11:26am Jun 18 2010
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When Castiel had stopped running, Zoruna slid off, walked away from the group and fell asleep without making a fire. She knew that would be a mistake but at the time she didnt care. She just pulled the shadows around herself and dreamt of dragons and darkness. ((srry i was gone so long, i had to come to my friends house to post... my computer is stupid))
5:12pm Jun 18 2010 (last edited on 2:33pm Jun 29 2010)
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Kliy practically leaped off of Castiel the first chance she got. She saw her sister had just immediatly curled onto the ground with nothing to protect herself. No fire or anything. Kliy found herself somewhat upset about this, but didn't feel like going through the trouble of fixing the problem at the moment. She sat on the ground next to her sister, wondering if she would be able to get to sleep that night. She still wasn't very confortable with being around that beast the Avatar brought them here on. Her main problem was that a kid like her made an easy to catch snack, especially while she was sleeping. Even though the dragon was supposed to be tame, she couldn't help but be unhappy around him.
12:47pm Jun 29 2010
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1:42pm Jun 29 2010
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Castiel humphed, reading Zynonia's thoughts (Dragons have powers like that) To be slightly spiteful yet protective, him and Dean curled protectively around the girls.
1:55pm Jun 29 2010
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Zoruna couldnt sleep peacefully. She tossed and turned dreaming about fire and mobs. things that had happened to her and her sister in the past when they were still young. She kept running and falling but she never woke up until something else happened. A fire nation soldier caught her while her sister kept running. She was thrown the the ground and just before the flames hit her she finaly awoke screaming bloody murder. She had no idea how long it had been since she had fallen asleep, but she got up and ran a few feet before puking what ever she had left in her stomache. ((Fail right, sorry i havent been on in a while... my computer is stupid... When did she change her name??))
2:37pm Jun 29 2010
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((Oh. Sorry. I was rushed when I typed that and I normally use that name in rps. Didn't take time to see what name I was supposed to use. X3)) Kliy woke up to find that her sister had moved somewhere else after screaming something. She couldn't remember what had been screamed, since her foggy sleep brain didn't interpret words correctly, and looked groggily in the dirrection she heard her sister's breathing coming from. Even though it was late at night, Kliy could see her sister easily. She didn't realize it at the time, but her shadow abilities had made her night sight rival that of a bat-lemur. " You uhkay? " she asked, getting onto her feet and wondering what made her sister so upset.
10:32pm Jul 2 2010
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((Oh ok... i did that once lol)) Zoruna looked over at her sister ashamed at waking her. "Ya, sorry I woke you. Im fine so just go back to sleep, ok." She attempted to smile but her efforts were wasted as she bent over yet again... "Water i need water." Zoruna gasped. She fell over surprised at the pain in her side. It was only a dream and yet all the pain she had felt then she felt now, only slightly worse. Suddenly what vision she had in the dark, everything went blind. "Kliy? Kliy, where did you go?" Then the pain let up just as quickly as it had started, and her vision returned. "What the heck was that all about?" Zoruna didnt have enough time to be confused as she walked back to her spot and, again, was asleep. ((wow that was a majorly failish post lol))
12:55pm Jul 3 2010
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Kliy wasn't all that sure her sister was fine. She wanted to do something to help her, but she didn't know what she could do. She watched as, after going through a quite bout of pain, her sister stumbled back to her sleeping spot and fell asleep. Kliy knew there was something wrong, she could feel it, but she couldn't tell what. Whatever it was though, it made her nervous and jumpy to the point that she knew she wasn't getting back to sleep. Instead, Kliy climbed a nearby tree and watched for signs of trouble as she tried to calm down enough for sleep. ((She'll probably end up being there all night., X3))
7:54am Jul 26 2010
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((i think this died, do you guys still want to play it? im back for good i hope. and to tell the truth, i havent figured out whats wrong with her yet either lol))
8:56pm Jul 26 2010
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8:48pm Jul 27 2010
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((Tell you the truth, I think I've actually gotten bored with this rp. X3 Mabye we should just end this one.))
9:00pm Jul 27 2010
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((ya sure.. i have a whole bunch to keep track of and this one...))
9:06pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((Okay. This thread is now dead due to an unfortunate accident involving frogs and parrots, Lots and lots of parrots. O3o))
9:16pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((LOL i would love to do another RP with you though... you are a great writer))