4:08pm Aug 10 2011
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Ooc// 201st posts are better. E: Bic// Helga smiled knowingly at her, but didn't argue. She couldn't stop the amusement that welled up in her. "Very well, dear. He went that way," she said, gesturing down the hedge-lined lane. "You can see the footprints in the gravel, see?" She gestured to the rough indentations in the smooth white marble chips. "You won't have a hard time following him, I assure you."
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4:11pm Aug 10 2011
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[[I feel so special FPFF. You used my doggy smiley. <3 E: And, where will Paradise find him, once she follows the prints? ]]
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4:15pm Aug 10 2011
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Ooc// Hm... Maybe at a fountain? /shot. No. How about in a small thicket? I have sort of an idea, if you want to bring her to the edge, and then Wil can do the rest~ |D
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12:25pm Aug 11 2011
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Ooc// Second page. Again.
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3:22pm Aug 11 2011
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[[Soo, I looked on google to see what a thicket was, [ no laughing ] and it started saying these "A thicket of trees" And "A thicket of shrubs and bushes" ETC... So, I went to images to see. But, then I realized I didn't know which kind of thicket you meant for your idea xD Sooo, is it a thicket of trees like this:
 Or a thicket of shrubs or whatever like this:
 If it's not these, can you specify? D: ]]
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4:23pm Aug 11 2011 (last edited on 4:32pm Aug 11 2011)
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Ooc// Yus, basically a small forest. xD A garden at an estate in France we go to [Omg that sounds so...rich. xD It's a family tradition, lol, so don't judge me. D:] has a small thicket of trees, where I got the inspiration. Or maybe a small grove would be a better explanation. o3o EDIT: Found this on Google~ |D
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4:31pm Aug 11 2011
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[[Alright <3 Bahahahaha! Aw, I don't judge you E: ]]
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11:15pm Aug 11 2011
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[[I'll reply when you get back on. xD ]]
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3:42pm Aug 13 2011
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With a shaky sigh, Paradise did a small. “Great.” And then, without saying anything else to Helga, or any acknowledgement to her, she started down the gravel. She could very well see his footprints, and she chose to keep her eye on them instead of straight forward. She wasn’t looking forward to this ‘talk’. Before she knew it, Paradise came to a thicket that made her heart stop in surprise. It was beautiful. No wonder Wil was so hated by others – they were drowning in envy from what he had. “Wil?” She said softly. So soft she didn’t even hear herself at first. Clearing her throat as she kept on walking, her feet starting to go over the perfectly cut grass. “Master?” She said louder, realizing the first time she had called him by his first name. That was worse then conversing with him at all. She mentally noted not to make a habit of thinking of him as ‘Wil’. Still no sign of Master… “Helga sent me.” She said, a little more anxious now. Being a vampire, and angry, it didn’t seem right to be around him. But, she wasn’t sure he was angry. It was just the way he stormed off that gave her that idea; no matter how much she hated it, it was possible for her to be wrong. “Master?” She called again as she kept following his footprints.
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8:23pm Aug 13 2011
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Great. Just great. Wil heard Paradise long before she had actually appeared at the edge of the thicket. He mentally made a note to chew Helga out--no doubt this was her doing. The first two times she called, he ignored her. His insides were a mass of turmoiling moodiness. He doubted she would find him, seeing as he was perched in one of the trees in a decidedly feline way. Instead, he gave her no answer, and simply watched her. He knew that he shouldn't watch her the way he did. The appreciation he felt for the way she moved, the way her voice sounded when she said his name. This was why he had run away in the first place. Mentally, he chided himself. Only you, Wil, can be reduced to ashes at the feet of a clone, for heaven's sake. This is ridiculous. By the third time she called out to him, though, and went deeper into the thicket, he felt a wash of remorse. She hadn't done anything wrong--no, it was solely his brain that was screwed up. He watched her for a moment longer, neck flexing in a reflexing, nervous swallow. Then he jumped from the tree to the light, springy grass, silently walking towards her. When he was about three yards away, he said softly, "Right here, Paradise." He was going to question her as to who had sent her, but he already knew the answer. He could guess at the purpose of her little mission as well, but he still said, "Do you need something?"
