10:55am Jul 8 2011 (last edited on 10:55am Jul 8 2011)
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OOC: Yay! Second page <3 Hey. I found my personality from whenI was doing this role play before. I won't edit it and all to fit this role play, so just read it to get the gist of Nikki .:D
"Paradise is a very determined kind of girl. Since she has been working for all her life with all different types of personalities, she knows just how to make things look good to your approval. She's not very aggressive, and acts as innocent as she looks. (Pretty much saying she is innocent LOL..I think she does in the image but I didn't know if you did, so I was just making that clear...ANYWAYS) She's not competitive or mean, and always will try her best to have you satisfied as possible. She isn't a fan of cleaning, but working builds character. SHe's known that all her life. So she doesn't complain, and looks at it as a gift. Knowing that some people don't have jobs, makes it easier to say 'Being who I am is a gift'. She's painfully shy, and extremely sensitive. Use a certain tone of voice, you could get water works any second. She isn't a talker, and has learned over the years that her 'owner's' liked to be called 'Sir' and 'Ma mm' with almost everything she says. So she knows how to be respectful too. "
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8:36pm Jul 8 2011
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Ooc// Okay~ :D And you called her Nikki in your post, just so you know. :P SORRY THIS POST IS SO BAD OMGOMGOMG. D: I'm brain dead. As if it were an excuse. Dx Bic// Wil took the girl's wrist irons with his gaze cast downward, still battling off the wash of shame. He was all ready leading them down the hall, just before they entered the thick of the crowd, when he looked up and offered her a small smile. His gaze seemed drawn to her magnetically, and it took all of Wil's willpower (No cheesy puns intended) to tear it away again. He remained silent as he navigated the three out of the thick of the new clone owners, focusing intently on getting the party out intact. When they finally emerged into the bright sunshine and fresh--or at least fresher--air, Wil took a deep, unneeded breath, and let it out in a rushing sigh. "The carriage should be here soon," he murmured to his newest purchases, not looking around to see them. He didn't know what had prompted his reaction to the girl, but he didn't want to risk it again. It was inappropriate, for a Master to be looking at a servant like that. It was all the better that she would be going to Marysa soon enough. They stood there for three or four minutes, until the rumbling carriage was brought 'round by a clone inn service at the Auction Houses. The boy--no older than fifteen--scurried off after a bow and quick tip of his ratty hat. Wil wondered why his escape was so quick. He wouldn't be surprised if many of the less honorable vampires took advantage of free blood from clones like him. The thought made him shiver. Then the gentleman in him took over, as well as a desire to earn the respect from his new servants as quickly as possible. Unlike some Masters, he tried to show the servants that he respected them as people with thoughts and loves and hates, not just blood sources and will-less workhorses. Respect got respect, though Wil did make a point to keep the lines between Master and servant very clear. He opened the carriage door with a flourish, allowing the clones to climb in first. He kept an iron fist on his gaze, determined not to look at the red-haired clone again. Not yet. He took another deep breath, a rather annoying habit of his. He would need to figure out why he had reacted this way soon. It was simply absurd.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
8:57pm Jul 8 2011
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OOC: omg...*head desk* I said Nikki?! D: Sorry. Paradise is a older charactar, and Nikki is a newer one. I got mixed up hahaha D: And, that was no fail. Promise <3 OMG D: i'm sorry. Something random just came up the second I planned on RPing. Will be back in maybe an hour. Somewhere around that... D: sorry D:
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8:58pm Jul 8 2011
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Ooc// No worries, hon. <3 Have funnnn~
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11:59pm Jul 8 2011
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Never before had Paradise felt so awkward with a Master. Uncomfortable, yes. But, that was because they had frightened her with the whippings. But, never this type of awkward. That awkward that made you not want eye contact with anyone and you feel heat rush to your face for no reason at all - except for the awkward tension as a reason of course. While they waited for the carriage, Paradise stayed quiet. She kept her head held high, and her eyes straight forward. Not daring a glance at anyones general direction. So far, her new Master wasn't the same as the other Master's she served. Out of all the Master's she's had, only one other Master was nice to the slaves. All her other previous Masters were...more generous with a whip then a smile. Even if she tried, Paradise doubted she could hide her surprise in her wide violet eyes. He was holding the door? For slaves? She guessed there was some kind of catch. But she couldn't bring a guess to her mind. Out of habit, she twiddled with her cracked - skin fingers until it was her turn to slide inside. Remembering to show respect, she paused and looked at her new Master, eyes dripping surprise. "Thank you." She whispered, before climbing in. She didn't mean to whisper, but she tended to get nervous when talking. She couldn't control her shyness, it was how she was. When she was settled in next to the other slaves, she found herself twiddling with her cracked fingers once again.
