9:45pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 9:45pm Jul 21 2011)
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Ooc// MisticPets. I won't say more since we're on Res, but if you'd like to know more, rMail me. ;D Omg Wil you bad boy. >D /starts post. EDIT: And 6th page! We're successful x2~
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9:56pm Jul 21 2011
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Seconds after the words were out of Wil's mouth, he regretted them. Minutes after, and they were burning his mouth like acid. He should apologize. He should apologize. He should apologize. Over and over, the words clattered in his head. How heartless to tell her and then flee like that--he hadn't even told her how kind Marysa was, how sympathetic to a servant's situation she was. He had just left her like a heartless scoundrel to deal with the fears herself. Slowly, Wil's frantically thrumming footsteps feel to silence. He had stopped in a hallway far from where Paradise was, but the manor's winding rooms were second nature to him. And graced with a vampire's speed and lack of a need for oxygen, he was back up in her hallway in less than a minute. Quietly, he crept up to her doorway to hear how she was reacting. He could hear her breathing, but it was uneven. Slowly, he walked into the room, and realized she was crying. The tears running down her face struck him like individual daggers. Only one though pierced his mind: He had done this. Not twenty-four hours after meeting this girl that made him feel things he shouldn't. And he had already managed to make her cry. Guilt propelled him, more than anything, to the bed. His conscious shut off as he gently touched her again and felt those electric shivers run up his arms. As if of their own accord, his arms took her into them and leaned her against his chest. It was a purely comforting motion--not demanding. "There, there," he whispered soothingly. "It's all right. Everything's going to be okay." His voice caught for a moment. "I promise." And in that moment, he knew he did. He would not let any harm come to this girl. Ever. He couldn't bear to. And then, unable to see her sad like this, he offered the solace that he knew she couldn't deny. Wil leaned forward, lips brushing her neck. He felt a wash of blood--her blood--in this throat. Ooc// I'll put this in a post later on, but vampire bites aren't painful or harmful to the clones unless they take too much blood. It relaxes them into a kind of trance, since the fangs are coated in a chemical unique to vampires that causes pleasure from feeding--not pain. ..Just in case you were wondering. xD;
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10:34pm Jul 21 2011
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[[Ohh, I was just wondering because I've been looking for more role playing sites, and google doesn't help anymore. xD But, then I realized I'm trying to stop roleplaying so much. But, as you can see by the forums, that goal has yet to be achieved. And, I'll try my best, but I remember this happening with another rp. I had no idea what to write for my human person being bitten, so sorry its such a fail. D: I mean I've never gotten bitten by a hot vampire before, you know..? Bahaha xPPPP!! ]] Paradise was purposely trying to keep herself quiet while she couldn't control herself any longer. Just as she started clenching tighter on her pillow, she heard footsteps by the entrance. For a moment, she layed where she was in silence. No one was supposed to see her like this! She never broke down infront of anyone before. Anyone. As she started turning around to finally have enough courage to see who it was, she was surprised to see Wil. Tempted to scream some kind of protest of him being in here, she found that she couldn't speak. She was too surprised by his ex pression. There seemed no anger in his eyes, like she expected. No hatred in his eyes, like hatred was probably portraying out of hers. He seemed almost... Empathetic. Of course, being in the self pity state, she had the right to ask herself the question. When did someone feel empathy for her? And, before she knew it, his -comforting - arms were wrapped around her. She opened her mouth for protests but again, none came. She was still surprised that she was so close to him. So close she could smell him. And, ironically, she wasn't sickened by the smell at all like she thought she would be. Being in her state, with actually leaning against him willingly, she didn't realize he changed his heads position. And, before any more protests would - try - to come out, his vampiric fangs dug into the skin on her kneck. Expecting to feel pain, she hated the man even more. He was going to torture her with this kind of pain. The pain that could never be fully described. The pain- But, she didn't feel pain. Hearing a small pleasurable moan in her ears, she realized it was her after several moments.
