9:08pm May 15 2010
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Zoruna slowly awoke, but something was wrong. She didnt feel the same, there was absolutely no emotion around her. she tried to open her eyes but the light was to harsh and she closed them immidiately. "Kliy, are you here? please tell me you're alright." she wispered, scared as she was, Zoruna tried to get up but her hands were tied together. She stood up and began to shuffle across the floor, but didn't get very far before she fell over something. Figuring that it was a soldier tripping her, she spun around so she would land on her back, and attempted at throwing a shadow splice through the air. When she didnt hear anything, Zoruna tried again to open her eyes. As her eyes adjusted to the light, she looked under herself to see what she had landed on. "KLIY, oh kliy what happened to you?" she was crying now, having seen the injuries on her poor sisters face.
8:39am May 16 2010
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Kliy was just starting to wake up, event hough she wanted to go back to sleep. Her wounds hurt a very large amount. SHe would have probably groaned in pain if she were that kind of person. However, Kliy kept herself silent, until something tripped over her, finally making her groan from pain. Whatever hit her seemed to spark pain through her like lightning. It left a burning sensation after the electric feeling left. Kliy opened her eyes ever so slightly, takinga slow approach to adjusting to the light. When she could finally see in the bright light, Kliy foundd her sister. She heard her say something, but hadn't been able to understand at the moment it was said. Something about her. Something about what hapepned to her. Should she answer? Could she answer? kliy decided to find out. " Put up fight. Tried to get you back... " Kliy said, trying to get her still slightlynumb sleep brain to work correctly. She was never one for waking up, and the current situation made her worse at doing so. Kliy pushed herself into a sitting position now that she could see right. She looked around, feeling scared and vulnerable. She realized why the place was so bright, to remove any shadows. They couldn't Shadow Bend here, wherever it was they were. Kliy brain finally went into fully awake mode as it buzzzed with curiosity and fear. It clicked in her mind that her hands and feet were tied up for some reason. She guessed this was so she didn't have a chance of running away. She looked at the knots on the rope that binded her hands. She couldn't undo it, whatever it was. It was some kind of knot you had to slice in half to get rid of. She wondered why she had rope trying her up though. Why not something made of metal, like shackles or something?

9:02am May 16 2010
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Zoruna sighed in releif, her sister was ok. She watched as confusion danced across Kliy's face, "Kliy? Kliy, you know who i am right. Come on Kliy just say my name." Zoruna panicked at the thought that her only friend and family had forgotten her. She noticed then what her twin was looking at, and she became confused. "Ha look at this Kliy, they dont think we are much of a threat, and why are we bound if there are no shadows in this odd room... WAIT!! I have an idea, but it requires a little bit of time spent here. I promise we wil get out." Zoruna said looking around the all white room, searching for any possible places for the tiniest shadows. When the soldier came into the room zoruna cowered against the wall with her sister, afraid that the soldier would try to kill them, but he payed them no attention to the frightened girls. their food wasnt much, just bread and water, but they ate it gratefuly. "Kliy, look. If you put you hands out at a certain angle a slight shaxdow apears... what if we could do the samething with our bodies. A bigger shadow, and we could break out of here, but we must rest first... I wonder how long they will keep us here." Zoruna said the last part to her self, fearing the answer to her question. "Lets get started, we need a full out plan..."
9:20am May 16 2010
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Kliy muttered Zoruna's name when she asked, still examining the ropes. Mabye she could bite through them... No. Her teeth weren't nearly sharp enough to bite through ropes like these. She heard her sister talk about a plan when a gaurd came and gave them a meal. It contained brean and water. Kliy was curios as to why there was no rice, but ate it anyways. AAfter hearing the plan, she looked under herself. " There are shadows directly under us too. They are strong than the hand shadows. You thgink they could be useful for your plan? Mabye we could use our bodies to shield a corner to create a large shadow. I think it would work... " Kliy knew that her idea wouldn't work if there were lights in all of the corners, but she knew that there weren't any. At least not on the ground corners. Another idea she had was that they could cover the lights with something to make it dimmer in the room, allowing for more shadows, but she wasn't sure what they could use and kept that idea to herself for now.

