9:22pm Jul 23 2011
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Wil's head snapped up before he could catch the reaction. He kept his eyes trained fiercely on Helga, even if they begged to look into Paradise's violet ones. The old woman smiled knowingly at him, mouthed "Do something!", and then shut the door as she withdrew. Wil was now alone in a room with Paradise. Just great. Realizing he still hadn't said anything, Wil cleared his throat. "Hello. I'm, er...sorry about that whole episode. I was totally out of line." He couldn't breach the topic of her harsh words yet, their raw fury still making him wince mentally as he recalled them. He still didn't know why she was here, and without Helga to mediate, anything could happen. Suddenly, he was mad with his loyal housekeeper. She acted as if they were equals, she and him. Hah, as if the lowly clone was-- The thought stopped there. He didn't know where the rage had come from, but it evaporated as quickly as it had come. Helga was only doing what she thought was right. And, in a sense, they were equals. She was ten times the person he would ever be. Sighing, Wil sank into a warm red armchair. He gestured to the one a few feet across from his. "Where have my manners gone? By all means, Paradise--please sit down. Now, what do you need?"
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
9:36pm Jul 23 2011
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[[UGHH I have to go... So...We will do what I suggested? I will sleep on it, to 'get more ideas' for tomarrow, bahahaha xDDD ]]
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9:39pm Jul 23 2011
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Ooc// Sounds good, FPFF. <3333 Um. I'm getting off, too. /overly anxious. Omg. D:
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9:40am Jul 24 2011
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[I can't respond, because I have to go to church, but... Why are you anxious? Are you still feeling... *Gasp*... Socially awkward? D: ]]
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1:30pm Jul 24 2011
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Ooc/ YESIAMHOWDIDYOUKNOW? And omg I guess I don't get to post. x-x I'll see you on Wednesday, FPFF. <33333
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3:13pm Jul 24 2011
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[[Hahahaha! It's alright, I am shy too xD But, socially awkward sounds more... Smartierr.... xD Awh D: I probably won't be on until Wednesday now because my FPFF will not be on D: ]]
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9:28pm Jul 24 2011 (last edited on 9:30pm Jul 24 2011)
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Paradise chose not to respond to his apology. He already apologized once, and it resulted in her making a disrespectful – yet, to her, what seemed to be necessary – outburst. That wasn’t what she was here to apologize for. So, instead, she took him on his offer of sitting down, though her heart was thumping loud in her ears, and her face was turning crimson. Apologizing was never her specialty. And, to be honest, she felt a little embarrassed for her outburst. “What do I need?” She asked while exhaling, eye brows furrowing. Sighing, and leaning back in the chair as if she was actually welcomed here, she stared up at him with emotionless eyes. “I just practically asked for a death penalty for how I talked to you. And, you’re going to sit here like nothing happened? Asking me, what I want?” For what seemed to be longer them a moment, she kept staring at him with wide violet eyes. Of course, she believed Helga. He didn’t seem like a cruel man anymore. She reminded him of someone genuine. But, she was still trying to read him. She was still confused at why he was more sincere then even the more pleasant Masters. But, no answer came. Leaning up from where she was, she finally looked away from his eyes and at the ground. “I guess it’s my turn to apologize.” Gosh, she hated those words. Swallowing any dignity she had, she kept going. “I… Tend to keep things in. Then come out impulsively. I don’t know why, but I felt different with you. I usually am good at keeping it in until I talk to someone who has no authority over me. I’ve heard things about you – many cruel things – and it wasn’t hard to believe them. I have only had one other fair Master in my life. All the others are just as brutal as you can imagine. I just became more troubled with you. Either way, I had no business saying what I did. Especially about this girl of yours, and yourself.”
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11:22am Jul 25 2011
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10:56am Jul 26 2011
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[[ LALALALALALALALALA I didn't go on Res like at all yesterday, because I knew you wouldn't be there. You should feel special. Lol xDDDD
BUMP xD! ]]
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8:46pm Jul 26 2011
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[[FPFF do you know how much I miss you right now? I need atleast one roleplay that challenges me to write more then one line AND YOUR NOT HERE TO BE THAT ONE ROLEPLAY D: But...It's alright. Your punishment is embarressing yourself by being socially awkward. Yes. That's right. I went there. << And now I'm getting all Hannah Montana on you. Uh huh, I Know it. Now that you told me about your little conversing-issue secret, I'm never going to let you live it down... ^^Bahaha I'm just kidding xD ILOVEYOUYOUKNOWTHAT? BUMP ]]
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9:46pm Jul 26 2011
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Ooc// I am laughing hysterically right now. ilu SO MUCH, FPFF. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 And not all the emoticon hearts in THE WORLD can express it. O_O Ohyeah. In went there. >O And now I need to reply. D: ...And I DO feel special. :D
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9:58pm Jul 26 2011
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Wil knew the words were hard for her to say, just from the strain in her voice. He sighed, looking away as he answered her. He ordered himself not to look into those violet eyes. Not to feel a ghost of that electricity race up his spine. "Paradise, I'm going to be honest with you. Not that I already haven't been," he said, with a smile flickering across his lips. "The reason I've been so fair to you....I don't know. There's just something about you that diffuses my anger. I don't get mad at you...I get ma at myself. Before you say anything--I know it's crazy. I know I'm probably crazy. But I can't really help it...." He swallowed tightly, trying to continue onward. He still didn't look at her. "Thank you for your apology. I think we were both out of line--I swear to any god or goddess that you can name, I don't usually feed like that. It was reckless of me to go without blood for so long, and after a while...instinct takes over. It could have well been Helga, or James--you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. But your reaction to that can't be taken back, either. So I guess we're both to blame." He raked a hand through his hair, addressing what was probably the most sensitive topic for her. "I hate to say this, Paradise, but I think it's pretty obvious that you've seen worse homes. I again swear on anyone that you wish that you are safe here. I will make it clear to Marysa that no harm is to come your way....and if she decides that you do not fit somewhere in your household, you are to come straight back to me. Are we clear?" Ooc// Short post with long dialogue. O_O I need to work on dialogue a lot, lol. xD My characters can't talk eloquently. /shot.
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10:57am Jul 27 2011
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[[Awh, no you don't! <333333 And it wasn't short bahahaha xD. My FFPF is now MBFPFF... My Blind Flower Picker Friend Forever Bahaha And, I take full blame for this being on the second page :O IKNOWTHAT'SHORRIBLE D: Anyways, are you on? D: ]]
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2:08pm Jul 27 2011
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Ooc// Are you? o3o /runs to check. Blarg. MBFPFF is so long.... maybe we just keep adding onto it until it's like ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZMBFPFF. Omg. :D
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4:09pm Jul 27 2011
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[[OMG YOU MADE ME LAUGH <3 I have to go though D: I'm sorry I can't roleplay my guts out with you! D: My mom is forcing me to go somewhere, becuase I 'always stay in my room'. Maybe I truly am socially awkward as well... bahaha jkjkjk. I'm just messing with you <3 Bye DDDD:]]
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4:16pm Jul 27 2011
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Ooc// Bye! <3 Have fun being socially awkward. |D
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1:24am Jul 29 2011
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Ooc// CH needs to post. D:
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8:20am Jul 29 2011
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[[I sorry. I told you why on the rmail DD: I'm making a random thread soon on why I'm not posting to much, though it's not that big of a deal bahaha xD ]]
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12:35pm Jul 29 2011
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Dun kill me for the lame ti tle. D8
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3:17pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc// I'm bumping this up. |D As if that wasn't obvious.
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