The Legacy of the Crystals (Private, me and Ribunny)

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11:44pm Mar 24 2012

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{{Nyooooo~~ *stalks this*

...oh god my HA is just terrible D:

*is posting merely to subscribe to this* Don't mind me n my curry xD;}}


10:17am Mar 25 2012

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((Hahaha, no worries. I'm glad you've taken an interest sasori. I hope we can entertain you.))

Vex smiled as he noticed his guest awaken. "Good morning, Ri," Vex said cheerily as he flipped a pancake over to the chihuhua. He hoped she would catch it, but one could never be too sure. "Are you in to pancakes? I know a lot of canines and felines prefer that their diets be dominated with meat, but I tend to eat anything. Pancakes are an especial favorite of mine."


Shasta smiled comfortingly and then led Swift out the door towards the courtyard. On the way, they passed a feline startlingly similar in color and build to Swift, half-dozing on a bench. Curious, Shasta paused. When he startled himself back to waking, Shasta sent him minor calming energy. She didn't want to manipulate him, but she didn't want him to be unrested by her. "Hello there sir. Do you need a place to stay?" she asked kindly.


Vendetta hummed softly a tune she had heard the previous day, her tail flicking as she went. At length, she found herself in the town square again. Everyone scurrying about their business, getting to work early or late. None of them were her concern yet. Though she did notice the doberman and rottweiler again, both sporting a black suit and several bandages. They seemed nervous, but Vendetta decided not to approach them without need.


2:28pm Mar 25 2012

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Name: Nine
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Species: Sophisticated Mixed Feline
Crystal: Purple/Necromancy
Looks: Nine is calico with long fur and a black patch on her face. Her eyes are a golden color, and she has slightly longer fur about her neck, hinting at some lion in her lineage. Her violet crystal is hidden under her fur and is on the back of her neck.
Personality: Nine is misunderstood and an interesting character. She takes things seriously, but does have a defiant and sarcastic side that shows when she's annoyed.
History: Nine has always been relatively close to the dead, ever since she was little. Her name isn't actually Nine, but its what she typically goes by. No one has ever asked why. Some people also call her Gypsy for her mind readings, and some call her Red because that's what she tends to wear. For work, she runs a psychic reading shop type thing, where she talks to the dead belonging to her visitors.
Other: Nada

((I'll bring in a balancing male character in a little bit, since I have an interesting idea with him that sort of involves Slasher. I'm still formulating though))


2:33pm Mar 25 2012 (last edited on 2:33pm Mar 25 2012)

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Posts: 4,848
((Heya sas.  <3

Ooh cool  8o))

Ribunny lifted her paw up, using her crystal to nudge the pancake in her direction so that it landed in her palm.  "I don't think I've eaten pancakes before, but they smell very good."  She replied, feeling her mouth start to water.  She took a experimental bite, wagging her tail once when she tasted it.  "Oh, it's pretty good."  she said after swallowing, taking a larger bite soon after.


Miles flicked his tail at the sound of Shasta's voice, not used to being talked to very much.  He turned to face her, frowning when he saw she was canine.  Though, he didn't feel too hostile, like he normally did, causing him to decide to talk for once instead of trying to right away fight.  "Just because I'm a feline you think I lack housing?"  He growled, though it was partly true.  He did indeed have a house, though his dealer had tricked him into an old partly broken down one.  It was actually one of the testing houses, first build when the dome was made into a living place, and it shown since it wasn't built like the other houses, and therefor was deteriorating from its design flaws.  His eyes trailed to Swift, and for a moment their eyes met, though they both quickly looked away.  A strange feeling welled inside both of them, though neither could place nor understand its meaning.


Amber slunk along the many newly made tubes, or "streets" as some called them, keeping to ally-like places or to shadows casted by houses and buildings.  The dark was her home, her sanctuary.  No one could see the bandages in the dark, no one asked about them, and no one heard her occasional slip up into meows that was just starting to get more frequent.  Like a feral ally cat, she sneaked by the few that crossed her silently on all fours, flattening herself against the plastic walls.  The only reason she even stayed in this city was because..  He..  Could find her alone easier outside.  He, of course, meaning the demonic entity that seemed to follow her wherever she went, both "personalities" seemed to almost be bonded to her.  Though she still missed the outside air, the freedom, the infinitude of the wild.  She had also refused to buy a house, instead buying equipment to camp in various places.  A house is too vulnerable, too weak, too empty, too precise a location.  Her eyes glowed in the shadows as she looked behind her back one last time, forever wary, forever on lookout.. 