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3:30pm Aug 14 2011
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[[Read my siggy pweease? <3 ]] Just as she was about to give up and turn around, she heard Wil's voice beind her. She turned around, and noted that he wasn't as angry as he acted before. Maybe he just needed some time to himself. Feeling like such a bother, she went right to the point so that she could leave him alone. "Well..." How was she going to say this? 'Helga sent me to see if you were alright?'. It just didn't sound very warm. It sounded like she was being forced. Actually, she kind of was. It was obligation that drove her to do this. And, a bit of curiousity. The conversation did turn out to be about her, she deserved to know. Now she was looking like a complete fool just being silent, staring at him as if not knowing what to say. "Helga sent me." She blurted out quickly. Why had she said that? Wasn't she avoiding saying she was sent to get him? Well, there was no taking it back now. "She wanted to know what was wrong, and seeing how I heard the conversation, I am kind of curious also." It was then that she realized she had admitted that she had overheard the conversation. She understood now that Wil wasn't cruel. That he wouldn't punish her for eavesdropping. But, the fact that Paradise heard what Helga suggested... It just made things awkward. Just thinking about what they were saying about her, made her cheeks turn crimson.
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9:27pm Aug 14 2011
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"Oh." Wil swallowed tightly, a replay of the conversation echoing in his head whether he wanted to stop it or not. "Well....uh..." His throat closed as he remembered Helga's suggestion. His exit. And felt like a complete fool. "You can tell Helga that I'm fine. Just a little rattled." He turned away, stalking back into the shadows. The darkness fitted his sulky mood. But, he stopped again and turned toward Paradise. He didn't want to leave her standing there. No, correction--he couldn't. "Paradise?" He asked hesitantly, and then said in a rush of words, "Sorry that you overheard that particular conversation. But...please don't eavesdrop on words that aren't meant for you in the future. Otherwise, there will be consequences." There. It was out. He felt a ridiculous feeling of pride for finally telling her off, as if she was any other servant. As if she didn't make his heart do strange acrobatics. Good for him. But the accompanying guilt soured the feeling, and he turned and went deeper into the trees. Away from Paradise. Away from his thoughts, his worries. Away from everything. Ooc// Sorry it's short. D: /brick'd.
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4:27pm Aug 15 2011
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[[Your fine, FPFF <3 ]] His words stopped her from moving for a second. Mostly because she was expecting a assurance that Helga didn't mean what Paradise thought she meant about this 'love' conversation. Of course, it was still possible the word was 'lunacy' but... She shook the thought away as she watched him disappear farther in the woods. Was she supposed to follow? Helga did say that something was wrong, and that she needed to find out what. But, what would Wil do if she followed him inside? And pestered [ if thats a word xD ] him about what was going on specificly between the two of them? Gulping at such a image of his reaction to her prying, she immediately turned her back on the woods and started going away from the thicket. Then, with more of a jog so she could get back to work - and find Helga - she reached the gardens. "Helga?" She called out, waiting for a response before walking back to Alice and James. Maybe Paradise could find her later, after her work is done.
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11:42am Aug 16 2011
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12:04pm Aug 16 2011
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Thank you for bumping this~ <3 /lazy and busy at the same time. D: Pestering is a word. xD
Bic// Wil nearly choked on his relief at the sound of her receding footsteps. Alone again. Finally. Feeling a bit guilty, he climbed to a top of one of the taller maples, whose ancient branches encased his figure like a welcome shield. He perched high above the gruond, watching her head back to work. As she called out Helga's name, he frowned. So, she was behind this. Part of his wanted to deny it, and that she was just fessing up to sneaking away. But it was just too improbable. Wil fought back the disappointment that riled through him. Of course Paradise hadn't checked on him of her own volition. She was too subservient for that. Too eager to please. But he ahd thought maybe, just maybe, some of her reckless side had come out just for him. Sighing, he slimbed lower into the tree where the shadows encased him once more. No more hiding, his mind protested, but of course, he simply ignored it. Wil shut his eyes, and let the world fall away. --- Helga smiled at the girl, but didn't say anything. Just motioned her back to her work while she cast a worried glance in Wil's direction. She couldn't tell if the meeting had gone well, or if it had been a monumental disaster. But she didn't want to bother Paradise just yet--no, better to get the story from Wil--who still had yet to show his face. She sighed, and went back to her work.
