8:06pm Dec 20 2011
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Litta watched in horror at the sight of Deveth. "Nooo!" she shrieked. Anger and frustration just poured into her, and it fueled her for what she was about to do next. She almost did a roundhouse with her back legs like a human would do, but maybe it was more similar to a horse's buck. Anyway, she swiveled about and used her back legs to hopefully shove Nykius over the edge. Ruric ran at Litta, and she scrabbled against the edge, flipping around before her paws were trying to get a grip on the soft earth. She hauled herself up, but Ruric shoved her again, depleting her work. Litta once more heaved her body up - and trust me, that's not easy - and jumped to the side so Ruric was teetering towards the edge. The edge of Death Bite Cliff, as it was called. It was the size of the Grand Canyon, perhaps a tad smaller. At the bottom were harsh rapids and jagged rocks, and ledges - some pointy, some not - jutting out the edges all made for a horrid and gruesome fall.
Sierra shouted, "EVERYONE! FOLLOW THE ENEMIES!" Asu, Kayto, and Kayna were all already running. Sierra leapt onto Adder, screaming "traitor", as Kayto tried to take down Farook. Kayna and Asu both began to attempt to overthrow Hati.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
12:44am Dec 21 2011
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Deveth fell. He didn't try to do anything to land on his feet or anything. He didn't want to look down- he didn't want to see all those jagged rocks that would most likely kill him, as they probably would within a few seconds. He just watched the sun as it seemed to get farther and farther away. The world suddenly went black. Deveth had no way of knowing, but as he had fallen, he'd hit the edge of another cliff on the way down. He didn't land on the cliff, he just hit it, yelped, and fell farther before landing in the river below. Deveth wasn't dead. He was out cold, unconcious. However, he was now in the water.
(I am so cruel to him T.T)
Adder chuckled, and didn't really fight back. "Sierra, if only you'd gotten here about three seconds earlier. Maybe then, Deveth would still be alive."
Nykius snarled, but began to fall. He watched as Drazia snapped at the air just above Nykius's scruff, but couldn't catch Nykius. Nykius fell, landed on one of the jagged rocks far below, which both broke his back and splattered his blood all over the rocks he had landed on.(so basically he died. :P) Drazia had planned to go after Litta, and avenge his friend, but saw that Hati was outnumbered. Besides, killing Litta was Ruric's job anyway. He sprinted over to Hati, and snapped his jaws onto Asu's right hind leg, snarling.
Hati turned to Kayna. She assumed that Kayna wouldn't put up much of a fight. She'd never seemed skilled in battle, so why would she be now? So, Hati growled at her, then tackled her.
Tibious ran to Sierra, who seemed to have Adder pinned. He didn'tsay anything, but just watched.

7:25pm Dec 23 2011
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Sierra snarled in Adder's face as she continued to pin him down. "Shut up. He's LOYAL and STRONG. Deveth will make it," Sierra snarled. Or at least, I hope so. She nipped at Adder's muzzle and went for the throat. DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE.
Kayna yelped and immediately fell. She put on a brave face and ran in circles around Hati. Speed and agility was her strong suit; not strength. Kayto usually came in to provide the missing link. As soon as Kayto heard his sister yelp, he snarled, but could leave her for awhile. He continued to attempt to injure Farook. Asu whined slightly. Being a hunter, he wasn't incredibly great at this stuff. But whipped around quickly in an attempt to get Drazia off. Litta jumped onto Ruric and he slid forward, grabbing onto the side of the cliff with his claws in an attempt to stay balanced. But he was in a horrid position. Litta growled and tried to make him budge, but Ruric was fending for his life. When Litta was at a pause, he slid to the side and pinned her down, sinking his teeth into her throat. Litta only chuckled, a garbled, bloody chuckle. "Immature brat." She used her hind legs to scratch Ruric's soft and exposed belly, and he loosened his grip. Litta shook her head and nipped close to his eye, which made Ruric flinch and jumped slightly back. Litta bit down on his muzzle and blood seeped through her own wounds. Ruric stepped on her paw and bloodily shook free, the red splatters flicking onto the sandy terrain. Litta and Ruric continued fighting until she smashed into him, headfirst in Ruric's chest, and started pushing him backwards.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:39pm Dec 23 2011 (last edited on 7:39pm Dec 23 2011)
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Adder snarled, and got out of the way before Sierra could bite his throat. He threw her off him, stood up, and chuckled. "He's dead." Adder said with a smirk. "He was probably dead before he fell, anyway. If he'd simply fallen, he would have a chance. But he was thrown off the edge by his neck." Adder paused, in an alpha like stance, showing that he had no respect for Sierra. "Maybe you should just be a decent alpha and give in," He said," So that no one else ends up like Deveth. That'd be the smart thing to do. You'd be saving their lives, Sierra. I would let them live." Hati growled under her breath, and watched as Kayna ran circles around her. Hati waited for Kayna to run out in front of her. And when she did, Hati would simply break one of her legs. That way she wouldn't be able to run so much. Drazia didn't let go. He simply snarled, and held on.
