12:06pm Jul 19 2011 (last edited on 12:07pm Jul 19 2011)
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When she commented on his home, Paradise was hoping he wouldn't hear her. Because then, like it so happened, he would reply back to her. And, it made her disgusted. All she could do was nod her head to show that she had heard her Master, but chose not to respond. Ironically, it seemed like he had a heart. Rather small, but at least he knew how to have something special to him. In this case, living somewhere that was close to where he grew up. Paradise couldn't help but be shocked at the way he treated Helga. Of course, he held a demeanor of being a Mastor, but it seemed like he had just enough respect for her as she should have for him. Thinking that she could be wrong about him, made her stomach turn. She wasn't wrong! He was a monster, and it was as if only she realized it and no one else. It felt that way, at least. She was looking forward to seeing his true manner toward his slaves, so she would be sure that she was right. She hated being wrong. Now she had to prove to herself that she was right. Through out the small conversation, she studied her Mastor, trying to see any reason to fear him. But, that was when she realized that the only time he showed that he should be feared was when he brought up the rumors. All the other times, were just her thinking he was out to get her. They're not rumors... She thought to herself, mentally scolding herself for thinking for one moment - once again - that it could all be rumors. Something clicked as she heard the conversation. Who's Marysa? She thought, all of a sudden her heart beating so fast she thought it would explode. Was Wil Mordalle already sick of her? Was Marysa someone to hurt her even worse then he could? That would be impossible. No one loves torturing more then Wil Mordalle. That's what you hear, Paradise. Just what you hear... She was so caught up in imagining what would happen with this 'Marysa' that she didn't respond right away to her new Master. She usually makes sure she responds right away so they don't think she's ignoring them. Finally, she looked back up at him and put a fake small smile on her face as she said, "I don't have a choice, Master. Whenever you are, I am." Paradise hoped that, that wasn't one of those 'smart remarks' that she's been giving away recently. Usually, she knew how to hold them in, but lately they've been coming out without a thought of regret. Lately, she's been saying everything she was feeling. Even the hatred that she felt. Ever since she met Wil Mordalle, she had no care in the world. Which wasn't good. [Yayyyy, fifth page!]
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12:30pm Jul 19 2011 (last edited on 12:31pm Jul 19 2011)
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Wil nodded tightly. His throat fought to get out the words, Why are you like this? What do you have to fear from me? But he couldn't. It would all ready be around the household for the next fifteen years that he was showing favortism--maybe even affection--towards a clone. To open up and show that he cared what she thought of him would be going too far. And Wil wouldn't go to far. He cleared his throat uncomfortably instead, banishing the words from whatever messed-up part of his brain made him want to help this clone. "Very well, then. Come on." He led the way into the manor house. The large foyer that Wil stepped into was circular and grand. Old tapestries from the time of the humans hung on the walls, their preserved colors flashing brightly in the day. The floor was a rich, burnished oak. The whole appearance was similar to the manor's style where Wil grew up. He sighed in relief at finally being home. Turning to Paradise, he said, "There are some rooms on the second floor available if you wish to sleep there, or you can quarter on the fifth floor. Do you have a preference?" He hesitated, then added, "You can also quarter with the other servants. It's your choice." Feeling like a bumbling idiot, Wil waited for her response. Part of him knew that it was ridiculous to ask if she'd prefer to rooms closer to him, or the comfort of being by other servants an getting to know the place through their eyes. But part of him hoped that she'd choose the rooms. Again, his inner voice whispered. Bad, Wil. This is very bad. Ooc// Sorry it's so shoooort. I need to log off and get some breakfast, but I wanted to reply~
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12:40pm Jul 19 2011
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OOC: Yours aren't short DDDDD: And, that reminds me, I need lunch... D: bahaha so I may poof also xD Which rooms are closer to hisss????? xDDDDDDD!