9:54am May 16 2010
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They were kept in their prison for 2 days now, and Zoruna was almost positive that she had lost weight, maybe a little too much but she didnt want to worry her twin so she kept quiet. This morning when she woke up, she found herself feeling alittle under the weather, and when the gaurd came in with breakfast, she couldnt bring herself to eat it, instead she layed down in the corner and fell asleep. and the same thing at lunch too. Zoruna didnt even bother talking to Kliy all that day. "maybe i will feel better tommorrow, if not... we have to get out of here." she mumbled to her self. But the next morining, Zoruna didnt even wake up. She tried to but could bring hreself to open her eyes. "Hey, uh kliy, you can leave... ill catch up soon, i promise." she whispered to her Kliy.
10:01am May 16 2010
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kliy noticed that over time, her sister seemed to be gettting ill. She tried to help her, but she was only 14 and didn't know what to do. It wasn't like she had any medicine in this cell. She was actually a little bit surprised when her sister told her to leave. She didn't want to leave Zoruna! They were twins, and these two twins never seperated in such a way. They never left the other behind. " No Zoruna. I don't want to leave you here. What if you never get better? You'll be unable to get out of here. I'll take you with me. We're going to escape together, and when we get out, I can find a healer for you. " Kliy was scared more today than she had been the day she arrive. Her twin was sick and now was trying o make her leave her behind in this condition! She couldn't bring herself to do it. She had a conection to Zoruna. One she couldn't just leaave and forget about.
11:08am May 16 2010
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1:14pm May 16 2010
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(srry i had to go for nch im back but i still need to think of a response))
1:19pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 6:07pm May 16 2010)
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Posts: 15,067
 Name: Logan Age: 26 Gender: Male Bending: Water,Fire, Earth, Air, and Shadow Looks: Above History:His father was Aang, and soon after he was taught Air Bending from him, he died. His mother is Katara(Woo) and soon after their deaths he was picked as the new Avatar. Other: He is the Avatar. ((Not really conventional Chinese, but will it do?))
1:29pm May 16 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((Sure. All we need to do is pretend to dress him up in pretty avatar world clothes and all will be good. :3 Oh, but he can't know Shadow Bending yet. At the moment, he can know all the leements but shadows. I say this because only two people on the planet know shadow bending, and they're stuck in a jaail place with no shadows to bend. He can learn when he meets them.))
1:48pm May 16 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((I know, He needs to learn Shadow, since he learned all the others. Can I post now?))
1:52pm May 16 2010
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Posts: 4,258
(( maybe he could help us out))
1:54pm May 16 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((Sure. Feel free to post. Mabye you can try convincing the Firelord to free us. That might be helpful of him. O3o))
1:59pm May 16 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Lol, okay.)) Logan walked up the steps to the castle, an arrogant smirk on his face. He threw open the doors to the throne, looking up at Firelord Zuko himself. "Firelord Zuko, nice to see you again!" He exclaimed, smiling. "Ah, as to you, Young Avatar. I am sorry about your parent's deaths, they were very dear to me." Zuko replied, sadness on his fce. "Ditto." ((Can someone else play the Firelord?))
2:01pm May 16 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((I can do that. i'll post in a littlebit. Have to go do something though...))
2:04pm May 16 2010
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2:13pm May 16 2010
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" So, what brings you here? " Zuko asked curiously. It wasn't often that this new avatar came to his palace. He thought about it for a moment. Mabye he had come because the Shadow Twins had finally been captured. Then again, mabye he had just come to have a talk about some worldly buisness or another. ((I'm tempted to bring in Mai too...Probobly won't though. I don't want to play to many characters from the show seeing as I'm not great at mimicking personalities.))
2:18pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 2:25pm May 16 2010)
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Posts: 4,258
Laying in the corner, Zoruna's illness got worse. She sat up to get some water and began to cough. she coughed and coughed until she started to cough up blood, see her own blood in her trembling hand, Zoruna faints. Just then the door opened and a slodier steppped in side, sealing the door behind him. Now aware of what was going on, Zoruna couldnt bring herself to open her eyes. "we cant have an illness running through the empire now can we? It needs to be taken care of." the voice was cold, and then amused as he picked up the weak shadow bender by the hair.
2:21pm May 16 2010
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Posts: 1,895
" What do you mean taken care of? " Kliy asked, somehow managing to get herself on her feet despite the ropes. She swore that if he meant anything less than heal, she was going to attack him. Rope or no ropes, she could still bite and do a little bit of bending.
3:50pm May 16 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((Hehe...I'm drawing Hoatzins because my dad said I needed to stop drawing wierd made up things. Oh, and bump. :3))