2:45pm Mar 25 2012

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"Ready to go to the courtyard then?" Vex asked, frying a pancake for himself and then heading to the door.


"No, Shasta said with slight amusement, "I assume that you don't have housing because you were sleeping on a bench. This is Swift, and I'm Shasta."


The courtyard was chilly that morning, and Vendetta subconsciously shivered upon entering the bubble. It was almost as big as the town square without all the clutter of buildings and crowds. It was near the surface of the lake, and nothing was above it, so light shone through and gave life to various plants decorating the garden. As well as plants were various decorations of blown glass in vibrant colors, and butterflies brought from above.



2:57pm Mar 25 2012

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Ri finished the last of her pancake.  "Mhm!"  She mumbled as she chewed, following Vex happily.


"Hmph."  Miles growled, crossing his arms.  "I'm Miles."  His eyes went to Swift again, as if he couldn't control them.  Clenching his teeth, he forced them away to look at Shasta, not understanding and therefor disliking the feeling he kept getting.  "A place to stay, eh?"  He mumbled, letting go of his pride for a second or two, "could be niceish.."  


Amber crawled from one of the shadows she was hiding in to sniff the air and get a baring of her surroundings.  The courtyard?  She didn't even notice she had been going that way.  Might as well see if there's anything of interest.  She thought, finding another shadow to slink into so she could explore a bit.


3:36pm Mar 25 2012

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"Good! Me and Swift have an extra room that you could use until you get back on your feet, and I can probably help you get a job if you don't have one. Having money is always a perk," Shasta explained. She pulled a map of the city from her bag and circled the location of her house, "Here's where it is if you want to check it out, but we're heading to the court yard."


Vex and Ribunny arrived at the courtyard, and Vex was startled by how chilly it was. He immediately warmed the air around him, but he allowed the warmth to spread through the majority of the room, giving it a pleasant, spring-like feeling to match the sunshine.



3:45pm Mar 25 2012

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Miles was confused at Shasta's kindness, unused to being talked to like a fellow friend from a stranger, especially a stranger canine.  Though, it was nice, in a way.  "It'd be weird if I just went to your house alone..  I'll just go to the courtyard with you, I've been wanting to check it out there for a while."


Ribunny breathed in the now warm air.  "Oh wow Vex, it's so nice.."  She murmured, her eyes glinting with excitement as she spread her wings.  She took a deep breath to take in the moment, then did a powerful downwards flap to propel her into the sky.  "Wohoo!"  She cried as the wind swooshed past her ears, a sound she had been missing for a long time.  Doing a sharp turn just before she hit the top, she flew slightly downwards, then took a left, flying sideways with a huge grin on her face. 


4:39pm Mar 25 2012

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Posts: 5,279
((OMG OMG OMG!! A video game programmer is having me design plots for him! :D))

Vex smiled at Ribunny's happiness and started humming in joy, sending fire absently through the air in front of him.


"Nice to have you along, Miles," Shasta said happily before heading the rest of the way to the courtyard. Upon entering, she realized that the mood of the room was warmer and cheerier than the usual cold and formally quiet. It was even physically warmer, and she noticed something odd flying around the room. She wasn't sure what it was at first, and then she recognized Ribunny's happy voice. They hadn't talked since before the war ended, and it was refreshing to see an old friend.


Vendetta blinked as the air around her suddenly got warmer. Her tail flicked with curiosity as she searched for the source. There weren't that many people in the courtyard at all, so it wasn't hard to find the fire wielder playing with a fiery serpent and humming to himself as he watched what looked like a flying chihuahua, oddly enough. She figured her to be an air user before continuing on, and then she noticed Miles, the cat from yesterday, as well as a wolf and another feline that Vendetta figured to be his brother, from his looks.



7:17pm Mar 25 2012

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Posts: 4,848
((Holy crud that's frickin' awesome!!  8DD

Also, sorry I poofed, I had a headache and closed my eyes for a second and ended up falling asleep.  ._.;))

Miles smiled as he felt the warmth of the courtyard, much, much better.  His ear flicked when he heard a familiar voice.  Oh no..  Though looking at the sky he knew it was who he feared.  No, it wasn't because he hated Ribunny or anything, it was because..  Well..  They didn't quite leave on great terms the last they met, and Ri tended to hold grudges.

