5:10pm Aug 19 2011
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[[Bumpoooo for lolaaaaaa <3 ]]
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5:25pm Aug 19 2011
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Wil was out of his balcony, trying to get the fresh air down his throat and clear his mind, when tendrils of her scent came to him. Great, Wil, now you're getting delusional. Just call in a bleeder and feed already! But a tiny, almost petulant voice responded, I don't want to drink from a bleeder. I want... "Paradise," he breathed, and not just because he was longing for the velvety feel of her neck against his mouth. She was walking through the gardens, alone. Stupid, hopeful thoughts arose in his mind, and he suddenly felt his mouth go bone dry. No, Wil. Get a handle on yourself. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do-- But he already was. Wil leapt over the side of the balcony and onto the white marble gravel below as easily as a human would walk up some stairs. She disappeared from view for a moment as he ducked around a corner to conceal himself, and was careful to stick to the shadows a ways away from her. It struck him that it could be percieved as, oh...creepy if she caught him observing her, but just watching her made his hunger wane a bit. Maybe after this, he could tell himself that he had had enough of her, and the world could go back to normal--well, less crazy, in the very least. But he couldn't seem to stop drinking her in with his eyes. Her movements, the way the fading light caught her red hair, the very way she moved. But he didn't dare approach her. That would only lead to disaster. Ooc// Wil you crazy man, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? D:
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
5:39pm Aug 19 2011
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[[^^ That was probably my favorite post from you. LOVE. Homg. Homg. Homg. xD Sorry. I always make my charactars emotional, as you'll see in the end. xD ] It was amazing what fresh air could do. It was like your own personal medication. Kind of like anti-depressants. Or anti-anxiety medication? Just taking a deep breath from the air - and the aroma coming off the flowers that surrounded her - was better then any anti - pill she could ever swallow. But, just as she felt a little better, she started remembering what had happened that same day. A heavy wieght burdened her chest as she slowed her walk and finally came to a stop. She stared off at the path ahead of her longingly. She wanted to disappear inside that thicket ahead. The one she was in when she confronted Wil. Oh, Wil. Why did everything in her head have to be about Wil? What was wrong with her? With anger - that rarely came - boiled hotly inside of her, she started for a walk again. She finally was able to admit to herself, after that little walk, that something had indeed happened when they touched. But, all she could think about now was how he was probably laughing in his corridors. This was probably his whole plan, wasn't it? Make her befriend him, then care about him. And, then somehow hurt her heart more then any whip could ever do. She's only experienced love one other time. And, she hated thinking about it. A tear broke from her eyes at the thought of Jared [ Random. ] as she reached the thicket. She walked to one of the trees closest to her and leaned against it. When did things start getting so complicated? She wiped her cheek from that one tear that came before. It was then that she told herself she would not let herself fall in love with Wil. Not after what happened before, when she was involved with love. Her lip trembled at the thought, but she quickly reminded herself that she also told herself she would never cry about Jared ever again.
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5:57pm Aug 19 2011
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Ooc// I totally think that there should be a 'like' button for posts. <333 Bic// Wil was striding toward the thicket before his brain caught up with him. She was crying--crying. What was wrong? Was she hurt? Upset? Had she found out that he was following her, and had fled in fear? He slowed his rapid clip to a leisurely walk as his mind caught up with him. He was already out here, so why not at least make sure she was okay? He could feign surprise, make sure nothing was terribly wrong, and then get the heck away from there. A part of his mind balked at the idea, alarms screaming as they told him that this was a bad idea. But he was already at the edge of the thicket, peering into the darkness. "Paradise? Is that you? Are you okay?" Ooc// Sorry for the short post. My sister is watching TV and refuses to turn it down...and now I can't think. -_-'
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:04pm Aug 19 2011
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[[Homg. I'm tempted to go to the suggestions forum and put that there! xDDD And, that post was fine, FPFF. VERY DECENT. Remember what I said about your decent posts? And, officially, I'm making Wil have a hot voice. So, ya. That's like half of my post. Explaining his hot voice, in Paradise's opinion. xD]] Just as Paradise had thought that she was a bit more calm, that voice sounded in her ears. It was a voice that seemed to soothe her, and she was just now realizing it. A voice that only portrayed kindness. Consideration. Honesty. Wil. For some reason that Paradise will probably never understand, her heart fluttered at the thought of it being Wil. Oh, no. She wasn't wrong. No other man could make her dizzy just by the sound of their voice. Not like Wil. Why was she letting herself think like this? Of course, like any other women would react, it was a nice feeling. Feeling this way. But she shouldn't give in. She shouldn't... "Huh? Oh. Yes, I'm fine Wil." She lied, as she tried wiping her cheek one more time nonchalantly. "What are you doing out here?" She asked, still trying to act casual. Maybe he would just leave... Deep down inside, she new that was the last thing she wanted him to do.
