5:51pm May 18 2010
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"And I cannot have a shadow if there is light all around me." Dean corrected, eliciting the fire upon him. He beckoned the ball of wind they were in towards him. (Rhyme) Moments later, they were at the Royal Palaca, with Logan glaring at the Firelord. "I change my mind, I don't want 'em."
7:59pm May 18 2010
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" Why not? I thought you needed them to teach you Shadow Bending. " Zuko said, looking at the twins with slight interest. Kliy glared at Dean, trying to convince the world to set him on fire right then and there. Of course, Kliy was no firebender, so that didn't happen. She suddenly formed a little plan in her head. She would do as she was told, for now. She knew that right now there was no chance of her and her sister getting out of the palace, with the Avatar here along with many skilled Fire Benders. However, mabye when they were being escorted to their cell, she would find an opening somewhere. A time when she could go invisable, or slice someone with her shadows.
8:01pm May 18 2010
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"They are trying to plot against the one who would save the world, so they should be put back. But I'll escort them, and watch that one, Kliy, because she's planning on trying to get out."
8:04pm May 18 2010
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Kliy felt rage spin up in her. What was it with people these days and reading minds?! Couldn't they keep their head in their own thoughts for once? She growled angrily, somehow managing to almost perfectly mimick the low growl of an unhappy Badger Mole. It was all she could do to keep from attacking he Avatar. She didn't like it when people knew what she was doing, before she did them.
8:06pm May 18 2010
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Dean glared at her, a grow building in his chest. He made a whirling motion and then a fist, taking all the air out of Kliy's lungs. "Do not tempt me, freak."
8:09pm May 18 2010
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Kliy hardly noticed for the first few seconds that she had no air in her lungs. She kept that angry look on her face, trying to ignore what he had called her. She clenthed her hands, nails digging into her palm hard enough to make it bleed a little bit. What she would give for one go at that Avatar. One on One. How she wished she could challenge him to Agni Kai, but she knew that that was Fire Benders only, and she couldn't Fire Bend.
8:16pm May 18 2010
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"You want to fight? Let's go. We are all freaks, you now. I'm the biggest. Let's fight, not a duel to the death, but if you win, I'll let you go." Dean smirked. "But if I win, you teach me everything."
8:27pm May 18 2010
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((How come my character seems to be the only one unable to read minds?)) Kliy thought it over for a moment. She looked at Zoruna to see if she thought she should. Kliy wondered if it was really that fair of a match though. Just her, a kid who hardly knows any bending and bends Shadows, against the Avatar who could bend everything and was trained to do so well in all but Shadows. She also wondered if after she taught him, if she would be set free or returned to jail. No matter to her. She was going to win anyways. She planned on making certain of that. ((I like making her kind of stubborn. Makes up for her twin being easily scared and the nonfighting type. :3))
8:29pm May 18 2010
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"Is that a yes or a no?"
8:52pm May 18 2010
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((oh thnx pandameg!! lol jk))
"why not sis, we can take him. He's just a bully and i dont wanna go back in there. I'll fight, if not for my self then for mom and dad." Zoruna said turning to the avatar. "I am sick and tired of your attitude. Has being the high and mighty avatar made you this incompetent and rude? I think it was about time you jumped down from your high horse." She was scared out of her mind,but she didnt llet it show and she could feel Dean's presence as he tried to see what was in her head. "I wouldnt try it freak!" Zoruna smirked at him shutting him off from her thoughts.
((the having you in my head wasnt pp was it... if it was ill change it.))
9:05pm May 18 2010
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((Emerald, you can't do that...)) Dean laughed out loud, shakign his head. "One, you can't push me out of your mind or shut me off. Two, it's only Kliy. And you have no idea how low my horse actually is."
9:13pm May 18 2010 (last edited on 9:14pm May 18 2010)
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Posts: 4,258
(( ack i did it again... all you had to do was tell me to change it. I feel so bad now.)) "No way, we are a pakage deal mister. I go where she goes and i do what she does. It was such a shame that avatar Ang (i dont know how to spell it sorry) died, he was so much more suited at this job than you. He would have come to get us just to let us go, and not ask for anything, thats how he got everything" Zoruna was desperate now, she tried remembering her history cl@ss before she was driven off, trying to find something that struck a nerve but nothing was working. " What is wrong with you???? I cant seem to get anywhere with you... Oh never mind." She said then turning to Zuko "Just take me back, but can you tone the light down a little bit, its making me sick already... I promise I will be good, I swear upon all the avatars there ever where, and if i try to escape you can kill me on the spot." Zorun held her wrists out waiting for the cuffs.
9:20pm May 18 2010
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"Aang was good? Are you kidding me? You have no idea what you are talking about. Aang may have been good on the outside, but he was a, @ss of a father, I can tell you that. And my mother, she did absolutely nothing to stop it. So shut your mouths when you talk about me or them. It's not a package deal." Dean yelled, his anger causing the flame torches in the room to blaze up, hurting the twins more. Hard wind blew around them, though not affection the flames. "My father was a great Avatar when he was young. But as he got older, his pedestal got higher, his tolerance shorter. Since he was almighty Avatar, I could do nothing as he beat me senseless and into submission, Katara thinking nothing of it and ignoring the pain I was in."
9:39pm May 18 2010
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Realizing her mistake Zoruna tried to apologize. "Look I'm sorry. I've been getting tired about the way other treated me that I never thought about anyone else." She tried to keep the trembling out of her voice and then she suddenly blurted out, "When was the last time you had a hug?" She knew the question was odd but she was being dead serious, and for a second, she questioned her own sanity.
7:04am May 19 2010
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Kliy just sort of watched. She never thought of Aang as being one to beat children, but okay. It wasn't like she knew. She wasn't his daughter. Kliy jumped slightly as fire and wind began to whip around. She was fine with the wind going around her, but she didn't like the fire. She didn't realize it, but a light shield of shadows had formed over her skin. It was only noticable if you looked very closely at her, and it kept her safe from being hurt by the wind or fire. ((Interesting how she does things without meaning to.)) Kliy looked back at her sister and the avatar and asked " So am I fighting or not? Just wawnt to know so I can get in the right state of mind. " Kliy wasn't quite sure how to act now. Scared, unhappy, angry, right now she was just sort of confused and unccertain of what she was uspposed to be doing.
2:52pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((hahahahahaha nice... bump))
3:01pm May 19 2010
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((Lol.)) "Don't worry about that." Dean snapped at Zoruna. He looked to Kliy, eyes menacing. "Yes, we're fighting."
3:06pm May 19 2010
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Tears began to fill Zoruna's eyes. She had heard of the avatar state but it was very difficult,next to impossible to leave from it. She turned to Zuko. "Please prince(?) Zuko, you must do something. He will surely kill my sister and... and... shes the only family i have left." She stammered and cryed and her eyes stung with her dirt filled tears. "Please... please."
3:12pm May 19 2010
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"I'm not going to kill her," Dean contradicted. "I agree, Young Shadow Bender." Firelord Zuko stated. "The Avatar will surely not kill her."
4:26pm May 19 2010
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Kliy thought for a moment about how she would go about fighting someone like the AVatar. She quickly decided that thinking it over now wouldn't do much good since she didn't know much about how he fought and what he could do. She was just going to have to improvise. " Don't worry Zoruna. I'll be fine, and I'll win. " Kliy said to her sister, trying to keep her from qorrying to much about her.