5:41pm May 25 2013 (last edited on 5:41pm May 25 2013)
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Posts: 1,939
children of the Greek gods and goddesses are under attack. Mortals have
discovered them and want to extinct the demi-gods of the world.
Demi-Gods are rounded up by their parents and are forced away from their
mortal families into a training camp in the sky. There they will be
taught how to use the powers their fathers and mothers gave them and
they must push aside any family feuds that have occurred to fight
together to save their race. Enemies will be made and friendships and
romance will occur. Will they win the fight or die trying?
1. Please be respectful to everyone and their decisions
2. Do not fight in the OOC If you have a problem either message the
person directly or PM me and we will settle it. It can be annoying and
distracting to clutter the thread with nonsense so let’s not do it.
3. When speaking in OOC use (( )) or [[ ]]
4. Do not post multiple times in a row; there is an edit button for a reason folks!
5. No god-modding, Mary or Gary Sues, or Power Plays
6. Since this is literate post a minimum of five well written sentences per post.
7. There is no max on demi-gods but there is a max on fully fledged gods
and you can't have your character be just a god. If you do want a god
you must double. Only extremely literate players will have the chance to
be a god/goddess.
9. If anyone does not follow these rules they will be warned, repeated
violation of them will result in being removed from the rp.
10. You get a maximum of three warnings before getting booted from the
Role play. Once you have been kicked you will not be re-accepted so make
sure to heed the warnings!
11. Acceptable posts have good grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and
spelling. We aren't all perfect but at least try and follow these
guidelines. A couple of mistakes every now and again are okay.
12. Try to post at least once a week, though being more active would be
nice. I will message you a reminder after a week of inactivity. If you
are not active for 14 days I will send you a message alerting you that
your character has been removed from the rp. If you know you are going
to be gone Pm me so you can remain in the RP.
Demigod or God/ Goddess? :
Power? (Must relate to godly parent):
Looks (five well written sentences if no picture. Picture can't stretch page.):
Personality(five sentence minimum):
History(not optional):
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aphrodite- The sensual goddess of Love and Beauty
Apollo- The youthful god of the Sun and the Music
Ares- God of War
Artemis-The wild goddess of the Hunt
Athena-The sophisticated goddess of Wisdom and Arts
Demeter-The natural goddess of the Harvest
Dionysus-The joyful god of Wine
Hades-The gloomy god of the Underworld
Hephaestus-The ill-favored god of Metallurgy
Hera-The mature goddess of the Family
Hermes- The cunning god of the Trade
Hestia-The calm goddess of the Hearth
Posiden- Moody god of the seas
Zeus-The superior King of the Gods and Ruler of Mankind
Astraea - The Star Maiden - a goddess of justice.
Até - Goddess of mischief.
Eileithyia - Goddess of childbirth.
Erebus - (a.k.a. Erebos) God of darkness.
Eris - (a.k.a. Discordia) Goddess of strife, connected to Enyo.
Eros - (a.k.a. Amor, Cupid, Eleutherios) God of love, procreation and sexual desire.
Harmonia - (a.k.a. Concordia) Goddess of Harmony and Concord.
Hebe - (a.k.a. Juventas) Goddess of youth.
Hecate - (a.k.a. Hekat, Hekate, Trivia) Goddess of magic, witchcraft, ghosts, and the undead.
Helios - (a.k.a. Sol) God of the Sun.
Possible Species
Nymphs- The Nymphs were young goddesses of Nature-the sea, the land and the woods. There were Celestial Nymphs, Sea Nymphs, Land Nymphs, Wood Nymphs and Underworld Nymphs They are peaceful spirits that live on the island.
Satyrs- The Satyrs were divine, half-man and half-goat creatures of
Ancient Greece. They are apart of the staff here at St.cloud. A few wild
ones still inhabit the island's forests.
Ipotane- a race of half-horse, half-humans; the original version of the
satyr. They are wild and untameable, they live in the forests of the
Demi-gods/goddesses- a Greek mythological figure whose one parent was a god and whose other parent was human
fully-fledged gods- Someone who is related to the original Greek gods. They have two godly parents.2013-05-24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Characters-
Parents:Hera + Zeus Demigod or God/ Goddess? : Protection
Power? (Must relate to godly parent): She can control the weather and let's just say if some one was drowning she could give them her air but she would take their place.
Looks (five well written sentences if no picture. Picture can't stretch page.):
Personality(five sentence minimum):She's very protective over other dem
History(not optional):She lived with the president. But then she ran away she was scared when he announced hat he was going to kill all of the demi-gods. She took refuge with another demi-god. (Will some one volunteer?0
5:45pm May 25 2013
Normal User
Posts: 935
((Ok, so like, you just posted this in the SB without a specific name attached to it. (At least not I say...) So.. may I join? I love Half-Blood Rp's))
7:07pm May 25 2013
Normal User
Posts: 1,939
((Of course you are one of my valued egg hunt requester s. Any time! Could you spread the word though.))
8:56pm May 25 2013 (last edited on 1:02am May 26 2013)
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Posts: 4,211
Name: Alyssa Steirn
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Parents: Erebos and a mortal named Diana Steirn
Demigod or God/Goddess: Demigod
tle="Click to Continue > by Text-Enhance">Power: She can make it dark anywhere within a six-yard radius
Personality: Alyssa is... Well, how do I say this? A hot mess of a tomboy. She doesn't exactly follow orders from anyone unless they're her parents, and won't stand up for an insult. She's stubborn most of the time and won't give up at anything even when she's told. Since she'd grown up in a hard time and in a bad place, she's hardened and tough for the likes of her age. Even as a child, she wouldn't cry when her clothing got soiled or when she was having a bad day. She'd push on and live with it, at least, in public. When she's alone or in a very small crowd, she gets a whole lot more sensitive and kind, though she won't overdo anything.