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6:07pm Aug 19 2011
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Ooc// /is laughing too hard to make a decent post right now. xD;
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6:10pm Aug 19 2011
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[[Well you don't want him to have a ugly voice, do you? D: Is that even possible? xDDDDD ]]
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6:33pm Aug 19 2011
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Ooc// You obviously haven't heard my West Coast accent... o-o Don't say anything. :c You know my train of thought doesn't always make sense. /shot. Bic// Wil sighed, entering the copse of trees and hesitantly approached her. "Are you sure? Servants aren't usually out at this hour." Before he could stop himself, his hand laid itself lightly on her arm. A storm's worth of electricity boiled through him, turning his brain to mush, but he managed to tell himself that this was it. The only contact he would allow the two of them. He couldn't risk going further. Reluctantly, he drew his hand away, feeling like a schoolboy who's just been caught breaking the rules. He shouldn't even have approached her--that in itself was absurd. But to try to comfort her, to ask what she was feeling, to touch her...everything about it was wrong. It had beed bad to come out here--he had known it all along. But he couldn't summon up the regret. All he felt was worry, and expectance for her next reply.
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7:48pm Aug 19 2011
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Everything began to spin as Wil touched her arm. That strong hand that could probably rip her limbs off as easy as a twig... Yet be able to hold something as light as a feather, without ripping it apart. She could feel his fingers on her arm, gripping. It only made her more nauseated. The thing was, it wasn't because she wasn't liking the touch. It was because she was absolutely pleasured by it. It made her imagine what it would be like to feel the rest of him. His strong arms wrapped around her like before. His built torso being pressed against her petite body as his lips... "I..." Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What were they talking about? She mentally noted that he didn't answer her question. "To be honest, I'm not so sure. But, I don't think it would be very smart to talk to you about problems that you will most likely find silly." She still believed he was secretly laughing at her juvenile fantasies. Like him actually feeling that pull, between them. It was then that she realized that she had walked much closer to him, and immediately walked backwards until her back gently hit the tree once again. [[Haha! I highly doubt you have a ugly voice, FPFF <3 And, sorry I randomly poofed. My power went out. D: ]]
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11:50am Aug 20 2011
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10:53pm Aug 20 2011
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10:53pm Aug 20 2011
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11:04pm Aug 20 2011
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Wil felt a surge of disappointment as she stepped away. For a moment, it had felt as if his unbeating heart would spark to life again, only for the purpose of racing as her sweet smell intoxicated him better than any wine. He tried to tear his mind away from the stupid reaction, his feet only shuffling forward an inch, when they longed to close the feet between them and hold her in his--no. No no no no no no no. That would only end badly. Get a grip, Wil, his conscience repeated weakly. It seemed to be realizing that it was fighting a losing battle. He sighed, leaning against a tree for support. The fresh air rushing through his lungs cleared his head a bit...but then brought the haziness back as he inhaled her sweet scent. Get a grip. The advice was only a mere echo now. "Actually, I make it my business to see to it that my servants are happy while they are under my roof. What's wrong, Paradise? Can I...help?" He hadn't meant to croon that last bit, but his own ears definitely detected some croonage [Don't even ask. xDDDD]. He shut his eyes tightly and resisted the twin urges to flee and capture her in his arms. He felt like a tie was floating between then, pulling him closer, only to yank her away again. It was maddening.
