! jkjkjk :D I'm leaving soon, so I only came on to reply to shorter post RP's. ~Post reserved for reply <3~
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3:00pm Jul 7 2011
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Ooc// No worries. And I love you too. <3
I'm sending more tu back. :O /scurries off to get lunch.
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12:13am Jul 8 2011
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OOC: Oh nonononononononononononono TU D: Haha, thanks though. The reason I give out TU is because I don't do the pet stuff on this site. I just like role playing <3 so the TU your giving me won't be used. Just would be given to some other random user I see on the SB or something...haha.. :D And, sorry for this fail. The reason is on the Beauty and the Beast rp D: And, I just read your whole post again, and I was like AWWWHHHHH <3 ... But then I felt stupid because I didn't know the holding area was in cells D: I thought it was like a ...waiting room. -DUHHHHHH I get it now :D- UGH - always rambles in OOC form- BIC: The look her knew Master had in his eyes wasn't one of comfort to Nikki. No man never looked at her in a such a way, and she couldn't even guess what was playing through his mind. She couldn't help but stare back at his eyes, that expressed his...Was it embarressment? No. It was more of looking guilty. Shameful. What was he thinking when he was staring at her? Subconciously, she made sure her tattered clothes were at least covering her in a decent matter. When she knew that she was looking... 'decent' enough, she could feel a weight off her shoulders knowing he wasn't a pervert. It was one of the many things she deeply feared about males being Masters. Thankfully, he wasn't one. Finally, she was taken out of the cell that she had grown so accustomed to lately, and made confident eye contact with her knew Master. Another thing she learned throughout being a slave, was they liked confidence - especially with eye contact - but no arrogance. She was determined to be the best, so she'd go all the way. Even if it meant getting out of her comfort zone and holding back a stare. In this world, no one really cared about her comfort. So she wouldn't either.
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