Crush: Nope.
Bf/Gf: Good luck, you're gonna need it.
tle="Click to Continue > by Text-Enhance">History: Alyssa grew up in a remote town on the outskirts of Seattle, Washington. Life was hard and there wasn't a whole lot of food or money left after supply season. Her mother was a smoking drunkard since Erebos left her after Alyssa was born, and never really cared about Alyssa. For a majority of her life, Alyssa was bullied in school and was secluded in an unpopular park, surrounded by darkness. Literally. One day, while asleep, Erebus came to her in her dreams and told her to go off to the training camp in the sky. And, when she woke up, that's where she was. On a staircase leading to the camp.
Name: Basil Carter Gender: Male Age: 19 Parents: Uranus and his mother, Erin Carter Demigod or God/Goddess: Demigod tle="Click to Continue > by RewardsArcade Suite" id="_GPLITA_1" style="text-decoration:underline" href="#" in_rurl="http://i.trkjmp.com/click?v=VVM6MzY3MTU6MzcxOnBvd2VyOmU1YTAwYzQ5MTk5MzJjMmFjOWE5N2IxZjU0ZGI2ZDA0OnotMTUxMS0xMzU4OTc6d3d3LnJlc2NyZWF0dS5jb206NDEzMTE6ZDU2ZWViMmUyMGM2NThiN2RiZjE3Zjg5MTUyMGZlMjI">Power: He can fly, but not that far. Look: Personality: Basil is a bit of a daredevil, always jumping off of buildings to train his flying. Although he is a bit rash, he meditates often on top of quiet tle="Click to Continue > by RewardsArcade Suite" id="_GPLITA_0" style="text-decoration:underline" href="#" in_rurl="http://i.trkjmp.com/click?v=VVM6NDA5Mzk6MjQ3NjpncmVlbmhvdXNlczpiZWNmN2I0MTYxNTMwMmE5NzJmNDAzZTM1YjE2OWYyMDp6LTE1MTEtMTM1ODk3Ond3dy5yZXNjcmVhdHUuY29tOjUxNDM3OmFjMDZhYzQ3ZjdiODQ2ODE2YTAzMjFhMmQ4NjU5ZWIy">greenhouses. He gets made fun of for it, but they learn their lesson. He's kind and won't stand for rude remarks. He's even quiet when it comes to awkward silences, though he does talk often. Crush: Nope... Bf/Gf: Nurpity nurp... History: Basil grew up in busy New York, went to a good, strict private school, and was living a normal life until his first flight. Of course, he couldn't just keep it a secret. He used his talent to earn money for his mother and three sisters, until one day he found a large cloud, which is where he enrolled for camp the day after his mother died.
9:02pm May 25 2013
Normal User
Posts: 1,939
((Accepted now spread the word!))
9:03pm May 25 2013
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Posts: 4,211
(I asked Sly if she wanted to join, and she wants to know if she can join without being invited.)
9:19pm May 25 2013
Normal User
Posts: 1,939
((Of course sly has rped with me before!))
9:32pm May 25 2013
Normal User
Posts: 4,211
(Okie, I'll tell her.)
9:41pm May 25 2013 (last edited on 3:10am May 26 2013)
Normal User
Posts: 2,763
(( Thx Aslin.))
Name: Arthur James ( AJ ) Gender: Male Age: 17 Parents: Athena & Mortal named Hughes James Demigod or God/Goddess: Demigod Power: Telekineses Looks:
Personality: AJ is a smart and nerdy guy. He is a big book worm and his favorite is adventure- yet he's to afraid to go on one himself. He is a big scaredy cat and a goody-goody. AJ is know for reading an entire law book in a single day. RP rest out. Crush: Alyssa but he's afraid OF her and afraid to TALK to her. Bf/Gf: Nope History: AJ came from a good home in the suburbs living with his dad who was a teacher and pressured him to do good in school. He was always bullied at school for being such a nerd and escaped through reading and homework.. Still, AJ doesnt see whats wrong about being such a nerd. After he and his dad found out about his powerful abilities, his father, 'out of love', sent him away without so much of a goodbye.
9:45pm May 25 2013
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Posts: 4,211
9:46pm May 25 2013
Normal User
Posts: 2,763
(( Lol, I hope i RP him well, I never roleplayed a nerd before and only played as a kind-hearted person once.))
9:48pm May 25 2013
Normal User
Posts: 4,211
(XD Good luck, then. NERDS RULE! I myself am a geek, but I support nerdkind too!)
9:55pm May 25 2013
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Posts: 1,939
((I am too... also accepted!))
9:58pm May 25 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Ok thx ^^ To be honest, Im not really a nerd cause I hate school but I am a bit of a geek. I just thought it'd be intresting if AJ and Alyssa were together XD ))
9:59pm May 25 2013
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Posts: 4,211
(XD Okie! You know you're my type of geek if you spend all day on a computer, eat sushi and mountain dew, and have no religion at all. XD)
9:59pm May 25 2013
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Posts: 1,939
((We need one more boy character a this point))
10:01pm May 25 2013
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Posts: 4,211
(Nyee... I'll make one. It won't be my number one character, though.)
10:03pm May 25 2013
Normal User
Posts: 2,763
(( Lol, EXACTLY Minuette XD Except for the fact I have never tried sushi before XP ))
10:05pm May 25 2013
Normal User
Posts: 1,939
((Thank you so much))
10:09pm May 25 2013
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Posts: 4,211
(Sushi is just EPIC. I'll have the new bio up in a few minutes... I'll tell you when it's done.)