4:09pm Dec 28 2011 (last edited on 7:54pm Dec 30 2011)
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"First of all, I'm sending a patrol of the entire territory. Multiples, in fact," Sierra said. "WHY NOT SEND A SEARCH PARTY FOR DEVETH?!" Litta snarled. Asu and Kayto tried to hold her down from completely going berserk on the Alpha. She was still very unstable, obviously. She hadn't been able to get past Dev's death at all. "I apologize on behalf of Litta, Alpha Sierra," Asu said sorrily and a bit embarassedly.
"Fine then," Sierra said, to many's surprise. "We'll send out a search party for Deveth." Wait, what? was probably coursing through everybody's minds right then.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:23pm Dec 28 2011
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"But...He's dead!" Litta snarled. Tibious laid his ears back. Why are we looking for a dead wolf? Yawto picked Deveth up by his scruff, and pretty much dragged him back to his pack's camp. There were three other wolves there- a young dark gray and white wolf with a black muzzle, a tan and white she-wolf, and a white she- wolf with light gray markings. The white she-wolf sprinted to Yawto, who let go of Deveth, and Deveth fell to the ground. "...Who is this?" She asked. "His name is Deveth. He's from the forest. He must've almost drowned and washed up in the desert." "But...Yawto..." The she wolf growled, "We can't take in outsiders. "Aenima!" Yawto snarled. "I wasn't just going to leave him out there." "You should've." Aenima grumbled. "If he drowns, he drowns." "I didn't DROWN." Deveth growled. "I was THROWN off of Death Bite Cliff by my neck." The desert wolves were suddenly silent, until the young dark gray and white wolf, named Aurrus, spoke up. "You...what?"
4:37pm Dec 28 2011
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(You mean Lyria, right? :3 -pokes first sentence of Kupa's post-)
Sierra flicked her ear in a silent motion of 'just wait' to her confused packmates. She turned to Litta and said, "I am sending a search party for Deveth and I include Litta and Litta only. Be careful." If she's going to be like this, then how about I let her have her way? Sierra mentally growled. Litta's eyes widened in shock. "Wh.. wh-WHAT?!" "You wanted a search party, didn't you?" Sierra mused. "I created one. Now go." She practically let out the last part in a harsh growl. Litta couldn't deny the Alpha's orders. It'd only make her more upset. And it was her idea. Plus... Deveth was totally alive. [Yeah, in your mind, Litta >->] She scampered off quickly with a glare from her Alpha. Sierra then continued once Litta had left. "Now, Asu, Kayto, Tibious, Kayna - I want you all to patrol the entire territory. I want to make sure Adder's wolves are out. We shall do this again multiple times throughout the day and for the next few days. I want my pack to be safe."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:30pm Dec 28 2011
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Tibious nodded. "Of course, Alpha." He said, and prepared to go out on patrol, waiting for the other three wolves. "Let's go." He said, and walked off into the woods. "I was picked up by the neck and thrown off Death Bite Cliff." Dev repeated. "By...who?" Aurrus asked. "...A wolf named Adder. He was trying to kill someone I love, and I had to defend her. But he threw me. I only remember hitting my head on a cliff on the way down. I...just hope that my pack is okay." --- Drazia sprinted off into the forest, away from the direction Dawn Pack's territory was. After a while, he saw two wolves, a female and a male. Probably mates. They didn't see him ,and so he snuck up behind them, and quickly killed the male. The female screamed in horror, but Drazia grabbed her by the throat, and pinned her to the ground. He sniffed the air, and could smell pups nearby. The she-wolf's pups. He smirked, and killed the she-wolf. He sniffed out the pups, and padded into the den. There were six pups, and they were all very young, so Drazia would be able to carry three of them. He picked up the two largest pups, who were both males, and picked up a female. He left the rest, and went to return back to Hati.

5:45pm Dec 28 2011
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Asu, Kayto, and Kayna were ready to follow Tibious.
