6:50pm Nov 20 2011
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Litta could only gasp and then slowly back away into her den, where she instantly fell asleep.
--- Kayto explained things to Sierra as she nodded and decided to increase border patrols and maybe have a different wolf or two be a guard each night. (Time skip? If yes, just tell me 'till when o3o )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:51pm Nov 20 2011
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(Time skip to like a week later?)
6:53pm Nov 20 2011
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(Sure o3o Your post. x3 )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:01pm Nov 20 2011
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"Nykius, Farook, you need to be more careful." Adder growled to the two young male wolves. "One of Sierra's patrols caught your scent by the border." Adder was outside of the pack's territory, and was meeting with these two wolves; Nykius and Farook.
"We're sorry, sir..." Farook whimpered. "Please...have mercy." He was now cowering toward the ground, his tail between his legs.
Adder snarled and knocked him onto his back. "Don't you DARE beg me for mercy when you KNEW the punishment!"
Nykius growled slightly to himself, but did nothing.
"Now go, both of you." Adder growled, letting Farook go. "Or next time it won't just be your legs I threaten to break."
Deveth's stings were mostly gone. He yawned and walked over to Litta. "Hi." He barked.
Hati was asleep.
Lyria sorted herbs in her den.
7:07pm Nov 20 2011 (last edited on 8:16pm Nov 20 2011)
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Colfax half-slept, alert. His ears twitched every now and then, searching for any imminent threat like radars. Being an omega meant being careful.
--- "Hi," Litta mumbled back. She was dazed from last week's events. Everything still was sort of fogged over. Her stomach was having cramps, so add pain to that. She then shook her head and looked up at Deveth. "Your stings are almost gone." --- Kayna and Kayto slept. --- Asu was out hunting and scented a rabbit. Still tired from last week's mega-hunt, he was only looking for one or two pieces of fresh-kill this time. The pile was still close to full, since it had still been supplied with fresh meat steadily. The rotten ones had been tossed out and the others eaten, with a few non-rotten ones left and the rest from recent times.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:13pm Nov 20 2011
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Deveth smiled. "Yeah, I know." He said. He was a little bit mad at Litta. She was the reason this had happened to him, after all. But it was also his fault, because he'd ran after her, and had let Adder get in front of him. Which was a horrible idea. His face was still just a bit sore, but not anywhere near as bad as it had been a week ago.
Adder watched as Nykius and Farook ran off, tails between their legs. Of all lone wolves, Adder felt stupid for choosing these two to help him overpower the alphess. His 'Pack Members' were more like untrained cowardly dogs.
7:18pm Nov 20 2011
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"Do... D-do you know where Adder is?" Litta asked. She was afraid for Deveth's reaction because it was sort of a touchy subject.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:05pm Nov 20 2011
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Deveth sighed and looked down at his paws. "Well, no." He said, sitting down. It was frustrating when she talked about Adder, especially since he knew she probably never talked about him.
8:09pm Nov 20 2011
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Litta sighed. "Does Lyria have any herbs for stomachaches?" she asked, then realized what she had just said. What would Deveth think? Would he suspect the worst - aka the truth - or think it was just a normal stomachache? Or would he think something else? Why didn't she think about things before saying that? But... it was over. Hopefully he'd disregard it and think of it normally. Please let it be that way. After Litta got herbs she would go and find Adder. She needed to speak with him. Or at least Litta wanted to.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:13pm Nov 20 2011
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"I don't know, probably." Deveth said. "Why? Did you eat something?" He asked. "Some of that food in the pile might be rotten, you know." He looked at her with concern.
8:15pm Nov 20 2011
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"Um, sure," Litta said, stuttering as well. She said that lie horribly. Getting up, she hurriedly went to Lyria's den. The pain got worse. "Lyria? Are you there? You have anything for stomachaches?"
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:19pm Nov 20 2011
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Lyria stopped sorting herbs and turned around to face Litta. "Yes," She replied. "What kind of pain is it?" Lyria turned back around and began to take the herbs for different types of stomach aches out of their places in the den and set them in front of her paws.
8:21pm Nov 20 2011
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"Uh, more like, um, cramps. And stuff. Just.. pain. Sorta hurts. And um... It's in my stomach and I'd like medicine for it. Please. Err.." Litta stumbled. She didn't want Lyria to know right now, because if she knew, she'd tell someone else, who would tell another and it'd spread and Deveth would know. "So, um, cramp-like hurty stuff?"
(Litta fails xD )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:28pm Nov 20 2011
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Like pregnancy? Lyria thought, but quickly shook the thought away. If Litta wanted to lie and possibly get sick from eating the wrong herbs, then that was fine with Lyria. "Here, I think you should take these." Lyria pushed some lime green colored berries (which are made up, Idk if they really exist, probably not) which would help if you really needed them for sickness, but if you didn't they only increased pain. Lyria didn't know if it was right to actually give these to Litta, but she pushed them forward anyway, and the green berries rolled over next to Litta's front paws. three of them. They wouldn't kill her no matter what, but if Litta lied, they would definitely cause extreme pain.
8:35pm Nov 20 2011
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Litta cocked her head, thinking of another pregnancy back when she was a pup. These berries were not what Lyria had given that soon-to-be mother for her aches. Sighing, she shook away the thought. That memory was distant and vague and possibly not even accurate. Plus, Lyria was someone she should trust, and she would never do anything to hurt Litta. Right? Eating the three berries, Litta felt a sourness going down her throat. She shuddered. "Thanks," she said and went out in a quick and light trot. If she ran, her stomach only hurt worse. Though it was early and they were just cramps, it still hurt pretty dang bad. Litta felt some soothing, then the pain came back a bit stronger. Maybe the medicine took a while to start working for real. Venturing into the forest, Litta called out loudly, "ADDDDERRRRR? HELLLOOOO? ADDDDDERRR!!"
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:38pm Nov 20 2011
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Adder whipped his head around, hearing his name. Being Called by Litta. He narrowed his eyes. Stupid she-wolf... he turned and ran to her, changing his ex pression from anger to concern. "LITTA!" He barked. "WHERE ARE YOU?" He continued sprinting. "LITTA, I'M COMING!"
8:41pm Nov 20 2011
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(OHHHHHhhhh SNAP. He did NOT just call Litta stupid. Nuhh uhhhh -moves head around in circle- )
Litta saw Adder first and went over to him. "Hi, Adder." He seemed sort of irritated but she ignored that fact. "I think... I don't know how to say this.. But.. I think that I am going to bear pups." The pain got more intense when she finished. What the heck?! It was as if the medicine was only making things worse! Litta couldn't help but strongly supress cringing.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:51pm Nov 20 2011
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"That's great, Litta!" Adder said with a smile, and was truly happy. If Litta had pups, he would have power over more wolves. And more power meant a better chance at ruling the pack. "But...when? Do you mean now?" Adder didn't know how long pregnancy lasted. Actually, he didn't really care.
9:03pm Nov 20 2011
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Litta smiled at Adder's happiness. She was happy, too. Then Litta rolled her eyes. "Nooooo! Oh my gosh, it takes like, nine months. Do I look pregnant to you?" She still had her very slim figure. But the pain was more and more intense.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:07pm Nov 20 2011
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"No." Adder said. "I just didn't know." He said. "Sorry for not being an expert on pregnancy." He said with a laugh. He then nuzzled her, and smiled. "I need to go check something, if you don't mind." He said, and began to walk away.