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12:51pm Jul 19 2011
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Ooc// The fifth ones~ I'm back from breakfast, but now I need to do chores in about 15 minutes. Dx
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1:10pm Jul 19 2011
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OOC: Awh D: Well I'll be here when you get back on. :D BIC: Paradise reluctantly followed Wil Mordalle as he took her around the rooms, heart still beating in a unhealthy manner. She expected a beautiful home on the inside, that looked just as beauitful on the outside, but what she saw took her breath away. This had to be the most magnificent home in the country. A small, barely noticable gasp - as she did when she first saw the outside of the home - escaped her lips as he led her through the foyer. At his asking what she preferred, she was getting quite irritated. Why does he care what she preferred, or wanted? When did a Master take orders from a slave? When did Wil Mordalle care about anyone at all? "Master, as I've said before, I don't mind where I am. I do my orders, it doesn't matter what I want." Paradise said slowly, making sure she said the right words so it wouldn't sound like a smart remark. Honestly, she didn't want to know the other slaves. She didn't want to live around the other slaves. She didn't want to see the marks on their torso or limbs from whippings and beatings. She didn't want to hear their complaining, or moaning. She just wanted the job done. "But, if you most desire my opinion, I would rather not be with the other slaves, if its possible. It doesn't go well. So I guess I'd prefer the quarter on the fifth floor." Realizing that she could be talking to much - saying to much about what she wanted - she immediately shut her mouth, scolding herself for giving in to such. He'll probably just want to know her preferences for things, just to give her the opposite. She couldn't help not believe that, since that would be going over board. He may torture, but was he thought hateful of the slaves?
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2:03pm Jul 19 2011 (last edited on 2:15pm Jul 19 2011)
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Ooc// Ohmaiineedtopostbutyouneedtoonbeautyandthebeast. xD; Too much? Replying in a second~ EDIT: Bic// Wil nodded. "Fifth floor it is. Right this way, please." He headed off on a hallway to the left, went down a few doors, and then turned into another hallway on the right that led to a staircase. He walked up the red-carpeted stairs quickly, wanting to get this business done with. The servants would already be whispering about her, and he didn't want to make her feel more uncomfortable around him than she did already. It was probably a futile hope, but he could hope nonetheless. As he reached the top of the staircase, Wil took another right and led her along a hallways whose middle over looked the foyer on one side and the dining hall on the other. "Pretty cool, huh?" he said with a grin. This was one of his favorite spots in the manor. It somehow managed to feel light and airy despite being part of a massive stone house. It reminded Wil that everything wasn't always as it seemed. He paused for another moment, drinking in his homecoming, and then hurried along. He led Paradise through another maze of hallways and up to the fifth floor in silence. As they reached the final floor, he led her along the narrow hallway. There was only one stretch of residential rooms up here. The rest was storage, an office, and a tiny library. There were also some servant halls more apparent than on the other floor, simply because this was the smallest floor of the manor. But what it lacked in size it made up for in views. The rooms had magnificent views of the grounds.
Wil led her to a room on the very end to the right. He opened the door for her, but didn't enter. "I hope you find the room to your liking?" he inquired.
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2:15pm Jul 19 2011
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[Actualllly! What I do is since I -try to - type more in my posts with your role plays, I wait until you reply to both so I have time to just write short ones in my other posts. xD]
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2:23pm Jul 19 2011
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Ooc// M'kay~ Working on Sage's reply right now. /eyetwitch. Must. Be. Perfect. Though I know it won't be. :c Lol, gotta try. ^^
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3:40pm Jul 19 2011
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[Sorry I poofed. D: And, I looked at a picture on google, and just babbled on about what it looked like. But, to be honest, I'm not the best at describing so just bare with me bahaha xD And, I dunno what it's called, so hopefully you know what I'm talking about when I say 'what seemed to be another bed was on the wide window sill' you know those things? LIke a seat right on the window? FAIL <3432432 Though she agreed with her Master about his house being as he called 'cool', she didn't respond. She never had casual small talk with her Master, so why start now, with a murderer like him? But, of course, in the back of her mind, she kept telling herself she could be wrong about it all. She refused to admit it. Paradise followed silently as he led her through the hallways around her new home. It felt like a maze, and she started worrying that she would get lost in such a house. While trying to remember where everything was, she almost bumped into Wil as he stopped infront of the door, and opened it for her. What was that? Him trying to be a gentleman? She cleared her throat, and walked inside. Wil's hope of her liking the room was fulfilled, for it was beautiful. When her feet first hit the floor, she noticed it was a polished wood floor. She couldn't see one smudge on it. To her right was her own personal bathroom, white tile, a sink that took up the whole side wall, toilet, cabinet that she hoped had enough room for her toiletries[which was the only belongings she had] and a bathtub that also took almost the whole side of the other wall. As she kept on walking in the room, the bed was on her right, triple - or more - the size of the bed she usually slept in. Straight ahead, a huge window with two curtains to the side and what seemed to be another bed next to the window sill. [ WHAT? D: bahaha xD] Her eyes didn't rest on anything else, for she turned around and looked back at Wil Mordalle. Slaves weren't supposed to have rooms like this. Ones that make you feel more like a guest then a slave. She won't even be able to get up in a bed like that, nor get out of the bathtub with a one like that. He must have went the wrong way. "Master, I think you have the wrong room." Was all she could say. She wouldn't dare get her hopes up for getting a room like this, if it was only to find out he led her to the wrong one.