Sierra leapt down the hefty height from the ledge to the ground and landed on her feet. She padded over to Lyria and asked, "Do you think she'll be alright? Litta, I mean." --- Litta ran towards Death Bite Cliff. Deveth fell, and since he fell, he must've fallen into the river. The river's current travels thataway, so he must've gone thataway, so Litta should go thataway. Everything sped through her mind as she saw the Cliff's edge and a few bloodstains still set in the ground from the battle. Litta set her gaze to the right, the current's direction, and took off running.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
11:41am Dec 29 2011
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Lyria sighed. "...No, probably not. Unless Deveth is somehow alive, and we find him, I predict she will stay like that for a long time, if not forever. If she ever does recover, it will take her quite a while. Sorry." Lyria sat down next to Sierra. "...As for Deveth, the chances of him living are...so horribly slim, Sierra. He would've had a chance, had he just fallen, but he was thrown by the neck, probably dead from bleeding before he even hit the water, and he hit a cliff on the way down. We have to assume the worst, since nothing else is really all that... possible." --- "Well, Deveth, we'll get you back to them as soon as you're healed. Go rest in one of the dens, it'll be dark soon anyway, and it gets so cold here at night. See you in the morning." Aenima said. Deveth nodded and padded into the nearest den. He laid down, and fell asleep after a little while. Tibious lead the way, and trotted into the woods.
2:16pm Dec 29 2011
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Kayto went up to walk alongside Tibious, Kayna doing her own little thing behind him. He could hear her voice pestering Asu with questions, who, for the most part, just let her do whatever she wanted with him. "So, which area are we going to patrol first?" Kayto asked.
Sierra sadly replied, "I know, Lyria. That's why I'm worried. Litta will never be the same. Recently, her life's been a mess. Her crush and mate betrays her, one of her two pups kills the other and joins his father in an attempt to take over the pack, and she has to carry the burden of killing her son and watching her daughter die. And then Deveth... I'm close to positive he's not alive. But if she's so headset on this, then I'm going to let her do it. I've noticed that... she's different around him. He was seemingly her only link to sanity. And now that he's gone, too... Litta's snapped. Completely." The Alpha took in a deep breath. "Deveth was a great Beta. I wish he was still with us right now.." --- Litta sniffed the air, but of course found nothing. The forest's edge seemed to stretch on forever. Her legs grew tired, and looking back, she didn't seem to have gone far at all. Everything looked the same. The Cliff to her left, foresty edge to her right, sand underneath her paws, blue sky above her head. Same old landscape, same old landmarks, same old everything. I'm losing my mind, aren't I? The thought hit her like a train at full speed. Maybe she was losing every ounce of herself in her body, becoming this insane wolf with no knowledge of anything, totally drained of her sanity. NO! I will NOT be like that! Litta pressed forward at a medium pace, but her spirits were barely up. The fact that she was alone wasn't so great either. Sand, cliff, sky, forest edge. Sand, cliff, sky, forest edge. Sand, cliff, sky, forest edge. Will I ever get out of this place?
