11:37pm Jul 12 2011
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Ooc// Can silver rust? /dork.
G'night. ^^ I'll try and be on more tomorrow~ Bic// Wil frowned at her tear. "No, no. Please don't apologize. I didn't mean to..." He hadn't mean to what? Hurt her? There was no reasonable explanation for her refusal, and any logical master might reprimand her. But he couldn't bring himself to. There was something about the way she held herself. He could tell that there was a fiery independence burning somewhere beneath that scared ex pression and what appeared to be a desire to please. Sighing, he withdrew his hands. He looked to Alice and James, who seemed to be watching the little episode intently, and handed them over the bottle of balm. While they applied it, he stared out the window. The City of Servus was behind them, and now wide plains of crops stretched out before them. This was where most of the food for the clones came from. Wheat, corn, and all manner of fruits and vegetables were grown here. He remembered how the humans had used to cover vast amounts of areas with only one crop. Part of him was glad that the population of mortal creatures had collapsed by over fifty percent since the vampires had taken reign. But part of him missed the eccentricites humanity had brought to the world. Not to say that part of him wasn't still human. Yes, it had been a long time since the fall of the humans, but he still remembered them. He was still partially one himself. Wil blinked and turned away from the window, realizing his face had settled into a scowl. Great. Just what he needed to calm the high-strung Paradise. He shook his head, mostly for his own benefit, and then settled deeper into the seat. It would be a long journey.
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9:02am Jul 13 2011
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OOC: Oh my, I meant to say 'silver metal' sorry. Haha. :D I'm able to go on for a bit~ I'll post in a second.
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4:34pm Jul 13 2011
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Whatever point he was getting too, by what he said didn't make Paradise feel any better. If anything, it only made her more frightened. Immediately after he withdrew his hands, she happily took hers back, keeping them deep inside her lap. As the silence grew thicker, and the other slaves, Alice and James, applied the lotion to their chafed skin, Paradise kept staring down at her lap. Still confused at why Wil Mordalle didn't hurt her. Didn't rip her fingers out like she thought he would. Didn't squeeze her to have her lose her circulation. The arguement still battled inside her head. He didn't want to do hurt you here because there would be witnesses... No, he wouldn't be afraid to hurt me infront of the 2 other slaves, if anything, he'd say that was a warning to all of us.
Why am I sticking up for him?
Maybe the rumors are really...Rumors. Paradise did a slight shake of her head as she thought that last thought, not even noticable to anyone but herself. They are definately not rumors. That was the result in the arguement. After finally gathering her courage to give him a glance, she frowned at his scowl and immediately looked out the window. Oh no, now you really did it Paradise! You got him mad... She swallowed nervously at the dreaded truth, and scooted back against her seat, not letting any part of her legs be close to the monster across from her.
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4:52pm Jul 13 2011
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The silence was growing to an uncomfortable degree. Wil shifted slightly in his seat, trying to calm his thoughts, but gave up as they backlashed at him like a viper. He sighed. "So, does anyone have any questions about our destination, your jobs...anything really?" He wanted to get conversation started, if only to distract him from his unsettling thoughts, especially those that concerned what had happened with him and Paradise. She was obviously very scared of him. Perhaps she even hated him. He wondered if the rumors had gotten to her too soon, his assurances that they were just that, too late. Whatever the reason for her withdrawal, it stung with an unecessary venom. Way to go, Wil, he thought sourly. Maybe it was for the better that she was acting this way. If she hadn't felt that strange attraction in the first place, maybe it would die as quickly as it had risen for him. Or, at least become more manageable. He hoped that after she departed with Marysa they feelings would vanish, if they hadn't all ready fled. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt something like that. While Marysa could make him jumpy and self-conscious, the electricity he could feel when he had taken her hands hadn't just shocked him...it scared him. Whatever the cause, whatever her reaction, these feelings were bad news. Wil looked up at Alice and James abruptly, not wanting to look at Paradise, and waited for their answers. Ooc// You can play Alice and James as well. I just wanted to give them names so that I wasn't calling them "the other two" for the whole roleplay. Consider them NPCs...? :3
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4:55pm Jul 13 2011
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4:59pm Jul 13 2011 (last edited on 5:00pm Jul 13 2011)
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Ooc// NPC: N- Non P- Player C- Characters What does that spell? Non Player Characters! :D ...Yeah. My unnecessarily long explanation. |D /shot. It basically means anyone can control/describe them.