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11:02pm Jul 21 2011
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Ooc// Naw, I was just telling you so that it wasn't like I was posting, "Wil knew it wouldn't hurt her." And you were posting, "The agony nearly killed Paradise." And so on. Bic// As soon as her blood filled his mouth, Wil realized that he had made a terrible mistake. No, not the fact that he had fed--he knew that it did her no harm (In fact, some clones sold themselves as bleeders because they had become addicted to the sensation), and it nourished him. No, the terrible mistake was that he was drinking from Paradise. The girl who despised him, and would never trust him again. The girl who made his world shake and spin after less than a day together. The girl who made him want to break all the rules. It was sitting there, her in his arms, that was the terrible mistake. Wil never drank from servants at random. He had a designated few who he drank from and, though not addicted to the vampire's kiss, were experienced bleeders. He considered feeding a very intimate act--one that required either a strictly professional relationship, or a loving one. Which he and Paradise had neither--though, a part of Wil wished that could be changed. This bite crossed boundaries that he was sure neither of them wanted to cross. And yet, it took a tremendous effort to pull his lips away from her neck and seal the wound. And worse still, he couldn't seem to untangle his arms from around her. Wil sat in silence for a long while, not moving, relishing the sweet, completely unique taste of Paradise's blood on his lips. There was something about it--perhaps the forbidden quality and the desire to have more--that made it seem extremely addicted. Wil swallowed on a dry mouth. Finally, Wil forced out a totally insufficient, but completely true, "I'm sorry."
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11:08pm Jul 21 2011
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[[ I have to go now. D: I'll be on tomarrow, whenever. Dx Byeee~ ]]
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11:11pm Jul 21 2011
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7:36pm Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 7:37pm Jul 22 2011)
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[[It's already healed and stuff right?]] Paradise has been bitten before, not many times, but atleast once or twice. She has been through the trance that made you feel out of this world, this reality, and into another one that seemed more pleasurable then the real one. She was only in that more pleasurable reality for a couple more moments, before she realized it was over. They were just lieing there - close - in silence, and at that moment, she didn't have the presence of mind to pull away. No presence of hatred in her. "I'm sorry." She heard him say. It was then that she realized the situation, their position, and quickly she jumped away from him, from his arms that were wrapped around her. She scurried to the other end of side of the bed, and got off of it. Her heart was pounding in her ears, as her feet hit the soft white carpet. For a long moment, all she could do was stare back at Wil, eyes searching his, franticly. Out of all the things she could be thinking, only one was thumping in her mind. Why was he sorry? He couldn't care about her at all. He didn't. She was sure of it. But, he did give her this room. But, only thinking that had her remember that she was his monkey. She had to remember that so that she never let her gaurd down. Absentmindedly, she wrapped her arms around herself, feeling the tingling sensation of where his had been. Swallowing nervously, she said, trying hard not to shake while she spoke, "What's there to be sorry for here?" Knowing that he wasn't going to be her master for long, it was like a surge of power swooned over her. Letting her arms fall to her sides, she found herself standing a little taller, eyes a little more soft. She was getting back to her old self, hopefully. "Or better yet, why are do you care at all?" She asked, risking a beating, though not caring. Holding the feelings she had for him inside, only could result in reacting the way she was. Just letting it all out at once. "Why care about the the next worthless piece of dust that belongs under your hundred dollar shoes? Who cares about the thing your using as a gift for some wh*r* probably triple times worse then you are? Of course you all sick people are the same. Just wanting to bring pain, there no such thing as 'who's worse'. I'm just your monkey, doing what ever pleases you and all your blood sucking friends. You all make me sick. " Funny how she wasn't scared anymore, no matter how much she was shaking. No matter how sensitive this guy seemed to be, she knew, hidden beneath the game he was playing, was the blood lust that was going to come out sooner or later. She was hoping later, after this girl comes, so she wouldn't have to take the consequences.
