7:42pm Jul 31 2011
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Ooc// Bumpers. My FPFF needs to magically become un-busy and fill the lonely hours with meeeee.. D: /shot.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
9:38am Aug 1 2011
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[[I'm so sorry D: I'm back now xD And, I don't trust your siggy anymore - as you shouldn't trust mine bahaha- so I'll post in a moment. Just in case you really were on, I was lettingyou know that I was back xDD so... Just wait a minute for the post xD ]]
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10:04am Aug 1 2011
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Paradise never liked being wrong. And, with Helga, she was shown that she was wrong. But, she couldn’t fully believe it. Now, with the man himself, that she knew had no reason to be hated, was telling her she was wrong. It made her sick. Not because of him. It was her. The one judging every single thing the second her eyes found it. His honesty was surprising. At least with what he first said. What was it about her that made his ‘anger diffuse’? He said not to say he was crazy. He never said anything about thinking he was insane. “Yes, we are clear.” She said with a slight nod. She was feeling a little bit better, knowing Marysa isn’t who she thought she was. [[Sorry this is such a fail. D: Like I said before, I had major writers block. xD]]
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1:40pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc// I don't know what to post. xD /shot. Um, suggestions? Maybe Wil could feel bad, and then have her as his guest of honor for the night, and have her down at dinner with him, or something like that. o3o
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
1:59pm Aug 1 2011
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[[Omg, your so much better at adding more to a plot then I am bahahaha. D: But, I'll think of a suggestion if you really need one, but the one you said works fine xDDDD ]]
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6:18pm Aug 1 2011
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8:14pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc// FPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF= Flower Picker Friends Forever +_____+_______+_______+________+_______+____=? /shot. Lolololol. I'm on. And I need to think of something to reply with. Maybe Wil can just walk her back to her rooms? o3o
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8:26pm Aug 1 2011
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[[Surrrrreee xDDD You can power play a bit so more can happen. Like 'Paradise followed to the room' if Wil suggests to take her back, ya know? I don't care with my ... FPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Flower Picker Friends Forever +_____+_______+_______+________+_______+____= LUFF [love, if you want to be boring...jkjkjk] ]]
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8:35pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc// Omg I'm NOT typing that every time. >O It would take me twice as long as it already does. D: But I luffs you anyways. ...See what I did there? /shot. I tell you, the world is going to die from our lame puns. o-o And omg I'm a terrible person. How dare I powerplay. Even though you gave me permission. ._____. ... I'm sorely missing the strikethrough button right now. xD It doesn't work on my Mac. Bic// Wil nodded, smiling. "I'm glad that we're clear on that, then." He looked around the room, about to ask something...but then he realized just how worse that would make matters. He fell into silence for a while, and then finally settled on, "Can I take you back to your room, Paradise?" It was a rhetorical question, only meant for polite reasons. He stood up and opened the door to his rooms for her, and then lead the way through the passages of the manor. When they reached the fifth floor, he slowed his pace, suddenly wanting to stretch the moments out. He stared fiercely at the wall. Why did she make him feel like this? Make him want to break all the rules? And yet, they barely knew each other. Paradise had made it clear she wanted nothing to do with him. He sighed. Life simply couldn't stay simple for him. Love was always twisting and knotting itself for him--first Marysa, and now a clone, of all the people to have feelings for. He focused his thoughts on being the gentleman--no matter what else he might want to be--as he reached her door. "Here you are, Paradise." Ooc// Omg something has to happen. It just has to. O_O
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
8:43pm Aug 1 2011
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[[IDK. Let's take five minutes...To think of something...*Thinks so hard her brain explodes* 'Strikethrough'? WHATS THAT? Omg. Our puns are amazingly amazing. XD The world isn't going to die from them. It's going to explode like my brain just did. I don't want to write a lame post, if we can really think of something to happen though. If we time skipped, where should we time skip too? ]
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8:48pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc// If a time skip is in order, how about to the next day? Helga can put her on garden work, and then Wil can be assessing them, and then maybe they somehow go off together? Or Paradise follows Wil because he's talking to Helga about Marysa, or something like that? Strikethrough is when the words are crossed out in a post. xD At least, that's the technical term. ARE PUNS WILL MAKE THE WORLD EXPLODE, IMPLODE, AND THEN POOF INTO NONEXISTENCE. SO THERE.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
8:54pm Aug 1 2011
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[[ HOW ABOUT THIS? YOUR GRAMMER IS WRONG. IT"S 'OUR' NOT "ARE"... BUT I LOVE YOU AND YOUR FLOWER PICKING ANYWAYS <3 Anyways, I kind of like both ideas. So why don't we do both? First we can do the one about them going off together <3 OMG LIKE SAGE AND ANDREW :O B-but I'm going to - try to - get off for the night. D: But, every time someone responds, I forget I'm leaving and go right to the thread D: so...I've been trying for about a half hour now D: ]]
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8:57pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc// You don't have to reply now. xD I should get off too, lol. And did I really put "are" instead of "our"? Omg. Dx
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8:59pm Aug 1 2011
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[[I told you I loved you. Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Do you feel it yet? Anyways, I'm still trying to go. D: How about, so I don't feel bad, we both plan on going on again tomarrow? I always make better posts in the mornings, and I don't like giving lame posts to my FPFF D: ]]
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9:02pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc// I'm feeling it, bb~ Lolololol. <3 Tomorrow sounds good. I think I can be on~ |D /shoos off. You go do whatever you need to do nao kthnxbai.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
11:22am Aug 2 2011
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[[Alright. I wanna wait to reply until your on, so I can ask a question. I know, I know, I ask to many questions. I just don't want to irritate you bahaha -.- Anyways, can I just time skip to where she's working in the garden like we planned, but just say in the post 'Helga had told her, her first job was...' I know it's kind of like powerplaying, so I won't if I can't DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: ]]
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1:01pm Aug 2 2011
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[[Hey...I just realized something... Wasn't Paradise supposed to have powers or something? Maybe, when we get major writers block, we could do something with that. I dunno what, but... I was researching stuff for what I explained in my rmail [MY GOOGLE STARTED WORKING <3] and I just started thinking of it... I DUNNO D; ]]
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1:02pm Aug 2 2011
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 <-- Click me
1:05pm Aug 2 2011
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[[Feyth: That's spamming, I believe^^ ]]
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3:52pm Aug 2 2011
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Ooc// ...How the heck did we forget that Paradise had powers? xD That's...hilarious. Seriously~ And a great solve for writer's block. ^^ Feel free to have Helga ask her to do stuff when it's necessary for Paradise. As long as it's not like "Omg go jump in the lake and get eaten by pirahnas mwahahahahaha." Or stuff like that. o3o @Feyth: Um, yes, I do believe that's spam. xD But g'morning~ ...That makes me wonder how many other people are reading this. O-O /insecure.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.