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7:13pm Jul 13 2011
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OoC: Ohhhhhhhhhh, I get it.... xD Oh yes, I just thought I'd let you know, I read your latest roleplay thread. The one you have been working on for a while, and I laughed. I don't know why, but when you talk in 'ooc' I always laugh at what you say. So I greatly appreciated that thread and will be lurking HAHA -willpostinamomentbecauseIhavewritersblock-
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7:13pm Jul 13 2011 (last edited on 7:13pm Jul 13 2011)
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7:15pm Jul 13 2011
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Ooc// :) I make you laugh...? Lol. (No pun intended) /waits for post.
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7:42pm Jul 13 2011
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OOC: Oh my. Us with our puns xD BIC: The blazing thoughts that surrounded Paradise's mind couldn't be slowed. The silence was starting to get to her, and she could tell that it got to Alice and James as well as they looked from their new dreadful Master, to Paradise, to each other. She couldn't meet their gazes. Just the little noise. Wil Mordalles' little sigh, made Paradise jump a bit. She doubted it was that noticable, but it did surprise her. Was she that pathetic? Finally, as he spoke, she realized something she didn't realize before. His tone. It wasn't surly, gruff, rough (RHYME<3) or intimidating at all. He had a sweet, soothing tone that ironically comforted her a bit about how he was. She would dare think he wasn't dreadful just because of his tone though. He was still a monster in her eyes. He could try to decieve her all he wanted. Finally she looked up at James, as he spoke for them all. "Where do you plan on putting us specificly? For a job?" Paradise knew what she wanted. She always liked working outside, though sometimes it could be deathly cold or blistering hot. But, in the Spring, when the breeze was just perfect, it was easier to enjoy the jobs. And, the same with the fall. With the grass covered with leaves, and the trees bare. The scenes could be breath taking and help with the mood while doing the jobs. But, of course, there were some downs to working outside. If your Masters were cruel, it was easier for them to hit you outside with a whip - or with their hands if they were really that irritated - because it would make less ruckus then inside when any random visitors came by and saw.
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7:51pm Jul 13 2011
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Ooc// Ikr! xD Bic// Wil looked to James. "Well. I was planning on having you and Alice working out in the gardens. My household doesn't buy from these slave-driven industries out here." He gestured to the fields passing by. "Do you know anything about gardening?" James hesitated, then shook his head slightly. Wil nodded. "Understandable, I suppose. How about you, Alice?" The girl paled at his question. "A-a little, Master," she said quietly. "Good. Perhaps you can teach James a few things." Wil turned to Paradise. There was another, different ex pression on her face for a moment, and then it vanished into that cold mask again. He fought the urge to sigh with the loss. She had looked...relieved...for just a moment. He wanted that to come through again. "As for you, Paradise..." His mouth suddenly went dry. He wanted to say "You'll be a gift for a lady friend of mine. Not to worry, she is very kind." But the words just wouldn't come out. He could all ready tell that the words would just sent her into that cold demeanor forever around him, and he couldn't bring himself to do it. He just....couldn't. Wil cleared his throat. He would tell her later--that was a promise to himself. "As for yo, Paradise, I haven't quite decided yet. To be honest, I wasn't planning on taking three of you back, but there was something about you..." He stopped again, uncomfortable, and then changed the topic quickly. "Do you have any preference for the type of work you would like?"
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
8:00pm Jul 13 2011
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OOC: Have to leave soon~ Sorry. I'm having this habit to read a post, say I'll reply in a moment,go to another roleplay, read their post, say the same thing, then come back and reply. It's like, it helps it sink in. IDK haha. But, seriously, I'll reply in a moment.~
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8:03pm Jul 13 2011
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Ooc// Really, don't worry about it. D: You have so many roleplays right now.
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2:25pm Jul 14 2011
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12:27pm Jul 15 2011
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Ooc// OMG. D: It was on the second page.