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11:49pm Jul 22 2011
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Shocked into silence at Paradise's harsh words, Wil stood up quickly and exited the room. No yelling, no argument, no punishments--though he knew that there should have been. But her words seemed to drain the life--what little there was to begin with, he thought ironically--out of him. The hallways passed through a blur of a few seconds, and then he was at his own room. "Mordalle," he hissed faintly, and the enchanted lock clicked open. He was barely inside with the door shut before the tears came. They weren't tears of physical pain--no, the unbearable hurt was purely mental. Her words repeated themselves in a vicious cycle, over and over again. And he began to believe them. Maybe Wil was a terrible person, nothing more than a bloodsucking leech. Maybe he did consider too many just dust under his shoes, dispensible mokeys on strings. Maybe the mention of his name made people sick. He didn't know what had happened back in that room--but both of them were going to regret it. Wil had been laying on his bed for an indecipherable amount of time, when Helga bustled in with fresh sheets. At this sight of her master lying, griefstricken, on the bed, she dropped the crisp white linens and rushed to his side. "Wil," she said in a voice that sent the tension out of his body, "What's wrong?" Wil sighed deeply. No one else could have elicited the response that came next but Helga. "That girl--Paradise. I...did something terrible." All the blood drained from her face. "Wil, did you--" "No," he said quickly, a realization dawning that things could have gotten a lot worse. "I..drank from her. Without her permission. I didn't mean to, it's just she was crying, and then I was there, and she didn't stop me--" "There, there," Helga soothed. Wil looked up at her with pleading eyes. "I'll go see what I can do." "Please don't tell her I sent you." "Of course not, Master." And then she was gone. --- Helga bustled up the stairs to where Wil had taken Paradise. Worry coursed through her head--the girl was probably distraught, if not minorly traumatized. But she couldn't help but resent the girl a little bit, for causing Wil so much distress. The corner of her mouth twitched up in a knowing smile. Whatever girl could cause such a reaction for him, she had to be pretty special. Approaching the door, Helga stopped hesitantly at the doorway. She knocked on the door frame, looking inside. "Paradise? Are you here?" Ooc// I can't help it. |D Can Helga be my Candle and Clock (If that makes sense...like a minor character, but I also post from their point of view.)? :P
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12:10am Jul 23 2011
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[[Omg...That post...Made me regret Paradise getting mad D: Like...I felt tears coming... Well..Thats a little dramatic, but you know what I mean^^ Bahaha! xD And, I don't care, like you said, I do the same thing xD ]] He left. Paradise said all those things, letting everything out, expecting some harsh punishment from the man who was the king of punishments. And, he didn't say a word. Just left her there with nothing but more tears. Fear that he was so angry that he was sending someone else to "take care of her", was mostly what caused more tears. At least thats what she thought. Slowly, she crawled back into her bed. The one that she wouldn't have for long. And, cried a little bit more as she pulled her knees to her chest. What was confusing to her was, he didn't look angry as he walked out. His ex pression looked anything but angry. Was he actually offended at what she said? The dirty speck in his life, actually said something offensive to him? Something deep inside her, hidden behind all the hatred, she could feel remorse. He didn't leave to find a punishment. He didn't even hurt her. He left becuase she hurt him. Now, that was a twist, wasn't it? When she realized she was actually feeling regret about what happened, she found herself chuckling through the tears that made her whole face and clothing drenched in her tears. She couldn't feel guilt about something like this! They hated eachother, that was the way every relationship between a Master and Slave went, at least with the cruel Masters. But, what if he isn't like the other cruel Masters? Just as she was about to laugh at that thought, of him not being cruel, she heard her name called at the front. Since it didn't sound like Wil, she didn't bother wiping her tears off of her. Instead, she found herself all of a sudden feeling incredibly shy - part of the reason because she was embarressed of crying infront of them - at whoever it was. Looking down at her hands, like she usually found herself doing at meeting knew people, she did a mumbled, "Yes. I am here."
