The time for war has come- (Only peeps I invite and ones I have rped with before)

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2:58pm May 27 2013

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Posts: 1,939
((Patience is not in meh vocab! Grr okay...))

3:27pm May 27 2013

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Posts: 4,211
(Actually, patience IS in your vocabulary because you just used it in a sentence. :3 Okie, so I've got like nine elephant children in my army so far, going on ten. Merlin, would you like to be an elephant child? XD)

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3:39pm May 27 2013

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Posts: 1,939
((Why didn't you post in your latest post?))

3:41pm May 27 2013

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Posts: 4,211
(Waiting for Merlin, because after Merlin comes Sly, and after Sly comes me, and after me comes you, and after you comes PATIENCE.)

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3:42pm May 27 2013

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Posts: 1,939
((What is that? Ranks of importance?))

3:46pm May 27 2013

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Posts: 936
((-I'm posting as we speak. I have it all typed out mostly on my other computer. D:))


3:47pm May 27 2013 (last edited on 4:11pm May 27 2013)

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Posts: 936
((Ha! I'm not going crazy! 8D So can I post now? I think I'm gonna post now. Ok I'm posting.))

Whatever God there is out there, please save me... I don't want to die. Not like this. Jordan thought as the officer prepared to slit his throat one final time. He was coming down when the officer was tackled by something - or someone, and he hit his head and passed out. The ob
ject walked over to him and undid his handcuffs. It - no, she - was asking him all kinds of questions. He was too dizzy to make out all of the words. This is what Jordan heard the girl saying: "What's wrong... use power... Demi..." Jordan couldn't concentrate on anything but the pain. He just rolled over and groaned. The pain on his neck was unlike anything he had ever experienced before, and Jordan knew pain pretty well. There was blood everywhere. He managed to look up at the girl standing above him. She had this look of 'Are you going to stand up yet?' and Jordan mentally replied No.. no. Just leave me here to die. I'm worthless anyway. He rest his head back on the pavement and closed his eyes.
((-Finished and edited! Sorry!))


3:52pm May 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,763
(( Aslin, Minnie. SHUDDAP! On another note, uh.. Hi .-. ))


4:19pm May 27 2013

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Posts: 4,211
(XD Well, gee, Sly.)

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4:36pm May 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,763
(( Lol sorry Minnie.))

Ash watched as the boy kept collapsing, he was pretty much helpless in this state. Ash tried her best to carry him but he was very heavy. "Jezz, what do you eat?" she muttered. Ash then got to a tall building that seemed empty at the moment. She then dragged him in their and into an elevator and pressed the bottom to go to the top floor. "Come on, dude wake up.." she said, slightly tapping his cheek and giving him a nudge on his side. 

Aj smiled and that seemed to çheer him up when Minnie called him a wimp. "Yea, I guess.. Im just glad I found you, or else I'd be cowering in a corner right now." he laughed. Aj finally felt the elevator stop and open the door to the first floor. "Finally." he mumbled. He then heard another elevator comming up and was scared again. "Alyssa.. I think they found us." he whispered in a scared manner.


5:01pm May 27 2013 (last edited on 5:36pm May 27 2013)

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Posts: 4,211
(Apology excepted... NOW HOLD THE DAMN CAT WHILE I GET THE tle="Click to Continue > by RewardsArcade Suite" id="_GPLITA_0" style="text-decoration:underline" href="#" in_rurl="">CAT FOOD.)
Alyssa frowned, then let go of AJ. She stood up and pulled him up, against his will or not, surveying the floor. It was an office building. She jumped out and crossed to a dumweiter. She crawled in, balling herself up as small as she could so AJ could fit. "Come on, we don't have a lot of time. With one hand she held tle="Click to Continue > by RewardsArcade Suite" id="_GPLITA_1" style="text-decoration:underline" href="#" in_rurl="">the rope to pull them up, and with the other she held up the cover to let her friend inside. "You know, if you weren't cute in a dorkish way, I'd shove you in no matter how messed up you were afterwards.
Basil frowned, leaning to the right toward a tall building. "Don't you think I know that?" He sighed, landing on the building and letting go of Appolonia. "What are you planning to do know?" He folded his arms, looking at the door that led down the stairs of the building. Play with dolls? Put on some make-up? Buy a dress?

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5:12pm May 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
((Min they've all posted now post. P******* is not in my vocab. Hehe.))

5:17pm May 27 2013

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Posts: 4,211
(I'm working on Basil in another tab, mostly because I'm trying to read '7 Suicidal Videos'.)

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5:27pm May 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
((What?! That's odd... Okayso!))

5:41pm May 27 2013 (last edited on 5:49pm May 27 2013)

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Posts: 936
As Jordan started to regain consciousness, he realized he had be dragged, by a girl, to an elevator and they were now going up. He awoke abruptly because he thought he was in authorities possession again. He quickly stood up and backed himself against the the elevator, only to fall back down again because of his wounds. He scooted against the elevator corner. "Who are you and what do you want with me? Just kill me already, you and your damn government torturers! Who do you think I am?! It's against the law to beat a kid up just because of a few little crimes! Theft isn't punishable by death, neither is adultery, or.. or trespassing or damaging of property or parking violations or grand theft auto..." Jordan continued to name off all the crime categories that he committed over the past few weeks. .."And I have never killed anybody, so you can't say the 'eye for and eye' bull crap either! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" He screamed. His eyes started to water, but he quickly wiped away the tears and hugged his knees as tight as he could and put his head down on them and began to wonder what was going to happen next. He was probably going to get shot, or cut up some more, or tazed or cuffed or all four. He became angry and he thought he saw black smoke coming from his hands, but he is probably just hallucinating.



5:47pm May 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,211
(Basil's up now.)

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5:54pm May 27 2013 (last edited on 7:10pm May 27 2013)

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Posts: 1,939

"Well, in my opinion we should go save the demigods that are still down there." She said crossing her arms. She looked down. She jumped off the roof and landed on the ground perfectly. She pulled her hair out of her face. She ran towards the trees as a cop drove by.

5:58pm May 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,211
(O-O Basil... Didn't really... Say any of that out loud...)

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6:32pm May 27 2013

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Posts: 2,763
Ash smiled under her hoodie. This was going to be fun. She thought it was hilarious this boy commited all those crimes and he was here scared as hell."Oh dont worry. It'll be far more worse than that.. We have the electric chair, or we can just cuff you to a wall in the darkness and leave you in solitary." Ash said as serious as possible,trying hard not to laugh. Finally, Ash decided to take her hoodie off and realized black smoke comming from his hands. Weird. Maybe this guy is a Demigod afterall. Why didnt he use his powers back there? "Im kidding. I just rescued you from all of that." Ash said as she placed a hand on the guy's shoulder. "Im Ash, I wish I had a camera to see what just happened there." she laughed.

AJ followed Alyssa under the tiny space and stayed as still as possible, parazlyzed and knowing they were cornered here. But as soon as the elevator came to view, he couldnt hear that many voices, just two. When the door opened he waited for the worse. Well, if you call a boy and a girl the worse, then thats what came. "Its just people." he whispered.


6:46pm May 27 2013 (last edited on 6:57pm May 27 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 936
((Italics usually mean that the character is thinking it to him/herself. I use Italics for Jordan's thoughts a lot...))

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