1:11pm Aug 28 2011
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Ooc// You act as if I COULD get mad at you. D: Im the one you should be mad at, with all of my procrastination and lack of bumping. D:
Ooc// Wil's breath would have left his lungs. His heart would have stopped beating. He closed his eyes for a long moment. She was so close now, he could hear her heart beating, smell the sweet scent that only she could have. He could hear her breathing. He wondered why she seemed so nervous all of a sudden. Without opening his eyes or leaving the tree, Wil said quietly, "I was in love once. I'm not sure if I am now or not." He wasn't sure he was talking of love, but perhaps compassion would calm her mind. He so desperately wanted to calm her. The racing of her heart only drove his hunger to a greater height. "You know that Marysa will be coming in two--no, three now--weeks' time. You are to be her gift, because I once..." He hesitated. "I once felt for her very much. I'm not sure if I loved her or not, because once in love, do you really ever fall out of it?" He opened his eyes, then, unable to resist looking at Paradise. The predator within him narrowed its gaze on her delicate throat, but the soft part of him--the one that felt ridiculous things in ridiculous situations--sought her eyes. "What do you think of that? Do you think me weak, that I don't know whether or not I love her?" These words he meant in reference to Marysa. But he found a startling similarity in what he longed to say to Paradise.
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8:55pm Aug 29 2011
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[ When I first read this, I got really upset. Like... I guess I looked at it differently, about what he was saying about Marysa. I was hating on him for like ever. Now I get it xDDD LOL. Awwww. Even when I procrasinate? <3333333 When all the hamsters in the world go extinct, I know who to blame. *Points to FPFF* ]] Paradise was in a state of shock by the end of Wil's 'speech'. She didn't know whether to feel envy toward Marysa,heartbroken that she was still some little gift, or honored that out of all the people here, Wil chose to say something this personal to a slave. So she chose to feel all three. Her heart burned with pain with the first two emotions; beating even faster. She tried not to show that reaction though outloud as she stared back at Wil's eyes. Before, she always thought the way his eyes portrayed such kindness was just him acting. Manipulating. It seemed like anything but acting now. It seemed much more then just compassion now. His eyes hid so much more then they show. And, for the first time in a long time, she was dieing to find out what was being hidden by those kind eyes. "I don't find you weak, Wil." Paradise said quietly. "You're anything but that." She added in a mere whisper; she wouldn't be surprised if he even heard her. [[/Fail. I kind of had writers block for what she should say. Sorrey. D: ]]
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9:08pm Aug 29 2011
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Wil smiled, but his relief was somewhat bitter. He cared deeply about what she thought--but it didn't change how the rest of the world saw him. To the world, you may be one person. But to one person, you may be the world. That particular quote, buried from his days in the human's world, floated to the surface of his mind. Startled, he blinked, and then turned to the extraordinary woman at his side. "Thank you, Paradise. It..." He faltered, his tongue tying in knots. Should he say it? Was it too inappropriate? Would it scare her? But he was already finishing the sentence. "...means a lot to me." And then he couldn't bear it any longer. His heart was longing to say something much deeper, much more forbidden. His instincts told him to lung at her neck and take what he wanted. It was too much. With a mangled groan of distress, he spun on his heel and walked at a fast clip towards the house. Once in his room, he could sort everything out. But not in front of Paradise. It was too much. Ooc// No worries--I couldn't tell. ;p
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10:55am Aug 30 2011
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[[That's my favorite quote! I still realllyyyy want to hear that idea of yours. xDDD]] What did she do? Paradise watched in shock as Wil quickly turned around and left without warning. Did she say something wrong? But, that wasn't the only thing she started questioning to herself about. What she said actually meant something to him? A pang of disappointment twinged her heart as she watched him disappear. She came out here to be by herself, but the fact that Wil came made her feel even better. Until they started talking, of course. With a defeated sigh, she finally chose to go back to her room. The last thing she wanted was someone else finding her out here. When she reached her bedroom, she collapsed on the bed. Out of all the questions she kept asking herself, only one she couldn't find any reasonable answer too. Where was this pull towards Wil coming from?