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10:25am Jul 9 2011
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1:27pm Jul 9 2011
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OOC: You replied to the other one, but not this one. Soooo... BUMPSIES AGIAN <3
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1:55pm Jul 9 2011 (last edited on 2:10pm Jul 9 2011)
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Ooc// Oh mai! D: I forgot. I'll reply in a moment /scurries to read post. Bic// Wil couldn't help but look up at her thanks. His eyes caught onto her violet ones, and he had to forcefully take it away again. Bad, Wil, his inner voice hissed, Very bad. He cleared his throat uncomfortably, and then climbed in after her. He took a seat across from the three new servants (Assuming they sat together...? D|) and looked at the three of them steadily. Marysa's gift--the one with the unusual eyes--took a lot of his focus, but all ready Wil was beginning to adapt his restraint to this unexpected need for it. One doesn't live for over two thousand years without an ability to adapt quickly. Finally, he brought his thoughts back to order and looked at each of them--even the girl--seperately, with a level gaze. "If we're going to be in here for the journey back together, I suppose we should learn each others' names. For starters, in case you haven't learned it all ready, my name is Wil. Wil Mordalle, to be exact." He frowned. "If you have heard any rumors about me--there are many, but I assure you that they are just that--let me clear the air. I do not beat those in my service. Though, if you misbehave, there will be repercussions." His mouth twitched into a wry smile. "I do expect proper behavior of my servants, however. I will not hesitate to disown any unruly clones, seeing as there seems to be an abundance." The wryness had shifted into a dry tone. He hadn't meant to frighten the clones, but the female he intended to keep in his service had paled considerably. He decided to switch tactics. "My servants will each be assigned jobs within my manor. You may be promoted, demoted, or transferred to a different job, depending on your performance and your actions. Are we clear?" he asked with a raise of his eyebrows. "Good. Now, might I learn what you all are called?" Ooc// Ick. Sorry for the bad post. D: I'm a bit pressed for time. Also, I'll be off for most of the day today. I'll try and reply tonight, though~
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2:20pm Jul 9 2011
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OOC: It's alright. STOPSAYINGYOURPOSTSAREFAILSGAHHHHHHHH I'm a 'bit pressed for time' as well, so I won't reply just now.
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9:30pm Jul 9 2011 (last edited on 9:33pm Jul 9 2011)
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After everyone was in, and the ride started to her new Masters house, Paradise kept scolding herself if she did something wrong. If she was slouching a bit too much, because of her tired body, she would quickly sit back up straight. If her eyes were casted downwards, almost about to close from that tiredness, she would immediately bl ink and keep her eyes on something other than the ground. This was an everyday task for her, making sure she was sitting properly, ETC. So, she was used to it. When her Master looked at each of them, she felt her cracked fingers meeting, twiddling once again. To stop the habit from being shown, she wiped her clammy hands on her clothes to stop. But, just seconds later, she couldn’t help but play with her fingers again. She never understood why that became such a habit, but she learned that it only happened when people talked to her. It was as if twiddling was a symptom of shyness. She mentally chuckled at her dry joke. When her new Master said his name, Paradise's hands became clammy once again, and she couldn't even force her fingers to stop this time. No! No, no, no, no, NO! She thought to herself, with a frown. Out of all the Masters that could have had her, she ended up with the Wil Mordalle? She swallowed, but that only made her throat ache. She cleared her throat very quietly, and didn’t stop herself from looking at the ground this time. Her face was flushed. Wil Mordalle could assure Paradise all he wanted that he wasn’t what the rumors said, but being a slave all her life, she’s learned that Masters could lie just as much as anyone. She clenched her teeth, all of a sudden angry. Yes, it was very rare, but she was angry. So angry, that for once she didn’t care about her rules to show respect. To sit up straight. Or look him in the eye. No. Now that she knew who he was, she could never look him in the eye. It took her a moment to comprehend what her Master was asking. For a long moment, she stared at her fingers, still twiddling. Everyone was silent, and that’s when she understood. She looked up, but couldn’t look at Wil Mordalle. She swore she might vomit if she did. Instead, Paradise stole glances at the two other slaves next to her, and quickly looked back down. "Paradise." She said, so quietly it was almost a whisper. Her voice had a naturally quiet tone to it. So that, ironically, wasn't out of charactar.