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:09pm Dec 30 2011
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"So do I." Lyria said. "But I'm afraid you need to pick a new beta. I would suggest Tibious or Asu." She laid down. "...Of course, it would be understandable for you to wait for everyone to sort of get over Deveth's death before choosing a new Beta. However, you shouldn't-" Lyria was interrupted. "Lyria, you're not low on any herbs or anything, are you?" It was Fenga, the old she-wolf. "Yes, I am. I'm low on marigold." "Alright." Fenga said. "Alpha, I'm going to find some marigold." The old wolf padded away into the woods. "Anyway, Sierra, I don't think you should wait too long." Lyria said. --- "We'll start at Death Bite Cliff, where Adder's wolves ran from. Then, we could track their scent. If it leaves our territory, we'll know they left, for a while at least. Then we'll patrol the rest of the territory." Tibious said, then continued walking. --- Drazia set the three pups at Hati's feet. Her eyes widened. "Good work, Drazia. Since there's three of them, we could each raise one." She pushed the larger of the two male pups, which was white with very light gray markings, but black markings on his tail and back, which really stood out, and a black dot on each toe on his front paws. "Here, Drazia. You take this one. Name it, make it think you're its father. And keep it alive. Hati glanced at the two pups for a moment to try and decide which onw to take. She nudged the male with her paw. It simply whimpered pathetically and moved over. She narrowed her eyes, and did the same to the female pup. However, the female pup's reaction was very, very different. It pulled back its lips as if to snarl, and opened its eyes. It wasn't natural for pups to open their eyes at this age. One of its eyes was a bright, yellowish green color. The other was a deep orange color. The pup dug her small claws into the ground. The female pup's fur was a complicated pattern of reddish brown, white, and black (I'll draw a pixture of her and send it to you in a text message.) and she was thin for a pup. And...definitely very unusual. And that was why Hati decided to take the female pup, and leave the other male pup for Farook to take. (Long post. :D)

7:28pm Dec 30 2011
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Kayto nodded and saw the trees and grass give way to sand up ahead. "Good idea. Hopefully they did leave." Sierra looked up to the sky, as if looking at Lupus himself. She then looked back at Lyria. "I guess Tibious could become Beta. I'll appoint one in a few days." --- Litta slowed her pace and eventually halted altogether. "DEVETH!!" she screamed. If he could answer, things would be great. But nothing was different, and she looked down the cliff and couldn't see a body - alive nor mangled. Gosh. This was going to be harder than she thought. Litta went at a steady pace, covering ground yet not losing much energy.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:43pm Dec 30 2011
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Lyria nodded. "He'll make a good Beta. I can tell that he is a loyal wolf. He has a good heart." Lyria paused. "He reminds me of Deveth." --- Tibious walked toward Death Bite Cliff. --- Hati picked up the pup. She realizedd that the wolf pup's claws were longer than most wolves,' and it made pup seem a bit catlike, which was where Hati got the idea for the pup's name.
7:49pm Dec 30 2011
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Sierra growled softly, "He doesn't remind me of him."
(This is a really low point and I have nothing to say... )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:52pm Dec 30 2011
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7:53pm Dec 30 2011
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(To when? :3
And how did the patrol[s] go?)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:56pm Dec 30 2011
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(Like two months later? And the patrols didn't find anything?)
8:00pm Dec 30 2011
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(Uhhhhh... sure o3o Is Tibi Beta by now? c: [Tibi is like a cute name I'm going to call him in OOC xP])
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:27pm Dec 30 2011
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(Yeah. I'll post.) Panthera knocked over her brother, Carius. Carius was the pup who was being raised by Farook, and he was muxh stronger than Panthera. However, Panthera was smarter and faster- npt to mention the fact that her 'mother,' Hati, forced her to keep her claws long and sharp. Hati told her that they would come in handy in a fight if she learned to use them like a mountain lion or bear would. Panthera agreed. Carius snarled and kicked her off him, but Panthera landed on her feet, managing to keep her balance by sinking her claws into the earth. She ran back toward him, sprinting, and reached out her left front paw as she did. She scratched Carius across the back, and then stopped running. He yelped, and Panthera's face remained emotionless, as always. --- "Goodbye, you guys!" Deveth said, smiling. "Thank you all for helping me. I won't forget you." The Prado Desert Pack was gathered around Deveth. They each said goodbye to him, and then he turned away, ready to leave." "Good luck." Yawto said. Deveth nodded, and began to jog away." With a cheerful smile, Airat, the youngest wolf in the pack, shouted afted him: "Run home, Dev!" She then threw back her head, closed her yellow eyes, and howled. The other desert wolves joined in, until all of them howled. Deveth let out a howl as he ran, and smiled. This was the happiest he had been in a long time. He couldn't wait to see Litta again. --- Tibious sat next to Sierra, and turned to her. "Um, this is going to be awkward. But the she-wolf I like is completely oblivious that I...um...like her. So...what should I say? I figured you might know since you're a she-wolf. So, just for example, what could someone say to you to make you like them back? Agaain, that's jsut an example."