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9:14pm Aug 30 2011
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Ooc// Hm... time skip to a few days later, and another encounter? o3o I have no idea where or when. Maybe Wil can just come clean, or something, so that the romance finally starts. xD; 'Mailed you the plot idea~
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10:18pm Aug 30 2011
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[[Yeah, maybe we should time skip a bit instead of just to the next day. So that we can get faster to the idea you told me. <3333333333 You know, Paradise still hasn't talked to Helga. Maybe. If you like making things awkward. Helga and Paradise could start talking, Wil walks in maybe right when Paradise is confessing to Helga? So that Wil don't have to do all the work D: But if you think it would be better for Wil to say first, then we can do that too. xD I'm fine with both. xD ]]
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8:59pm Aug 31 2011
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9:09pm Aug 31 2011
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Ooc// I like the idea of Wil walking in, actually~ <3 Lemme get Helga in position. Bic// It was killing her. Nearly a week had passed since the incident with Wil, and Helga still didn't have a solution to the problem. The thought set a grimace on her face as she trudged up the stairs and down the hall to Paradise's room. As she reached the door, she knocked on it loudly. "Paradise, are you in there? It's Helga--I'm doing attendance." --- Wil was feeling rather anxious, and perhaps a bit irritated. He hadn't talked to Paradise for days, and it seemed to be slowly killing him. After that disaster outside in the gardens--well, both of them--he hadn't allowed himself so much as a glance her way. It just wasn't smart any more. He now found it foolish and naive to think that this was some passing thing. He hadn't been near her for a long time, and yet she filled his thoughts. No, something was seriously wrong. He had been going through this every morning, struggling with his emotions, and this day, he was feeling weak--weak to the point of losing the battle not to go to see her. He was hungry, for the thought of her made him long for the succulent taste of her blood, and no bleeder could seem to satisfy him. It was as if in a dream, he walked outside of his room and made his way towards her hall.
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9:48pm Sep 1 2011
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[[Homghomghomg. <3 ]] The last couple days could only be described with one word. Agonizing. Paradise didn't talk to Wil once. She would make small glances in his direction, but the second Wil turned to face her she'd immediately stop staring at him. She wouldn't want to be caught doing that. Especially infront of people. Right now, she lay sprawled out on her stomach on the bed. The days have also been tiring. Emotionally draining. Mostly because Paradise refused to let her heart go to Wil. She new that there was something there. That everytime they were in the same room, something inside her was burning. But, she couldn't go down the road again. All she was, was a present for his... His... His girlfriend? His fiancee? His wife? Just the thought made her sick. She let out a small groan at the thought right before hearing Helga at her door. Paradise lifted herself lazily from the bed, rubbed her eyes- and winced. Styes. She hasn't slept well in days. To be blunt, she was walking like a zombie anywhere she went. "I'm coming." She said before opening the door. Doing a fake smile, she said, "Morning, Helga."
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7:35pm Sep 2 2011
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"My dear, child," Helga tsked. "You look like Death himself visited you overnight." Without waiting for an invitation, Helga latched onto Paradise's arm and walked over to the bed. She settled herself on the quilted cover and motioned for the girl to do the same. "Now, sweetheart, don't try to lie to me. Something's been eating you for days, and it seems that this morning might be your last." The last part had meant to be a joke, but it came out in a flat, dire tone. "You've been distracted during work, and something's off about your eyes. You have very distinctive eyes," she elaborated. "Such a lovely violet color." Clearing her throat, she continued, "You can tell me what's wrong. I won't tell anyone." --- Wil blinked, as if in a daze, as he came to his senses. He had to be hallucinating--Paradise's scent was all around him. It flowed through him, such a heavenly aroma that only brought his fangs out and started that peculiar aching in his chest. It was only then that he realized that he was actually there, outside her room. A feeling of self-revulsion overtook him, and he turned to leave, but then the low hum of voices caught his ear. And he leaned in to listen.
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11:11am Sep 3 2011
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Paradise's cheeks turned a slight shade of pink when Helga spoke of her eyes. They were a 'rare' color, but Paradise wasn't the type to like to stand out. So, honestly, she wished her eyes were a dark unnoticable brown at times. But, you can't get everything you wish for. Like just one more conversation with Wil before she is sent off to her new Master. As a gift. Once again, that word brought a acheing to her chest; this time not referring to her longing for Wil. "I... Its really not that important." Paradise sighed before sitting down next to Helga. Of course it was important! Her outside, physical appearance showed just how important it was. She was inlove. And was hurting at knowing how wrong that was. And how she was not loved back. Would never be loved back. Paradise stared at her calloused hands on her lap; wondering if that was one of the reasons why Wil didn't want to keep her here. "I guess it is. But, I really shouldn't say anything. It's not something I should be worrying about anyways. I'm just a..." What was she really? Lately she hasn't been feeling like a slave. She's been feeling like a guest in this home. A friend. But, what was she to Wil? She didn't care what she was anymore. All she wanted to know was what Wil thought when he saw her. A girl who tends to judge too quickly? Or a woman that has a bad habit of eavesdropping? Or a girl, again, that stares at him desirably when no one was watching. Has he ever noticed? Probably not. She was always careful. But, even if he did, he probably wouldn't think much of it. He'd just scoff and think how vulnerable she was. How she was... "Just a slave."