7:42pm Dec 23 2011
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(What about Farooookk.)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:13pm Dec 23 2011
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Farook snarled and bit Asu's face.rn
8:30pm Dec 23 2011
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(Thank ye xD But Kayto was attacking Farook.)
Asu kept trying to shake Drazia off and whined. Kayna jumped up and smashed on top of Hati. Sierra snarled, "Liar!" Ruric tumbled backwards, towards the edge of Death Bite Cliff. Litta snarled. "A little scaredy-wolf, are you?" she smirked. Ruric growled, "Definitely not." Litta snapped at him, her jaws clamping shut an inch in front of his face. Ruric scrambled back while Litta laughed at him. "Traitor. Fool!" she growled. Eyes full of fire and Ruric backing off towards the edge, he suddenly felt no ground beneath one of his paws and almost slipped, though he teetered on the edge. Litta stood before him. "You... Y-you wouldn't kill your own son, would you?" Ruric mustered. "You are no longer my son," Litta spat. "Go to Hell, traitor!" she screamed and pushed the wolf off the edge. Ruric tumbled downward. Sierra watched the scene unfold as Ruric had let out a yelp. She turned to Adder in a ready stance. "Looks like someone did end up like Deveth," she smirked. "But it was your son."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:43pm Dec 23 2011
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Adder didn't need Sierra to tell him what'd happened. He'd been watching, and rage built up inside him. He snarled. "You'll meet the same fate." He snarled, and attempted to throw her over the edge. She would most likely either go over, or go close to the edge. Adder was shocked and horrified by what had happened to Ruric, because Adder had put so much work into turning his son into a cold blooded killer. And now, it was all for nothing. All of the time was wasted.
8:48pm Dec 23 2011
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Sierra was caught off guard and her eyes went wide for a moment. She flew in the air and landed close to the edge, almost falling over. Putting on a brave face, she pushed forward and slid, stirring up clouds of sand, as she slid underneath Adder, through his legs. Sierra then tried to push him over the edge.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:04pm Dec 23 2011
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Adder snarled, but he was already in the process of falling. He fell until he hit one of the jagged rocks, which cut through his stomach and splattered his blood and guts all over the boulder. The rock nearly cut him right in half. (I am so sorry for putting that image into your head T.T) He was dead, and his body quickly fell off the jagged rock that had killed him and into the water, which quickly began to run red. Drazia gasped, and let Asu go. "ADDER IS DEAD! THE ALPHA IS DEAD! RETREAT!" Adder's wolves, or at least the ones that remained, retreated, scattering in various directions, including Hati, who managed to escape Kayna and ran with them. Lyria sprinted up the rocks to Sierra. "You...you won. You killed Adder. We're...safe." She said, her voice barely above a whisper.
2:33pm Dec 28 2011
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Sierra panted, staring at where Adder had fell. Did.... did she really do that? It was like it didn't even happen. Everything seemed to be a dream. She expected to wake up at any moment. But after a while, Sierra knew that this was no dream. She had killed the enemy. And Litta, too, of course. "We.... we won," Sierra breathed. "We.. won!" she said more excitedly. "WE WON!" the Alpha finally shouted, jumping about like a playful puppy. She went to Lyria, "WE WOONN!" Sierra said in her face, overjoyed that her pack was safe! Safe at last! --- Kayna, Kayto, and Asu snarled after them. "Run away, COWARDS!" Kayto growled. "Weaklings," he spat. They gazed out at the places where they had all escaped, then heard Sierra's screams of joy. They padded over slowly. --- Litta, however, stared down the cliff. She looked over at everyone behind her - all tinged with blood, a little or a lot. She then set her gaze back down the cliff. The drops of red on the jagged rocks jutting out showed proof. She saw one of the falling bodies make a splash into the water. Wait. What about....? "DEVETH!" Litta shrieked, sobbing. "DEVETH!!"