8:43pm Dec 30 2011
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Sierra cocked her head. "Maybe a smooth pick-up line, or just being nice and getting into a conversation. Not being a jerk, and by pick-up line I don't mean something incredibly cheesy, rather something simple. Comments, maybe. I don't know, you can't really say anything to make someone like you back. Love just sort of... happens." She smiled. "Might I ask who this wolf is?"
--- Litta had been travelling forever, it seemed. The forest had dissipated to sand and dunes, and everything was hot and dry. The Cliff itself became nothing but a river, which she knew would soon turn into a stream and then a small trickle and then, poof, nothing. If it wasn't for the river, Litta would be dead. Feasting on nothing or small animals and birds she managed to catch, everything was horrible. And there was almost no sign of Deveth. Litta had called for him many times, but all she had gotten was silence in response. The river here was calm, and she decided to take a dip. She also surveyed the other side of the river, but anything there would be gone by now. Except... there was a small, caved-in sort of rock by the side of the river. Inside was a piece of bluish-gray, long, fur. It must've lasted in the rock! Deveth would have washed up here along this shore! It would have to be him! "DEVETH!" Litta called. "ANYONE?" (Yeah, fur and a nonexistant "cave-rock" is my loophole -____-; )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
11:11pm Dec 30 2011
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Tibious panicked. "...Kayna." He lied. "Thanks for the advice, Sierra." He began to walk away, then turned back to her, and smiled at her, then he turned back around, and walked over to Kayna. He honestly didn't have a crush on her, but he didn't want Sierra to figure that out. "Hey, Kayna. You look...pretty today." --- Deveth ran toward the territory of Dawn Pack like he being chased by a bear. He couldn't wait to see the others. Litta especially. He ran to the forest's edge, and could see Death Bite Cliff in the distance. He sprinted up the cliff, to the very place he'd fallen from, and howled, the howl basically meaning he had returned. The howl was loud, and he could probably be heard quite a ways away.
1:33pm Dec 31 2011
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Sierra was a bit suspicious, but decided to let go of it. It may or may not be Kayna Tibious really liked, but it wasn't her job to intrude on others' lives. With a swish of her tail, the Alpha returned to her den once her Beta had left.
Kayna smiled. "Thank youuu, and you look pretty too, and 'specially Sierra, I have to compliment her - she's Alpha y'know! - and then Litta and Kayto and Asu are all pretty... I mean, everyone is! Whoo-hoo, it's a party of pretties!" She said quickly, laughing. Kayto sighed as he watched his all-too-happy sister, who continued looking like an idiot, when he heard a howl. Deveth's howl. He then heard Sierra say, "DEVETH'S ALIVE!"
Sierra was overjoyed. But... what would happen with Tibious now? And Litta? Would she be with Deveth? Questions swirled through her mind as she threw her head back and let out a joyful howl in return. ---- Litta heard Deveth's howl, though she was far lost in the desert. Running about, trying to find a scent that was long-gone and possibly not even Deveth's, the only thing she had accomplished was getting lost. Letting out a pitiful howl that she wasn't sure anybody would hear far back at the forest, Litta hoped that at least Deveth would know that she had believed he was alive when everybody else assumed otherwise.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:50pm Dec 31 2011
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Deveth smiled and howled again before running back toward the camp. He reached the camp, and looked around, quickly coming to a stop and laying back his ears. Where's Litta? He looked around some more. She wasn't there. He couldn't help but wonder if she'd died in the fight with Adder's Pack. For all Deveth knew, Adder was still alive and terrorizing the forest. Deveth sat down. He was no longer happy at all. Without Litta, his return meant almost nothing to him. He could see Lyria looking at him in shock, shock that he was alive. Litta isn't here. She must be dead. I can't stay here. Too many memories of her. I can't stay here. --- Tibious was a bit confused by Kayna's reaction. But he was quickly distracted from that, and saw the old Beta. I suppose I'll be kicked out of my rank now.