2:19pm Nov 23 2011
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Adder sighed and shook his head, whimpering. An angered look then came across his face, and he turned to Litta. "I'm going to speak with Ruric." He said, and went into the cave where Ruric was. "Ruric," he growled intimidatingly, to see if his son was brave or a coward,"You have behaved very badly today." He snarled. "You've KILLED your sister!"
2:23pm Nov 23 2011 (last edited on 2:23pm Nov 23 2011)
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"Yeah, so?" Ruric sassed. "She didn't know how to play with the big dogs, so se got stepped on." He continued digging, then muttered, "I never asked for a sister anyway." He was substantially larger than Song, already pretty big for a pup. Ruric's digging was actually getting somewhere now.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:30pm Nov 23 2011
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Adder came closer to his son, whispering something in his ear that he didn't want Litta to know. "I realize Song was weak, Ruric. I'm proud of you..." He said, then backed away from the pup once again. He continued to whisper so that Litta wouldn't hear. "You are strong, Ruric. I have known it since you were born. And you will always havve the desire to kill off the weak and stupid- such as your sister, just like you did today. It is in your bloodline. But you must not make it too obvious, Ruric, or the others will know about your intentions and kill you before thinking twice. You are named after a powerful alpha, Ruric, an alpha who I've killed in the past. He was a coward and a loser. Now, Ruric, your job is to make that name, Ruric, known not as the cowardly loser alpha, but as a powerful wolf who isn't afraid to kill. "
2:33pm Nov 23 2011 (last edited on 2:33pm Nov 23 2011)
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Ruric nodded, a fire in his eyes. "What's your name?" he asked. This wolf must know a lot about the pack and he must be one of the strong, not the weak like Song.
(Adder should leave soon. To initiate the second part. If ya want. o3o )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:38pm Nov 23 2011
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"Adder." He replied in a deep voice as he looked down at his son. "...Alpha of the Revolution." He paused. "Oh, and, Ruric, don't tell your mother what I told you. We wouldn't want to ruin everything. Act like you feel bad, and like I yelled at you. Trust me, it will work for you." He smiled slightly as he padded out of the den. "See you in three days." He padded over to Litta. "I believe he has learned his lesson."
(Yup. Now I've thrown in 'The Revolution' XD)
2:46pm Nov 23 2011
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Litta sobbed. More. Ruric smiled deviously. "See ya," he said. He contued digging his hole. It was almost done. He'd be able to squeeze out soon.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:52pm Nov 23 2011
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Adder nuzzled Litta before running out of the territory and off into the woods to find Drazia, Farook, and Nykius. He found the three of them digging dens in the side of a hill, just as he had instructed. "Good." He said to Nykius when he finished digging Adder's den.
Adder threw back his head and howled, the three wolves quickly joining in. The howl was simple. It meant: This is our territory now, basically, and then the four of them howled again. This time, the howls were much more complicated, and they translated into: Be afraid of the Revolution. Those who want to live will join. Those who want to die will fight back.
They then repeated it. Be afraid of the Revolution. Those who want to live will join. Those who want to die will fight back.
Be afraid of the Revolution.
3:00pm Nov 23 2011
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Ruric finished and squeezed out. He translated the howls perfectly, but he wanted to find his dad. He already had a hunch about it. "I'm going to find dad! All you do is cry!" he spat at Litta. Litta narrowed her eyes and snapped at him, but Ruric was already gone, vanishing into the underbrush. He bumped into Adder. "Are you my dad?" Ruric asked. He would be an awesome dad.
Sierra worriedly translated the howls. "Everybody. Be ready. Adder has betrayed us. Deveth," she ordered. "You are going to be one of the main wolves in charge of this operation. You were right about Adder - I heard his howl in that group howl. He's going to take over." Sierra had pieced everything up in a matter of a minute. She should have listened more carefully earlier.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:05pm Nov 23 2011
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Adder smiled slightly. "Yes." He said. "You've come running away from your mother?" He asked. He continued howling as he waited for the pup's answer: Those of you who are smart enough, or value your lives, come to us! NOW!
Hati laid her ears back. This was a tough descison- evil or death. She sighed, and quickly slunk out of camp, unnoticed. She bolted toward the howls, and quickly saw Adder. She was in a submissive stance, and he welcomed her. He introduced her to Drazia, Nykius, and Farook.
Hati was now a member of the revolution.
3:11pm Nov 23 2011
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Sierra looked around. Kayna, Kayto, Lyria, Dev, Litta, Asu, Colfax... She made a mental list as she took count. Wait. Where was Hati? Obviously Adder wasn't here, nor was he ever going to come back, but did she..?
It was true. Hati had went to join the dark side. Sierra's eyes narrowed at the thought. "Hati left us," she said to Deveth. --- "Yeah. All she does is cry and stuff. I don't need her anymore anyways," Ruric said like it was a casual conversation. He looked over at Hati. So she decided to come after all? That was a good decision. This was obviously the better side. He had listened to his father's explanation of Nykius, Farook, and Drazia. "Does this mean I'm like, second-in-command?" Ruric asked.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:17pm Nov 23 2011
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"Not yet." Adder explained to his son. "You're still young." He said, "Nykius is second at the moment. However, once you get to be seven months old, you will be second-in-command. For now, though, you will still be treated very well, like an alpha. You will be in charge of Hati and Drazia, for now, and half of any other wolves that join." I will be your teacher-you will learn how to fight from me. You won't learn how to hunt, however, because you won't need to. Hati and Drazia will hunt for you."
Deveth had never expected Hati to leave. "WHAT?!?" He snarled.
3:25pm Nov 23 2011
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Sierra growled back, "I know. She won't be welcomed back."
--- Ruric straightened up and felt proud with himself. He could learn to hunt on his own if he wanted to, but for now he didn't need to, like his dad told him. "When I'm older, are we going to fight that pack?" (Have you ever heard of FeralHeart? <3 )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:29pm Nov 23 2011
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"Yes." Adder said. "And we're going to win. But first, we need more wolves. We need to have enough wolves that they're so outnumbered that they don't stand a chance."
"...We should kill her." Deveth said.
3:35pm Nov 23 2011
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Sierra frowned. "I'm not sure about that... But if it comes to that..."
"So be it." --- Ruric held his head up high, but then shrugged. "We could look on the outskirts of the territory and beyond. There probably isn't just one pack in this forest." (FeralHeart is awesome. I downloaded it a long time ago. Go here for more info and the download (but ya gotta make an account)~ http://www.feral-heart.com/ )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:43pm Nov 23 2011 (last edited on 2:51am Nov 27 2011)
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(EDIT:Here's my post:) Adder smiled. "Good idea." He turned to Drazia and Hati. "Do as the pup says and bring back more wolves."
Name: Tibious
Age: Young adult
Gender: male
The one on the left
Rank: Fighter
Crush: Sierra
Other?: None
Age: Let's just go with 'old.'
Gender: Female
Appearance: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/297/7/0/creambox_by_dawnfrost-d31gn6j.png
Except her eyes are gray and she doesn't have that weird mark on her leg O.o
Rank: Hunter
Crush: None
Other?: She's a little bit insane and thinks she can see into the future ._.
3:50pm Nov 23 2011
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Posts: 3,950
Ruric nodded, waiting for them to execute his plan.
(Um.. what now ._. )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
11:07am Nov 24 2011
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A while later, Hati and Drazia returned. Five wolves followed them, one of them looking as if Drazia or Hati had ripped up his face because he'd put up a fight. Either way, he was dripping blood onto the ground, one of the other new wolves walking beside him to keep him from falling over.
"Alpha Adder," Drazia said,"We've found five wolves. This is Torvix, Riicha, Carmine, Tibious (yes, he's starting off in Adder's pack. They caught him, he is not there by choice.), and Noba." She laughed slightly as she adressed 'Noba,' the wolf whose face she had ripped up.
Tibious walked alongside Noba, who was bleeding onto him, temporarily staining his fur blood red. Noba stumbled slightly and began to fall, but Tibious caught him. Noba had been the alpha of the pack of five before Drazia ripped him up. Tibious had been a pack member, Carmine a beta, and Torvix and Riicha were pack members. But Tibious was the only one who hadn't gone by choice except Noba, but forced both of them to come. Noba stumbled again, this time hitting the ground when Tibious was too slow to catch him.
"Alpha Adder," Drazia said, seeing that one of the five wolves had fallen. "Make that four."

6:11pm Nov 25 2011
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(bump D:)
4:31pm Nov 26 2011
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(You're stretchinnggg the pageee D< )
"Deveth, what do you think we should do about this?" Sierra asked, consulting with her Beta. Her ears listened intently, waiting for the sound of his voice to absorb every bit. --- Ruric went over to the fallen wolf and sniffed it, then flicked his tail and turned back around. "I can tell it's just a failure. I don't think we need to worry about that one," he said, sitting back beside his father.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:58am Nov 27 2011
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Deveth thought for a moment. "I suppose we'll have to make the first move. Attack before we're attacked. That way, maybe they'll see that we're stronger, and-"
"No." Lyria padded out of her den, not afraid of whatever punishment Sierra or Deveth would give her for interupting the Beta. "I've got a better solution, Alpha Sierra."
Deveth narrowed his eyes at Lyria, who had interupted him, but waited for Sierra to say something.
A smile came across Adder's face. "Good." He said. "Now, let me know if you notice any other, um...failures." Adder said. "We will have them killed at once." He then turned to Drazia. "Now, why did you bring a weak, old alpha to me?"
Drazia gulped. "Well, um, it was to get the others to follow." He explained, though he was lying. "It seemed like a good idea at the time."