2:05pm Jan 2 2012
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7:29am Jan 4 2012
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"Where do you think I've been?" Ruric asked. "In that hellhole of an abyss. I got off with a limp and I've been doing some training before coming back over here. Now you better tell me you've made progress," he said with a voice of authority. Everyone better know he was in charge now.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:37pm Jan 4 2012
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"We have." Hati said. "I sent out Drazia, to find more wolves after Farook, Drazia and I were the only Revolution wolves left. He killed a couple of wolves who had a litter of pups, and Drazia brought them back her for us to raise by ourselves to be skilled in fighting. One of them, Panthera, has been especially good with the training." Hati finished, and sat down.
7:00pm Jan 4 2012
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"Let me see what they can do," Ruric ordered. He was pleased that they had made progress, good progress. After the battle they had gained wolves and raised them from puphood, the best way to grow a pack with good foundations. Sizing up each of the pups, he saw they were older, and the one Hati had called 'Panthera' was noticeable. It was the female who looked like she wanted to try to attack him. Ruric added a bit more quietly, so as not to disturb the thoughts of the pups, "I don't want the weak." Any that he deemed weak were to be executed right on the spot, by Ruric himself. Weakness was not an option.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
10:51pm Jan 4 2012
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"Well, I don't know about Carius, the pup Farook is raising, or Nykamar, but I can gaurentee you, alpha, that there is nothing weak about Panthera." Hati turned to Ruric at this point. "I assume you want them to fight eachother now?"
5:13pm Jan 5 2012
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"Of course. Panthera against Nykamar. Now," he ordered. "Do your best. Prove your skills to me," Ruric explained to the pups.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:58am Jan 7 2012
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Panthera sighed, and gave Ruric a look as if to say; ' You're pretty stupid,huh?' But she and Nykamar padded away from Carius, and Nykamar began to circle her. idiot. The next time he came in front of her, she clawed him right in the eye. This, however, really got Nykamar angry, and he snarled, and ran at her. Panthera jumped to the side, sunk her claws into the ground for a moment to prevent herself from skidding as she landed the jump. Nykamar came at her a second time, and she stepped aside again, this time clawing him from his shoulder to halfway down his back as he passed her. Nykamar wasn't weak. However, he couldn't catch her. She was simply too quick, and he didn't want to be scratched. He sprinted toward her, bleeding down his back. However, she had a third way of tricking him, and she dove underneath him, raking her claws across his belly. He had a chance to fight back at this point, and bit her face, holding her mouth shut. He was stronger than her, and managed to keep her there for a minute, until she began to panic, and dug the claws on all four paws into him. Nykamar yelped, and let her go. She was completely furious now, because now she couldn't say she got out of this unscathed. She leapt at Nykamar, and quickly placed one paw on the side of his neck, and the other right next to it, so that it might look for a moment like she was hugging his neck. Then, she pulled both paws back toward her, one scratching the top of his neck, the other the bottom, until both paws met on the other side. Nykamar was practically wearing a collar of blood.