Ribunny spun a few times, then settled on flying upside down parallel with the ceiling.  She noticed her familiar wolf friend, taking in a breath in happiness.  "Shasta!"  She cried, flipping over to the right position and speeding towards the ground, slowing herself as she neared it and flapping a few times to help her steadily land.  "It's so great to see you!"

Miles ears slid back when Ribunny first started to land, tying to nonchalantly edge behind Shasta so he wouldn't be seen, too afraid that she hadn't forgiven him to even take a chance.


7:13pm Mar 26 2012

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"Nice to see you too, Ribunny," Shasta said with a smile, "You remember Swift? And this is Miles, my new friend." Shasta's tail wagged, and she looked over. She frowned when she realized that both Swift and Miles were hiding behind her. They were similar enough to be scary. She moved to the side and revealed the two felines. She noticed for the first time how similar they looked too, except for Mile's red crystal, and the cracked, empty crystal of Miles.


Vex paused in his humming when he noticed Ribunny glide over to a wolf and two felines. The fur on the back of his neck pricked slightly at the sight of Miles. He could sense another fire user a mile away, and he was embarassed that he hadn't noticed earlier. His last encounter with another fire wolf was... not pleasant.

It was the eve of the end of the war, and Vex crept carefully into the dome under the lake, a bright blue collar of feline make tight around his neck. He growled when he felt the mentality feline in his ear, ordering him to go this way and that. He used his fire in the way that the filthy felines had told him to pick the lock and successfully entered the barracks. It had been a trap. By who, it was unsure, but Vex didn't like being caught in the middle of it.

"Feline or canine?" came a growl from behind him as a startling red wolf appeared in the doorway.

"Please don't kill me," Vex breathed, shrinking in fear of the wolf.

"Relax, my name's Flare. You seem to have gotten yourself into quite a fix, with that feline mechanism." And then Vex's vision went black.


Iceblink entered the courtyard with a growl, unsettled by the demonic warmth in the area. His ice crystal disliked it. The cold aura around him shrunk, only making Iceblink's mood even more bitter and annoyed.


9:03pm Mar 26 2012 (last edited on 9:04pm Mar 26 2012)

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Posts: 4,848
((Flaaaare.  ;w;))

"Yeah, I remember Swift!"  Ribunny replied to Shasta, picturing in her mind the adorable kitten she had talked to a little.  Though she mostly saw him more than spoke to him due to his shyness.  
Ri's ears slid back and she cringed when she saw Miles, her stomach jolting at the looks of her old...  Friend?  She didn't really know what to label him as..
"Oh..  Hello..  Miles.."  She said, trying to regain her physical composure while her gut refused to settle.

Miles had a similar reaction, though he hid it much better in body language.  His eyes, however, still reflected his mix of anxiety, apprehension, and, oddly enough, happiness.  Though that was slight. 
"Hey.."  He murmured, keeping his eyes to the ground.

Swift nuzzled into Shasta's fur, a habit he picked up as a kitten to react to anxiety or fear.  
"Is something wrong?"  He asked tentatively, still caring and curious about others even though he, himself was scared.


"Bothered by the cold, Iceblink?"  Rainstorm's voice whispered into the icy wolf's ear as she seemingly dissolved out of the shadows.  "I for one appreciate the heat..  Tempers flare in the in the fiery air, fights break out..  Fun happens..."  She chuckled lowly.  "Do you not agree?"

((I was thinking, since Iceblink is sorta under Rainstorm's "hypnosis," for lack of a better word, maybe she could use him as a mate or something.  Maybe he could feel like he "loved" her, or something that feels like love, but she only wants someone to bear her pups, y'know?))


5:01pm Mar 27 2012

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Posts: 5,279
((That's a good idea :) Iceblink + Rainstorm = EVIL/Misjudged prodigies))

Shasta sensed the tension immediately, and let her magic work to put the two at ease. She didn't usually manipulate emotions to this extent, but she didn't like anyone feeling uncomfortable on this happy morning. "Do you two know each other?" Shasta asked, careful to keep the tension between the two at a minimum. Neither was comfortable with seeing the other. When he noticed that even Swift was sensing the tension, she knew that she couldn't do much to help the two except talk them through making up, and focused on coming Swift.


