4:34pm May 19 2010
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Dean stifled a laugh, as two soldiers surrounded the other twin with fire, keeping her away form the fight. "Let's do this."
5:07pm May 19 2010
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Kliy backed away a little bit before getting into her Shadow Bending stance. She felt nervous about doing this. She wasn't exactly sure this was a good idea anymore. To late though, she l=told herself, you wanted to do this. You started it. Now you have to finish it, wether you want to or not. Shadows began to curl around her fingers as she nervously waited for Dean to make the first move, eyes flitting to any sign of movement he made.
8:44pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 4,258
FLinching away from the fires, Zoruna stood on her toes trying to keep an eye on her sister and the fight. "OOOOOOOOOOOW WATCH IT!!" she yelled, one of the fires had gotten to close and had left a large burn up her arm. Tears filled her eyes but she swiped them away. "Please sister, win i know you can... use my move and your move, I think you remember how to alterate it right...?" Hope was fading, and she looked painfully at the useless fight, and then scowling at the fire prince. "I swear, if anything happens to her, so help me i will..." There was nothing she could really do, kill him? out of the question.
8:55pm May 19 2010
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Dean walked over to Zoruna, water from a distant bowl floating over to him. It covered his hand, as he calmly walked through the burning fire and placed it on Zoruna's arm. He water turned bright, healing her arm of it's burn wound. He walked back to the middle of the room, as he smirked. Suddenly fire blazed up against the walls of the palace, making it almost impossible to see. "I'll give you the first hit."
8:58pm May 19 2010
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((lol the mean avatar did something nice lol. i guess its her turn now.))
9:25pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Lol, he's not mean, just blunt.))
9:32pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((ya i guess ur right lol))
6:24am May 20 2010
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Kliy wasn't happy with all the fire, even though it made shadows dance around her a little more. She looked back at the Avatar, wondering for a moment why he set the place on fire, before using a quick series of hand movements to throw a wall of shadows at him. Even if it didn't hit him, it would hit the fire. Once her shadows hit that fire, it wasn't going to reform here for a minute at least.
4:45pm May 20 2010
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Dean laughed out loud, not dodging the wall but breaking it with a column of fire. "My tun." He grinned, hitting her with a well aimed wall of air. He then attacked with a series of rock-laden blows to her face and ribs.
4:48pm May 20 2010
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Kliy was knocked back by the air, but had enonugh instincts in her to throw a defense wall of shadows in front of her just in time to block the stones, which turned to dust and fell to the ground. She could quickly tell that her regular fighting tactics wouldn't work. She would probobly have to work a defensive position, dodging and blocking what she could in an attempt to make Dean get tired before she was.
5:07pm May 20 2010
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Dean smirked, before quickly adapting to her moves while he observed. He had the sense to grab all shadows from the room, even the ones from Kliy, and cover himself with them, before covering those with a layed of fire, so that she had nothing to bend with.
5:15pm May 20 2010
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((you know, I think that even that Avatar can't learn that fast...It feels unfair to me. *feels nerdy because is comparing every slight detail to the real show*)) Kliy growled at Dean, now having to resort to dodging anything he did. Luckiily, he wasn't the only one who could adapt. She was starting to see how he fought as well. He tried to get at weak points, and to make her feel weak and defensless. Kliy did feel defensless. She wasn't going to hide that truth from herself. She saw the shadows covering him, and felt rage towards him and everything to do with him. How could he, someone who hardly knew anything about shadow bending, get them under perfect control in just a few minutes? It wasn't right! Kliy narrowed her eyes as she began thinking that mabye she should take this time to figure out a way to get her sister and get out before anybody could stop her. It took only a few seconds for thoughts to form and for plans to be created.
5:20pm May 20 2010
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((He was born a fire bender, so shadows are created by light. It's kinda like the same thing.)) Dean's smirk disappeared, as he let the flames and shadows fall. "No, I won't hurt either of you. Just go." He muttered, a gust of wind making him disappear from sight.
5:58pm May 20 2010
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Kliy was nervous about this sudden change in Dean's attitude, but wasn't about to let that keep her from getting back into the wrodl again. Quickly, she went over to her sister, easily taking her from the gaurds. She looked around suspicously, wondering if this was really just a trick.
6:02pm May 20 2010
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"Can oyu leave before I change my mind?" Dean said, his voice in the blowing wind.
8:52pm May 20 2010 (last edited on 9:26pm May 20 2010)
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"Lets go." Zoruna looked at the gaurds, waiting for them to figure out that the entire time she had a shadow spike behind zukos back. Nobody seemed to have noticed though and she ran out the palace doors. "Where to? Back to the farm?" She at least knew that people there would take care of her sister and herself, they werent hated, but they werent excepted either. But to Zoruna, it didnt matter, as long as they were safe.
4:30pm May 21 2010
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" No. Now that people know we've camped out there, they'll be suspicous of that area. I have a nasty feeling that somebody is going to go looking for us soon, and that we aren't exactly going to be trying to get their attention. Let's go somewhere new. Mabye even another naation if we can manage. I heard that the other nations don't hate us quite as much as the Fire Nation. " Kliy said. She wonderedd if they could go to the Earth ingdom. From what she ha heard, things were going rather well there, and they could probably fit in well with the people there.
4:50pm May 21 2010
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"Ok a new nation... How about the water nation? We could offer them alot, saying as they bend better at night. I dont trust the earth nation though, and i dont know why. Umm sis? Why did he say that you guys were going to fight but then turn around and let us go?"
4:56pm May 21 2010
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" No clue, but it makes me suspicous. All the more reason to leave quickly, right? " Kliy said. " And I suppose we could go to the Water Nation, but it will probably be harder to get there than the Earth Kingdom. " Kliy was actually thinking that going to the poles was a terrible idea. It was cold there and travel would be difficult for them since they weren't water benders.
6:28pm May 21 2010
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"If you want to go to the Water tribes, I can take you there." Dean offered, as his Dragon came sliding into the palace. "It's no big deal."