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9:31am Jul 10 2011
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OOC: UPUPUPUPUPUPUP <3 I won't be on in the morning. Church. But, later I will :)
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3:57pm Jul 10 2011
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6:57pm Jul 10 2011
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"Paradise." The word was so soft, even Wil barely caught it before her name was swallowed up by the rumble of the carriage wheels and the soft purr of the engine that his sharp vampiric hearing caught. He almost said that the name was fitting, but caught himself. Bad, Wil, his conscious told him--if there was any conscious that had stayed with him, through all these years--You need to stop this. He cleared his throat again. "Very well, Paradise. Nice to meet you." He turned to the other two clones, raising an eyebrow. This received a quiet "Alice," and a whispered, "James." Wil nodded, forcing a kind smile on his face. "Well then, Alice, James, and Paradise. I seems we'll have some time to get to know each other." Other vampire masters, especially ones as old as him, might have ignored the slaves. They might have a soundproof spell put on it by a witch-for-hire, so that the master mightn't be bothered by the chatter of the servants. Or, perhaps they would have hired a seperate coach for them all together. Wil, however, considered this rude. Even if they were subordinates, they were not without feelings, thoughts, or ideas. Lost in thought, Wil found his eyes resting on Paradise's restless, ill-looking hands. They looked terribly painful. He remembered his promise to Alice and James then. "Here," he said softly, holding out his hands. "Let me take a look at those. The wrist irons don't exactly do wonders for one's hands, do they?" The wry tone in his voice fell flat about halfway through the poor attempt at an ice breaker. He wanted to help her, but would that truly be a good idea? Considering his reaction to looking at her, what would happen if they touched? Ooc// Sorry this is both overdue, late, and very unproductive. D: Feel free to have him take off the shackles, apply balm/lotion to her wrists, or whatever~
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:13pm Jul 10 2011 (last edited on 7:14pm Jul 10 2011)
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OOC: You want me to power play? D:
omg, I get it. :) Sorry about the 'DUHH' moment. I'm replying nowww~
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7:38pm Jul 10 2011 (last edited on 7:39pm Jul 10 2011)
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OOC: Sorry if I say 'New Master' more then 'Wil'. I have my goals for every post. At least 300 words. And saying 'Wil' alot makes it shorter. D: BIC: After stating her name, she immediately looked back down at her hands. She didn’t care about anything else – that she usually cared about, at least – other than the fact that her new Master was Wil Mordalle. She’s heard so many stories – she didn’t believe they were rumors – and was so frightened, that she was tempted to open the carriage door, jump out – risking maybe some cuts on her knee - and run. The urge was so strong; she knew she would have done it if the shackles weren’t on her raw skinned wrists. When her new Master stated that they would have a lot of time to get to know each other, Paradise felt nausea settling in the pit of her stomach. A lot of time? What did that mean? A lot of time until he plans to ‘tar and feather’ us? Maybe, he plans to just whip the life out of us? Maybe, hanging us on a stick, making us the bulls eye with a bow and arrow? The thoughts ran on in Paradise’s head. The more she thought, the gruesome her thoughts became. And, the more frightened she was. After a long time of looking down at her hands, she finally had found enough courage in her to look up, just to see her new Master staring at her tender, sore hands. What was he thinking? Maybe he wanted to make them worse. Maybe rip her fingers off, one by one. She could just imagine the sick thoughts running through his mind. Just thinking that, she immediately looked back down at her gross hands. She was always embarrassed by them; people always found themselves staring with a gross look on their faces. It’s what working hard like she did do to you, she never got used to it though. When her new Master held out his hands, and commanded her to show him hers, she immediately shook her head franticly. “You don’t need to take a look. No.” She could feel her heart beating faster than ever before. But, the corner of her mind was screaming, You better not say no to him! He’s your Master, and he will easily kill you if you don’t cooperate! You know what he does to slaves… With knowing that he could kill her, knowing how he’s known for loving to torture, she sighed just as shakily as her hands, and hesitated many times before putting her rough, cracked hands in his. The touch only made her shake even more.