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11:31am Jul 23 2011
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3:47pm Jul 23 2011
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Ooc// Lol. Well, Andrew makes me sad that Sage doesn't know what really happened, so I guess we're even. <3 Um. This is mostly a Helga post because Wil is just being a crybaby right now. |D Bic// Wil stared sullenly out the window, a feeling of self-resentment coursing over him like a shower of rain. How could he be so cowardice--sending Helga to confront Paradise as he could not. But, maybe it was better that Helga calmed her down, as a fellow clone, and a maternal figure to add. But, still, part of him longed to tell Paradise that she was wrong, ask her to trust him for whatever amount of time to took to show her that not everyone was a monster in this cruel world. The girl had seen so many hard times. If only he could show her that there was still good here, even in the most unexpected places. --- "Oh, dear," Helga said, rushing in at the sight of the tear-drenched girl. "There, there. You're all right? Not hurt, are you?" She could tell by sight that Wil hadn't harmed the girl, as he had said--though she trusted his word to begin with. The questions were more to fill the silence, and get her talking. Tentatively, Helga took a seat on the edge of the bed. She was close to Paradise, but gave her a foot of space so that she didn't feel as if another predator was looming in on her. "I'm Helga, dearie, if you don't remember me from earlier today." She paused, not wanting to broach the topic suddenly, but needing to get the words out. "Paradise, dear, please don't be upset with Wil. I know you've been mistreated in the past, but the home you've come to is different from any other you'll ever encounter." A wry grin stretched over her face. "Wil isn't that bad--though he can be a positively sensitive baby at times--and he would never intend to hurt you. I've worked at this manor for over fifty years, and I'm still here to tell the tale. I'm sure you've heard rumors about him. But I assure you, they are just that. Rumors." She paused again, a frown replacing the humor in her voice. Her next words came out to herself, more thinking out loud than anything else. The words were hushed. "You must certainly be something. Wil's very upset."
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4:02pm Jul 23 2011
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[[Very true, Very true xD BAHAHAHAHAHA<3 Why are our guy charactars so... Sensitive? I'll reply in a sec~ ]]
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5:03pm Jul 23 2011
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[[ Sorreh this is so short. This is actually really embarressing bahaha Dx I usually start to go down with the size with only one charactar. Remember, no judging allowed :P ]] Paradise couldn't believe what she was hearing. It couldn't be right! All this time she hated him... Only to hear it was all rumors? "That's not true, Helga." She said with a shake of her head. She didn't know if she was supposed to put a 'miss' before her name, but she didn't address herself that way when she introduced, so Paradise found it best to just say her name. "He... Wil is...He's a horrible man. I've heard..." That was all she could muster, for whether she liked it or not, there was no proof that he was bad. And, 'Hearing' things is pretty much saying they are rumors. He's been nothing but good to her. Except, of course, the random bite scenerio. But, it didn't hurt her. If anything, it was pleasureable. So why couldn't she just believe she was wrong, all along? "He's not sensitive. He's giving me away, like I'm just an ob ject to be passed around!" She covered her face with her slightly-healed hands. [I don't remember if she put the lotion on at all, so lets pretend she did xD] Wil offered to help heal them. Rolling her eyes while she wiped her tears, she looked back at Helga. "How could he be upset with me? He shouldn't care at all!"
