7:22pm Dec 4 2011
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Sierra's gaze hardened and she knew what Lyria meant, but then again, she knew that all by herself anyway.
As Ruric came forward, a smirk planted right on his face, Litta let a low growl escape from your throat. Thrilled to see me, aren't you? Ruric thought sarcastically. Litta wanted to personally tear his throat out - and Adder's. But right now, she had to hold back. When the fight came, then. Then she'd kill them both.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:28pm Dec 4 2011
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"Alpha Sierra." Adder said, "The four of us have come here alone today, to give you all one last chance. You can join us now, or I can assure you, you will all be dead by morning. " "Your Choice."
Tibious watched from where he was hidden.
7:34pm Dec 4 2011
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Sierra flicked her tail as a silent command. Brace yourself, it said. Her lips pulled back in a snarl as she spoke, "Forget it. And we're not the ones who'll be dead. It'll be you."
--- Ruric pulled his ears back and growled. "So be it," he said.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:42pm Dec 4 2011
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With a twitch of Adder's ear, the rest of The Revolution emerged from the woods; Farook, Nykius, Tibious, Drazia, and the other wolves from the pack Tibious had been in. "Kill them all." Adder commanded. Then he raced up to Sierra, Tibious following behing him, and bit Sierra's face. Drazia ran to attack Kayna, and snarled in her face. Nykius waited to be attacked. Deveth snarled, and began to run toward Adder.
7:50pm Dec 4 2011
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Sierra laughed, falling to the ground with Adder's body on top of her. She then shook her head violently and wriggled out with her slim body and jumpd on top of Adder like a bull rider. Never underestimate Sierra, even if she seems weak.
Ruric attacked Deveth while he was in mid-run, slamming into his legs to trip him up. Litta began towards Ruric. Kayna bit Drazia's nose and her brother came for assistance, because, frankly, Kayna wasn't an amazing fighter. Asu gripped Tibious by the tail. Colfax cowered in his den, eyes wide, frightened by everything that was going on.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:02pm Dec 4 2011
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Tibious whipped his head around. Seeing the wolf, he got into a submissive position. "I give in." He said. "Adder killed my alpha." He hoped the wolf would accept him.
Drazia snarled, and sunk his teeth into Kayna, and lifted her off the ground by her back. He then tossed her aside, and turned to face Kaytu
Deveth fell, then turned to see who had tripped him. Ruric. He snapped at Ruric's head, and missed.
Adder growled, and threw her off. He bit her mouth, and held it shut, then used his front paw to claw the top of her neck. He bit down on her muzzle, applyong as much pressure as he could.
Farook snarled, seeing Colfax, but laughed as soon as he realized how cowardly he was.
8:14pm Dec 4 2011
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Colfax's eyes changed from fright to.... showing no emotion. However, he still felt afraid. But it was as if something else completely took him over. But it only took over the outside. He felt like whimpering, but no whimper came out. Instead, "What are you laughing about?" [Oh did I forget to mention he has this weird personality twitch that's sort of like an inner demon? ....Fwhoops. x3;]
Kayto became enraged. Nobody hurts his sister. Kayna struggled to get back up and barely managed. Kayto came forth and jumped onto Drazia, his claws implanting themselves in his face as they went down for the tumble. Ruric swiped at Deveth's eyes and missed, not barely a millimeter short. He then lunged, claws going for the chest, teeth going for the neck. Sierra's teeth burned from the pressure, but she took her front paws and clawed at Adder's face, getting at the eyes. Her back claws scraped against his belly, pushing hard and getting deep inside. Asu cocked his head, confused. "Are you lying?" he growled. This wolf couldn't possibly be giving in for real. (One of the wolves should run and then everyone follows and they come to a cliff :oooo epic fighting scene, cliffs are.)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:24pm Dec 4 2011
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Farook was slightly suprised by the wolf's emotioon change, bu still responded. "You." He said.
Drazia snarled, and fell from Kayto's weight. He threw him off, and stood up, then bit his chest.
Deveth rolled to the side, dodging Ruric's strike, and stood up.
Adder snarled, and held in yelping. "Nykius!" He snarled, and his packmate ran up to him. Nykius bit Sierra's hind leg and held on, while Adder bit her throat, shaking his head violently, to choke her.
