1:57pm Jul 18 2011 (last edited on 1:57pm Jul 18 2011)
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OOC: nononono I didn't want to make you feel rushed D: I'm not like that... D: Take all the time you neeeed~ EDIT YAY NEXT PAGE <3
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2:08pm Jul 18 2011
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Ooc// /huggles. Okay, post is on the last page~ :D
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2:13pm Jul 18 2011
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OOC: So, how far away are they to the house then? Because, I probably won't have much to say unless we can maybe time skip? :P Ohhh yess, I love iiiit too! <3
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2:32pm Jul 18 2011
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Ooc// Time skip would be fine. How about they're coming out of the city, and starting to go by the first few countryside manors?
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
2:34pm Jul 18 2011 (last edited on 2:34pm Jul 18 2011)
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OOC: Alrightayyy. *Looks up manors because lola always uses words CH doesn't know* bahaaha xD I'll reply in a sec.
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5:24pm Jul 18 2011
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OOC: Sorry I randomly poofed. And, I'd just reply but I dunno if your on still and I have to let you know something bahaha xD For your role plays I usually write it on the document, becuase I have a word count goal, and then post it. So, first, my post is going to be jumbled together with no paragraphs or anything. For some reason it takes all the extra details like that away when I post and I have to redo it. So give me a moment after you see my post, before actually reading it, because I'm weird about that kind of stuff^^ BahahahaxD UGH, sorry for babbling about something that really doesn't matter, I always do that with you bahahaha. D: -goes to make reply-
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5:30pm Jul 18 2011
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Ooc//Don't say you're babbling. </3 It's totally fine. I'm on and off all day, so I should be able to reply. ^^ /tries not to post before you say you're ready.
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5:43pm Jul 18 2011 (last edited on 5:45pm Jul 18 2011)
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His silence after her comment made her wonder what he was thinking. How to hurt me, no doubt. She thought to herself, feeling disgusted just by knowing she was talking to the man. Finally, when he did respond, Paradise felt like she was getting back to her old self again. She wouldn’t miss the pathetic one that came inside her when she first met Wil Mordalle. She would never shed a tear in front of him again. Just thinking his name, made her want to vomit. Talking to him so respectfully made this hatred boiling inside her, worse. She resented everything about him. As in, all the way down to how he smelled, smiled, talked, even what he wore made her hate him. Everything. It was as if he was playing mind games. Did he always do that to his slaves? Make them seem welcome and the second they start to believe the lieing cheater, he chops their heads off? Maybe their whole body in half? Maybe something worse then Paradise could imagine? Maybe your wrong about it all… She thought in the back of her mind, but she refused to say it was herself. Maybe her conscious, but she would never think something pleasant about him. There was nothing pleasant about such a monstrous man. “I’ll be fine with what I receive from you. I have no preference.” Paradise lied to him, monotonously. She didn’t really care if he could tell that she was lieing or not. To be honest, she didn’t care about the man at all, if that wasn’t already implied. Your not playing those games with me, Wil Mordalle. I know your plan. I know the strategy. I will never trust you, nor find you decent. I refuse to ever feel welcomed in your household. I’d rather be dead then get another smile from you, and you would like me dead, wouldn’t you Wil Mordalle? You’d love to squeeze my throat until I cough up blood, wouldn’t you Master? You disgust me in ways I can never describe with your thoughts - no doubt they’re condescending. Your tone might be nice. Your eyes might convey consideration. But I know how you lie. I know how you just want to torture. I know you. All to well. She found herself scowling at the man as she thought those things. By the end, she quickly looked out the window herself, hoping he didn’t see. Her goal was to be as she was with anyone else – to hide what she felt - and she planned to achieve it. She quietly cleared her throat, and acted as though she was never disrespectfully glaring at her knew master.