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9:58pm Jul 15 2011
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OOC: While I was cleaning a house - my mom's side job - I found myself thinking of my reply for this role play o_o Maybe it was because I felt like a slave...cleaning and all... HAHA O_________O As I say...The second page is DEATH D: BIC: Funny what words could do to someone, Master or slave, vampire or human, it didn't matter. It was all the same. Words could make you feel hurt, loved, insulted, defensive... Or, in this case, filled with fear. Ultimately confused. Utter hatred. Wil Mordalle said there was something about her... What was that something? Did she look like fresh meat for the kill? Did she look dependable as a slave? That was her goal usually. Making sure to be respectful, and confident. She wanted that 'reputation' so to speak. Except, right now, for some odd reason Wil Mordalle didn't count as one of the people Paradise wanted to satisfy. If she could, she'd offer to make him a drink and then - while he wasn't looking - spit in it before giving it to him. If he was human, she would put poison in his mouth wash for all the tortures he's done. She'd tar and feather him and see how he felt. And, she'd watch happily. It was then that she realized the passionate hatred for the man. It wasn't just fear. It was simple hatred that cut to her very core. Everytime she looked at him, all she could think of was how many slave lives he took, just for the heck of it. How many selfish choices he made in his entire lifetime. What she wanted to know was, was choosing her a selfish choice? Why did he choose her out of the three, even though he didn't even plan to have three slaves bought by him? Something in her gut kept telling her that this hatred for him wasn't good and that she had to treat him like any other Master. Finally, after a lot of coaxing, she gave in to that advice. At his question towards her, she waited a moment before answering. Determined to show him what he was missing by choosing her for fresh meat by treating him as she would any Master. She scooted all the way to the back of the seat, to sit up straighter, her head leveled just perfectly to look at him straight in the eye with no fear - showing at least - and said with her face emotionless, "I do what I'm told, sir. I have no preference, and even if I did, I wouldn't say. It wouldn't make a difference in your decision for where I will be, I presume." She hoped that last smart comment wouldn't have a punishment to follow. She didn't mean to say it, it just kind of slipped out. She kept her piercing violet eyes on him, trying to read who he was. What he was thinking. What he planned to do with her. The odd thing was, she saw now bloodlust in this mans eyes. No lust of any kind. Wil Mordalleseemed considerate thoughsheknew the man was a fluke. The second they came to where he lived, his territory, he'd do what he really wanted with her. With all of them. Just thinking his name made a bitter taste in her mouth, and she guessed it was because of how much she hated the man. To keep that feeling from showing, she tried to put a soft smile form at the corners of her dry lips.
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11:31pm Jul 16 2011
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2:39pm Jul 17 2011
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lolaadadadadadadalovverrrderderderrrrr BUMPS? D:
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12:07pm Jul 18 2011
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OOC: I saw youuu onlineeeeee yesterrredayyyyy...
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1:55pm Jul 18 2011 (last edited on 2:07pm Jul 18 2011)
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Ooc// I was, but I didn't reply because I as on for ten minutes. D: It's kind of ridiculous how long I sit at my comp wondering how to reply. xD I shall do so now~ Lololol, I find it so funny how much Paradise hates Wil. xD; Bic// Wil stared at the girl for a moment, trying to discern the ulterior motive behind her harsh words. He could not for the world reason why she had hated him on sight like she had. He had been nothing but nice, hadn't he? The only explanation is that the rumors had come too soon, and he had come too late. His inner voice sighed with a bitingly mocking tone, Oh, too bad, Wil. Now you'll just (gasp!) have to move on. He resisted the urge to sigh. It had to be better this way. Maybe it was even a sign from fate that this strange attraction--this unexpected, one-way shock--would wear off soon. Paradise obviously hadn't felt it, so it was best just to forget it. Stop avoiding looking at her, stop thinking about the way that electricity had felt, sending those surprisingly pleasant shivers coursing through his body. This time, the sigh slipped through his lips. "As you wish, then." He was about to turn back to the window, but he realized he had something else to say to her. "But, Paradise, I meant it. Think about it there's anything you'd enjoy doing. I don't like my servants unhappy in my household." He bit his lip in an uncharacteristic gesture of worry. Wil had to fight to add, They're all I've got. Ignoring the shocked looks from Alice and James--oh, what a strange spectacle! It would surely be the gossip of the household for the next fifteen years--he did indeed return his focus to watching the countryside roll by. They were nearing the edge of the farmlands, and would soon be going by rolling green meadows. Then, up into a craggy mountain range, and out over the other side, where they would travel through more fields, a scattered village and an industrial city, before they reached the manorial countryside district, as it was sometimes called, and Wil's household. The journey stretched out before him, impossibly long. He just hoped he could survive it, with this sharp-tongued, violet-eyed servant that he just couldn't figure out, and two watchful, silent servants who would be sure to spread the gossip as soon as they reached their new home. Just peachy.
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