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1:19pm Jul 20 2011
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Wil pursed his lips. "Do you not like it? I though you asked for the fifth floor rooms. I can arrange for you to have different ones." Upset with himself for an inexplicable reason, Wil turned away. His head was beginning to pound with the pressure of the long day, the stress this unexpected clone had caused him, and....hunger. This brought Wil up short halfway through his hasty retreat down the hall. He was thirsty. Part of him wanted to whoop and yell in relief. This whole episode could have been caused by thirst. Thinking of it now, he hadn't fed from one of his clones for nearly a week, and it was far past time to do so. The strange shivers of electricity, his inability to stop staring at her...it was all because he had been hungry. Wil wouldn't lie to himself--Paradise would be a nice clone to have as a "bleeder," as the vampires called them--clones whose specific duty it was to be a food source. But he balked at the idea, his mind screaming denials. Paradise had been through enough today--to be bitten would certainly send her over the edge and lose any trust Wil might have had a chance of gaining. And it certainly didn't seem right to feed off another's gift. Wil stared fiercely at the wall, quelling the urge. As the realization washed away, another question emerged. The urge to feed had nothing to do with the way he had been trying to shelter her--if he had been protective, then maybe that would be an explanation, but Wil was going out of his way to give her her own space. Unable to find any answers, and suddenly too tired to try to, Wil sagged against the wall and ran a hand through his hair. This was much, much more than he had bargained for.
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2:53pm Jul 20 2011
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[[OMG. I just lost my post because of the stupid dumb ANNOYING lag. D: Just...Let me reply to other rps now... niojdafiodafdafdm DDDDD< ]]
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3:05pm Jul 20 2011
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Ooc// That seems to be happening to everyone except me. xD; Sorry that you lost it, though. If I type up a post I really like, I copy it right before I click Post Reply so that if it gets eaten I can just paste it and try again. ^^
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3:26pm Jul 20 2011
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[[ Well, my computer is just as annoying as the lags D: It doesn't let me copy and paste what I write until after I post. So if it doesn't post.. Well then I just freak out and have to write a fail post similar to it because I hate rewriting the same thing bahahaha xD]] As her master dissappeared down the hall, Paradise walked fully out of the room, and took a couple of steps to follow him. "I don't think you understand what I mean, sir." She started, as she went a little faster to catch up with him. "I'm a slave. I'm not supposed to have rooms like that. I'm supposed to just share a room with 20 other people - half of them, probably sick - and sometimes, I even had to share a bed with them. I don't deser-" She stopped as she watched her master lean against the wall. She resisted the pang of empathy that drowned her, fighting through the resisted wall. He looks so... Overwhelmed. It's all my fault... Why did she care? She rolled her eyes at being overlysensitive as she asked, "Master? Are you..." She swallowed nervously. Was she really about to ask the man she hated the most if he was alright? Of course not. But wasn't that what she just planned on doing? Ignoring the dozens of thoughts twisting about in her brain, she took a couple more steps as she finally kept going with her sentence. "Are you alright? I can get someone to help..." Why would she try to help? Because he was her master sure. But didn't she hate him?
