4:02pm May 15 2010 (last edited on 4:04pm May 15 2010)
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For anybody who is not aware of the plot for this rp, I have typed out a nice little plot for you below. Enjoy. This roleplay is for Pandameg199630 and emeraldwing only. Mabye if you ask nicely enough via rmail I will let you join. It's a new age, long after Sozin's Comet past and the War ended. The nations finally settled into an era of peace, when something new and amazing happened. A new type of bending was created. Two twins were born into the Fire Nation. At first, they showed no signs of talent in bending of any sort, but then they somehow created a new bending amongst themselves. They called it Shadow Bending. Using it, they could bend the darkness to hide themselves, put an area into pitch blackness, and they even figured out a few ways of attacking with their abilities. They were happy about what they had accomplished, beleiving that the rest of the wold would like this bending as much as they did. However, when they showed their parents, they were told to never do that. Of course, being the childdren they were, they couldn't help but defy their parents. They Shadowbended more, but one day they acidentally lost control. They destroyed a tree, and several people saw it happen. News of Shadow Bending quickly spread, and fear and hatred of the art grew swiftly. Only a few weeks after the world discovered what the twins were capable of, their parents were killed during a riot by some citizens of the Fire Nation that didn't like how they protected their children. The twins were forced to flee civilization. They are now at a small village that holds no hatred towards them. They now have to find some way to convince the world not to kill them, while at the same time fleeing from any signs of danger that come towards them. Bio Name: Age: Gender: Bending:(Do they bend? If so, what?) Looks; History:(Not required) Other:

4:05pm May 15 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((Emerald, do not make looks yet. They are twins, so we should both decide what they will look like together, because they will look the same.))
4:12pm May 15 2010 (last edited on 4:45pm May 15 2010)
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Name: Zoruna Gender: Female Age: 14 Bending: Shadow History: The post at the top. Other: Can feel the feelings of others when they are in the same set of shadows as her. (special to my charictar) Looks: mousedown="return MMsi_T('&ID=images,231.1')"> mousedown="return MMsi_T('&ID=images,397.1')"> these are the two out fits she has... (i couldnt decide) her hair is black though not blond
4:14pm May 15 2010 (last edited on 4:54pm May 15 2010)
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Name:Kliy Age:14 Gender:female Bending:Shadow Bender Looks:She has pale skin, black hair, and black eyes. She wears a bracelet with an Amethyst gem stone in it given to her by her mother. She wears her slightly longer than shoulder length hair in the traditional fire nation style. History:Was never a Fire Bender but learned to Shadow Bend. Parents were killed in a riot and she ran away from her home town Other:She's actually the younger twin by a few minutes. :3 Just a fun fact.
4:16pm May 15 2010
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Posts: 4,258
Srry those are my outfits... and uuh yeah but can we do a mixture of the too... i like it but dont love it.
4:21pm May 15 2010
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((Sure. How about...Black hair, pick any hairstyle you feel like as long as it's Fire Nation, black eyes for their bending, and pale skin. Sound good to you? Beyond that, I think the character can choose their own looks. Mabye one would wear nilpolish or a necklace or something if they wanted to.))
4:43pm May 15 2010
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Posts: 4,258
 how is this for hair style. and this said it was fire nation... i promise. i want the necklace.. how bout our mom gave it me... its a ruby?
4:47pm May 15 2010
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((Sure. My person will have a bracelet with an amethyst stone in it. :3 I think that my hairstyle will be the traditional firenation sort. With the hair mostly down and a part of it sort of clipped up. I'll try to find a pic of it but you could just google it if you wsanted to. Ready to start?))
4:48pm May 15 2010 (last edited on 4:51pm May 15 2010)
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yup ill wait for you to either find the pic or to start... ;D how should we start it... with us running?
4:54pm May 15 2010
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((I just described. Alright. Starting tiem. Right about.....NOW!)) Kliy worked in a barn, moving hay to the different food containers as excited Sheep Pigs and Ostrich Horses made their various noises of excitment and hunger. She didn't like living like this. She prefered it back when she had parents to give her all the food and other necessities she needed. Now she had to work whereever she could for food and a decent sleeping place. She hated her life. Kliy left the Barn immediatly after feeding the animals, taking several deep breaths of clean air. It smelled awful in that barn. She quickly dashed off, mind not sticking to long to the day's work and she went to find her sister. They were going to practice Shadow Bending today, and Kliy had a special idea for a move to show Zoruna. She wasn't sure if it would actually work or not, but it seemed good enough in her head, and at her age that was all that really mattered.
5:06pm May 15 2010
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Zoruna was finishing her job for the day when she saw Kliy running towards her. "Hey sis, i just finished raking the leaves. Did you finish feeding the animals?" She called. It was the first time she had spoken actual words to anybody that day. Zoruna was stilll upset about her parents death, and refused to talk to anyone but her twin sister. As Kliy stepped under the shadows of the trees, Zoruna's excitment rose. Kliy was only this happy now a days when it was shadow bending time. She started to skip towards her sister. "What will we practice today?"
