12:16am Nov 23 2011
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Lyria shrugged. "Sure." She said, then padded over to Litta, leaving a few herbs at the other side of the den where she had been putting them into their places in the medicine den. "Have you been having stomach pains, cramps, or been feeling them kicking or anything like that lately?" Lyria asked, and noticed Adder was here as well.
10:53am Nov 23 2011
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"Uh, yeah. The pain comes in sharp bursts and they kick every once in a while," Litta answered. She wondered if Adder understood anything - that long time ago he said he didn't know much about this kind of stuff.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
12:05pm Nov 23 2011
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"Then they'll probably be due soon." Litta said. "In about a weekor so, I would guess. Let me know if you feel like the pups are coming any time soon," She said, then sat down and sorted herbs.
12:10pm Nov 23 2011
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"Alright, Lyria," Litta said with a small smile.
(Lol what should happen oAo )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
12:27pm Nov 23 2011
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(...Puppehs could be born now? :D)
12:29pm Nov 23 2011
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(Um... yeah sure :D Want me to post or do you wanna?)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
12:30pm Nov 23 2011
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(You can post. XD)
12:36pm Nov 23 2011
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(Kaykay :D )
Litta licked her two pups as she gazed at them happily. They had come early, Lyria had told her, and one was a girl and one was a boy. Just two. She didn't take her eyes off of them for a second and she was getting sort of moody. The boy was rust-colored all over with white ears and paws and tail, and then he had black going over his rust and white in areas. The girl was totally white with black going down from her head to her tail, her tail and muzzle completely black while her ears were dark brown. One paw, her front right, was tipped with rust. "They're beautiful," she breathed.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
12:43pm Nov 23 2011
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(I'm assuming you want to rp the male?)
Adder smiled down at his two pups. Finally, he thought. He had waited for so long for the two of them to be born, and now he realized he would have to wait even longer for them to grow up and become strong like they needed to be. However, he realized, that that kind of patience was something he did not have. "Litta," He said, his voice taking a more saddening tone," I should have told you this earlier." He said, and sat down next to her, trying to look as guilty as possible, though he honsetly could care less about Litta's feelings. "I...I'm afraid that life in a pack simply is not for me."
Adder paused.
"I'm leaving.
12:51pm Nov 23 2011
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"But-!" Litta started, "The pups! What will they do without a father?!" Her look then turned stone cold. She narrowed her eyes. "YOU TRAITOR!" she shrieked, pulling back her lips in a snarl. "FORGET YOU! I. HATE. YOU!" Her ears then pulled back in shame. Litta went soft and whispered, "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to say that. But what'll they do without their daddy? The boy looks a lot like you."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
12:59pm Nov 23 2011
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"It's not like I won't be here for them." Adder said, narrowing his eyes at Litta and her insults. "I will still come at least every other day to see them and take care of them, I promise. And if I don't-" Adder paused," You can assume something has happened to me." He said. "However, it is a bit rude of you, Litta, to snarl at me like that before even letting me explain that I will still be here, okay?"
1:03pm Nov 23 2011
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Litta rolled her eyes. "It's a side effect." Her tail swished and she readjusted herself to the boy's rough manner. "What should we name them?"
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:08pm Nov 23 2011
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Adder looked over at the two pups, then at Litta. "We could each name one of them." He said. "I have an idea for the name for the male, but I don't have any ideas for the female."
1:10pm Nov 23 2011
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"The female should be.... Song," Litta decided finally. She liked the female. Song was beautiful. So was the boy, of course, but somehow the female seemed.... Good. Litta couldn't explain it, but something about her felt different. [she's sensing evil in the boy but can't explain it] "What's your name for the boy, Adder?" Litta asked.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:17pm Nov 23 2011
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"Ruric." Adder said with a smile. Ruric was the name of an alpha that Adder had killed, before he came to Sierra's pack. So only he would understand the name. Ruric also meant 'death,' in an old language once used by wolves. But the language was no longer spoken, and he had only happened to know the one word because someone had explained Alpha Ruric's (the one he killed) name to Adder. So, basicly, Litta would probably have no way of knowing.
1:21pm Nov 23 2011
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"Ruric," Litta repeated. "That sounds fitting." She smiled.
(Time skip to when they're older and Adder's just coming to visit that day? And um... remember that idea I told you? So like... no bio's but it's gonna happen. >D )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:26pm Nov 23 2011
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(Sure. I'll post.)
Adder padded back toward the camp. He was no longer a member of the pack, but a leader over Farook, Nykius, and a third wolf he had found: Drazia. He saw Litta, and the two pups, Song and Ruric. "Hello, Litta." He said.
1:38pm Nov 23 2011
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"Hello, Adder," Litta said. Her back was turned away from the pups as she spoke. "They've really grown. Song and Ruric are faring well." She didn't mention how rough Ruric was, though. Or how they wondered who their father was. Despite Adder's appearances, they still had no clue.
Ruric wagged his tail. "C'mon, Song. You're really wimpy." Song lay, bruised, from their supposed play-fights. "It's not fun when you hurt me, Ruric," she squeaked. "Did not!" "Did too!" "Did not!" "Did. TOO!" "DID. NOT!!!" Ruric raged as he tumbled into Song, tearing with small claws and teeth. "Stop it Ruric, that hurts!" Song screamed. "It's just fun! Stop lying!" he fumed. Only a few seconds later, Song stopped fighting back. "Come on, wimp of a sister," Ruric growled. Song didn't reply. How could she? For she was dead. Ruric paid no attention to the blood, and he realized she was dead. However, he didn't express any emotion. Instead, he said, "Never mind. I didn't need you anyway." Litta ran over as soon as she heard the screams, but it was too late. "RURIC! HOW COULD YOU--??!" she shrieked. Litta cried over Song. "Ruric. Go. Time-out." She picked him up and stuck him in a confined space, a cave with rocks covering up some of the entrance. Litta went back to Song and sobbed.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:46pm Nov 23 2011
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Adder smiled slightly when he saw what Ruric had done. He did it behind Litta's back, however, so she wouldn't see. His son WOULD be strong, and a killer. Adder had known that Song would never be strong- she had carried Litta's personality. Her friendly, mostly peace-loving personality. But Ruric was just like his father.
Adder turned to Litta with false shock and sadness on his face. "Where would Ruric have learned to do such a thing?" He asked, nudging the body of Song as if he was trying to wake her.
Ruric. Deveth thought as everything fell together in his head. Ruric. He had never bothered to learn the pup's name. He remembered how he had told Sierra about how he used to be in a pack where they had a wolf a lot like Adder who killed the alpha. Alpha Ruric. And why had that wolf been so much like Adder?
Because it WAS Adder.
(Dun dun dunnnnnn.)
1:53pm Nov 23 2011
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Posts: 3,950
Litta sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. She couldn't bear to respond to Adder. Song was her baby... Her precious baby... Her little girl, her mommy's girl, her... her favorite. Sierra came out and nuzzled Litta and Song. They would hold a ceremony tonight.
Ruric growled as he pawed around and paced. "If only my dad were here. He would be on my side. It was just a game and she was weak. Why cry over her?" He then saw a small opening and peeked through. The wolf that kept coming into camp almost every day looked a lot like him, but he never talked to him and never suspected anything of him. He was just... there. Ruric wondered if he would be freed from this prison anytime soon. By anybody. Even that weird wolf. But it was a fat chance. He then got an idea whent he saw a chip in the back of the cave touching the ground. Ruric started to dig, and dig hard. But quietly enough so that he wouldn't be noticed.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -