1:53pm Aug 3 2011
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Ooc// Omg. D: /outsidery. Lol, I'm three hours earlier. West Coast, bb~ |D And I still need to post. Um. ><
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2:37pm Aug 3 2011
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[[Take your time. xD I still haven't posted on B&B xDD ]]
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5:15pm Aug 3 2011
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Helga lead Wil through a lined walkway, hedges lining up either side of them. She looked at him, and them continued in a hushed tone. "Marysa's just sent word that she will be a week later. Do you think that you can have Paradise here for that much longer?" Wil nodded, feeling his heart lighten at the idea--though he tried his best to push it back down. "That will be fine, Helga." The older woman shook her head. "But, with what's she's been doing to you..." Wil stopped. "What do you mean?" "Well, your more senior servants can see the way you react to her. Your eyes take on this different light, and your tone becomes much sweeter..." She sighed heavily, like someone forced to continue with an unpleasant task. "You were so upset yesterday when you two argued, but you didn't punish her. You were angry with yourself. The only other person that has ever done this to you...is Marysa." Her implication hung heavy in the air. Wil shook his head violently, and then stopped. She was right. More right than she though. He pondered how to reply to that for several moment, and then finally settled on the the truth. Helga would understand. "You're right, Helga." His tone was heavy. "I don't know why I act the way I do around her, but....she just makes me feel strange. She makes me want to change." Helga smiled knowingly. "It's called lo--" "No!" Wil shouted, stunned by his own violence. But what he was feeling, however insane, it wasn't love. Upset, he strode ahead of her, leaving Helga to watch him lose himself in the gardens.
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8:43am Aug 5 2011
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[[I just saw that you posted D: I'm so ashamed I let all our roleplays go to the third page D: *Shuns self* I have to reply later. I'm just bumping all of my roleplays at the moment. ]]
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1:17pm Aug 6 2011
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[[ Your haven't been on D: I'll stop procrasinating on replying in a sec... ]]
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2:02pm Aug 7 2011
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[... FPFF... I'm not motivated to reply until I know your on D: ]
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7:49pm Aug 8 2011
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Ooc// Welllll..... You know I'm on. So post you crazy FPFF. >O
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8:07pm Aug 8 2011
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[[uuuuugggghhh... jkjkjk... E: ... << My new favorite smiley. Since I've never seen it before xD ]] What Paradise heard had stopped her cold. And, she heard a small gasp come from her throat as something popped in her head. What was Helga about to say? His response said it all. At first, Paradise was tempted to run out and interrupt the conversation, when she heard about Marysa. She wanted to ask why she couldn't just leave now. Whether she liked it or not, she knew she'd start to like it here. And, if she started to like it here, it would be harder to leave. But, that didn't stay on her mind for long, for as she hid in the gardens blooming flowers, the conversation got more... Personal. Why did Paradise make Wil want to change? Love? Paradise thought to herself. Of course, you never know what Helga was about to say. She could have been ready to say 'Lunacy'. As in, it's lunacy to feel that way about a slave. But, something about his reaction, set a light bulb in her brain. She'd never seen him that way, and it frightened her. "Paradise? What are you doing?" She heard her name called, and she oh so hoped that Helga didn't hear James or see her. She brought her finger to her lips to signal silence as she crawled the way she came, away from Helga. "Please don't see me, Please don't see me..." She muttered until she finally came to where she was supposed to be picking weeds. "Sorry James. I was just... Checking something..." With a suspicious look from Alice and James, the three went back to work. But, Paradise's mind stayed on what she heard. [[>>>>> EEEE: <<<<<<]]
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10:44pm Aug 8 2011
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Ooc// What do I pooooooost? D: E: That makes me happy. E:
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10:47pm Aug 8 2011
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[[ >> E: << Looks like a dog face or something. I love it. I DUNNO D: I tried to help - since I knew we'd be stuck - by saying it was possible for Helga to hear, but then I didn't want to leave you with a shortie post, so I kept going D: I won't be replying until tomarrow, so you can wait if you want. EE: ]]
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10:54pm Aug 8 2011
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Ooc// I'll wait, since I have to log off anyways. Hmph. Maybe Helga has to intervene.... >>
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11:07pm Aug 8 2011
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[[Were close to 200 posts! I'm getting off for the night. God forbid, my mother can't do VBS without me watching kids tomarrow, so I need rest -.- Byyyyye~]]
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12:27am Aug 9 2011
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Ooc// Bye hon. <3 Have fun. ^^ /shot.
