1:24pm Aug 16 2011
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Wil started, not wanting to speak with Paradise, but plastering a fake smile on his face anyways. "Just me tonight," he said in a forcibly light tone. "I'll have more company once Marysa arrives." He purposely included his vampiric guest in the conversation, if only to comfort himself that he wouldn't always be this dismal wreck. Soon enough, Paradise would be gone. The thought sent a hollow ache through his chest. Returning to staring at his goblet, Wil remained silent for a while. It was better to appear rude than to open his mouth and speak his mind. Then, he knew he could never go back. Sighing, Wil glanced up at her for a moment of guilty pleasure. She seemed sculpted by an artist's hand, her features so fine, so beautiful, with those large violet eyes that made him want to-- Wil stopped the thought. No. Do not think of her that way, or you will never let her go. He pressed his mouth closed, afraid to speak. Let her go, and then everything will be okay. Ooc// I was debating whether or not to invite Paradise to dinner when I realized something... VAMPIRES DON'T EAT FOOD. xD So I'm just going to make it that he likes the taste of it still, since he drink blood and all that happy stuff. /shot.
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4:52pm Aug 17 2011
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[[FAIL FOR WIL! I completely forgot about that too E: ]] Master looked so distressed. So much so, that Paradise was tempted to pry a little deeper in the mans heart and ask what was wrong. But, doing that would only make her feel more apologetic. She couldn't help but wonder if his troubling ex pression - troubling time - was her doing. Her fault. Paradise sagged her shoulders a bit at the thought as she stared back at Wil. For some reason, calling him by his real name sounded better when she thought of him. "That's good." She said with one nod before grabbing the rest of the plates and leaving him to himself. She couldn't help but feel bad for him. The man who was supposed to be the most fortunate man in the world. The man who could probably make other masters his slave. And, he was sitting at his dinner table, looking like the most forlorn and distraught man she had ever seen. Her thoughts were interrupted by the hustle and bustle of the kitchen. Didn't they realize the man of the house didn't even look hungry? He looked like he needed much more then food to fill any void that was in his heart. It dawned on her then that they were probably making so much because slaves had the left overs. For some reason, she had lost her appetite. Before she could stand a moment longer with her dilly dallying and thinking, James gave her a plate of food to give to Wil. So I set the table for nothing. She thought to herself with a roll of her eyes. What was with her? When was the last time she did something wrong with her job and not scold herself for it? She had to stop thinking about things that shouldn't matter to her. Like, what was wrong with Wil. With a nod to James, she grabbed the plate and went out to the dining room to give it to Wil. Paradise couldn't put the right word on how she felt, but as she leaned forward to put the plate infront of Wil, as she grabbed the empty plate infront of him, she was leaning against his shoulder slightly to. And, when she did... It felt... She couldn't think of the right word, other then electricity. Paradise did a small gasp - a very quiet one - and looked at Wil with wide, scared eyes. What was that? Terrified at this new emotion building inside her, she took the empty plate that used to be infront of him and quickly walked from the room. Did Wil feel that too? Or, was he just thinking how stupid slaves had become with little touches like that? She gulped nervously as she disappeared through the door that led to the kitchen.
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5:36pm Aug 17 2011
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Ooc// /is grinning like an idiot right now. And she realizes she feels the same way! /fistpump. I'll reply to this and B&B in a moment. I'm posting a new thread...take a peek, please? :3
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5:40pm Aug 17 2011
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[[Awh, okay! And, I finally replied to our super hero one! <3 Be proud. xD I have to go now. Dinner, then social event. Sadly. I'll be back on though! ANDYESOFCOURSESHEFEELSTHESAMEWAYNOW xD ]]
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5:49pm Aug 17 2011
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Ooc// Aww, Paradise... /huggles her. You worry too much about what he thinks! D: Have fun being socially awkward, as always~ |D I'm currently hiding out in my room, yay. /toddles off to go to superhero roleplay.
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10:44pm Aug 17 2011
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[[ Wow. So, I spent the whole time at this social event hearing my friends problems with her boyfriend... That's not the dreadful part. Everytime I tried to give advice, she would blow me off. She expects me to hate her X just as much as she does -.- So. Annoying. When. People. Ignore. Blunt. Advice. K? Anyways, yes yes yes Paradise does! Hahahahahahahahaha. I'm back... Like that's not obvious. Just saying. :P ]]
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9:55am Aug 18 2011
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[[ Bump <333333333333333333 ]]
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1:13pm Aug 18 2011
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Ooc// And now your eyes are burning. D: You're just having a bad day, huh? /shot. Anyways, I need to post. Let me think of something. o3o
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1:34pm Aug 18 2011
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Wil stiffened as she brushed against his shoulder, and didn't miss her small gasp. She felt it too. He didn't know how he knew it, but the flash of intuition was so strong, he didn't doubt it. She had felt it. A strange shiver worked its way up his back, and a stupid hint of a grin slipped over his face. He hardly smelled the warm, spicey aroma of the food set in front of him--and suddenly, he didn't want the human food. A thick, strong hunger for his true food washed over him. With an abruptness that startled him, he slid his chair out and called, "Thank you for the meal." Then he walked out at a faster speed than his normal pace, and saught the solace of his rooms. She. Felt. The. Same. Way. A shadow of doubt finally crossed his mind, which was swiftly rising in a giddy sort of elation. It plummeted him back down to earth, and told him that he could have totally misinterpreted it. She could still hate him, for all he knew. She could have been gasping in fear that the slight human contact would set him off again. As he remembered how he had fed from her so suddenly, guilt accompanied his maelstrom of emotions. The memory, however, did nothing to quell his sudden urge to feed. Don't get your hopes up, Wil, he chided himself. He couldn't allow himself to act so weakly, flipping out at the slightest hint that something was going on between them. Because nothing was. Nothing could. It would be his downfall. As he reached his rooms, he let himself in and sank onto a couch with a heavy sigh. Some masters did indeed keep clones as lovers, but only the lowest ranks of vampires ever actually married, or indeed felt anything towards a clone. They were tools, not sources of love. Helpers, not heartbreakers. And that was how it had to stay. Ooc// Okay, I'm sorry, but that's very unreasonable of your friend. ._. If she's coming to you to get our advice, and then doesn't take it, that's totally her problem. I can understand if it was a bad breakup...but you're just being honest and trying to help out, right? -_- Sorry if that seems harsh, but stuff like that bugs the heck out of me.
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1:43pm Aug 18 2011
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[[THANK YOU. The gist was, the two have been dating, and then he texted her saying 'I wanna break up. There's another girl..' and all that crap and such. And, that was two days ago. And, yesterday she was still texting him. Like, they were talking about why he wanted to break up. He explained there was another girl. So, as you know, my friend will of course all of a sudden hate the girl without even meeting her. That was the first problem. Me hating to be saying rude things about anybody [ It's a curse, I tell you. ] said, 'You don't even know her. How do you know she's ugly and flirts alot?" Actually I said something that rhymes with blutty, but I didn't want you to think I cussed and such. Cuz I hate that too D: Anyways, then she got mad at me for sticking up for the other girl. This is all while the two 'unloved interests' ARE STIL TEXTING. She's saying stuff like 'Oh I want to hear this from him, himself. Not from a text'. And things, like that. So I say 'Then why don't you call him?" And she says 'I want him to call me first'. And, I say 'That's probably what he's thinking. ' and she's like 'Well I hate starting conversations on the phone. I want him to call me 'And, i say 'then your no better then he is. He's probably waiting for you to call first too' blah blah blah... There is MUCH more to the story, and this gist is probably making me look heartless about what I said in the end. I just know my friend, she makes excuses for everything. Especially with confrontation like calling her X. Alright. I'm done. xDDD I'll make another post for my reply. <3 Sorry for such a long venting paragraph. I have a feeling you'll be on my friends side then mine once you read it. That's how it resulted with my sister when I told her about what happened. D; ]]
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1:50pm Aug 18 2011
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Ooc// Honestly, I'm still with you, hon. D: Stuff like that just...KILLS me, bleh. That's why I try and stay away from drama. xD Though, oftentimes, it doesn't really work out that way. If she's being mad at him, and has the power to resolve it, she doesn't really sound like she had a place to be complaining like that. I can understand being upset about the guy (I'd be upset it he said it over a text, too!), but then to refuse to call him because she wants him to call her first? Yeah, that doesn't really seem like the way to go. D: Psh, and I'm rambling now, too, and it's not even my battle. xD I honestly don't mind if people vent. It's good to just get it out, especially if you talk with someone who's not gonna judge you. c:
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1:55pm Aug 18 2011
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[Awh <3 As I was writing that, I was worried that you'd like.. Hate me D: LOL. I think your right. I worry a bit too much. Anyways, YES.YES. YES.... yes..xD She's always been like that. Like with the relationship. If she's bored, she wouldn't start the conversation with her bf first. She'd wait for him to do it. With everything.