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5:14pm Jul 20 2011
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Wil looked up, fully disconcerted by her random show of concern. He forced a weak smile. "I'm fine, Paradise. But thank you. As for the rooms...." Well, he knew he had had to tell her sometime. A stupid part of him wished it wasn't now. "You won't be here for a long time. I have a friend coming in a few weeks, and you're intended to be a gift for her." He wanted to assure her that Marysa was kind, and that no harm would come to her, but the words wouldn't come. A wash of regret at his blunt words washed over him, almost as debilitating as the confusion at his reaction to the clone that stood before him. He choked out a quiet, "I'm sorry." And then rushed from the hall, tearing down the staircase in an effort to escape this slave, this clone who made him feel things that he never should have, a clone that made him regret who he was, what he was doing. He had to get away. Ooc// It's a short post, I know, but I need to see how Paradise reacts before I choose his next course of action~ o3o
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3:29pm Jul 21 2011
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[[ Its fine, mine was too. Bahahahaha xDDD ]] Hearing his response made Paradise shocked. So shocked that she didn't know how to respond. All she could do was look like anything but a savant with her jaw open slightly and her eyes widened. Of course, this was a good thing. Leaving in a couple weeks. All this time, she was worrying about this man she had to call her Master. But, she wasn't going to serve him. At least only for a little while. She felt like fool for worrying about serving him, now that she knew she wouldn't be for long. But, isn't there a saying? About how your friends are your influence? You become like your friends? "...I have a friend coming in a few weeks, and you're intended to be a gift for her." Was this friend even worse then Wil Mordalle? As she watched him rush away, she was in too much confusion, shock, fear, she didn't respond to him. When he was out of sight, Paradise slowly walked back to the room. It felt like much longer then a couple moments when she went through the door, and layed herself on the bed that she'd keep only for a couple weeks. Maybe she'd be able to enjoy it while it lasted without thinking how awful her next Master could be. Will be. She already knew. Just being an aquaintence with the horrendous Wil Mordalle will make you wicked. She wouldn't be surprise that by the time she leaves - with only being here for a couple weeks - she'd have a bit of his bloodlust in her. Shuddering at the thought, and vowing to never feel that way, she tried to stop thinking about what was just told to her. But, how could she not? She'd have to wait anxiously to meet this knew Master, in fear. Ironically, she felt a pang of rejection by the man she hated with all her heart. She was being used. Used as a gift. When did she turn into an ob ject that you wrap in a box? She really was just a worthless monkey that dances when people ask her to dance. When the dreadful vampires took over. She decided at that moment to hate them all. But never more then Wil Mordalle. While trying to resist - but failing - a tear peaked out of her eye, about to roll down her pale cheek, but she squeezed her eyes shut to keep it from falling. Funny that when you were alone, with many things on your mind, you realize things. Right now she was realizing how lonely her life was. While drowning in self - pity - which happened alot as a slave - she rolled over to her stomach on the heavenly bed and let silent tears fall.
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8:25pm Jul 21 2011
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8:51pm Jul 21 2011
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Ooc// That's really sad. D: Really, really, really sad. And I love the way you wrote it~ <3 Posting in a second. I'm letting you know that I'm on. Ohohoh. And should Wil come back up, or perhaps he should send Helga, or...?
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9:31pm Jul 21 2011
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[[ Awh, really? :DDDDD That just made my day <3 Or... Night, technically since its 9:30 o_o Anyways... Maybe Wil? Like... I guess apologizing for leaving? IDK D: And, sorry. I know I haven't replied to the other role play. I'm getting to it DDD: ]]
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9:40pm Jul 21 2011
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Ooc// That's fine. I'm a bit uninspired as of now, since I just replied to another roleplay (Different site, lol) with a really long post. O_O I might just have to use that plot as a novel, it gives me so many ideas. :P OMG maybe Wil should come up an apologize for being rude, and then, like...bite here? :D:D:D /shot.
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9:42pm Jul 21 2011
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[[ YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES <33333333 Yayyy~ 100th post :D Were. So. Successful. <3 What's the site? :PPP ]]
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