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1:31pm Aug 9 2011
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[[I'm back, FPFF<3 Omg. For the first time, your siggy says something else bahaha <333 I change what it says like every. single. day. xD I even change my avatar alot too xDDDD Ya. Uhm, I didn't have fun. k? Hahahaha.<333 ]]
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3:46pm Aug 9 2011
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Ooc// /dances. I'm finally back at my own house. Hooray. |D ...Sorry you didn't have fun, FPFF. /hugs. And I very rarely change my avvie/siggy. I love that piggy too much. D: Bic// Helga frowned, turning around just in time to see Paradise dashing off. Great, the lady thought wryly, and now the girl knows as well. She sighed and shot a look down the path that Wil had taken off after. After a moment's consideration, she realized that she was in no shape to run after a vampire--the fact that there was nothing that she could do anyways was no consolation. She had to try to do something. Helga shook her head and followed Paradise back to the gardens. "Paradise," she called sternly, "Can I speak with you a moment?" Ooc// Omg terribly short post. I'm so sorry, but I promise I'll post more (For both Wil and Helga) when I have more for them to do. Dx
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5:13pm Aug 9 2011
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[[First of all, your shortie... Was down to earth :O And, I promise you I don't care. <3333 EEE: The whole time you've been gone, I haven't written one large post. So honestly... It's alright <3 Your right. Once something happens, we'll get back on track xDD One more thing... I love your piggy too xD My niece - whos 4 - saw it once, and started laughing and saying stuff like 'it's shaking it's butt...' and stuff. She was laughing so hard it was so cute :O]] Paradise thought she had gotten away without getting noticed. But, she was wrong. Just by the way Helga addressed her was signal enough that she had failed. "Oh... Hello Helga." She said quietly as she hesitantly got up from her stance of pulling a weed. "I.. Why?" She said, eyes wide. Will she get punished for listening in on her and Wil's conversation? She would have been worried about that question, if it wasn't for the conversation she had heard. She was dieing to know what Helga was about to say... Alice and James exchanged glances before acting nonchalant again. "I'll do your part until you come back." Alice said while getting up and going to the spot Paradise was at just moments before. "Thanks." Paradise said quietly, looking at Helga suspiciously. "What is it you wanted to talk about Helga?" She asked, awkwardly. [[Why is it, my OOC is almost longer then my post? D: ]]
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11:22am Aug 10 2011
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Ooc// No worries. EVAR. Short posts are perfectly perfect~ Bic// Helga raised an eyebrow and smiled wryly at the girl. She seemed so unsure, so scared of doing something wrong. "It's okay, Paradise. I just need to ask a favor of you, dear." Without waiting for a reply, Helga spun on her heel and walked down the garden path towards where she had been talking with Wil. She knew what she needed the girl to do. But the question was...would she do it? Ooc// See? D: Mine's even shorter. But, the posts should get longer now. Conversations can be annoying that way~ >_>
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2:29pm Aug 10 2011
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[[lol. "Perfectly perfect" xD Homg. Your making me die from how much I want to know what Paradise has to do D: Like... *Dies* ]] Her response was surprising. Paradise was expecting a scolding of some kind. Some kind of punishment for getting in their business. Of course, her curiousity getting in the way of logic again. But, all she was given was a smile from the women. "Alright." Paradise said curiously, her eye brows also lifted as she followed Helga. When she suspected that the two were farther away from James and Alice, she asked, "What's the favor you needed me for?" Her nervousness was for nothing. The favor probably wasn't even about Wil. For some reason, that was a disappointment.
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3:18pm Aug 10 2011
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Helga shook her head, mostly out of dark amusement at herself. This was insane. But maybe...well, maybe she would get to the bottom of whatever was going on with Wil. "Paradise, I saw that you...listened in to my little conversation with Wil. And I'm not going to lie to you--you're making Wil behave most oddly. I presume you saw his reaction to my suggestion?" She smiled wryly again. You're crazy, Helga, her inner voice told her. But another chimed in, I'm old enough already--why not cause a little trouble before I go? She sighed, and then continued with her schpeel. "You're going to think I'm crazy. But, Paradise, I implore you to go after him. See if you can get him to tell you what's going on. I hate seeing him like this--all upset and anxious and....strange. And I won't lie: I do believe it's your doing. Please go after him and see what's wrong. Please." Ooc// Omg fail. D:
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4:02pm Aug 10 2011
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[[200th post~]] Paradise's eyes were in pain from how wide they were. Her feet wouldn't move, and her mind wouldn't give in to such a suggestion. Why would his odd behavior only be her doing? "I doubt that, Helga." She said softly, as she shuffled her feet a little and twiddled her fingers nervously. It's forbidden! To even think such a suggestion was forbidden! Just talking to her 'master for a month' was a death sentence. "I doubt that I'm the reason for his behavior. I'm just a slave, Helga. He's obviously acting as though he truly is inlo..." She stopped herself. She didn't want to have this subject go down that road. And, just for kicks, She'd figure out what was truly wrong with him. "But, I will talk to him for you. Where is he?" Paradise asked, already forcing her feet to turn to the direction that she watched him storm off to. She didn't want to do this. What if he was still upset?
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