7:33pm May 11 2012
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For me and WolfieBelle ONLY!
Plot Two seemingly ordinary teenagers are going through their every-day life when the unexpected happens. They're attacked, kidnapped, and placed in some sort of fighting ring. They are injected with a serum that causes their blood to bond with one of the four elements.
As their blood bonds with the element, they figure out that they can control the element. Once they're injected with the serum, they're injected with a tracker and let loose in the world by their kidnappers as entertainment. All sorts of challenges are thrown in their direction.
They're chased by other elementals who work for their kidnappers, and they're confronted constantly by people who seem to be out to get them. With only eachother to trust, the two elementals develop a bond that goes far beyond friendship, and they strive to find a way to stop those who look to harm them.
Form: Name: Age: Gender: Crush: Elemental: Personality: History: Other:
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
10:05pm May 11 2012
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Ooc:// Sorry I didn't get to this thread sooner. I have a lot of junk going on in my life. Someone very important to me may be going away for a while next year, and stress is weighing me down.
Anyways, here's the bio for my female.
Name: Rin Wright Age: She's nearly sixteen Gender: She's obviously a female. Element: Water Appearance: Rin has long, flowy dark brown hair that cascades down to her mid-back in loose waves that could also be classified as lazy curls. Her hair is thick, and it makes her look much older than she really is. Her eyes are almond-shaped and a light blue color like the very water she bends. She stands at an average height of 5'4", and her figure is rather curvy. Personality: Rin is a relatively calm person. She's passive, and submissive at times. She follows orders well, but if she thinks that her idea is better than yours, she'll throw caution to the wind and follow her own instincts, which can get her into trouble. When angered, which is rare, Rin can be like a tempest- raging and unforgiving. History: She was raised by a family of drunkards. They were eventually all sent to jail for child abuse when Rin was about two years old, and she lived in an orphanage for several years before she was adopted by a nice family. Her adoptive parents treat her well and act as if she's their birth child. Crush: Open. It will later become your character. Other: No. |
Love is all we need~
10:31pm May 11 2012 (last edited on 1:00pm Jul 5 2012)
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{it's okey, I've had extreamly bad arm pain's latly today so, I'm a bit slower then usual on a few post's depending what topic and roleplay it is. Name: Chance Devvo Age:He is sum what eaighteen but say's he's sixteen to people he dosen't know personaliy Gender: Male Crush: Looking-- Further into the roleplay will be Rin Elemental: Fire Appearence: Personality: Chance is alway's a bit stubor at time's and hard headed but is also usually sweet, he has a short temperment depending on what the problem is.. Chance may be rude and stuborn but has a big heart and an uncontrolible mind. He get's to carried away at time's with fight's but try's to stop himself, he's not that much of a quiet person but is calm when he is not disturbed in strange cndition's. He has a strange mind setting and an odd sence of clothing and styel, he enjoy's flirting and haveing a lot of fun. History: Him and his family owned their own ranch with diffrent breed's and spicies of animal's, what he hadn't known was that the family was ielligley buying animal's without paying and selling them off and stealing them from other rancer's. They were murdered and hung shortly after he had turned 10. After they have been murdered he was sent off to live with his abusing uncle, after year's of abuse and turcher with his uncle he finally ran away and lives with a few of his friend's. Other:
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
4:32pm May 12 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
10:40pm May 12 2012
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Sorry, I didn't know I was going to be off the whole day, I was out for mother's day the whole day today.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
12:16pm May 13 2012
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Bump, I'm now done with my bio, would you like to start?
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
4:55pm May 14 2012
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Ooc:// Sorry about the wait. I was.... occupied. Let's just say that. o.o
I'll just start when Rin's being kidnapped and she'll be injected at the end of the post.
Rin was a passive person, but she was seriously hating the fact that she couldn't see. Her captors- men in white lab coats- had blindfolded her, and she wasn't enjoying it one bit. They also had her arms and legs bound so that she couldn't thrash about. Why was she being kidnapped? She wasn't all that special, so her captors' reasoning evaded her.
She felt herself being lifted, and she didn't try to struggle. To her, the hands grabbing and carrying her were just a mere annoyance. They posed no real threat. After all, if they wanted her dead, they would've killed her already. That much she knew. Rin was greeted by the soft hum of air-conditioners and a whoosh of cold air as her kidnappers hauled her into the hospital-like facility.
She then began to struggle as she smelled disenfectant, was strapped down onto a table, and felt something cold wipe her arm. Her blindfold was lifted off of her face, and she was greeted by an all-white room. She looked around, and found an empty table beside her. She then looked down to her arm and found a man wiping the inside of her elbow with an alcohol wipe.
No. Rin didn't do needles. She then started to scream as she felt the needle puncture her skin, and the foreign substance being injected into her bloodstream. The liquid was so cold that it burned her, like jumping into an ice-cold tub of water after being out in the hot sun. It burned. Her head began to spin, and she allowed herself to calm like the water that she swore she could feel in her veins.
