4:13pm Jan 1 2012
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Asu shook his head. "We're just following an invisible trail. We tried to follow the downstream river from a cliff up near the forest, thinking Litta - our packmate - might've gone this way. So here we are. We're not sure if she's here or not and if she is, we're not sure where."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:24pm Jan 1 2012
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"I can help you look for her if you want." Yawto offered. (Pfft. Litta needs to show up XD) Deveth nodded. "Sure. Thanks." He continued walking, and calling out 'Litta,' in hope that she would reply. But he lost a bit of hope each time there was no answer.
4:28pm Jan 1 2012
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(I'm not going to make it easy! Pfft. xD For Litta, THEY need to show up.)
Asu suggested, "Where did you get out of the river? Maybe she's down the river further or something." Litta heard very, very, very distant voices. They sounded like murmurs, and she strained to hear them. Attempting a howl, it was weak. Maybe enough to find civilization! But... what if it was unwanted company instead? What if she had just given a beacon to say 'eat me, I'm delicious'?! Litta decided to get a move on and went further and further away from the river - the only water source that she knew of. Could she ever find her way back to it? If she died, it would be for Deveth. And that would be a good cause and hopefully, at the end of it all, she'd be proud of herself.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:34pm Jan 1 2012
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Deveth shrugged. He padded over to the river, and continued shouting. "LITTA! LITTA, IT'S DEVETH! WHERE ARE YOU?!" He was becoming so frustrated, that his shouts were louder than they had been before.
4:47pm Jan 1 2012
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Litta heard the word 'Deveth'. "DEVETH!" she screamed. Her scream turned into a sob, a joyful yet sad sob.
(I am having a fail-fest.)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:51pm Jan 1 2012
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Deveth heard the reply and bolted toward it without waiting for the other wolves. He had to go see Litta. He ran towards the sound, still screaming, "LITTA, where are you?!? Litta, I'm coming!" He was so happy, he could tell he was tearing up, but he refused to let himself cry. He bolted faster than he'd ever ran in his life.
4:56pm Jan 1 2012 (last edited on 4:57pm Jan 1 2012)
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Kayna easily caught up with Deveth - speed and agility was her thing - and she bounced up and down, taking long and smooth strides. "WE FOUND HER!!! WWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-" she screamed, but was once again cut off by Asu's stare. "-OOOoooo..ooo..oo?" she ended.
Litta smiled and got up, forgetting about her tiredness and hunger. "DEVETH!! I'M HERE!" she said, bolting towards the sound of his voice, too.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:05pm Jan 1 2012
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(My mom just destroyed my ipod by putting 2000+ songs on it that I hate. T.T) Deveth sprinted faster, until he could see her. "Litta!" He barked, and ran to her, until he stood right next to her. He nuzzled her. "I thought we would never find you!"He said, smiling. He was tearing up and he no longer even attempted to hold it back. He was letting the tears of joy run down his face, and he didn't care who saw him.
5:12pm Jan 1 2012 (last edited on 5:12pm Jan 1 2012)
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Litta was shocked at Deveth's embrace. The last time they talked... he seemed to be angry at her.. and now this? It was absurd. "D.. Deveth.." she said softly. "I... I was looking for you. I knew you weren't dead. I could feel it. So Sierra let me go, surprisingly.. and I followed the river downstream.. and I've just been trying to find you..." Tears slipped down, soaking into her fur. "I'm really hungry... there's barely anything to eat here."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:26pm Jan 1 2012
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Deveth looked around. "Let's go home, Litta. I'll get you something to eat when we're there." He paused, then smiled reassuringly. "You're going to be okay." He looked up at the sky. They'd made it through Adder's pack, found eachother, and now they were going back home. Without the dangers of Adder and his wolves, home would be paradise as soon as he got Sierra to forgive him. They were going home. To paradise.
5:44pm Jan 1 2012
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"Deveth... are you still mad at me?" Litta found the strength to ask. "Because before you... were different." She would take back her words if she could. They sounded so harsh. "I mean that you seemed angry and now..." She took a deep breath. "It's like you never were angry at me. Which, don't get me wrong, I'm happy about! All I want is you happy..." She padded onward. "Do you know the way back? 'Cause I'm lost..."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:48pm Jan 1 2012
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"I'm not mad at you. Yeah, I was different. Almost dying sort of changes you, I suppose. This is going to sound stupid, but you realize that any day could be the last. I wasn't angry back then, either. If I had been angry, I wouldn't have stopped Adder halfway up the cliff from getting to you. If he had gotten up there, the fight could've had a very different end. And yes, I know the way back. We should go." He started to walk, but stopped to wait for her.
5:51pm Jan 1 2012
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Litta nodded and followed Deveth, sticking close by. She looked over and saw Tibious, Asu, and Kayna. "So, I see you brought company," she said casually. "Nice to see you all again." Asu smiled and was happy to see his packmate. Kayna opened her mouth with an excited ex pression but Asu held her back before she got a chance to go berserk again.
(Timeskip to....?)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:55pm Jan 1 2012 (last edited on 5:56pm Jan 1 2012)
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(How about when they get back? And I rmailed you.) Deveth padded into the camp, smiling. He padded past Sierra. "We found her." he said. "Sorry about earlier. I hope you can forgive me, Alpha." (fail.)
6:18pm Jan 1 2012
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Posts: 3,950
(That's a good song :o )
Sierra said nothing except greeted Litta, who warmly greeted the Alpha back. Everything was alright. Sierra didn't need words to explain. Though she may have had a bit of anger still left over with Deveth... but no matter, it was fine for the most part. Kayto, Asu, and Kayna all had their proper reunion with Litta as well. "Has anyone forgotten? It's still mating season," Litta said with a small smile. "The two months allowed time for us to get into the first month of it. Did everyone forget? We need pups that won't die... Or turn evil!" She managed a small chuckle, though the thought of Song still pained her. (Sorry for taking forever DDDDD: )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:27pm Jan 1 2012
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(I know. I might make an animation of some stuff from this rp, by the way :D and like have that song as the music to go with it. Because it sort of reminds me of Litta and how her life has been like... so hard.) Tibious and slowly padded away from Litta, and the crowd. Well, everyone was sort of in a crowd since they were around Litta and stuff. He was sure all eyes would be on him for leaving, but that was alright. It didn't really matter who saw this. He padded into the woods, and found a wildflower of some sort. It was like a daisy, but it was a beautiful blue color. He pulled it up out of the ground, and began to make his way back into the crowd of wolves. He went past them, to Sierra, and dropped the blue flower at her feet.
6:44pm Jan 1 2012
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Sierra had backed away from the small crowd and then saw Tibious drop a blue flower at her paws. "Tibious... It's beautiful." She sniffed the flower, and it smelled... it smelled like the color blue, if that was possible. "That's so sweet of you... But why...?" Then she knew. "It wasn't Kayna, was it? Back then?" Sierra spoke softly.
Litta looked over at Sierra and Tibious. "Everyone, shh. Shhh." she said, then pointed at them with her muzzle. "Look." Asu, Kayna, and Kayto watched. Litta loved romance, and one between a former Revolution wolf and a former Beta and now fighter and their Alpha was just.. so... romantic. It was like a romance story that was happening right before you. Kayna was about to say something, but Litta shushed her, "Don't disturb the moment."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:49pm Jan 1 2012
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Tibious shook his head. "No. It wasn't." The tip of his tail wagged back and forth. "I...I love you." He managed to say. Deep down, he was so scared her response wouldn't be the same. He didn't take his eyes off her, he just waited for her reply. Lyria watched, shocked.
6:58pm Jan 1 2012
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Sierra's jaw was agape, and it couldn't seem to shut without dropping once more. "I... I d-" she began. I don't know! I don't know if I love you! I mean... "I..." She was at a loss for words. Yes, Tibious saved her life. Yes, he treated her well. Yes, she had grown a bit attached to him. But love? She hadn't even thought about love for a long time. But... Thinking about Tibious now, it made her heart flutter ever so slightly. Maybe it was love. "I love you too," Sierra said softly. "I love you, too.."
Litta let out a quiet "Awwwwwwwwww.."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:07pm Jan 1 2012
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Tibious smiled. He nuzzled Sierra. (Time skip?)