4:05pm Nov 12 2011
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Kayna frowned, immediately saddened. She liked Deveth. A little bit, anyways. And the way he looked at Litta... she could tell. "Go interfere," she told him softly. For once, Kayna was serious. "Be her friend. You guys barely ever talk. Be her friend, then get to be her mate. Trust me, females will like any male who is nice to them. Unless they're REALLY focused on someone, though I doubt Litta's like that." Kayna smiled and nuzzled Deveth to go on, but she hadn't meant to nuzzle him exactly. But it was over with, and it meant for him to go on. He'd get the message.
--- Litta felt like she'd never wash the place where he nuzzled her again. Adder's nuzzle was soft, though it sparked nothing in her and felt a bit hollow. She shook it off and nuzzled him back, sitting beside him, her tail brushing him. Ohhhhhh my goshhhhhh. Dear Lupus, tell me this isn't a dream.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:41pm Nov 12 2011
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Deveth shook his head."N-no." He said, sitting down and looking at his paws. "If that's what Litta wants, I won't ruin it for her. I won't try and steal her from someone else for my own selfish reasons. I'll just let her be with him, and maybe wait it out to see if it doesn't work out. But I'll leave them alone." He paused. "It's very nice of you to care, Kayna."
When Litta nuzzled Adder back, he felt guilty for the first time about this. He was taking advantage of her. And she seemed to love him. He almost wanted to back out of his plan...NO. He thought to himself. I have to take care of myself if I want to take Sierra's power from her, and Litta will help me to get there.
7:52pm Nov 12 2011
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"Of course I care. I'm the loveeee doctorrrrr," she giggled, smiling. Kayna added, "You should seriously ask her out soon. Seriously. If you're not gonna, Adder's totally going to steal her away from you - which I see is in the making - and then you'll never get your chance. Go ahead!" She knew that if he did now, Adder and Litta's little romance chain would be broken. And he'd get his chance.
--- Litta licked his cheek and seriously wondered if this was a dream. If it was and she woke up right now, it would totally not be funny. This is the awesomest dream ever. Make her be in a coma so it'll last forever.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:01pm Nov 12 2011
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"Kayna, I refuse to ruin it for her." Deveth said. "I'm sure there's someone else for me out there somewhere..." He was lying. All his life, Litta had seemed perfect to him. But he didn't want to dissapoint her by tearing up her and Adder's relationship. After the long pause, he spoke again, looking not at Kayna but up at the sky. "...I just...don't know where."
Adder smiled, and sat next to her, not saying anything else.
8:05pm Nov 12 2011 (last edited on 8:06pm Nov 12 2011)
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Litta frowned, wishing something would happen. They obviously loved each other. Should she state the obvious? "Do you love me, Adder?" Litta asked. "Because I love you."
--- "I know where," Kayna said. "And she's sitting over there with a flirty girl-stealer." She pointed her muzzle to Litta. (Something needs to happen :PPP )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:17pm Nov 12 2011
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And then Deveth heard them talking.
Litta had just told him 'I love you.' Deveth winced. Please, Lupus, let this be a horrible, horrible nightmare. "I'll be back, Kayna." He said.
He pulled his lips back in a snarl, and approached Litta and Adder. He snarled in Adder's face. He couldn't help it. After liking Litta for so long, Adder was winning her over.
"Get the hell away from her!" He snapped.
Adder narrowed his eyes, but remained calm. "No.." He simply said.
"I KNOW what you're up to, Adder! You're...you're just trying to take over this whole pack! You're going to overthrow Sierra! And You're going to use Litta, somehow, too!"
"Beta Deveth, what has gotten into you?" Adder asked, taking a step away from Deveth.
"The truth." Deveth snarled.
"Alpha Sierra, I do believe your Beta has lost his mind." Adder shouted up to the alpha.
(lol.Deveth knows all.)
8:25pm Nov 12 2011
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(Deveth is the magic genie in the box that gives you fortunes. He be psychic.
"Step up and give a quarter for your fortune! Deveth knows all!" x3 ) Sierra sighed and padded over. "He has not lost his mind. I have Deveth as Beta for a reason. Though I do want to ask why you think that, Deveth. Explain yourself," she said. --- Litta was taken aback, but said nothing. "Deveth...." she breathed, staring at him for once. Why would he be upset with Adder? Why would he say that? Adder had been loyal for a long time. She then stared at him. Her crush. Her love. The thing that bothered her most was that even though Deveth had stormed in, he hadn't said 'I love you' back.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:41pm Nov 12 2011
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"I'm from a pack where we had a wolf like him. Seemed all innocent, and loyal, and then killed the alpha one day and took over. That was the whole reason that I left that pack, Alpha Sierra." Deveth said.
Adder narrowed his eyes. "And since I'm loyal, you assume I'm like that as well?" He growled. It makes me sick that youwould even think that I would do something like that! And why would you come over all of the sudden?" He asked. "Is this because of Litta?" Adder heard no answer. "Well, she loves me, not you, and I love her too, Deveth, so guess what? You're screwed. Go to hell."
8:48pm Nov 12 2011
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Litta frowned. This wasn't exactly what she pictured Adder like, and Deveth had a point. Plus... Deveth... did he like her? Litta was too overwhelmed. She slowly backed away from the both of them and ran off at full speed.