She expected to much. And, that's coming from the girl that has a whole list of standards for a guy and refuses anything less. xD UGH. I have to go now. My mother :P hahaha. Byee~ ]]
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1:58pm Aug 18 2011
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Ooc// I'm gonna go watch the Conspirator, then~ |D Good luck with the friend situation/fingers. <3333333 PS. AND I COULD NEVER HATE YOU, SILLY, EVEN IF YOU WORRY TOO MUCH. <3
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2:00pm Aug 18 2011
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[[HAHAHAHAHA <3 You wouldn't hate me, even if I told you, you forgot to put a dot next to the P? D: Homg. My mother is waiting. I'm ... procrasinating xDDD Alright. Seriously though. Byeee~ ]]
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8:47pm Aug 18 2011
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[[I won't reply until your back on. :) ]]
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9:11pm Aug 18 2011
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Ooc// Guess what I'm here so reply now kthnx. <3
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9:24pm Aug 18 2011
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[[ So, like, I'm recopying our roleplays and stuffs, and I thought I'd just let you know how much I'm laughing at our OOC's xDD We were so wierd. o_o *Cough* I mean, we ARE so weird. *Cough* Uh. Can we like... Time skip to tomarrow? Because I dunno about Paradise creepily sneaking up on him or something. Or, maybe just time skip to when everyone goes off to bed and they run into eachother then? YOU CHOOSE D: ]]
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9:31pm Aug 18 2011
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Ooc// How about the run-in at night? :3 It sounds interesting~ Weird? We are and were so NOT weird. What are you talking about? D:
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9:33pm Aug 18 2011
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[[Hehehe. It's good, since they are on the same flooor! xD <3 Let me post on a different reply post thing first. So.. Yeah. ]]
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9:53pm Aug 18 2011 (last edited on 9:54pm Aug 18 2011)
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[[Sorry it's on the side. Like you know, when I copy and paste something that was off a document, it acts all wierd. D: ]] Maybe it was just her imagination. Maybe what she had felt out there was something completely different then what she thought. Paradise refused to admit that, that electricity was pleasurable. Paradise was a slave. But, that didn’t mean she wasn’t a women. Just like any other women, she had fantasies about men. Men she’d probably never receive a passing glance from. Men that found her disgusting and ugly. To them, she was nothing but that monkey that she felt she was earlier with Wil. But, she never let herself fantasize about falling for a Master. Mostly because all of her masters so far – other than Wil – were cruel and terrifying. And, because she knew it was forbidden. With a frown, she took a plate that was made for slaves to grab, and as she passed a trashcan she threw the whole thing inside. Even the plate. Alice gave her a confused ex pression, and had asked something. Paradise didn’t bother listening. Without a response to anyone, Paradise started down for her own room. She saw other slaves walking to their corridors, so she knew that meant duties were done for the day. The last thing she was worrying about was duties for tomorrow. He’s probably laughing right now. This was probably all planned just to humiliate me. It wasn’t supposed to go this way! I’m supposed to go to Maryssa, without feeling disappointment about leaving Wil… That last thought brought a pang of hurt in her heart. It reminded her that she was still just a gift in a box, handed to someone new when the old one got sick of her. This rejected feeling was really getting old. With a small sigh, she trudged down the hallway to her own bedroom. She wasn’t tired, physically. But, emotionally, she was exhausted. Would anyone mind her taking a walk outside? She could use the fresh air. Her ex pression lightened up a bit at the thought as she turned around. She remembered the way around the mansion to a side door that led outside. Hoping that no one would hear, she quickly opened the door and closed it behind her. The warm air met her as she started down the path. Hopefully, no one was around here at night. She really needed to be alone for a while. Was slaves here allowed to do this? She felt anxiety creep inside her as she walked on. Oh, she hoped she wouldn’t get in trouble for coming out here. She twiddled her fingers anxiously as she kept walking.
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