Love is all we need~
6:13pm May 14 2012
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It's ok, I've had a few problem's myself, like with a relationship and everything..... BIC: Chance was held down as they forced the blind fold over his eye's. He was thrown onto the ground and started pounching at nothing but mid air. He threw his arm's every where, trying to get away from his captors, unsure why he was being kidnaped, was it something he had done? Beside's, he was useless anyways he had alway's thought. He was extreamly close to pounch them all in the face, he quickly held back by the captor's hand's rapping a rope onto his wrist's and anckle's. He let out a loud sigh as one of them just randomly flicked him in the head, he quickly had the last of it as they did, they had finally cut the last nervehe had with these people, he threw his tied hand's around with an angry face. He wasen't the biggest fan of all this, He finally calmed down and cracked his knuckle's up a bit worse then they already were. He let out an angry and quiet sigh as the drug him into the hospitale. His wrist's were untied along with his anckle's. They lied him down and the table strap's replaced the rope's as they tied his down a second time. His blind fold was taken off his head as the light blinded him. He shut his eye's not wanting to know what would happen next, he finally opened them back up as he felt a cool rag like cloth whiped the corner of the inside of his elbow. His eye's flashed open and shut as he blinked a few times the light was still blinding him, as if they were destined to welcome him into the very room he was befor. The finally found the man ruding his arm with an alcohol swab and lied it down ao a small table beside of them, he pulled a needle out and flicked it a few time's then squirted out two small drop's making sure it would work. The man smirked and shived the needle into his arm. Chance bit his lip as he felt the man inject the fluid into him, it burned and fired the teen up as it also felt like fire pouring into his vein's with little crystle like figure's scraping the inside of his arm's then finally his whole body. The pain finally went away but the burning was still their, he let out a loud sigh and looked around, the light started deming to the point he was able to see again, but he noticed something was rong when he noticed it wasent the light's, it was him falling to sleep. He thought they have had to do something to him to make him go to sleep. Was it the stuff in the nedle, or was it just him imagning thing's? He finally woke about three second's later and looked around again.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
6:36pm May 14 2012
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Ooc:// Skipping to when Rin's dumped in the forest.
Rin felt something unusual in her arm. That was the first thing she noticed when she woke up. She slowly got up from her place on the forest floor, rubbing the spot where her arm felt weird. Somewhere underneath the skin, the blue-eyed girl felt a lump. She'd been injected with a tracker.
It all flooded back to her. The white room, the kidnapping, and the injection all swarmed back into her head, and Rin had one of the biggest epiphanies she'd ever had. Something had happened to her- what exactly they had wanted with her, she didn't know, but she had remembered seeing a boy around her age being put onto the empty table that was beside her in the white room before she'd completely blacked out.
She rubbed her eyes half-heartedly. This was all too weird for her liking, but Rin would carry on with her daily life. Maybe, now that they had done what they wanted with her, they would leave her alone. She hoped that was the case. But there was a huge problem.
Rin was hopelessly lost. Completely and utterly lost. She had been a city girl for the majority of her life, so she had no clue as to even survive in a forest. Tall pine trees loomed far over her head, and Rin watched as a bluejay flew from atop one of the great trees.
Sighing, Rin began to wander the forest. She could find no trails, and, other than the occasional squirrel or bird, she saw no major signs of life. Maybe there were deer here, she thought. Her suspicions were confirmed when she saw a white-tailed buck run from in front of her, retreating back into the woods.
Love is all we need~
7:04pm May 14 2012
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Okey, I'll follow you into the part. Bic: Chance woke, unfumillure with his new surrounding's. He stood up and blinked a few time's. He looked around, clueless of what to do. The thought of yelling for someone finally poped into his mind and his mouth came open, breathing in, and out about to yell. The word's Is anyone out here? finally screached from his mouth and echoed through the forest. He had noticed nothing diffrent with him but the burn was flashing. It started to burn then quit, it would repeat the ruteen over and over again. He sighed, his eye's flashed from one side to the other of the forest, lost, the only thing of finally kept popinf up into his mind, lost.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
7:18pm May 14 2012
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Rin couldn't stop scratching at the spot where she knew something was under her skin. That tracker was bothering her, but the sensation was starting to fade away. She bit her lip and jumped when she heard someone yell.
"Is anyone out here?"
Chills of excitement and fear crawled over Rin's skin. Was this another one of those men with needles? Was it a camper? Was she going crazy? Maybe she was going crazy. Hell, maybe she was dead.
She simply laughed at the last thought, and decided that she had nothing to lose. If she stayed out here alone, she'd die anyway. If the person that yelled was dangerous, she'd die. Either way, she would die. However, if by a slim chance the person that yelled was helpful, maybe, just maybe she would live.