--- Sierra thought about things. "I do see your reason, Deveth, but I'm not sure that's the case. And Adder. Watch it," she growled. Though it wasn't her time to screw around with love. Sierra would back off once Deveth gave a reply - or no reply - and would let fights take its course. As long as it didn't get bloody. (Both of them should go after Litta. But who shall get there first?!! 8OOO )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:09pm Nov 12 2011
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Adder growled at Deveth, but stopped himself from attacking. "Look, Litta, I-" He looked around. "Litta?"
Deveth looked up at that point, and saw she was gone. Adder suddenly bolted past him, following Litta's scent. Adder was already six or seven feet ahead, but Deveth growled and bolted after him, determined to get to Litta first.
Both of them ran into the woods, out of the rest of the pack's sight. Deveth finally caught up, and ran right next to Adder. Adder growled, and looked at the surrounding area for something to use against Deveth. A hornet's nest hung from the low branch of a tree ahead.
Adder grinned, and jumped up into the air once the nest was barely behind him and hit it backwards with his front paw. He glanced back at Deveth, the look on his face sending a clear message; tell anyone, and you and your pack are good as dead.
The hornet's nest fell, hitting Deveth in the face before falling to the ground.
Adder knew at this point that he needed to speed up. He bolted, desperately trying to make his legs move faster. He was stung only two or three times before the nest and Deveth were far behind him.
Tiny, searing stabs. Deveth winced as the hornets stung his face, legs, back, and the rest of him. They wouldn't stop, and there were hundreds. The pain seemed endless. He was yelping almost constantly now, to the point that it sounded like screaming.

9:12pm Nov 12 2011
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Sierra gasped and just stared at where the two males had left. She then heard Deveth's screams but was frozen in her spot. What could she do? If he was hurt, Lyria could only help, and.. and... --- Litta fled faster, then heard Deveth. She sped up. She couldn't bear to see or hear either of them.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:20pm Nov 12 2011
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(Sorry. There was bad traffic, so it took a while for her to get back. XD)
"Litta!" Adder shouted, not knowing where she'd gone. "You have to help Deveth! He ran into a hornet's nest!" Adder looked around. He knew that if he acted like he had been trying to help, no one would suspect he did anything to cause the problem in the first place.
Lyria came back to Asu, a plant in her mouth, still in one peice. She bit the stem of the plant, and the liquid from the plant dripped out and onto the cuts on Asu's leg. It would sting, and she knew that, but it would also help his wounds to heal.
Deveth continued to yelp, and the hornets continued to sting him.
9:32pm Nov 12 2011
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Asu's wounds stung, but then he heard Deveth. Sierra came over at that moment and practically started dragging Lyria, screaming hysterically. "Deveth! He's hurt! Help!" she sputtered.
--- Litta ignored Adder. If only he would make it all up to her. If only she could sort everything out. If only...
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:41pm Nov 12 2011
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Lyria heard Deveth's yelping, and ran to the sound, but stopped cold. Hornets. She dragged Deveth away, and he tried to run as she pulled him by the scruff of his neck back to camp. She dropped him, and he collapsed to the ground, stings all over his body. "What happened to you?"
"I ran into the nest." Deveth lied, remembering the look Adder had given him. The 'tell anyone and the pack's dead' look.
"He's in bad shape." Lyria said to Sierra.
Adder spotted Litta. He ran to her. "Why did you run away?" He asked.
9:44pm Nov 12 2011
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"I.... I.. I-I c-can't... It's just that... It's too much.. I don't know who loves me, who I love... It was all so clear before.. and now it's all blurry... Please... Adder... Help me know..." Litta whimpered. She was practically bowing down to him, crying softly at his paws.
--- Sierra snapped, "I can see that." She then shook her head in apology and asked, "Is he going to be ok? Good as new? Right?"
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:51pm Nov 12 2011
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"I love you, Litta." Adder said. "And you love me too. Right? Isn't that what you said?" He nuzzled her to try and comfort her, but he had no way of knowing if it was working or not. He just knew he had to get Litta to like him, not Deveth.
"He should be fine after a few days." Lyria said. "I suppose I'll have to go get more herbs now, though."
9:54pm Nov 12 2011 (last edited on 9:55pm Nov 12 2011)
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"Yes, b-but -" Litta started, but his nuzzle left her speechless. Though it still had that hollow feeling, she still shook it off and still, despite everything, liked Adder.
No, not a big love right now - just like. Maybe later, when she felt better. --- Sierra said, "Don't you have the giant stock of herbs in your den? You should have the treatment for stings. You got them a few days ago, didn't you?" She desperately wanted Deveth to be ok right away, but that wasn't possible.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
10:01pm Nov 12 2011
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"Litta," Adder said, "I think..." His voice trailed off. "...Uhh...never mind. I'll tell you later." He said. "But I love you, I promise." He shook his head. He would just tell her now.
"I would be more than happy to be the mate of a beautiful and smart wolf like you, Litta."
"Oops." Lyria said. "Yes, I forgot. Thanks, Sierra, I'll go get the herbs now. She sprinted over to her den to get the herbs.
10:05pm Nov 12 2011
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"Deveth... Are you alright? Can you speak?" the Alpha prompted, wanting her Beta to be responsive, at least.
--- "You mean it...?" Litta said, a small twinkle in her eye. "Does that mean..?" [P-U-P-S?] At the thought, her mind suddenly said a strong NO. Her heart spoke nothing. Not going with either, Litta awaited Adder's response. She was so confused right then.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
10:09pm Nov 12 2011
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"Yes alpha." Deveth said, opening his green eyes. "I'll be fine." He imagined how rediculous he must've sounded as he yelped.
"Honestly, At some point, yes," Adder said,"But when, would be up to you." He said, sitting down next to her.