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5:45pm Jul 18 2011
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OOC: Alright. Sorry about that. XD It's ready. xD
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6:00pm Jul 18 2011
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Wil frowned at the girl, but didn't say anything to argue with her. Something was terribly wrong here, but he couldn't summon up the energy to delve into the problem. Slaves had a strange way of working. Instead, he cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Very well, then. I guess you can help Alice and James in the gardens for now. There will be plenty for you to do." Wil turned back to the window and remained silent for a long while. His thoughts turmoiled, far too upset to be healthy. He had no idea why Paradise was getting to him like this, but her curt words stung him as badly as a physical blow. He sighed deeply, staring out the window without really seeing. The hurt and hatred--he was sure now that it had escalated to that--behind her eyes was confusing and...hurtful. He wanted to come out and ask her why she resented him so much, but the answer kept coming and coming. Part of him screamed that this was all unreasonable--he had been nothing but nice to her. But he didn't want to push the topic, or make her uncomfortable. There it was, again. This strange desire to make her feel happy, to be kind to her. It was ridiculous, and suddenly Wil was done with it. He didn't want to think these things about this strange girl who had given him the chills from first sight, yet tramples him as if he were nothing but dirt. Wil was done. If she wanted to play mean, let her play mean. He wouldn't care. From now on, he promised himself, she was just another servant. It didn't matter how she thought of him, and that was the way it would be. It had to be, for his heart's sake. Wil closed his eyes against the onslaught of emotions, suddenly exhaustion. He willed them back as quickly as they had come. He didn't open his eyes again until the carriage was rumbling down a long, tree-lined drive. Through the trees he could glimpse rolling green meadows dotted with wildflowers. These were parts of his estate that he had grow wild. A deer bounded across the road a few yards ahead, and birds twittered in the trees. This was his favorite part of a trip--the homecoming. As the carriage rolled to a stop in the large, circular turn-around that signaled the end of the mile-long drive, he climbed out and held the door for his new servants. The mansion rose up before them, a few of the sprawling gardens just visible from where they dominated the back. "Home," he breathed. Ooc// Finding a cool pic for his manor....
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7:32pm Jul 18 2011
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OOC: I have to reply later. Dinnerrrrr~
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9:17pm Jul 18 2011
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OOC: Sorry this is short. I didn't know what Masters usually did once slaves came and if Maryssa was there yet and what not D: Slaves know about vampires now, right? Like Paradise knows Wil is a vampire? BIC: Paradise chose not to respond to Wil Mordalle's comment to her though was secretly satisfied since she was going to be able to be outside like she wished to be. The whole carriage grew silent as the four stared out windows, all probably wanting to be home. Of course, Paradise's home would never be the one she was heading to now. That will never be called her home. Only one time did Paradise look away from the scene outside, and glance at the other three. James and Alice were silent and staring out the window just like Paradise was a moment ago. Trying to steal a glance Wil Mordalle's way, she realized his eyes were closed. Shaking her head at just looking at the guy, she looked back out the window, bracing herself for what was to come. The whole rest of the ride to her new Masters home was so silent that Paradise found her exhaustion getting the best of her, like her Master. Why he kept coming up in her mind, she would never be sure, but everytime it did, it ruined a relaxed mood she was in the moment before. Her sleeping only went on for only a moment. Since she wasn't fully asleep, even her Masters little word that he stated woken her up. She had never been a deep sleeper. Looking up to see what she refused to call her 'home', her eyes widening at her new Masters home. Paradise had heard about him being rich, but she still never saw something before her so substantial and magnificently beautiful. Even a tiny, just a barely noticable gasp escaped from her lips as the carriage took them on.
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9:29pm Jul 18 2011
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Ooc// Yusss, they know he's a vamp. ^^ Marysa won't come for a while (like, a few weeks) so that Wil and Paradise can get to know each other. Wow, really sorry for such a bad post. D: Once Paradise gets out of the carriage, then he can actually do stuff~ Bic// Wil watched Alice and James climb out of the carriage, and waited patiently for Paradise. He refused to be rude to her--if only to be the bigger person in this stupid competition. He frowned for a moment. Had it come to that? A competition to see who could be more emotionless? Wil wiped the frown from his face and examined the manor's front. It was a dark gray stone front, decorated with an elaborate trimming filled with spinning floral tendrils and lithe forest creatures. The front porch was suspended a few feet up the ground, and five matching stone stairs led up to it. Columns lined the front, and on both the roof and above the porch were balconies. The manor itself was five rooms high, ten rooms across, and three rooms wide--not counting the hallways. It was relatively huge. Wil took a deep breath of the unneeded air and let it whistle through his lips. The fresh scents of spring gathered on the air, hints of flowers and greenery from the maze of gardens at the back of the manor, and whiffs of skin and sweat from the servants inside. The sounds of work, wind whistling through the trees, and the quiet rumbling of the carriage engine as it sidles filled his ears. He was glad to be home.
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9:38pm Jul 18 2011
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OOC: For things like that, I wouldn't have cared if you said 'Paradise got out' bahaha xD I mean you ARE the master. BIC: When the carriage came to a complete stop, Paradise waited for Alice and James to get out before she could. She had to admit, she was quite surprised that Wil waited for her before he got out himself. It was... A good thing, for now at least. He could have always grabbed a knife and stabbed her in the back - literally - as she got out. And that was what she was expecting as she climbed out and her feet hit the concrete below. But, the sharp pain she was expecting in her tense back never came. No pain at all. She even winced, thinking something was going to happen as he got out himself. For a moment, she stared up at him, confused, but soon realized that she shouldn't even be looking at him without permission and quickly looked straight ahead, waiting for orders. "It's beautiful." She muttered, feeling the corners of her lips go down to a small frown. She was sure it was more of fear then of anything else, but she refused to show it. People like Wil Mordalle would only use fear for their own benefit, and Wil won't be getting anything from her.
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9:45pm Jul 18 2011
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Ooc// I don't care. xD I had to describe the manor, anyways. I have to log off for dinner now. Hopefully I'll be back on later~
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10:17pm Jul 18 2011
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OOC: Awh D: Alrightayy yD:
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11:21pm Jul 18 2011
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"Isn't it?" Wil asked, coming to stand beside her as he took in the beauty of the manor. He didn't want to frighten her--though coming so close to her would probably result in doing just that--and being agreeable was probably the best way to do that. "I've had this manor for over one hundred and fifty years. It's very special to me. Very close to where I grew up." He couldn't fathom why he had added that last bit. Maybe because something personal like a childhood would remind her that part of him was human, too. Though Wil was beginning to think that Paradise would never be convinced. He looked at the house with affection a moment longer, then caught sight of Alice and James looking back at them with expressions of confusion and sly knowledge. Wil stepped hastily away from Paradise, striding towards them with a strict efficiency. "You two will report to Helga immediately. She will show you your quarters, your task masters, and different parts of the manor." He frowned. "Speaking of, where is she? Helga!" A slight woman in her mid sixties scurried out of the front doors to the house. "Master!" she exclaimed, "My apologies for not coming out immediately upon your arrival. Two maids where misbehaving, you see." Wil raised an eyebrow. "You took care of it, I presume?" The woman nodded eagerly. "Of course, sire. Now, where are these new clones?" Wil gestured to Alice and James. Helga raised an eyebrow, and then pointed to Paradise. "What about her?" "I'll take care of her myself," he said quietly. "She's for Marysa." Helga smiled knowingly. "If you say so, Master." Then she disappeared, with Alice and James in tow. Helga was one of Wil's oldest servants, and by far the most loyal. She was equal parts grandmother, servant, and loyal supporter. She ran most things in the household when Wil was away, and was the chief of servants. She knew more about Wil than any other clone, to be sure, and almost as much as one of his close vampire friends might. Helga could get away with a lot that others couldn't. Wil couldn't help it. He loved the old lady. As the servant door to the side of the porch banged shut, Wil turned back to Paradise. "Are you ready?" he asked.
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11:58pm Jul 18 2011
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OOC: Same as the beauty and the beast one, just post something random so it says tomarrow that I have to read it xD. I just couldn't help but read what you posted. <333
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12:00am Jul 19 2011
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Ooc// xD Okay, random posting~
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11:30am Jul 19 2011
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OOC: Bahaha this is a bump even though I have to reply... <3 Like the other one: reply in a second.
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