That last prospect fuelled her to move on. Her legs carried her through the trees. She jumped over roots nimbly, tripping occasionally on a rock and letting a curse word slip from her mouth. Finally, she spotted something- a colored shirt. She broke through some brush and found that the bright shirt was clinging to someone's chest.
Her eyes rested on Chance's, and she found herself unable to speak. What would one do in this instance? Was she to explain that she'd just gotten dumped in the middle of the woods and was helplessly lost? No. He'd think she was crazy and ran away from an insane asylum.
Deciding it was best to start some small talk, Rin opened her mouth to simply say, "Hey."
Love is all we need~
7:24pm May 14 2012
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Finally he herd someone call out to him, with a slight bit of amusement he lifted an eyebrow and his double jointed thumb twitched."Hey" someone had once called to him twenty second's ago. He was skidish to awanser but finally word's jumped of his mouth, inoticed by him or what he was trying to do. "Hello?" he said in alimp way. He was ready to fight know matter what, who ever it was wasn't going to mess with him at this time of day.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
7:40pm May 14 2012
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Rin moved forward a bit, getting out of the bushes completely. She swallowed the nervous lump in her throat and felt like water was running over her again. What was it with the watery feelings lately? It was beginning to freak her out, whatever the heck it was.
"Do you know a way out of the forest?" She bit her lip lightly, and tugged on the hem of her shorts to try and not seem nervous. This was definately a new experience for her. And then she noticed exactly how the boy in front of her looked.
Attractive, muscular, and substantially more tall than she was. She felt cold chills go up and down her arms. If a fight started, there was no doubt that she would be on the losing end.
Love is all we need~
7:49pm May 14 2012
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He shook his head sadly and loosened up his mussles a bit "No, not really." he sighed still alert if the girl was a thret or not. He began to feel hot headed and rubed his head a bit, he noticed he was sweating a bit. Was it becuse of her, was she causing him to blush? Or was it the fluid they seemed to inject into him? He let a sigh out and looked down "So how'd you get out here?" not so sure if he would be able to tell her how, he thought she's think he's crazed or mentall.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
7:52pm May 14 2012
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Rin mentally thought over a good story for a while, and she sighed, deciding that all of her stories sounded even crazier than what really happened. "Um... I'm not sure that you really want to know how I got out here. Let's just say that I got out here, and now I'm lost."
She decided to ask Chance the same question he'd previously asked her. "How did you get out here?" She crossed her arms and dug the heels of her shoes into the forest floor, hoping that this boy wouldn't take the question angrily. He already appeared to be angry with her, with the way that he was sweating and all.
Love is all we need~
8:01pm May 14 2012
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He shrugged "I'm not so positive, but if I tell you you'll think I'm mentall.." he sighed and whiped the sweat away, the heat finally went away a few second's later. "But, does it really mater to you?" he asked. His cheek's started to turn a pink-ish color, a warm rush crept up to his head, his blush was extreamly noticable, this was one thing he had not doen in a while, talk to girl's.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
8:27pm May 14 2012
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"Are you okay, man? Your face is fiery red. Maybe you need to sit down for a while. It's kinda hot out here," Rin said, a bit nervous for the teen in front of her. He seemed to be sick, with all of the sweating and redness.
"And trust me, my story probably beats yours by a long shot." She raised her eyebrows and looked up to the sky, thinking of what facial expressions the boy would look at her with if she actually tole her tale. Just the thought of them all made her grin.
Love is all we need~
8:47pm May 14 2012
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He shrugged and sat down leaning against a tree "Yeah..Sorry I just haven't...." he paused and thought for a second "Never mind... My story... Yeah, It'd preatty crazy." he said as he started to calm down as he sat down in the cool shade of the tree. The rednis went away and the sweat dried.
"Well, my story was I got kidnapped, blindfolder, a guy gave me a shot and I have felt weird ever since, I guess I passed out or something and ended up put here..." he sighed and rubed where he was shot and felt a little lump. "An I guess they put something into my arm.." he shrugged.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
8:54pm May 14 2012
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This all just got too weird for Rin. Her blood ran cold, and the chills began again. She felt like she was being suspended in water, unable to breathe, her chest tight with a lack of oxygen. "You're kidding."
Her mouth was agape, and she felt beads of cold sweat form on her forehead. Her watery blue eyes searched the forest, and she hoped that what she'd just heard was all a lie. That he was teasing her or something.
Rin was officially convinced that she was crazy.
Love is all we need~
9:05pm May 14 2012
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He shook his head "Nope" he sighed and looked up at her "Are you okey? You look terrible, you could sit over here beside me if you want." he said still looking up at her. He was starting to worrie if she was the girl he saw once in the room. He hand bad vission then from the ingectent they had rested into his bodie.
He rubed his dark blue-ish green eye's and quickly brought his figer from his eye "Ouch" he said to himself, his finger was all the sudden burnt for know apparent reason. He became a bit angry this had all happened though.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33