9:58pm May 22 2010
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((sweet thats what i thought but i wasnt sure)) "NO! WE. ARE. FLYING!!!!" Zoruna wouldnt let this dragon land until they go there, she would do what ever it took to fly as long as possible. ((ooh ooh can Zoruna fall off at one point lol that would so funny, my charry is such a dork lol))
8:56am May 23 2010
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Kliy didn't answer. She was to busy clinging to the dragon like her life depended on it, which it sort of did, seeing as if she let go, she would fall to her doom. She heard her sister enjoying the ride, and began to question her twin's sanity. how could her sister be enjoying herself like this, when she was just one slip up away from falling to her death? Kliy simply couldn't understand it.
3:09pm May 23 2010
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"You can let go, you won't fall. Not unless you happen to jump off." Dean laughed. "Like this." He added, swan diving off of the dragon. Castiel lopped-the-loop, barrel diving down and catching Dean lightly.
3:30pm May 23 2010
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"WOOOOHOOOO!!! That was amazing. Can I try, oh please oh please oh please oh please?" Zoruna knew that if the avatar could do it, so could she. Though she didnt want to risk it with the man who had wanted her and Kliy back in jail at the head, guiding the only thing between her and her death. She would wait for his answer, but she didnt know how long she could wait for she had the urge to show him up in something. "Come on, if Castiel can catch your skinny butt, then he can catch me." Zoruna was done waiting and she dived right off the dragon laughing as she fell. The shadow under the dragon was enormous and she pulled them around her keeping her from falling any more. "DUDE THAT WAS AWESOOOME!!!" she screamed into the silent air. ((Zoruna is an epic failure lol...))
3:45pm May 23 2010
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Dean laughed, Castiel dive bombing her. He caught her on his muzzle, flicking it up so she flew unto the place on his back.
3:49pm May 23 2010
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"Wow that was amazing. Thanks Castiel, um Kliy? You arent getting air sick are you hahahahahahaha?" She laughed at her sister's weak stomach to flying, or maybe it was being up so high. "Do you think you could fly a little lower, I cant tell if she doesnt like higths or if she cant stand flying?"
4:04pm May 23 2010
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"Sure." Dean replied, patting Castiel on the head. The dragon gently lowered himself down, at such an angle that it didn't seem like he was moving at all.
6:13pm May 23 2010
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Kliy felt terrified of both at the moment. Not only were hights bad, but being high up on a moving, twisting creature that people kept jumping off of? Not exactly wonderul for her. She couldn't wait for when they finally landed. Flying was the worst thing she had ever done in her life, even compared to discovering Shadow Bending.
6:26pm May 23 2010
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"Kliy, do you want to stop?" Dean asked honestly. "He can run pretty fast."
8:20pm May 23 2010
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"AAAAAAW, oh well come on Castiel, lets land, my sister is being a party pooper." Zoruna was dissapointed but she didnt want to put Kliy through something she didnt want to aymore, she had her fun and now her sister felt sick.
9:03pm May 23 2010
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"Hey, don't say that. Everyone has something they like, and something they don't." Dean snapped at Zoruna, scolding her.
9:14pm May 23 2010
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"Ya ya, its still party ruining... just land, im tired what time is it?" She hated being scolded, it was something that came all too often to her. She was tired and she knew that she couldnt sleep on a running dragon. "Just land and let me off. I have to sleep."
1:53pm May 24 2010 (last edited on 7:47pm May 24 2010)
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"You can sleep on him. Like I said, you WON'T fall unless you jump off."
2:36pm May 24 2010
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((you fall unless you jump off? SO you have to jump to stay on the dragon? Neat. X3)) Kliy nodded at wanting to land. She definatly wanted to land. She didn't care if she wasn't going to fall off the dragon or not. The fact of the matter was that the creature she was on was skinny and slippery, and she was on it while it flew. You couldn't talk her out of feeling unhappy on a dragon. She also was feeling a little tired as well, but she didn't want to sleep near Dean. She decided that she was either staying awake or sleeping far away from Dean. She still didn't like him.
7:33pm May 24 2010
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((hahahanice fail,chance lol jk))
7:50pm May 24 2010
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"You don't have to like me, Castiel's wide enough for four Badger Moles to sleep side by side without falling off. And he's not usually slippery, he was high in clouds today, so it's the condensation. Tell you what, I learned this trick that can be used to teach other benders how to bend another Element, like the Sand Benders. They weren't natural." Dean said, sighing. Castiel landed, using the momentum to run at speeds up to 300+ miles an hour.
8:37pm May 24 2010
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"Thats ok, but i would prefer to sleep on solid ground. No offense Castiel" Zoruna was exuhsted now, but she did feel more confortable on the ground and not on a moving dragon.
8:45pm May 24 2010
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"Then do you want to stop for the night?"
8:36pm May 25 2010
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"Yes please, i can barely keep my eyes open." Zoruna stated both yawning and slurred, making it hard to understand her, she didnt care though cause the message was clear. Land now or something badd might happen, not that she could do anything about Castiel landing or if he didnt she still wouldnt know what to do.
7:49pm May 26 2010
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"Alright," Dean replied, as Castiel stopped running.