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12:15pm Aug 16 2011
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[[Homg. Good. I was about to feel really stupid. And, it's fine. I'm really lazy too. I'm glad your on, becuase I was just about to look for our other roleplays and then you bumped them. So, ya. Thank you tooooo... Maybe we can time skip to when slaves do some other job? I dunno what Alice, James, and Paradise can do outside though D: ]]
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12:17pm Aug 16 2011
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Ooc// Maybe skip to dinnertime? I haven't had my morning coffee yet, so I'm lacking ideas. D:
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12:28pm Aug 16 2011
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[Homg. I love you. Have you ever heard of Cinnabon Creamer? It takes you to heaven and back! Haha...] Though Paradise tried to keep her mind on her work, she couldn't help but worry about Wil-... Master. She will be thinking of him as Master not Wil. Anyways, she didn't come across Master anytime today. Part of her was tempted to go back to the thicket, and talk to him more. Talking usually helped, but maybe vampires were just different. "Paradise, it's time to serve dinner." She heard Alices voice behind her as Paradise picked the last of the weeds. She had chosen to just do work outside, and Alice and James had went inside. She turned around with a smile, even though she was drenched in sweat. "I'll go take a shower and be right there." She said before putting down her tools and going inside with Alice. Paradise tried to not be noticed by anyone as she went to her room, since she didn't want to give anyone a wrong impression of her... Perspiration. After taking a 2 minute shower, she quickly put on her clothes again and went to the kitchen to help with food. Immediately, James gave her instructions to go set the table since that wasn't done yet. Paradise took a couple plates, though she had no idea how many people would be eating at the table, and started setting them down on the table.
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12:50pm Aug 16 2011
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Wil realized forlornly that he was the only eating at the dining table that night. Though all of the places were set--his at the head of the table extravagantly so--the realization struck coldly. And, for just a moment, Wil felt lonely in his rich, secluded life. Without announcing himself, he sat at the table and poured himself some water into a fine crystal goblet he had acquired from Venice during the time of the humans. He fingered the small gold etchings, pondering about the hunt scene depicted there. He felt like the poor little rabbit cornered by two hounds--trapped, with nowhere to flee to. Why he felt this way, he didn't know. What did he have that was being mercilessly hunted? Something that scared him to think about losing? The answer was as stark as the empty seats. His heart. Wil took a deep, shuddering breath. As much as he wanted to deny it, he was losing control. Very quickly, and very suddenly. And that's what made him feel hunted. He shut his eyes tightly and opened them again, trying to clear his mind. He looked at his reflection in the water glass for a while, wondering why the man looking back at him could possibly look so uneasy. Perhaps it had been a terrible choice to bring Paradise here at all.
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1:04pm Aug 16 2011
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As Master came inside, Paradise was about to say some kind of greeting. Maybe even ask him how he was, but, he seemed so distraught. So deep in thought that she chose not to say anything at first. Realizing that she had set five plates down, and yet it was only him at the table, she took the other silverware away. After disappearing to the kitchen to put the silverware back, she found herself wishing she could find Helga. She should know what was wrong. Was he really eating alone tonight? She came back out to grab the other plates, and finally found her courage to look him in the eyes and ask, "Is there anyone else eating here tonight? Or just yourself?" She kept her ex pression serious, so he wouldn't see how confused she was. Maybe this Marysa was coming? Maybe Helga would eat with him? Of course, that sounded silly. A slave dining with the Master of the house. But, Helga seemed to be more of his mother then slave. A crazy thought appeared in her head. What if Master had asked her to dine with him? She tried to hide her embarressment at such a thought. Why would she even think that? Of course, she was hungry, but that didn't mean she had any right to even think something of that sort.
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