Paradise said, but forgetting what she was speaking of before. She was just finishing her thoughts. Finally she looked up at Helga. Again, forgetting what she was last saying, and found a random question that came to her head. Maybe some advice from Helga, without her even knowing how much Paradise needed it, was the solution. "Have you ever been in love Helga? Or... At least taken a strong liking to someone?"
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9:44pm Sep 4 2011
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[[Bump D: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy. This is a really stupid question; if you know where I'm going with it. How many roleplays do you have? O_O ]]
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2:31pm Sep 5 2011
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8:26pm Sep 5 2011
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Ooc// I have dark unnoticable brown eyes. |D ...Hm, as for the roleplay question, let me see...I think five--the three with you, the dragon rider roleplay, and then a werewolf one with YT. Five. o3o Unless I'm a spectacular fail at counting, too. Go figure. Why do you ask? <3 And I'm bumping this up, since I realyl should be working on my homework. Once I get these darn papers done, I'll reply. <3
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8:37pm Sep 5 2011
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[[You know, when I was typing that, I was like hesitating because I was worried you'd get offended. D: You have no idea how many times I erased it and then was like 'Oh it's fine.' back and forth. D: I'M SORRY. D: My sister has brown eyes. Yet they're really pretty. So I doubt brown can be ugly. I hate when people say that. 'Cause it's not true. D: ... B-because we were planning to do another roleplay? Remember on my thread thingy? D: It's alright if you don't want to. D: I have so many... I shouldn't. But I wanna. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: *flees* ]]
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10:30pm Sep 6 2011
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[[Bump D:
Fpff? D: ]]
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8:25pm Sep 7 2011
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Ooc// This thing remembers my post settings... /tackleglomps it. <3333 This is LOVE. Anywhoo, I wasn't offended. ^^; You can see by my avatar (Which needs to get updated, lawl) that I'm a rather dull person. Brown hair, brown eyes. Normal skin. Bad fashion taste. o-o; adfjdfhdjfh. It's my turn to post. And I will do so shortly~ <3
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8:35pm Sep 7 2011
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[[Take your time <3333333333333333333333333
And, I doubt your dull. D:
I have brown hair also. For some reason, I've always wanted black though. But hey, I bet it would look horrible on me. Black hair with green eyes? I don't think so D:
But that's just my opinion. xD
Anyways, your post settings? You mean like, post count?
If so... IKR. xD I love it.
I can't put this alignment in the CENTER. Does it work for you? D: ]]
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8:53pm Sep 7 2011
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Ooc// I guess not.... hmph. e-e /pokes post. Center yourself, you sorry excuse for a reply! >c
Bic// Wil's breath caught as she asked Helga. The part about love. Love... --- The old woman smiled, patting Paradise's hand comfortingly. "Of course, dear. But it was many years ago, when I was still a girl..." She trailed off, not wanting to elaborate about how Hal had met a bloody end at the hands of some drunken whip master. How she had cried over his torn body, felt the lash of the whip upon her own back, too, until the cruel man had been dragged away for beating a slave of such importance. Even then, she had been Wil's. She didn't tell the girl how the scars were still littering her back.
Because, even if it ended in pain, love was a beautiful thing. Even if it only lasted a minute, and hour, a day...the feeling that it left never departed. The memories of warm arms wrapped around you, tender kisses....no one should deserve to go through life without that. So she held her tongue.
"Darling, who is it? Who's been keeping your mind so restless? I won't tell," she said, smiling. "I swear it."
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9:18pm Sep 9 2011 (last edited on 3:41pm Sep 11 2011)
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[[I honestly didn't understand anything you said in the OOC...lol! ]]
Helga would understand. If only Paradise could tell her everything. About how ever since the beginning there was a small unnoticable place in her heart that trusted Wil. Even when she hated him and wanted him to die in the depths of hell while she watched in heaven. She wanted to watch him burn to crisps when she first met him.
But, now she knew she'd die if something like that happened to him. Now that she new there was a part of her that had his name written on now it...
It just wasn't the same.
Paradise took in a deep sigh. This was just like before. She got sucked in so quickly! One loving look at a man and she was hooked.
But it wasn't fully like that. It was only last time. When she'd never had any relationship with a man. How do you expect a lonely women to feel when such a handsome wealthy man comes around the corner, looking at her?
She just wanted this pain to go away. If she was so inlove, why was her heart hurting?
"I... Can't tell you, Helga."
She wouldn't let the tears fall that threatened to come. She crossed her arms to feel more security as she added,
"I just want it to end. Things back to normal..."
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