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:41pm Dec 28 2011
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Lyria smiled, overjoyed, but the happiness faded as she turned to Litta, and realized that Deveth must have fallen. She didn't know what to say, so she simply turned to Litta. "I...I'm so sorry." She said. "But...If Deveth fell, he is almost certainly dead. I've only ever seen one wolf survive falling from Death Bite Cliff, but he's dead now. Not from the fall, from old age. But, anyway...Deveth is gone." She then turned her attention to Sierra. "It would probably be a good time to choose a new beta." --- Tibious smiled, and turned to Sierra. "Alpha, you're...a hero." He didn't know if he would be accepted into the pack, but he still insisted on calling her 'Alpha.' "...What is your name?" (Also, I'll bring in Fenga soon because I have an idea.)
2:48pm Dec 28 2011
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Sierra's happiness turned into sadness when she remembered Deveth. She turned to Tibious anyways and said, "I am Sierra. And I noticed that you may be wanting to join the pack? You did probably save my life, so... I accept. I'll tell the pack once we're over...." Sierra stopped, not knowing how to describe it. " ..our loss."
"NO! HE'S NOT DEAD!" Litta growled. "He.. h-he's going to make it. "DEVETH! MAKE A SOUND!! ANYTHING!! BE ALIVE!!"
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:00pm Dec 28 2011
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"I'm sorry about Deveth." Tibious said. He wished he would've saved Deveth, and he knew that it probably would have been possible. "If...he's alive," He said, hearing Litta's growling,"I promise you that I'll do whatever it takes to find him. And, Alpha Sierra, I would be honored if you would let me join your pack." Lyria shook her head. "Litta, I'm sorry, but he hit the rocks on the way down. His chances of survival are one in a million."
3:06pm Dec 28 2011
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Litta whipped around and harshly said, "Then he'll BE that one in a million!!" (Deveth must livveee >c )
Sierra sighed. "You will join," she said, and honestly wasn't planning on saying anything to Litta. She would be too thick-headed about this for anybody to get anything into her head.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:09pm Dec 28 2011
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(Can we do a time-skip to about a month later?)
3:17pm Dec 28 2011
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(Uhhhhh sure. How's it like a month later? :u )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:32pm Dec 28 2011
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(I'll post. Actually, It'll only be a couple days later, because I just got an idea.) "Sir, are you alive...?" Yawto (A new minor character) stood over the wolf who seemed to be dead. He got no response. He sighed, and dragged the bluish-gray, tan, and white wolf out of the shallow water he laid in. Maybe he had drowned, and washed up on shore. But the wolf had long fur, and most of the wolves from Yawto's pack had short fur. After all, what was left of Yawto's pack lived in the desert, and so their fur was naturally shorter. But the wolf's longer fur indicated that he had come from the forest, which was unbelievable. It was so far from Prado desert, where Yawto was. "...Sir?" The wolf coughed up water, and opened its eyes, which were light green. "...Who are you?" Yawto was shocked, and lifted the wolf up so that he was sitting. "My name's Yawto." He paused. "You're not from around here, are you?" "No, sir." The bluish gray longhaired wolf replied. "What is your name?" Yawto asked. "Deveth." --- Adder's wolves, the survivors at least, had regrouped on the other side of the forest- Hati, Drazia, and Farook. That was all. However, Hati stood over the two of them. "Let me make the both of you a deal. I have a plan. Let me lead you temporarily, alright?"

3:52pm Dec 28 2011
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Sierra had already made Tibious a pack member as a fighter, and Deveth's place had still not been filled. She simply had no idea of who would take his place. Sighing, it was late morning, and she stepped up on the ledge. "Everyone, may you please gather for an announcement." Asu, Kayna, Kayto, Colfax, and Litta came out in the clearing.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:03pm Dec 28 2011
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Fenga, Tibious, and Lyria came out into the clearing. --- "Well, Deveth, Where are you from...?" "Dawn Pack's Territory." Deveth replied. "You know, the forest. And where am I?" "You're in Prado Desert. Pretty far from home, if you ask me." "What?!" Deveth snarled. "I have to get back to Dawn Pack!" Deveth stood up, but fell back down almost instantly. "Well," Yawto said. "You're pretty badly scratched up from the river. You should come back with me, to my pack. And when you heal, you can go home. But, if you stay out here, you might die." I'm GOING HOME." Deveth snarled, and stood back up, but fell again. "Are you sure you want to try and go all the way back there?" "...No. I'll come with you." Deveth grumbled. --- "Fine." Drazia grumbled. "Good." Hati said."We'll raid small packs, and get more pack members first. Now, go. All of you. Avoid members of Dawn Pack."