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8:33pm Jul 11 2011
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Lola, you can't ditch me. I won't let you... D:
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8:04am Jul 12 2011
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OOC: BUMP D: I'm telling you, I'm not letting this die. You can't do that too me. It's not right. :)
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6:51pm Jul 12 2011
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OOC: I'm NOT giving up on youuuuuu <3 BUMPS <3
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10:10pm Jul 12 2011
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Ooc// xD Is it wrong that I laugh when I read through your bumps? <3 Lol, I started cracking up when I read Paradise's speculations. xD xD xD Wil has some reputation-cracking to do. o3o Bic// Wil forced his hands to stay still. He couldn't let her know that on the inside, electricity was racing up and down his arms, and it was the sheer force of his will that kep this fingers from trembling. His conscious--or, inner voice at the very least--didn't even bother to point out how wrong it was. He all ready knew. As gently as he could, Wil transferred both of her tender-looking hands into one of his. He stared at the difference between their two hands, and then narrowed his attention to drawing the key to her shackles out of his pocket. He slipped the small metal rod into his hand, and couldn't help but check and make sure that they carriage doors were locked. They were. Then, he gently set it into her right wrist iron, and turned. "There you go," he said softly, sliding the metal off a carefully as he could. He didn't want it to rub against the raw skin around her wrists. As he slid off the left iron, he smiled up at her. "All better." Then he turned to Alice and James, continuing the same actions, though their wrists didn't look half as bad as Paradise's. This was not to say that they didn't look bad. As he dropped his other female servant's right hand, he looked around the small carriage cabin. "Now, to find the balm," he muttered under his breath. Standing up--well, rather crouching, since Wil was relatively tall--he examined the overhead compartments. He located a first aid kit, complete with stale blood that smeeled positively disgusting, and a set of servant-healing supplies. He found a lotion inside, and brought it out. "Here," he said to Paradise, gesturing for her to give him her hands again, but saw the disgust in her face. "Or, would you rather...?"
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10:40pm Jul 12 2011
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OOC: Awh <3 I made you laugh? To be perfectly honest, I laughed at the part about 'tar and feather' and stuff also, haha. It's 10:20 PM where I am, so I'm kind of tired. Sorry for the lameness. I also didn't want to powerplayyyy~ BIC: When he took the key out of his pocket, Paradise flinched. Expecting it to be a knife. A mini whip. Anything but a key to take the horrid shackles off her chafing wrists. As he pressed it against the rusted - silver wrist iron, she momentarily thought this was all a trick and that key would cut straight through the metal and into her flesh. Just for Wil Mordalle to see her in pain. But, he didn't hurt her. He helped. He didn't even look as though there was a catch; he didn't do this kind gesture, reluctantly. Somethings up here... Paradise thought to herself with a frown, as she absentmindedly rubbed her wrists; refusing to watch Wil Mordalle as he took off the shackles to the other slaves. They seemed just as relieved as she was for the burdens lifted from their wrists. She swallowed nervously as he held his hands out to her. Was he tricking her? Maybe, the second he holds my hands, he'll squeeze so hard that my hands fall off... Or no, he wouldn't want me losing blood here. He'll squeeze just hard enough to break a couple bones, maybe making them crack through the skin... The morbid thoughts went on and on in her head, and the more they came the more she feared this Wil Mordalle. "No..." She croaked shakily, keeping her hands hidden. Away from the monster before her. You've never said 'no' to a Master before, Paradise! He's going to really rip your hands off this time!
Or...Maybe my fingers, one by one. He'll probably like the pain he sees in my eyes, while I suffer... But, if you show disrespect, he'll make you feel pain you haven't felt in years. After a arguement back and forth - with herself - a tear found it's way out of her eye as she reluctantly put her chafed hands against his. "I'm sorry." She croaked just loud enough for only him to hear. "Please don't hurt me, I'm sorry." She knew she sounded pathetic. And she wouldn't be surprised if Wil Mordalle laughed, and spit in her face, and called her 'pathetic'. She could easily see him doing it, and knowing that, she turned her face away just in case, as the tear slowly made a path down her cheek.
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