7:02pm May 21 2010
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"Um wasnt the idea to get away from you, not for you to be our driver? Thanks but ill be walking, Oh what a pretty dragon" Zoruna said walking straight up to it. "May I touch your scales?" she asked the dragon, putting her hand up, watching it shy a litle. Eventually it sniffed her hand and let it stroke his(Is it a guy or a girl?) head.
7:17pm May 21 2010
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((A He.)) "I've got places to go too ya know. I don't know how you're gonna walk to the Northern or Southern Water Tribe. But whatever."
7:46pm May 21 2010
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"Alright alright, what do you say sis? If we come, i call shotgun." She began to laugh as she was stroking the dragons head. "You are the most handsome dragon I have ever met." Zoruna crooned to the avatar's dragon.
7:51pm May 21 2010
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The Dragon growled, looking at the girls in slight interest. (( Looks like this - )) "Well?" Dean prodded. "And this is Castiel." He added, patting the dragon's scales.
8:07pm May 21 2010
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"He's beautiful..." Zoruna stared in wonder at the whitish blue scales. ((wheres panda... should we wait for her? oh and thnx for the visual, it really helps.))
8:38pm May 21 2010
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((Eh...dragon. O3o)) Kliy looked at the dragon curiously. Weren't they supposed to be almost extinct? How did he manage to findd one? Kliy told herself sharply that that shouldn't matter. She should still be angry at him for how he treated her and Zurona." Now that we've all met the dragon, can I sugest which tribe we go to? "
8:47pm May 21 2010
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"Yeah yeah, hurry though, i wanna fly." Zoruna said turning to Kliy with eyes wide like a child finding the sweetest treat on the planet. "Which takes longer? The longer the better hahaha" She could only keep her eyes off the dragon for a momnet before she was staring at him again.
8:48pm May 21 2010
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Dean cocked his head sideways, examining Kliy like a dog. "I never hurt you or your sister. And the Dragon was born the day I was. It's an Avatar thing."
8:55pm May 21 2010
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" Never said you hurt us. " Kliy muttered, staring at the ground. " I think we should go to the Northern Water tribe. " She told Zoruna. She wasn't exactly pleased with her sister's behavior. She seemed to be ignoring most of what they had been taught about other people by their life experiances. One, never trust somebody until they have done something to get you out of a dangerous situation or something important like that, and two, don't swoon over someone just because they have something fancy. In Dean's case, this meant the dragon and his Avatar status.
9:00pm May 21 2010
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"Im not swooning, im admiring." she sounded taken aback but never taking her eyes off Casteil. "And I want to go South... Its farther away. What do you think Casteil, where do you want to go?" Zoruna asked the dragon politely, "Please say the South Pole, i would apreciate it." Feeling and ignoring the stares, Zoruna patted Casteil's snout where a fly had landed.
9:06pm May 21 2010
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((Okay, I get really annoyed when people read minds. Please do not do so anymore, kay? Just in case you need a reason why, the Avatar isn't gifted with mind reading, and even though their twins, they don't share the shame exact brain.)) " Fine. " Kliy sighed. She wanted to go to the north Pole because it was a bit nicer up there. Down in the south Pole, they mostly were stuck with small tribes and seal jerky. Not exactly a vacation spot of her choice.
9:22pm May 21 2010
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((>.>, it's Castiel, and the Avatar reads minds. Simple.)) "North is better, though."
9:37pm May 21 2010
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((Since when? I don't recall him being the mind reader of the series. I can think of several times when he had no clue what people were thinking, and had to have things explained to him.))
12:09am May 22 2010
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((>.> Just like the series isn't exactly like the Manga. Do we have to do everything by the book? Dean is not Aang.))
6:25am May 22 2010
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((oh im sorry pandameg, i thought that bit about going to the north pole was out loud, i cant read small text very well. Ill stop but i dont think you will get chanch to change his.)) "Yeah thank you thank you thank you!" she left the dragons side and hugged Kliy before running back to Castiel and mounting the dragon behind Dean. "Come on slow poke, get up here... no no no your going to hurt his back by doing that... Its ok Castiel, Sis doesnt know anyrhing about draagons." again crooning at the dragons beauty. ((Zoruna really likes this dragon lol))
8:04am May 22 2010
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((We don't have to do everything by the book. I would just prefer not to have mind reading because that makes things no fun at all. If everybody knows wht the other pople are thinking, there can't be anything interesting going on because they know about the plots and plans and feelings of the people around them. And just for you, emerald, I will change my posts to make them easier to read.)) Kliy didn't really care for riding the dragon, but knew she didn't really have that much of a choice. She had to follow her sister after all. She got onto the dragon'sback, uncertain of how well she would be able to stay on once it too off. Those smooth scales of it's seemed awfully slippery, and she didn't care for falling off of the dragon when it was over the ocean.
12:37pm May 22 2010
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(( Dean can't read everyone's mind, usually only benders. And he cannot control what he hears, it just happens. )) Castiel huffed, spitting blue fire. "Hush," Dean said, patting his scales. "At night his wings and neck spikes turn black," He murmured, referring to his scales. He sat straightforward, facing the Northern Water Tribe. "Navi." Dean said, Castiel taking off from the floor and into the sky.
5:24pm May 22 2010 (last edited on 5:24pm May 22 2010)
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Kliy clung tightly to the dragon, having this constrant feeling like she was falling, even though she wasn't moving on the dragon. It was probably just her mind, but it was a real enough sensation to her to make her absolutely terrified of flight. If she ever had a choice between flying across the Earth Kingom, or waling, she would definatly walk.
9:31pm May 22 2010
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The miniute that Castiel took off, Zoruna knew she would love flying. "Haveing fun Kliy?" She called over her shoulder looking at her terrified sister. Zoruna put both of her hands up into the air and bugun cheering, she was having the best time ever, that she could remember.
9:34pm May 22 2010
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Dean laguhed, looking back at Kliy. "She's not a flyer. If you want, he can run us there. It's still fast." ((Oh, FYI, Castiel is prnounced: Ca.ss T Ell))