"The longer you stay in the cold, the less warmth is appreciated, Rainstorm," Iceblink said in a dry monotone, calming instantly as she appeared. She always made him seem more relaxed. "The time for fighting is over for now, and the warm is too spring-like for the hot boiling of battle."


Vex didn't want to intrude on the others, and especially didn't want to get tangled with the fire user; but that didn't change his undying curiosity to know what was going on. He scanned the area quickly, and he spotted a large flower made from glass hanging above the group. There were enough leaves for him to scale it, and so he did, and lounged in the warm glass petals.

Vex remained silent as Flare looked him over. "What's your name, sir fox?" Flare asked politely, touching Vex's collar  experimentally.

The feline mentality wielder hissed violently in his mind, causing Vex to fall to his knees in pain with a groan. "The voice," he mumbled, tugging at his ears trying to get the cat to shut up.

Flare frowned. "Jack," he addressed the tall, quiet German Shepard, and he straightened up, "Go and get Shasta. And Luciole. I think he's being controlled."



6:57pm Mar 27 2012 (last edited on 6:58pm Mar 27 2012)

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Posts: 4,848
((Mwaha.  >:D))

"We.. do."  Ri replied, her voice wavering slightly.  "We used to travel...  Together.."  She rubbed her paws continuously from her nervousness.  She wasn't quite sure what to say at all.  At least the tension in the air seemed to have subdued a bit, though it seemed to be replaced by awkwardness, in her mind at least.

Miles continued looking down, remaining silent.  He had countless times ran through his head what meeting Ri again would be like, thinking up many things that he could have said to her.  Of course, he couldn't think of any now, and the ones he could he was too fearful to actually say.

"Maybe if you two tell us what happened it could help...?"  Swift murmured, though it was only just loud enough for Shasta to hear clearly.


"One can wish, no?"  Rainstorm chuckled, lightly stroking Iceblink's ear once.  "I say.."  She murmured, pupils contracting into even thinner slits.  "I believe I sense old friends.."  She turned her head to the left, although no one was in sight.  A malicious grin spread on her face. 
"Maybe there still will be a fight yet.."


7:08pm Mar 27 2012

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"Don't be shy, Swift," Shasta said warmly in an undertone, "You've learned to wield your words by watching me use mentality, speak up," Shasta cooed encouragingly.


Iceblink swiveled his ears to better pick up sound, and heard where the others were. "Are you curious Rainstorm? We could say hello if you wished."


((Nothing logical to post with Vex just listening, so I'll continue his remembering later))


7:42pm Mar 27 2012

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Swift slid his ears back in nervousness.  He cleared his throat.  "Could you two, please maybe, talk about what happened?  It's okay if you don't want to.."  He got quiet again, "We could help you if we know more too.."

Ribunny blinked at Swift, then nodded slowly.  "Right.."  She murmured.  "Well..  We were..  Friends, and as I said, we traveled together.  We had been traveling for a while..  Then.."  She went quiet for a second.

"I made the mistake of joining the feline army."  Miles finished, the hint of snarl in his voice.

"Yes.."  Ri said, looking down.  "That's when I went to the canine army.  I was so heartbroken I became angry.."  She went quiet again to fight back a lump in her throat.  She had, secretly of course, missed her love-hate friendship with Miles, though she assumed Miles didn't at all.


"Hmm..  Yes, I think we should.  A little intrusion would be fun."  Rainstorm replied after thinking a few moments.  "Though we should stand by at first, listen.  Come in when it seems right, do you agree?"

((Hm..  Do you think Rainstorm should already be expecting or no..?))


8:28pm Mar 27 2012

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"Thats good, this is progress. What kind of relationship did you have when you did travel together? Did you have any other companions? I know Flare was with you for some time before you joined too," Shasta prompted Ribunny, scratching Swift behind the ear in praise for speaking so well. It wasn't much, but it was a start. Once he warmed up to this Miles character, and Ribunny, they could be friends.


((Sure, I can't imagine Iceblink getting it on with anyone voluntarily, so he has to be pretty deep in hypnosis.))