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11:08pm Aug 20 2011
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[[I looked up croonage, and it said it meant Bloodshed. o_o How late is it where you are, dear FPFF? D: Lolololol, jkjkjk. ;) And, I have to go. D: I just couldn't wait to see your replies, which as usual, were decent. ;) D: Bye D:! ]]
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11:11pm Aug 20 2011
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Ooc// Only 8 pm. o-o You know what I mean, though~
Bai. ;-; Have a terrible time fun packing.
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12:10pm Aug 26 2011
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[[Hi FPFFF <3 I very much missed you! You do a horrible job at bumping things... o_o Jkjk. I have this saved to my favorites so it wouldn't have mattered if you did bump them. xD Like I said in our other roleplay, I'm going to wait for you to be out of school, and on Res and such. I hope school is... Fun?
As fun as my unpacking.
Oh, and just so you know, I had a terrible time on my vacation. It was fine, but... Very sandy. hot. Miserably humid. Crowded. We were like mexicans. Fitting 10 people in a two bedroom condo. That's not fun when your the type of person to like to be by yourself. Alright. Uh, I guess I'll be waiting for you to be on. :) ]]
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1:56am Aug 27 2011
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Ooc// Omg. O_O OMg. O_O OMG. ... It totally slipped my mind to bump these (I don't know why--seeing I honestly thought about them about 20 times a day. D:). I guess between school and trying to decently reply to every that was active.... /sigh. I honestly can't believe I spaced that. I'm sorry you didn't have fun--the whole space issue would drive me crazy (I like my space as well, haha). P: But...at least you went to the beach? /shot. Anyways, I do believe it's your turn to post on the roleplays~ |D Consider this a bump from your terribly lame FPFF. </3
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9:59am Aug 27 2011
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[[Wait... You think about these THAT much? It's wierd because I do too. -.- Hahahaha. Well... If your amazing is spectacular... And your decent is amazing... Then your lame is AWESOME. So, technically, it is 'This is a bump from your terribly awesome FPFF'. Yeah. :P Alright. I'll reply in a moment. Your at school, so it doesn't really matter. Haha! ]]
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1:42pm Aug 27 2011 (last edited on 7:22pm Aug 27 2011)
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His question only made her heart pound faster; her breathing more heavy. The only thing he could do to help was explain to Paradise what this feeling was. Or explain to her how he was able to make her feel so... Suffocated. Ironically, she liked the feeling. Everything in her wanted to tell him the truth. How she was confused about this whole situation. How deep down inside, she knew what was going on with her; she just didn't want to admit it. She has only felt this way one other time. She refused to let her heart go again. Refused to go down that road again. Love only ended with heart breaks. Especially love that is forbidden. It was then that she realized, that she hasn't answered Wil yet. She looked up at him with longing. What was it about him that made her like this? Oh, that's right. Everything. It was like she completely forgot about refusing to admit that she loved him. Because what came out of her mouth was like admitting that she truly did. "I've never liked feeling this way, Wil. Like no matter how wrong it is, I want it. And, then once I have it, I'm afraid of losing it. And then, in the end, I really do lose it." That pull that Paradise keeps trying to resist? It was even stronger now; her resistance to it was gone. She already started walking towards him again, and she loved being closer. "It's happened once. And I refuse to let it happen again." She didn't care if he might not know what any of these words meant. Wil might not even know what 'it' is. She did, and she was letting it out so it didn't become a burden. That was all that mattered to her then. "So as you now see, this is something you can't help me with." She whispered, as she stopped her feet from walking. Paradise wanted to be so much closer, but kept herself one foot away from him. Just one. She held his gaze a long moment, trying to read his reaction to what she said. Hopefully Wil will have no idea what she was talking about. He'd leave her alone and she'll be able to go about her weeks here with a unbearablely secret love for h im that made her scatterbrained.
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7:21pm Aug 27 2011
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[[Upupupupupup^^ I''m back from shopping. Guess what I was thinking about the whole time I was there? "I can't believe I only replied to the first two, I bet she's so annoyed that I'm not replying to the super hero one." So to help me feel better, I must say how SORRY I AM. D: I'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorry... I'm going to it now. I promise. D: Hehe.]]
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