8:38pm Dec 4 2011
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Sierra was hopelessly getting battered, but she in turn twisted in the most strange way that caused a bit of pain and discomfort so that she could bite Adder's neck while he was still biting hers. She held on and would not let go. With her back leg, she shook it, thrashing it around while still scratching Adder's belly with the other leg. Her front paws scratched at his face. Sierra's teeth kept closing in, and she honestly couldn't tell how much time had gone by, but she felt bone.
Colfax regained his regular self and shook his head. What had come over him? At least it had been short. "P-p-plea-ease g-go-o aw-w-way-y," he stuttered. Overwhelmed by fright, he ran off into the forest. Kayto pried Drazia off iwth his paws and muzzle and clamped his mouth down on Drazia's ear. Ruric went again for Deveth's throat and his claws were able to scratch his chest up in the process.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:56pm Dec 4 2011
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Nykius realized what was happening and bit onto Sierra's neck as well, trying to get her to let Adder go.
"No." Tibious said. "...watch...I'll prove it." He raced up to where Adder and Nykius were attacking Sierra, and threw Nykius off of the pack's alpha, then turned to Adder, and pulled him off Sierra by the scruff of his neck. He threw Adder to the ground.
"Tibious?" Adder snarled. "What the hell...? What are you doing?"
"You know," Farook said," you would be much safer in the Revolution."
Drazia snarled, ad tried to shake Kayto off.
Deveth yelped. "Litta, help me!"
1:09pm Dec 5 2011
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Litta was waiting for this moment. Her paws thudded rythmically across the camp's soft, earthy ground and she leapt onto Ruric. Digging her claws into his shoulders, Her teeth embedded themselves into his scruff and shook, thrashing him around like a ragdoll. Surprisingly, Litta was strong, but probably only in this moment. Ruric yelped and tried to get his feet on the ground and eventually suceeded, digging his claws into the ground to keep himself rooted to earth. Litta wouldn't let go, and she felt bone. Die. Die die die, TRAITOR."Get her off of me!" Ruric snarled. His mother just wouldn't let go, no matter what he did. And it was starting to hurt a lot. Blood dripped, making huge pools of it. Eventually, Ruric got free and fled. "YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY!" Litta snarled and ran after him, determined to kill Ruric. --- Asu's eyes widened. "Um... after the battle's over... and stuff.... We can talk to Sierra. If we're all still alive. But for now, fight on our side," he said quickly. --- Sierra took this moment to pin Adder, holding his back legs down with her back legs, digging her claws in. She held his front legs down, folded on his chest, and dug her claws in as well. She then bit onto Adder's neck. This traitor, who she had called loyal so long ago, was nothing close to loyal anymore. Adder was an enemy.
And enemies must be eliminated.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
10:01pm Dec 5 2011
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Farook turned to see Ruric running from the battle. He then noticed Litta chasing him, and ran after her at full speed until he finally managed to get between her and Ruric. He ran alongside her. "What kind of mother is determined to kill her own son?" He snarled, then laughed at her. "And manages to get her daughter killed? A pretty awful one." He laughed some more, as if it was a hilarious joke. But all that he was doing was trying to get her away from Ruric. If this battle was to be won for the Revolution, Ruric would need to be alive in the end, and Farook knew that he had to make that happen.
Tibious nodded to Asu. "Yes, sir." He said. He honestly wasn't aware that Asu was not the alpha male, and that was what he thought for some reason. Tibious raced to Sierra, and bit onto Adder's throat as well.
But Adder wasn't going down without a fight. Earlier, Sierra had bitten his throat as he held onto hers. It seemed like a good idea. But Sierra would escape his grip- she was too strong and smart of an opponent. Tibious, on the other hand...
Adder twisted his head and sank his teeth into Tibious's neck. Tibious choked, and let go of Adder as he did. "A-Alpha!" He managed to choke the word out, and looked desperately at the alphess. Surely she didn't trust him. He was from Adder's pack. Tibious's chances seemed slim, but he had probably saved her life. Please, Alpha Sierra, he thought, though the look in his eyes basically said the thoughts for him, Have a heart.

7:07pm Dec 7 2011
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Ruric kept running, but Litta was gaining. She was only a few tail-lengths away. "Shut up, you stupid bastard," Litta growled at Farook, and slammed into him to get him out of her way. She then ran with a little hop in her step for a long time. Ruric was beginning to run out of energy, and so was Litta, but this determined wolf would not give up. They ran to the edge of the forest, to Dead Cliff. Ruric skidded to a halt and faced Litta, who barrelled into him and pinned her son down. She scratched up his face, but Ruric twisted out and grabbed his mother by the neck, sinking his large canines in. Litta shook her whole body vigorously to get him off.
Sierra gritted her teeth and looked deep into Tibious's eyes. They showed loyalty. But not to Adder. She felt like she could trust him. Asu, meanwhile, just gaped at everything that was happening before him. Sierra ran and took her whole body and slammed into Adder with full force.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
11:38pm Dec 8 2011
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Farook hit the ground, and watched as Litta and Ruric got farther and farther away from him, and it became less and less likely that he would catch them. He cursed under his breath, before standing back up, and deciding that chasing after them was useless.
Adder snarled, but fell and was knocked off Tibious. He turned to Sierra, and bit into her shoulder.
11:54pm Dec 10 2011
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2:57pm Dec 11 2011
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Litta eventually got her son off of her and they engaged in vigorous and rough combat. Tumbling around on the ground, the two were locked in a fight to the death.
Sierra dug her teeth into Adder's ear and tried to push him back with her front paws.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:02pm Dec 11 2011
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Adder winced, and let go of Sierra. He threw her off of him, then backed off, waiting to see if she would attack him again. He assumed that she would. He stood there in a position ready to attack. At. Any. Moment.
10:04pm Dec 16 2011
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1:17pm Dec 18 2011 (last edited on 1:22pm Dec 18 2011)
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Sierra went forward and tried to fasten her sharp teeth into Adder's neck once more. She needed to finish him.
Ruric and Litta rolled around, getting at each other's weak spots and tearing one another apart, basically. Blood spattered the ground and turned their fur crimson, and Litta pushed Ruric as they stood. "How could you? " she snarled. Ruric slowly back away as Litta only came closer and closer, and he could tell that she wanted him dead and ripped apart. "Easy," Ruric growled. "I joined the winning side." His voice trembled ever so slightly with a hint of fear. Fear from his own mother. Litta's eyes ignited with determination to kill. She snapped at Ruric, lunging forward, only making the wolf cower closer to the edge of the cliff. "You wouldn't push me over, would you? Your own son. What a horrid mother you would be." He chuckled.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
10:20pm Dec 18 2011
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Adder knew that Ruric had run off. And that Deveth wasn't dead. He snarled, and pulled himself away from Sierra. He ran in the direction Ruric had gone. Sierra was no longer the target. But Litta was. And Adder also knew Deveth would defend her. He commanded his wolves: "After Litta! All of you! Make sure she doesn't get away." He continued to sprint, and watched as his wolves stopped fighting an followed him. They tracked Litta and Ruric's scent, and Adder looked over his shoulder. Deveth was cathcing up, snarling. Just as Adder had expected. Adder's wolves raced onto the cliffs, and toward Litta. All of them except Adder. The cliffs were very, very high off the ground, and falling was almost surely fatal for anyone who was unfortunate enough to be thrown off. After running for a while, they reached Litta and Ruric. Nykius leaped in between Litta and Ruric, and threw Ruric aside. Not off the cliff, just out of the way, so Litta wouldn't be able to push him off. Nykius would now be the easiest to push off the cliff. The rest of Adder's wolves began to circle Litta, including Hati. Hati stood next to Farook, snarling. Adder had stopped Deveth from running up to Litta about three fourths of the way up the cliff. Deveth was pinned to the ground, but quickly got out from underneath Adder's paws. He snarled at Adder, but Adder only smirked and took one step toward Deveth. Deveth took one step back, and his back paw slipped off the cliff, but he quickly panicked and luckily regained his footing. Adder chuckled. "Tell me, Deveth. What is so great that you're fighting for?" "...Love." He replied. Adder's ex pression suddenly became serious. "Well, let me tell you a secret, my friend." Adder paused and waited for Deveth to say; I'm not your friend, but he never did. Adder decided to continue. "Love always dies." With that, Adder grabbed Deveth by the neck, and threw him off the cliff, blood pouring out of Deveth's neck as Adder watched him fall.