Iceblink frowned. The source o the heat was over there. That meant fire weilder, one or more. He missed Flare to a degree, but not enough to miss the natural playfullness of those who had the power of fire. "As you wish, Rainstorm," he said mechanically, gesturing for her to lead, as always. Leading with her behind him only made him feel like a puppet. He was aware of Rainstorm's mentl and supernatural prowess, and he accepted it as long as she kept it in control, and acknowledged her power.



9:50pm Mar 27 2012 (last edited on 12:22pm Mar 28 2012)

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((LOL  that made me laugh.  XDD;))

Ribunny and Miles met eyes for a moment, then looked away again.  "We were pretty good friends I suppose.  Some called it a love hate relationship..  But it was..  Fun."  Ri said after a few moments.

Miles nodded, "We prodded and tested each other a lot, but we still were..  Close I suppose."  He mumbled, pulling his bandanna farther down his forehead to hide himself a bit.

"We also traveled with two others, besides Flare.  A rat named..  Well..  Ratt, and my..  Adoptive sister.."  Ribunny said, getting quieter at the end.


Rainstorm followed behind Iceblink.  She didn't mind much allowing him to lead her, as long as she has chosen the destination.  She knew he didn't want to feel like being a puppet, as he had once voiced it to her before.  Though she rarely put him under full hypnosis, since she knew she would never be able to keep it up full time, and when it wore off he would suspect something, she did sometimes when she wanted something from him she knew she couldn't have any other way.  Like a night a few weeks ago, for example..


7:25pm Mar 28 2012

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"And you split to join each opposing army. I can understand why Flare pushed you to go, Ribunny, after a while, since his brother was already with us, but Miles, why did you go?" Shasta asked, gesturing eventually for them to walk as they talked towards one of the slightly more private benched areas. There were two benches across from one another, and flowers all around except for where the stone path entered.


Vex cursed under his breath as they began to move, and as soon as they were out of sight, He climbed out of the glass flower. Trying to be sneaky, he dropped to the ground with a thud, shortly followed by a short tsk.

"Spying now, are we?" came the sultry voice of a black cat behind him. Vex's fur spiked on his back as he whirled around, a second away from burning her where she stood. God, why did cats have to give him the creeps?

At length, Vex heard a trio of footsteps enter. It all sounded as though they were miles away, and he was locked in mental warfare with the mentality feline. He was hardly a match. He figured that in the real world, he was reduced to a moaning heap of fur clutching his head on the ground.

"You were right Flare, he is under control," came a voice that Vex didn't know, female, but kind and gentle. The wolf- Shasta- a mentality weilder.

"Is there anything you can do to help?"  came the voice of a different character, evidently Luciole, a half-fox herself. She must have been distressed to see someone of her kindred so handicapped.

"I f I confronted the feline in his mind, he might end up a breathing carrot, whether I win or not. It would be counterproductive. The feline is wrestling for complete control, as far as I can tell."

"And the collar?" Flare asked.

"Melded to his skin, by the looks. Luciole could probably get it off, with her light abilities. It would hurt though," Shasta pointed out.

Vex's eyes opened wide with fear at the sound of the word 'hurt', and it took him a second to realize that they were discussing his salvation. "Anything," he managed to choke before falling into another mental fit.


Iceblink eventually found where the group was, they were some of the only ones in the courtyard at this hour. "Rainstorm, isn't this a little invasive? I don't know them very well anymore."


7:35pm Mar 28 2012 (last edited on 7:35pm Mar 28 2012)

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"Well.."  Miles said as he followed Shasta to the benches.  "I had an old friend that asked me to go.  She saved my life once..  I guess I thought I owed her."  When they got to be benches his stomach lurched when he saw Shasta and Swift about to sit at the same bench, taking it up.  It wasn't like he didn't want to sit with Ri, but it was just that..  To put it in a way he would never admit, he was scared of being pushed away.  Though he knew he needed to or they'd be able to tell his secret fears, and sat next to Ribunny, ears sliding back when he saw her inch away from him a bit.  "Trouble is.."  He continued, forcing his attention of her, "We didn't even really talk much after we both were in the army.."


"Invasive, maybe."  Rainstorm replied in her almost whispery voice that she usually used when she was calm, or planning something.  "Though what are the odds of being in the same place and time as them?  With so little others around too..  And even if we don't talk to them.."  A small sneer appeared on her lips, "Information about others is always good to have.."

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