5:27pm May 15 2010 (last edited on 5:28pm May 15 2010)
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" I think we should practice that thing where we use the shadows to cuts things, i forget what it's called, and I have something new I thought up that I wanna try! " Kliy quickly skipped away to the field where she and her sister practiced their skills. The farmer who owned the field didn't mind them practicing in his fields as long as they didn't damage his crops. So long as they stayed her in the fields, they were free from punishment. Kliy quickly set about getting herself in the right stance for Shadow Bending. Legs spread slightly, knees bent a little bit, arms spread apart and ready to call forth the shadows. Her arms were low and close to her sides at the moment. As she raised her arms, shadows seemed to come from some hidden place deep beneath the ground. She did a few quickly slicing motions through the air, slicing the longer gr@ss blades in half.
5:35pm May 15 2010
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"You're getting better. Soon you'll be as good as me, just kidding. So what was this new bending move you wanted to show me?" Zoruna asked as she cut more gr*censored* in half. "I also have something i want to show you. You can go first, I really want to see it." She turned to her sister with large curious eyes. Zoruna was always able to move the shadows to get her facial ex pression just the way she needed it, right now the shadows made her look younger and alot cuter, someone you couldnt say no to. She loved to see her sisters face everytime she did that, even though she didnt have to manipulate Kliy, she loved to try.
5:49pm May 15 2010
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Kliy didn't talk. She was trying to rmeember what her motions for the mmove were. Then, it sort of flew into her brain and she changed her stance. Her legs were spread wider for ballance and her knees were bent more to lower her center of gravity. She made a few small circular motions with her arms to gather up shadows, and clapped her hands together before spreading her arms apart again, throwing a very large wave of shadows out in from of her that flattened the gr*censored* and actually threw a fieldmouse a couple of feet before it landed and darted away. She returned to her normal standing position and said " So, whadaya think? Cool right? "
5:58pm May 15 2010
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Zoruna had to agree that kliy's move was awesome. "How did you come up with that?" she asked. "Are you ready for mine?" Zoruna stood up straighter moving her arms in a jesture that looked like she was pushing air around herself. Soon shadows started to encircle Zoruna as they grew taller. Once they had completely surrounded Zoruna, she vanished. She didnt reappear until a miniute or two had p*censored*ed, the shadows winding down like the way they had come. "I thought yours was good if we need to fight but how about mine if we need to hide. as long as you're standing as still as you can, you will be invisible, even in partial sunllight! Want to try it?"
6:07pm May 15 2010
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" Yeah I do! Show me how you did that again! except this time do it slower. " Kliy said excitedly. She wondered if there was a way to makking the shadows go farther faster to make the proscess not only easier, but mabye even capable of attacking the enemy. She found offense rather important. She began to try and copy the moves her sister had done, unaware that their Shadow Bending had attracted the attention of some Fire Nation soldiers who had been sent out to search nearby villages for the twins.
6:19pm May 15 2010 (last edited on 6:22pm May 15 2010)
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As she was watching her sister practice the move, the emotion around them changed. It was no longer just them and their excitment, but somebody else had found them and they felt victorious. "Come on we have to go, NOW. Somebody has found us. lets go." Kliy dissapeared, still practicing, but Zoruna wasnt as lucky. Large hands grabbed her from behind, holding her hands together and cutting all air suply off. She tried to call fo rhelp and she struggled so hard but it wasnt enough and in a matter of seconds, Zoruna felt her self slowly slip into unconciousness.
6:31pm May 15 2010
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Kliy looked around herself, now invisable. She looked just in time to see her sister get grabbed by a Fire Nation soldier. He seemed to feel victorious by the looks of his face. Kliy desperatly tried to keep her invisability up for as long as possible, not yet sure how to tell wether she was visble or not other than if people looked at her. She saw the guard tie up her twin, and she felts pain and rage at the same time. Why would tehy just come up and treat them like this?! What had they done, other than make themselves better at Shadow Bending? Kliy enter a sort of battling state of mind. She didn't think much, she just did. The invisablity left her as she swiftly threw a barage of Shadows at her enemy. The blades of shadoe slammed against the gaurds they hit, breaking armor and skin and knocking the gaurds off of their feet. Those who didn't fall began to retaliate, throwing fire at her which she somehow managed to dodge most of. She ran forward and knocked out two more gaurds. By now, whatever had fueled her fight was begining to run out. She was feeling tired and scared now. Kliy tried to fight off the three other gaurds, but she had drrained her energy with her first asault. She wished that she had trained more on endurance and not just making up moves that looked cool. The last thing she remember was all three remaining gaurds throwing fire at her and blackness. ((I say they wake up in prison. Sound good? They are going to be there because the Fire Lord wants to show off his catch before he kills them. I don't think he's a very nice man... Oh, and in this time, the fire lord and that kind of stuff are all different. Brand to people to mess with.))

6:34pm May 15 2010 (last edited on 7:00pm May 15 2010)
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Ya sounds good... ill post soon but im cleaning my room right now so when im done ill post ( i just thought of something... your charictar is a fighter but mine is a coward, kind of. but i thought of something, but that requires staying in kail for a while. is that okay?)
7:02pm May 15 2010
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((It's fine. I thought since they looked alike, I ought to make sure they have different personalities. Helps to tell them apart. :3))