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5:43pm Jul 23 2011
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Ooc// I'm judging you, OMG. Pfffft. The post length is fine. ... ..... ....... And you're so right about our sensitive men. xDDDDD Bic// Helga gingerly took Paradise's tender-looking hands in her own. "Forget what you've heard about Wil, dear. There are so many out there to spite him, so much jealously, so many old grudges..." She sighed, and then looked at the girl straight on. "Forget those. I can see it in you eyes that Wil hasn't done anything to harm you. I know the bite startled you, and he was out of line there. But he didn't mean to scare you." Helga bit her lip, and then moved on to the more delicate, addressing Paradise's last statement. "Wil isn't so much upset with you, as with himself. Though, your words, as I heard, were out of line." A stern ex pression crossed her face, but now wasn't the time for scolding. "As for the part about caring...Well, Wil hasn't exactly been conventional in his views about servants. He does care about what we think--or at least, you and me. He is most definitely sensitive, miss. You would be good to remember that." Helga smile to show that she was joking, but a thought crossed her mind. Was she? Wil would listen to a servant's explanation for larger meals, or adjustments in work...but he was generally immune to the harsh talk that inevitably happened behind his back. Until Paradise. Helga shook her head. "And yes,you may be going to another home soon. But Marysa is a perfectly civil vampire. You won't come to harm in her hands. Are we clear now?" Ooc// Sorry for the fail post. D: My brain is scattered because my sister is blasting the TV right next to me. >_>
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6:04pm Jul 23 2011
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[[OMG I hate when the TV is on while I'm trying to write! My TV is on mute xD Why all the dots ? o_o LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL And, before I post, I need to think of something else to write. Because all I can really do is babble on about how wrong she really is Dx Soooo... What can happen after Paradise replies? Like... I'm not giving you a one liner, so I have to think of something D: ]]
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6:20pm Jul 23 2011
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Ooc// Um. Maybe she gets a rush of forgiveness, runs down to apologize to Wil, and they ride off into the sunset and then something else happens. :u /doesn't have any good ideas. Lol, the TV is still on, and my laptop is acting funny. I might have to reply later. D':
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6:31pm Jul 23 2011
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[[OMG, if you go off, that means I go off D: And how about I have Paradise ask Helga show her where he is? I cann't have her magically know wher he is, ya know? With the password and all... DDDD: ]] Paradise felt like a complete and utter fool. Frowning, she made sure no more tears were on her face as she thought this out. Helga was right. There was no proof that he was horrible to slaves. She's just heard it, many, many, many times. Swallowing, and feeling ashamed, she looked down at her hands, which were still collasped with Helga's. "Yes. You are very clear." She whispered, as she felt a weight lifted off of her shoulders. "I guess I should apologize, before I leave, shouldn't I?" Letting go of Helga's hands, and standing up, she tilted her head to the side slightly, "Could you show me where he is, if you know?"
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7:20pm Jul 23 2011
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Ooc// Yes. |D Bic// Helga smiled. "That's very brave of you, dear. Come with me." She stood up, feeling lighter than she had in years. Well, that was easy. Then again, maybe the whole situation could have been avoided--but, now that it had happened, at least it went over smoothly. The elderly lady stood up with a practiced ease, limbs still well-oiled from the constant work around the manor that she had. Then again, maybe it was her witch blood keeping the arthitic age at bay. Whatever the cause, she took the lead and walked out of the room. "Quickly now, dear. Right this way," she called behind her shoulder as she strode down the hallway. She went down the staircases and through a twist of halls, walking at a brisk pace, but not hurrying as servants often did. As she reached Wil's residential hallway, she approached the door and knocked politely, but still whispered, "Mordalle," into the enchanted lock. Pushing the door open, Helga looked inside. "Wil? You have a visitor." --- Wil heard the door open and cringed. He had stopped crying long ago, but he could only hope that he looked presentable. An inner turmoil still battled inside of him, but he mustered the courage to walk out of his actual bedroom and into his receiving foyer. "Who is it, Helga?"
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8:12pm Jul 23 2011
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[[xD I can't respond. Reason = on B&B <333 ]]
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8:48pm Jul 23 2011
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As Paradise followed Helga, leading her to Wil, she kept trying to practice what she was going to say. I'm sorry I hated you so passionately that I wished you were dead... I'm sorry I thought you were going to torture me to death... I'm sorry I hated you so passionately that I wished you were dead because I thought you were going to torture me to death... Nothing sounded right. Sighing irritatedly, they were finally at Wil's door. And, she still had nothing planned to say. Helga whispered something, though she didn't hear what it was. Usually, she would have been more curious about something like that happening, but right now she was too worried that she'd say something wrong to Wil. She had to make this sound perfect, so he didn't misunderstand anything. Hearing his voice, her stomach dropped as she, yet once again, twiddled her fingers nervously. Though, this time she wasn't nervous he was mad. She just has never been in this position before. Who enjoyed apologizing, anyways? Paradise sure didn't. She never did, and probably never will. She always had a problem with things like this. "Hey. It's me. Paradise." She said softly as she stepped passed Helga and going inside. Her voice was so soft, she knew it was more of a whisper. Maybe not even that.
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