10:05am Jan 8 2012
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Ruric growled at the girl pup - Panta? Pen? Oh, yes. Panthera. - as she gave him a look that he easily deciphered. "The girl. Is she... disobedient, yes? However, she is a good fighter. Strong. Shows no mercy. Lets hatred fuel her," he told Drazia. The boy, er.... Nykamar, was it? Yes, Nykamar, was strong. Yet not fast and agile. He needed defense tactics against others besides offensive, too. Lots of work to be done on him.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:03pm Jan 8 2012
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Hati nodded. "Yes." She said. "She was, however, raised to be that way, as we had planned on her being highly ranked before we knew you were coming back, Alpha Ruric." Hati sat down. Deveth padded over to Sierra. "Alpha, we should probably get a hunting party together." He said. "We're running low on food."
7:40pm Jan 10 2012
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5:24pm Jan 11 2012
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Sierra nodded in reply; "Yes, take Asu and Litta and Tibious," she answered. "And Litta can eat something on the hunting party as well. She must be starving."
--- Ruric growled. A low, throaty growl that signalled that he wasn't happy about the measly pup taking his rightful place. "You planned badly," he said. They should all know that he was Alpha now and this girl pup would never rise up to any occasion other than to be a key fighting asset. "Stop fighting," Ruric commanded the two pups. "I want the, uh, Nykamar and the other pup to battle. You. Panthera. Sit here." He pointed his muzzle to the spot next to him when he told Panthera where to sit.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:40pm Jan 11 2012
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Panthera nodded, and sat down beside Ruric.
Carius nodded respectfully to Adder, and padded over to Nykamar. He knew that this wasn't a fair fight, since Nykamar was already exhausted and covered in his own blood. But Carius waited for Nykamar to run at him like a fool. Surely enough, he did, and Carius bit his neck, which was already gashed open from Panthera. Nykamar had Carius pinned quickly, but Carius didn't let go of Nykamar's throat. The harder Nykamar fought, the tighter Carius's jaws locked around his neck. --- Deveth nodded, and turned around. "Litta! Asu! Tibious!" He shouted. "We"re going hunting."
Tibious padded over to Deveth.
7:30pm Jan 19 2012
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Ruric looked Panthera up and down. "Alright. Look at these two fighting. First, tell me the odds. Then tell me what maneuvers were good and what manuevers were bad. For the bad ones, tell me what they should've done instead." Instead of a physical test, this was now a mental test. Something to see if her mind could comprehend fighting just as well as it could think of the next move.
--- Litta and Asu trotted over, Asu looking generally happy to do his job. And he was pretty good at it, too, if he did say so himself. His tail had a slight wag to it. Litta, on the other hand, was fine with hunting, but what made it better was that she was going with Deveth. She stood up next to him and smiled. "Let's have a race. A race to see who catches the most prey, and it'll start once we get to the middle of the forest." She nuzzled him lightly. "What do you say? Wanna?"
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:49pm Jan 21 2012
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"The odds?" Panthera grinned. "Well, the odds are that Carius is going to win, since Nykamar doesn't put much thought into his attacks, and he is already injured, while Carius is strong, and in perfect condition. A good maneuver was Carius refusing to let go of Nykamar's neck, which he is still doing. And a bad maneuver, obviously, is Nykamar's same, predictable attack over and over again." Panthera watched as Nykamar collapsed at Carius's feet. The weak never get far in life.Deveth smiled. "Alright." He said. "Ready...set...-" Deveth took off, then shouted over his shoulder-"GO!"
7:05pm Jan 21 2012
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Ruric smiled. Correct answers, all of them. "Good. You can call off the fight anytime you want - this one's under your control," he told Panthera.
--- Litta giggled, "No fair! You had a head start!" She quickly sped after Deveth and sniffed the air for any signs of prey. She scented a doe, and a baby deer. Probably mother and child. She began towards that direction. Asu, apparently left to hunt on his own, beckoned to Tibious. "C'mon. Let's try to score something big together," he said, starting to walk off in a random direction, nose looking for anything good.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:43pm Jan 22 2012
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Panthera smiled, pleased that Ruric was going to give her complete control over her brothers' fighting. "I say they fight to the death." Panthera said. "And the weaker will die. That way, we will eliminate the pack's weaknesses." --- Deveth ran in the opposite direction of Litta. He quickly smelled blood. Something that was already dying would be an easy catch- there was clearly a lot of blood. He ran faster and got closer, and then he froze on the spot. He couldn't see anything yet, but it was now clear that the blood...was wolf blood. Instinctively, he assumed what was left of Adder's pack had simply slaughtered a wolf or too. He sighed, afraid to see what might lie ahead. He padded forward. He was now in a clearing in the woods. There weren't trees, but there was very tall prarie grass that prevented him from seeing whoever was injured. He padded even closer, and was horrified.There was a she-wolf, who seemed to have ran a horribly long way. Her eyes were wide and she was frantically trying to catch her breath as she bled all over the grass. Most of the injuries were on her legs, but there were four significantly deep cuts under her eyes. "What happened?" Deveth demanded. Whatever had done this to the she-wolf, it had definitely been much moor powerful than she was. The young wolf didn't even look at him as she replied. "They're all dead..."

7:00pm Jan 22 2012
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Asu, not recieving an answer from Tibious, sighed and went towards the direction Deveth had gone, following his scent trail. But the scent of blood hit his nose - and it wasn't prey's blood. He began to go faster and halted beside his beta, eyes widening slightly. "Are... Are you alright? What happened?"
--- Ruric allowed himself a small devious smile. "Fine with me. You are calling the shots on this one." He glanced over at Drazia, his face saying, 'she's smart, what do you think about her choice?'
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:10pm Jan 23 2012 (last edited on 2:11pm Jan 23 2012)
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" They're all dead," She repeated. Tala Atma shook her head, blood spattering onto the ground from the cuts underneath her eyes. Her eyes were still wide, and she breathed heavily, trying to catch her breath. "My mother, Tannor, Calamore, all of them. They're all dead." Tala couldn't think straight. She was simply too horrified. Seeing the deaths of the three wolves she cared about had just been too much for her to handle. She turned to the wolves, mostly to Asu, as if just noticing they were there. "They went insane. Calamore came back from hunting. He was acting strangely. He was twitching. And growling. And...and he bit my mother..." She paused as the memories came flooding back. "And shortly after, she was the same. She was trying to bite my brother, Tannor and I. She got Tannor, and I ran off with him. I fell asleep, and woke up. Tannor was just...walking in circles. I got up... and he tried to attack me. He'd become a monster as well. He scratched me several times, but never managed to bite me." She paused a second time. "And...I had to do it. I had to kill him." She was sobbing at this point. "Wh-what was I supposed to do...? Let him kill me?" She was talking to Asu and Dev as if she had known them forever, though they were complete strangers. "Please just...kill me." --- Deveth shook his head as he tried to make sense of it all. Then he turned to Asu. "They were rabid," He said. "That had to have been what happened to Calamore, and her mother, and whoever Tannor is. We've got to get her to Lyria, and make sure she isn't going to go rabid as well." --- Drazia was quite annoyed with it all, since he had raised Nykamar, who seemed to be a failure. He sat in silence.

6:27pm Jan 24 2012
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Asu could barely comprehend anything that came out of this wolf's mouth, but Deveth shortened things up a bit. With a nod, he said, "Let's get her to camp, fast." Asu thrust his snout underneath the wolf and hoisted her up on his back.
--- Ruric didn't care much on Drazia's opinion, anyway, so he resumed watching the fight.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:49pm Jan 27 2012
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- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -